• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 1,669 Views, 12 Comments

Working at Pho King's - PhoKingAzn

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Lets get Pho King

Working at PhoKing

By Jonathan Chung Nguyen

"A brand new shop opens in Ponville!", announces the newspaper colt as he passes out newspaper.
A new shops opens in Ponyville today. It's not really a shop, but it does sell some merchandise. The shop is actually an exotic restaurant from a far away land known as Ponam. The restaurant serves noodle soups and something they call "stirred fried."
Today was the grand opening, as the two cutie mark crusaders attempts to find the missing third.

"Hey uh Applebloom...where should we look for our next cutie mark?", questioned Sweetiebelle.
"I don't know...but that newspaper stunt landed us into a world of pain", as she remembers the tragic tale.
"Hey Sweetiebelle, you seen Scootaloo today? I couldn't find her anywhere."
"I'm not sure, she said something about a grand opening...",as Sweetiebelle thinks to herself carefully.
Speaking of the devil, Scootaloo walks pass by them carrying what appeared to be a white square container.
The container was folded piece of a plastic with a dragon stamp on the side.

"Hey Scoot! Where were you? and whats with the box?", questioned Applebloom.
"Oh this thing? I got it at that new restaurant across town, Pho King I believe", but she was cut off by Applebloom exclaiming, "Ohh you went to a place called... Fucking? Man Scoot that sounds pretty darn disturbing."
"No it's Pho-king. The chef explained it to me while I was waiting for something he calls a "take-out order"
"A take-out order? What does that mean?", as Sweetiebelle and Applebloom look towards the plastic box.
"Here come on you two I'll show you", young Pegasus walks away with Sweetiebelle and Applebloom following her.


A few minutes later, the cutie mark crusaders arrived to the new Restraunt

"P--Phu-Pha-Pa-Pha-Phh", as Applebloomed attempted to sound out the written letters on the sign.
"Pho-king, Fucking! There I got it right."
"It's Pho-King Applebloom", as Scootaloo gives an annoyed stare.
"Now come on you guys let's go eat", as the Pegasus filly walks inside.
Sweetiebelle and Applebloom were stood there unsure, but decided to go inside anyways.

When the two ponies walked inside, they instantly smelled an aroma of beef broth soups and the essence of Ponanese mints. The restaurant was small. The walls where white and exotic stone templates lined the wall. All of them forming a giant vivid masterpiece. The tables had a white marble top and black metal legs. The chairs where furnished with red leather and also had black metallic legs. In the back was a counter with a register. In the very back was a doorway and window leading to the kitchen.

It was afternoon and the restaurant was empty from a busy grand opening. Scootaloo approached the counter and rang on a bell sitting across the register. Suddenly, a giant shadow appeared in the kitchen. Revealing itself to be a long and narrow dragon. The color of his scales was a fire red as the dorsal on his back was yellow. His head was the size of two-thirds of the door way and he had two long whiskers flowing from his mouth. He had a goatee and was wearing a very small chef hat. The dragon asks,"Ah welcome...just take a seat I'll be right with you. Here take the menu?"

The trio of ponies then sit at a near by table looking in the menus.
"So...this place serves twenty different styles of noodles soup?...what is Stir Fried?", asked Applebloom.
"I don't know but it tastes delicious. I tried some it. today, if I were you should try the Phở too."
"Phở", questioned Sweetiepie looking at the menu.
"Yeah Phở. I didn't try it yet but i hear it's one of the best soups in Ponam."
"Is this why this is named Pho king? I reckon I could make a better name", retorts Applebloom as she puts her menu down and looks to see the chef coming to take their order.

"What would you like to order?", as the dragon takes out a pen and a notepad.
"We will all get the beef rice noodle soup", Scoot requests as she grabs all the menus to make a pile.
"Phở bò tái nạm...", says the dragon as the he writes in his notepad.
"Very nice choice. Okay wait, it will be a few minutes."

"Scoot I find this place a little weird. I mean like that golden statue of a fat dragon scares me.", says Applebloom staring towards a Dragudist statue in front of the restaurant.
"It's some kind of traditional thing, just leave it alone i suppose", explains Sweetiebelle as the chefs returns with their orders. The dragon serves the bowl one by one and then says, "Enjoy."

The soup was served inside a wide bowl. The noodles where white and a bit transparent. The color of the soup was a mix of caramel brown and a coffee color. Strips of beef were mixed as shreds of onion, cilantro, and bean sprout scatter the bowl. Standing inside the bowl where two pairs of wooden sticks. Which made everypony wonder.

"I don't understand... how are we suppose to eat this without a spoon or a fork", questioned Applebloom.
Even Scootaloo was confused on how to eat the unique dish.
"Oh thats easy, use the hoof sticks in your bowls", explains the chef.
"Hoof sticks?", the trio questioned. "How can you just use a pair of sticks?"
"Well you see, we dragons have "fingers" so we are able to manipulate objects", as the dragon wiggles his fingers and then grips onto the hoof sticks. "You see, we Ponanese dragons always wanted to share our culture to western civilization. So we invented a simpler version of something we used to call a "Chopstick." Here watch."
The chef grips onto Scootaloo's hooves as she blushes a bit. The dragon then makes the pony grip the hoof sticks in a position where it didn't slid off her hoof. "There", said the enthusiastic dragon letting go of his grip.

"That's very nice mister, but how am I suppose to eat", asked Applebloom still confused.
"You see, there is a special part on your hoof called the frog apex, right under your sole. You can flex the frog apex with your coffin bone to open and close the hoof sticks. Just like adjusting your balance on wobbly ground."
"Ahh I get it!", shouts Sweetiebelle as she opens and closes her hoof sticks.
"I still don't get it", yells Applebloom, constantly dropping her hoof sticks.
"Don't worry you will get it young filly. For some ponies it takes a few days to master", as Scootaloo kills a fly by snapping her hoof stick on it. Applebloom felt embarrassed and use her hoof sticks like a fork.

When the trio tried the the soup, their minds exploded. The flavors in the soup was a fantastic blend of deliciousness and with a hint of exotic spices. They kept eating until specs of soup was only left in the bowl. The cutie mark crusaders sat in their chairs, full from the luscious soup they just ate. While waiting for the chef to bring back the bill the Cutie mark crusaders heard an argument in the kitchen. Curious, the trio walked towards the open door to see the dragon speaking on the phone.

"I don't understand. đụ! What do you mean Van and Chung can't come until next week? I'm going to need someone to help me run the restaurant....địt cái lồn mẹ m!", as the chef angry hangs up the phone. Walking straight for the door. The trio react quickly and ran back to their seats as the dragon arrives to give them their bill. "I'll be back in a while, just leave the money on the tablet", as the chef walks back in the kitchen.

"Huh I feel kind of sad that he has to run the restaurant alone", sighs Sweetiebelle.
"Yeah it must be hard to run a full restaurant by yourself... I mean it did take him a while to cook and give us our orders", Applebloom states and she looks towards their empty bowls.
"Hey I got an idea Applebloom!", yells Scootaloo. The two Cutie mark crusaders say, "What?"
"What if we worked her for a while?", Sweetiebelle and Applebloom give her a concerned look.
"Look her me out. What if this is where we get our cutie marks!"
"What? Here at this restaurant? Don't be ridiculous", exclaims Applebloom.
"I mean come on we have to try, the news paper editor stunt we did was horrible."
"Okay enough about the newspaper thing okay guys!", as she looks angry towards the both of them.
"Fine we will work here...FOR a while scoot."

In that moment, the dragon returns to get their bill. Surprised to see that they are still here.
"Is there something wrong?", questioned the confused dragon.
"No nothing...we kind of heard you on the phone and we want to work here...", explains Scoot.
The dragon gave a shocked expression and excitedly says,
"That would be wonderful! Du me Chung-Van...excuse me... Yes you could work here."
The trio sits down excitedly about the entirely new week ahead of them.


The cutie-mark were heading towards the restaurant, but stop to see the chef outside.
The dragon was angry and starred across the street shouting,
"Do Khon nang! Du Ma May!", but stopped to look towards the trio.
"Ah you guys made it", looking embarrassed from the scene he just showed.
"What happened", asked Scoot curious about the ordeal.
"Well you see..a Do Cho De... I mean a friend lied to me and stole two future employees away from me. Now he built two restaurants right across the road!"

"Now hes challenging me to a Pho contest... He wants to see who could make the best Pho....but I don't think I can win without co-chefs and you guys just got employed...", sighed the dragon.
"It's okay if you don't win it's not like something bad will happen to you", says Sweetiebelle.
"No you see...we where playing a card card called "Tiến Lên"...well "13" and I was drunk at the time. They made me sign a bet were...who ever loses....loses control of their restaurant and leaves Ponyville. The victor takes the loser's restaurant and does what ever he wants to it....", the dragon making a despair expression.

"Mister, even though we just signed up to work for you...We will help you Win!", exclaimed Scoot as the rest of trio agree with her. The dragon gave a sincere look and said, "You can call me Mr. Nguyen [win/when/gnin]."


"Okay if your going to help me. I'm going to need you to know how to prepare Pho.", explains the dragon.
The trio jumped in place. Excited to be learning how to make this delicious dish.
After a long process and a list of things to do, the cutie mark crusaders were barely surviving the steps.
"Okay now...hey are you three okay", asked Mr. Nguyen.
"I know it's important to learn the process, but isn't it just easier if we just help you make it?", asked Scoot as her notebook were filled with a long list of notes.
"Okay fine, but I have to tell you the most important process. So important that I have to keep it a secret."
"Wha wait what? You just said you were going to tell us", questioned Applebloom.

"Sorry you guys, but it's an important tradition to tell but not show."
"Can you tell us then? We're technically not looking at it", says Sweetiebelle.
"Maybe in the future, but for now its a traditional thing for a student", as Mr. Nguyen continues to prepare broth.

After a week of montage training, Scoot asked Mr. Nguyen a question,
"Mr. Nguyen, how come we don't call you Chef Nguyen?"
Mr. Nguyen gave her a sad expression and sighed,
"It all happen several years ago. Before I opened my restaurant I was a young dragon. My parents made me take cooking school for my love of Pho noodles. There I met Sake."
"Sake?", everyone asked in suprise.
"Yes Sake...everyone refers to him now as Chef Sake."
"Wait you mean the same Chef Sake who competes on Iron Pony Chef? He's a legend!", but Sweetiebelle was interrupted by a cold stare Mr. Nguyen gave off.

"That dragon is nothing by a thief and a condragon! In school, he would use his reputation as son of the imperial princes and princesses and use them to rise into the rank without skills. What you see is just an illusion of tricks he plays out before every show. Then he would threaten the judges, so that he wins every time", as Mr. Nguyen looks towards his soup in dispair. "I challenged that power and lost my title as chef."
The trio looked at each other with a sad look and Scoot exclaims,
"Don't worry Mr. Nguyen we will get your title back and also very strong willed judges so that they don't get threatened", as the three fillies dance in excitement.


After several more days of training and preparation, the day of the contest has arrived.
The road bisecting the three restaurants were. Parallel to the streets was a long table filled with kitchen appliances. Perpendicular to the restaurants was a table filled with three judges. On each side of the road stood the contestants. Mr. Nguyen and his cutie mark crusaders Vs... legendary dragon chef Sake with his co-chefs Van and Chung. In the middle of the road stood Mark Dacascos, as he waits to start the battle.

Mr. Nguyen and Chef Sake both walked towards the middle until they stood faced to face in front of chairman.
"Ohh chef Aki...it's good to see you after cooking school in Ponam. Did you really think you could cook?"
"Hmmp for a Thằng chó đẻ I see you still show your bragging rights from your family CHEF Sake."
"Gentlemen... let us begin the battle", as the chairman raises a hand up.
"We have come here today to see who could make the best rice noodle soup. Will it either be Mr. Nguyen of the fire republic or Chef sake of the imperial family...." he slams his hand down towards the ground shouting, "Ala Cuisine!"

Instantly both chefs zipped to their stations to prepare their broths.
The cutie mark crusaders start to prep vegetables and meat while Van and Chung prepare the soup. Mr. Nguyen prepared the pot as Chef Sake made himself look busy. An interviewer was the judge's table to get their thoughts on the action.
"Princess Celestia, at the moment how is the battle taking place?"
"Well, Mr. Nguyen and the three young filly seem to have a strong passion, but Chef Sake isn't really doing anything. I know hes a famous chef, but shouldn't he be helping his co-chef's?", but she was cut off as the interviewer went to the next judge.
"Luna, as the princess of the night, how do you partake in this intense event?"
"Well I seen Mr. Nguyen and his trio work hard at night...I can't say the same for Chef Sak-", but the interviewer also cuts off Luna and the third judge as the third judge looks angrily at the interviewer.

Now the time was six hours in. The exact time the broth of Pho is ready to be served. On Mr. Nguyen side, he was talking carefully to his little co-chefs. "Okay you guys I think it's time to tell you."
"Tell us what", asked Applebloom with the other staring towards Mr. Nguyen.
"About the secret ingredient", says Mr. Nguyen "It is....", but as Mr. Nguyen said those words,
a huge rocked slammed into his skull as he flew across the cooking area to close to the stands. The rock appeared to came from Chef Sake's side, but no one noticed. The trio instantly ran towards their fallen teacher as he says holding a small vile, "This my secret ingredient use it well", as the dragon lays on the floor in pain.

"Okay guys...let's do this", chanted Scoot.
"Yeah all for one!" "And one for all", finished Sweetiebelle.
The cutie mark crusaders open the vile and poured what appeared to be a clear transparent liquid. The trio then prepared the judge's dishes and the round came to an end.


First up was Chef Sake as he introduced his dish,
"This pho dish is called Pho Ga. It is an our imperial's families most famous pho dish. The soup broth is based off chicken stock, you have strips of boiled chicken and a squeeze of lemon to ease the taste."
The judges taste the dish and looked towards Chef Sake to say their comments,
"I enjoyed the soup and the chicken, but the texture of the noodles were rough", said Celestia.
"I agree with my sister quite a bit, the noodles are raw...and are very hard", states Luna.
Chef Sake skipped the third judge as he stares towards Chef Sake with anger.
"See its delicious I win by default!", says the ignorant chef.

"Hold on a minute!", shouted the trio as they bring their dish up.
The judges look down to see a sloppy prepared dish but tastes it anyways,
"Ohh myy this is such a delicious soup...", exclaims Celestia.
"I must say, this is indeed very tasty and unique", Luna explains.
But before the third judge spoke, Chef Sake flipped the table in rage prefer anyone could react.
"I say my soup is still better!", with an annoying grin.
"Give the judges a minute to decide the winner Chef Sake", spoke the chairman.

Both sides returned to the side of the kitchen to wait. Chef Sake looked worried expression. "It's time for Plan C it looks like", as he gives off a hysterical laugh.

"So judges who do you vote for as the winner of this challenge?", asked the chairman.
"I Princess Celestia vote for Team Mr. Nguyen", as the trio danced in excitement cheering.
"I Princess Luna Vote for Team Mr. Nguyen", but before the third judge could being.
Chef Sake announced, "Ha before you think you can win I brought out a secret weapon! Let me introduced My mother and Father of the royal imperial family", as two very elegant dragons appeared to sit in a luxurious table.
People muttered and the trio looked worried.
"I decree that my Son gets my vote", boomed the famished dragon.
"I also decree that my Son gets my vote", as the mother uses a elegant fan.
"So see? It's a tie then, No one wins! So that means even though I lose my restaurant you lose yours!", exclaims the dragon as he laughs hysterically with his co-chefs.

"Hold on", said the original third judge, "I also get to vote!", as he stands to give a powerful stance.
"I Chuck Norris vote Mr. Nguyen's team as the winner!", as the crowd cheered in excitement.
Chef Sake cried in agony as he lost everything and even worst...in front of his parents.
"Sprinkles how dare you lose this match!", exclaimed his mother.
"HaHa your names is sprinkles!?!", laughed Scoot as she points towards Chef Sake.
"I'll be back "Cutie Mark Crusaders", when I do I'll will ruin you!", says Sprinkles as he gets carried away.


In the hospital the trio went to visit Mr. Nguyen recovering from his injury.
"Mr. Nguyen? Are you awake?", asked Applebloom peeking through the door.
"Yes I'm very much alive", as the dragon laughed with relief.
"We like to thank you for giving us your secret ingredient, I don't think we would of won without it."
"Oh really", the dragon gave a funny expression, "The vile was only filled with water!"
"Water? I thought it was something important!", shouted Scoot.
"Yes it is important... it was filled with magic", coughs Mr. Nguyen.
"What kind of magic?", asked Sweetiebelle.
"The magic of friendship...", laughed the old dragon with the trio laughing along with him.

Comments ( 12 )

Let me guess...

This is Pho-King-(insert witty adjective here) :twistnerd:

As a person of Vietnamese descent.... I approve of this.

[Heavy Weapons Guy]
[/Heavy Weapons Guy]

Your description says One Shot, story is marked Incomplete. Is this an oversight?

these resteraunts are numerous in Rosemead California, I think one in Pasadena, I dont know but lulz

Ponies eat meat now. As long as its cooked by dragons its acceptable to eat meat. Let's go with that.

I live in the heart of it lol, San Jose california. Viet central right here

Water huh? Hm... Futurama referance?:unsuresweetie:

Actually it was from an old movie, but yes :rainbowlaugh:

Yes an old movie... I can't put my hoof on it! Grr! Cuz in Futurama it had drugs, but in some other movie it didn't....

I Forgot, but it was an inspired like iron chef theme back in the 60's
I can't put my figure on it though, but i heard about it the same

I loved the story. But why does it have the sex label?:rainbowhuh:

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