• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 7,008 Views, 60 Comments

How "A Canterlot Wedding" Should Have Ended. - Vicron

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She eats the stuff...

Energy rippled through the air as Candence and Shining Armor floated into the air. Onlookers beheld with glee as the hammer-stroke was brought down upon the changeling queen.
"What? What Discordian madness is this?" Chrysalis yelled as the dome of love powered energy bore down on her, impacting with the weight of a thousand blue whales. She skid across the floor as she fought to hold back the love but it was too much. Oh well, might as well give them what they want. She thought in defeat. "Noooo, I've been defeated by the power of lo-" At that moment something clicked in her mind, as if Faust on high was screaming at her in outraged confusion. She opened her feeding gates and sure enough, the energy from the dome slid right in, empowering her like nothing she had ever felt. Normally she would have been ecstatic, but this was just confusing; she had to verify.

"Wait a minute. Are- Are you blasting me with food?" She cocked an eyebrow as she felt her power rising even further, she could feel her peak quickly approaching. Cancence opened her eyes wide as she realized how utterly moronic using this spell had been.
"Yeah... this wasn't thought through at all." Shining Armor cracked his eye open to see if the monster that had plagued him was gone yet, not only was it not gone, but it was practically glowing with power.
"Twilight, you are the dumbest smart pony I have ever met!" He screamed, flailing his legs in the air.
"Sorry." Twilight yelled back as she ran from the room with her friends. "I was using you as a distraction so the girls and I could go get the elements."

"Oh no you don't, get back here!"

Suddenly Chrysalis felt herself go cold just shy of her peak, her power started dropping. What fresh tomfoolery is this? There was a yawn from one of the side rooms.
"Anypony care to explain why these woke me up?" The love magic buckling under the frigid sound of his voice, Blueblood sauntered into the room, nestled in the aura of his magic were two changelings, both gasping pitifully as they searched for some kind of sustenance. He dropped the two black things when he saw Chrysalis. "What in Auntie's name is that?" The love magic couldn't stand another vocal assault by this creature and shattered entirely, letting Candence and Shining Armor fall to the floor in a heap. Chrysalis immediately felt why her spawn was desperately trying to drag their withering bodies away from this monster.

"Ahh! It exudes the hatred of a million humans! Keep it away!" She scrambled back, turning to face the windows she saw the entire swarm of Changelings fleeing the city, she tried to follow but the waves of hate left her too weak to do anything but scream. "No, my babies, come back and save your queen!" She took a step and fell forward, unable to get up, she curled into a ball and started muttering in fear as she prayed this horrible monster would leave. "So much hate, so much hate."
"Why didn't anyone think of that earlier?" Someone in the crowd questioned.

"What is It?" Blueblood yelled in outrage. "Who let this abomination into my cousin's wedding? I bet it was Copper Plate, I'll have his head for this..." Blueblood continued to rant, not that anyone of any standing was listening, they had all learned long ago that in order to survive Blueblood you had to ignore Blueblood. Chrysalis and the other guests, however, were not so lucky.
"Make him shut up!" A brown stallion yelled from the crowd.
"It burns!" Chrysalis screamed, pawing at her ears. "Its voice is like a thousand needles of contempt! Make it leeeeaaave!" Tears had begun to stream down her face as the creature, no, demon continued to babble. "It's evil, evil!" No pony in the room had thought they would ever agree with the changeling queen, but they were just about ready to pull out holy artifacts in an attempt to silence the bastard.

A dull whispering sound, like sand through a filter, filled Celestia's ears as her prison disintegrated, dropping her to the floor like a rock. Celestia picked herself up off the ground. She looked at Chrysalis, rocking back and forth in horror, then to Blueblood, who glared at everyone in the room with his usual level of hatred towards anything that wasn't himself. Quickly realizing what was happening and unable to watch Blueblood starve the poor creature out, she knocked Blueblood out.
"Back to your nap dear nephew." She whispered as she carefully laid his unconscious body onto the tiles.

Chrysalis slowly felt energy returning to her, just enough to pick herself up, Celestia's pearl white face filled her vision. "I can make it so you never have to encounter him again, if you leave Equestria and never come back. Or..." Celestia trailed off, simply gesturing over towards Blueblood's sleeping form.
"I give, I give!" Chrysalis threw herself onto the floor, prostrating herself before her savior. "You are a good, generous, gracious leader. I refuse to ever come back to this place!" She turned and broke through the window in a frenzied attempt to escape. "Come my minions, there must be easier prey somewhere!" The two changelings that had been crippled by Blueblood's awakening fled with impressive speed.

Celestia looked back at her nephew with new found respect.
"I believe we just found the perfect Changeling repellent." At that moment Twilight and the other Elements burst back into the room.
"Prepare for defeat you-" Twilight cocked an eyebrow once she realized that Chrysalis was no longer present. "Who'd she change into now? And why is it so cold in here?"
"Worry not Twilight, It would appear Blueblood has finally made something of himself." Celestia snickered.
"Blueblood?" Rarity snarled. "What could he have done?"
"It appears that he gives off a ring of pure hatred, strong enough to drive the entire changeling swarm from Equestria. Chrysalis was practically kissing my hooves when I knocked him out." Celestia gave her signature smile, a face that to her allies meant good times were coming and to her enemies that she was about to do something horrible to them. And oh was she concocting something horrible.
To Wander D; I thought it was funny. *Pouts*

Comments ( 60 )

Trixie would've made more sense, I think.

That last line makes me wonder if you've planned something to follow this up. And I agree, this would have been a funny way to end it, although I don't really mind how the actual ending was. Humans need water to survive, but an intense enough blast of water can rend flesh from bone and do serious damage. When your food is a form of energy, it might be possible for something similar to occur.

This was a pretty entertaining alt-take on the ending =D

And I lost it at "Twilight, you are the dumbest smart pony I have ever met!"

I think it's because the love was being directed at her in a controllable stream rather then at someone else in a wild amount.

Regardless, that is an interesting idea.

It seems Blueblood did something for once. But give the guy a break. Blueblood is the kind of character you "love to hate".:trollestia:

The only thing I had against the cannon ending is Shining armors protection spell was not given enough credit.:derpyderp1:
Your ending is a funny by the way

I have to rectify my own statement: Trixie might not have been a better choice. She was well beloved in Ponyville after she publicly humiliated several of its prominent citizen; and the two colts she treated like dirt worshipped the ground the trotted on.

So, if it was quality of character that mattered in repelling the changelings, she'd have been perfect. I do believe she's way worse than the prince. If it was hatred from others, then yours was the best choice, at least from an outsider perspective. (Rarity didn't seem to mind him much in Sweet&Elite, and the press has either not picked up on his faults or they're actually not that big of an issue)

True Chrysalis and her minions could have just eaten the spell (it would have tasted like chicken and we would have a part 3 of the episode)

Genius. Also, I do not hate Blueblood, I love him. And bravely support Blueblood\Applejack shipping.

This "story" is amazing. :rainbowlaugh: And I thought the Tactical Rainbow Nuke is dangerous... :rainbowhuh:

I'm dissapointed that there was no Superman and Batman here. :rainbowwild:

That underlined bit was in response to Wander D, who rejected my story because I only managed to meet length requirements by adding a two hundered word author's note at the end in which I chewed out the length requirement rule. Needless to say, the mods were not amused.:pinkiecrazy: But I was!

The fact that this has more thumbs than any of the rest of my work is saddening, I put no effort into this whatsoever. All my other stuff I put effort into, please go check them out and comment, please comment.

507165 I chose Blueblood because he's the one that would probably have been there. Where as Trixie would probably have been out in the city somewhere.

as pointed out by others, there's a difference between eating a sandwich and having it shot at your head at hypersonic speeds. Or one might note that a television set runs off electricity--- but let a lightning bolt strike a power line and see what happens to it.

Or one might point out that it wasn't Cadence and Shining Armor's love that drove off Chrysalis--- it was Shining Armor's force-bubble spell, that was being BOOSTED by the power of their love.... just as Chrysalis' powers were boosted by it, earlier.

also, why does everybody dump on Blueblood? Yeah,he's a vapid and self-absorbed nancy, but that hardly makes him the most evil creature in Canterlot. Consider all the raging ass-hats cozying up to Fancy Pants....

510390 Sheesh, it's a joke. I just thought it was weird that she was beaten by the power of love, and Blueblood is just way to much fun to pick on.

Urge to be pedantic... rising.

RealityCheck handled the pedantry quite nicely though, so instead I'll point out the plot whole you didn't address:

She feeds on and grows powerful from love, yet she chooses to mock someone else who decides to gain power from love. Chysalis is uniquely placed to know exactly how powerful this love is (she used it to defeat Celestia!) yet she is so dismissive when someone else uses the same power...

Which is why I like your ending. If anyone deserves Blueblood, it's that stupid heartless changeling queen. :D

510985 I can sort of understand why she did that. To a creature that is the only species in its ecological notch, the idea that its energy source could be used by something else would be a completely alien concept. The thought process being, "If I'm the only thing that uses this power source, I must be the only one that can." It makes sense from a biological standpoint. A lot of things that are food for one species are poison for another. Chocolate, for example, is harmless to humans, and actually rather delicious, while it is poisonous to dogs. Especially seeing as the Changelings seem to be the only species that have evolved to feed on love, they would probably think they were the only ones that could use the energy it put off. Hence her arrogance in that respect.

I just gave a lecture didn't I?:twistnerd:


Yes, you did just give a lecture.

That's fine, though. Twilight is an awesome pony. Let no one tell you different.

511017 Hooray understanding! And yes, Twilight is best pony.:twilightsmile:


That's an unusual way to spell Fluttershy. :P

511036 Don't feed the parasprites!:pinkiehappy:

Diamond Tiara works too. All of her 'love' is horribly tainted with snootiness on a level probably surpassing even Blueblood's. :rainbowlaugh:

First Chrysalis would feel sick :pinkiesick:, and then somepony would make Tiara angry, (probably a changeling chef taking the place of someone who typically knows what haughty fillies like her enjoy) and it would become a consuming vortex of hatred that knocks her as flat as BB's narcissism just did. :ajsleepy:

I imagine that's why Filthy Rich wasn't invited. Chrysalis-as-Cadence met them previously while getting party favours ready and buying decorations on the cheap since she didn't actually care about the wedding proper, and was horrendously afraid of the effect DT would have on her changelings. Smart move Chryssy, smart move.

Man, if BB, Trix, and Diamond were there at the same time, Chrysalis and her swarm would've probably shriveled up and died right there and then. :fluttershyouch:

This is a thing of beauty! :raritystarry:

Why doesn't my good stuff get this much traffic?:ajbemused:


Nah, Trixie has fans. Blueblood doesn't.


Well, I'd agree that she has more fans. Way more. I still don't understand why, but it's true.

It's probably attempting to actually save the two morons from their own stupidity instead of running away. She's still not a nice person, but it was more than Blueblood ever showed.

It seems we have finally found a use for Prince Blueblood

533361 Cause it's the stupid stuff that makes us laugh that we tend to flock to. This story is perfect for someone like myself, who's looking to burn some time in the wee morning hours until I ACTUALLY feel tired, who just wants something light and quick.... cause hell knows if I get into something intense with chapters I WON'T be sleeping under the guise of "just one more chapter....".

That said, please dun take "stupid" as an insult as that was glorious. While I understand why the episode ended the way this gave me a good 10 minute long goofy grin that shows no sign of fading.

.... why did I make such a long comment? :facehoof: Oh well, I'll have to check some of your other work out when it's not 4 am.... no 5... buck when will I actually begin to feel tired? ....I'll stop rambling now.

556765 If you are referring to the Ursa Minor incident, the only reason Trixie tried to fight that Ursa Minor that Snips and Snails brought to town was because she knew if she didn't, then her lie would be exposed. So she tried to fight it in a desperate attempt to try and maintain her lie, not because she cared about the two stupid colts or Ponyville at all. And once she saw that she really had no chance of beating it, only then did she confess that she lied. But right after the danger was over, she started lying all over again and then fled like a coward.

Oh, and I totally ship BluebloodxTrixie.

Standing up to a giant monster just so you can make your lies true is still brave. Bravery is considered a virtue. Thus, still more virtue than Blueblood.

You're probably kidding about Trixie/Blueblood because the truth is both of them are way too self-centered for most relationships and doubly so if you combine them.

1576520 Even if you're being brave for the wrong reasons, like selfishness and greed? Does that mean that a burglar who bravely sneaks into someone's house to steal all their belongings is virtuous? Uh... no.
Also, I was not kidding. I totally ship BluebloodxTrixie, and I think it could definitely work. Why? Because its a cartoon, and because it's fun to ship jerk characters.

1578702 Depends on why they're stealing.
On another note, really? This story has been quiet for months, but as soon as I update my other stories it wakes back up while the stuff I update stays quiet. Really? Really?

"Bravely sneaks" probably aren't words that go together. But let's assume we have a brave burglar. Is he very virtuous? No. Is he more virtuous than a cowardly burglar, all else being equal? Sure. Just because you're brave doesn't mean you're nice, any more than being nice means you're brave. Generally, you'd want a person to show more than one virtue, Still, 1>0.

Sorry if the off-topic conversation is a bother, it's hard for me to stop myself from replying to people.

Wander D? Whatdoeshe have to do with this? :rainbowhuh:

2103651 If you read the comments, it will make sense.

2103877 Lol. I tried that once.

Blueblood is awesome :pinkiesick:

Ah, yes, here we go with the love wave thing. They consume love, so how could the love wave affect them? Well, we do the same thing with air and water. Does that mean we're immune to hurricanes?

Logic aside, this was quite amusing.


I was going to say try drinking from a firehose

2621036 That's a good example, too.


this was hilarious finally someone makes use of bluebloods pompos attitude and his general unlikableness

...You know...this actually makes a LOT more sense than it should.

Changelings FEED on Love, the power of Love should not be the means by which they are defeated, which is why I prefer to believe that Cadance's Alicorn magic simply Ubercharged Shining Armour's Shield Spell rather than something corny like 'Love Triumphs over all'.

And don't give me that 'It's a Show for Little Girls' crap, that's no excuse in today's environment.

Truth be told the flaw I can see in this is that it makes BLUEBLOOD useful. Admittedly in a hilarious fashion, but still BLUEBLOOD and USEFUL should not even be considered in part of the same sentence...unless 'Is Not' comes between them, then it's a law of the universe.

2441587 which is why he only appeared in one episode tops.:trollestia:

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