• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 7,591 Views, 514 Comments

The Red Cyclone - Onomonopia

  • ...

Into the Vortex


The crowd roared as that single words was shouted throughout the arena, initiating the fight between the two sides. Dash shot immediately towards Zangief and drove both her rear hooves into his chest, but his mighty pectorals of might barely even budged as she slammed into them. Zangief threw his head back with a laugh as Dash bounced off of him and fell to the ground.

"You call that an attack? I have been attacked by gusts of wind that had a better chance of pushing me over!" he laughed as he began to move his fingers and walk towards Dash, who was still trying to figure out what had just happened. Zangief wrapped a meaty paw around the her body before looking skyward. "Now this is how you attack!" he roared as he hurled her into the air.

"Yeah yeah, I'm just testing to see how hard I can hit you without breaking anything important," Dash replied as she caught herself, flying just out of his reach as she determined how best to attack. "According to Chrysalis though it seems I can hit you as hard as I want in the head without causing any damage."

"By all means, take your best shot," Zangief said with a shrug before a smile crossed his face as Dash landed back on the ground a ways away from him. "But I hope that you are ready for mine." Zangief let out a yell before charging at the Pegasus, both arms raised over his head as he prepared to flying powerbomb. But when he reached her and swung both of his hands down he found her gone. He narrowed his eyes for a second before his arms shot out to the side and he began to spin.

"Not today!" he yelled as he felt his limbs strike something out of the air and when he stopped spinning he found to his delight that apparently he had caught Dash in the face, knocking her across the battlefield. "I just want you to know pony that this fight is nothing personal. But when both sides refuse to come to terms, only through battle can a decision be made. That is why I fight you now."

"Oh trust me, it's not personal yet," Dash growled before her wings shot up and she flew into Zangief's knee like a blur, catching the wrestler off guard and forcing him down to one knee. Dash took that moment to fly around behind his head and drive her shoulder into it, snapping his head down and bouncing it off of the stone floor. "Haha, how does the taste of dirt taste?" she asked with a laugh before her joy left her as Zangief picked himself up, raising back to his feet as he brushed the dust off of his face.

"It does not taste that bad. No worse than the food I have had while here," he taunted in reply with a smirk, not even a scratch on his body from her attacks. Dash barely shook her head as she tried to figure out how he was still standing from that kind of blow while Zangief began to lumber towards her, his eyes watching for any kind of move. Dash yelled as she flung herself at him once again, but this time Zangief was ready for the sudden burst of speed. His massive arms shot out to where she had been looking and he plucked her right out of the air, holding her close to his chest as he began to tighten his grip.

"Gah! Let...me...go!" Dash gasped out as she struggled to escape the bear trap that was Zangief's crushing muscles, Zangief laughing as Dash managed to turn around in his arms, but was still unable to escape.

"What, you do not like how I show my affection? This is how I hug the bears that I wrestle in the motherland!" he laughed as he began to suffocate her in his muscles, Dash struggling to break free of his grasp. In an act of desperation she began to flap her wings as well, wings that were close enough to Zangief's face to slap him right across his mug. Zangief's head was snapped to the side, but the Russians grip did not weaken. Seeing as it was her only option, Dash began to move her wing faster and faster, slapping Zangief's face at incredible speeds. Yet his steel grip never once faltered.

"It seems that this might be the final moments of this match unless Rainbow Dash can break free of Zangief's grotesque arms here and now!" the voice of Luna rang out across the stadium, the changelings in a frenzy while the ponies in the stands were nearly in a dead silence. It almost looked like Zangief would end the fight only a few minutes in before, to the shock of everypony watching, he released Dash and backed away from her. Dash collapsed to the ground, taking in massive breaths as she struggled to clear the dots in her eyes.

"Just...letting me go? Don't...go easy on me," she panted as she turned to look at Zangief, only to see that the wrestlers focus wasn't on her, but instead he was trying to get the blue feathers out of his nose and mouth. He picked them out one at a time, looking at them with disgust before chucking them behind them.

"You fight as if you are small sparrow fighting against the wind. But I know that as much as the sparrow struggles, it cannot escape the cyclone," Zangief said before he did something that Dash had never imaged he would do. Zangief took to the air. Dash's eyes shrunk into her head as her entire body was covered in Zangief's shadow as he hurtled towards her like meteor. Her desire to live in kicked in at the last second and shot away from the point of impact with a burst of speed, leaving Zangief to plant himself face first into the dirt.

"Ohmygosh, I was almost flattened," Dash said as she held a hoof to her heart, which was beating so fast she was certain it was going to punch it's way through her chest. Zangief pushed himself back to his feet, smiling at Dash as she narrowed her eyes at him and retook her fighting stance.

"Come now, you know that you cannot beat me by running away," Zangief reminded her as he stuck his arms out and began to walk towards her, ready for any move. "And the ponies would not have allowed you to fight me if you were not a warrior. Stop holding back and fight me, unless you are afraid?"

Dash widened her eyes at his words before rage overcame her, causing her to narrow her eyes as she snorted. With deliberate motion she pawed the ground with her hoof as she glared into Zangief's smiling face. "You're wrong about me being afraid, because I'm not afraid of anything. But you are right about one thing. I am holding back. And when I'm done, you'll wish that I continued to do so."

"Then show me," Zangief said with another laugh...before he felt a surge of pain in his right side, causing his head to snap down to see that he had been stuck in the side. He wondered when that had happened before a massive gust of wind caught him in the face, forcing Zangief to shield his face with his hands. "W-what was that?"

"You said that I'm a sparrow fighting a cyclone, right?" Dash said from behind him, but when Zangief turned and struck he found that the Pegasus had already vanished. A blow to his back told him where she had gotten to, forcing Zangief to unleash the double lariat once again, yet again he only struck empty air. "Well what if I told you this sparrow was fast enough to outrace and create tornados with her speed? Would that sparrow still be weak?"

"Of course," Zangief said as his face smiled once again as he began to feel his blood boil now that his foe was actually fighting. "Because for as quick as the sparrow is, once it is caught within the cyclone it is all over. For the cyclone crushes all that enter it." Another blur of motion shot by his face and Zangief felt Dash's hoof catch him in the face, snapping his head to the side. In an attempt to catch her Zangief struck out his leg, only to see a rainbow blur wrap around it and punch him in the chest, staggering him a bit. He swung his fist forward yet missed once again, Dash smacking him in the back of his head for his efforts.

"Here's some of my own words of wisdom. No amount of power will work against untouchable speeds," Dash's voice seemed to say from all around him as he found himself trapped within a rainbow blur. But despite the crowd now completely on Dash's side and the fact that he was completely unable to keep up with her, there was only a smile on Zangief's face.

"Finally you prove yourself to be a challenge! Then let me show you why I am one as well!" He threw his arms over his head again and ran forward, knowing that he would never catch her with this move regularly. But as Dash avoided his front and slammed into him from behind she found to her shock that his body was flashing yellow and her attack didn't even budge him. Zangief then spun around and slapped both hands into her back, driving her into the ground and bouncing her back up into his grasp.

"Flying powerbomb!" Zangief yelled as he lifted her over his head and leapt forward, driving the rainbow head of the Pegasus into the ground with a loud thud. He placed his fists on his hips and began to laugh as Dash pulled herself back up, but she vanished in a blur once again. He had just registered that she had moved when he felt her wrap her limbs under his arm and the next thing Zangief knew he was hoisted into the air, where he could see what his opponents felt before Dash turned them both upside down and dumbed Zangief into the ground.

"How does it feel to be thrown?" she asked him as he slammed head first into the ground, collapsing onto his back as he shook the stars from his vision. As Zangief arose once again Dash could see that the smile was gone from his face and was replaced with a look of determination, telling her that Zangief was no longer fooling around. "Good. So am I."

Zangief's response was to leap forward and throw his fist at her, his eyes widening when she leapt closer towards him to avoid his punch. The moment his feet hit the ground he reached his massive arms around her and held her upside down, about to leap into the air before she broke free with a burst of speed, knocking his feet out from beneath him as she escaped. The ponies cheered wildly as Zangief whiffed another grab and was punished with two hooves to the face, while two changelings in the box watched with grim faces.

"I don't get it mom, how is he losing?" Insectum asked her mother, looking up at Chrysalis with worry in her eyes. "He's shown that he can fight her, but he can't seem to keep her down. What is he doing wrong?" Chrysalis narrowed her eyes as she watched Dash escape Zangief's grasp once again, knowing why Zangief was losing like he was.

"It's her speed. In order for Zangief to pull out his most powerful moves he needs his opponents to hold still for a split second so that he can grab them," Chrysalis explained as Rainbow Dash flew into Zangief's legs, knocking his feet out from under him and causing him to fall on his face. Dash then jumped on the back of his head and began to hop up and down, bashing his face into the ground. "Well, at least he was ugly to begin with. The problem with fighting Dash is that she's learned that and now she won't hold still. She's always moving, never giving Zangief the chance to grab her. And even if he does, her wings are strong enough to let her escape."

"Then...how will he win?" Insectum asked as she turned her gaze back to the fight, Chrysalis chancing a look at her daughter to see the hope beginning to fade from her eyes. Despite her having no faith in Zangief to win the fight, she turned to look down at the fight with a look of rage.

'I don't know how it's possible for you to win this fight Zangief, but if my daughter loses all hope because of you I will turn you to ash myself,' she thought as Dash grabbed Zangief's outstretched arm and hurled him into the ground, the crowd in a full frenzy for Dash to win.

"So then Chrysalis, shall we begin the talks now or do you want the fight to come to a definitive end?" Celestia asked from besides Chrysalis, to which her response was to spit off to the side. Celestia shrugged and resumed watching the battle, while Insectum (and Chrysalis to some degree) hoped against hope for Zangief to win.

'Never...have I faced an opponent...so fast!' Zangief thought to himself as the rainbow blur slammed into his back and knocked him forward before in the next second a blow from the front knocked him back. Zangief could feel nearly every bit of his body aching as he struggled to mount any offense, yet each attempt ended with him taking a shot to the face.

"Still believe that a cyclone can defeat a tornado?!" Dash yelled from all around him at once, the confidence of victory in her voice.

"Always," Zangief wearily replied.

"Then let me show you how wrong you are!" Zangief had believed that Dash had been going as fast as she could before, but as she began to race around him he realized that she hadn't been near her top speed. The air around him began to swirl like a tornado as the wind speeds became to much for him to even keep his eyes open, forcing him to shut them as he shielded himself as best he could with his arms. The Dash kicked into overdrive and the wind began to lift Zangief from the ground, the red cyclone being sucked into the center of the rainbow tornado by the sheer force of the speeds.

Zangief could feel himself being hurled around by the winds, unable to tell which way was up from down nor could he tell where anything within the tornado was. All he did know was that he was helpless at the hooves of Rainbow Dash and that he was starting to run out of air. The crowd of ponies roared almost as loud as the tornado that took up the center of the arena, Dash also taking a moment to gather thunderclouds for effect, laughing aloud as thunder rumbled in the background as Zangief was consumed by the twister. She then dove back into the tornado to keep it from going out of control, keeping Zangief imprisoned.

'Can't...breath...can barely...stay conscious...this is...the...end?' Zangief barely thought as darkness began to consume his mind, Zangief finally succumbing to the tornado. But then right before the darkness consumed him an image flashed across his mind. It was an image of Chrysalis's face as she spoke about her husband and in the image Zangief could see no hope in her eyes. Then he saw the image of Insectum when he had first met him, devoid of emotion and saddened.

And then, despite being in the howling winds of the tornado that consumed him, Zangief heard the chanting of all of the changelings there...and then he saw all of the children who believed in him, even now. Those images filled Zangief's internal meter to the fullest as he remember that he had said he would not fail their beliefs, that he would not let them lose hope again. And in that moment Zangief found his strength.

"HOOORRRYYYIIIAAAAAHHH!" Zangief roared as his hand pierced through the raging air besides him, his life of training allowing him to find Rainbow Dash in the whirling air even when all of his other sense had failed him. His hard sliced into the tornado and his fingers found the wings of the Pegasus. He grasped onto the with hands that could crush the bones of bears in their grasp and pulled her into the tornado as well. In the moment of confusion Dash had Zangief turned her upside down and placed her into position, gripping onto her with all if his muscles might so that she could not escape.

With Dash no longer able to control the tornado the great winds hurled the two of them into the sky, into the thundering clouds that rumbled over head. All eyes turned skyward as the tornado dissipated, none of the crowd having any idea what was going on. Then something burst through the cloud covers, spinning at such speeds that the clouds where blown away from the vortex of the object, allowing light to fall upon the stadium once again. But as the winds died down, the words of a single person could be heard by all in attendance, words that came from the spinning wrestler right before impact


The impact caused by the combatants hitting the ground was said to have been felt all across Equestria and even in some of the nations outside of it. Some reports say that sleeping dragons were awoken by the impact despite being able to sleep through almost anything. Other reports said ponies thought it was the end of the world as their cities and homes began to shake. But all who were in attendance at that moment did not care what happened around the world, for all they could do was stare at the center of the stadium with dropped jaws.

The arena had been shattered beyond repair from the force of the impact and a number of the stands that had been closest to the ring had collapsed from the shockwave. No jaw in the arena was left up and all eyes were glued to the center, even in the box where the princesses and the queen watched with dropped jaws of their own. Nopony remembered how to speak after what they had just seen, nopony expect for a single figure in the center of the ring, who held the unconscious Rainbow Dash over his head with only one thing to say.

"Khorosho. I win!"