• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 1,050 Views, 28 Comments

The Asylum - MrMoonBird

Stupidity is what rules over us all. I for one followed it closely. And it has led me here, to this asylum. It homes some of Equestria's most dangerous killers and some of its crazier residents. And every night, I watch them in fear...

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Chapter One

As the clang of the iron door echoes through the darkened room, the figure that sits in the middle lifts its head. A slight chuckle bounces off the walls, sending a chill down the nurse’s spine. She gulps loudly, triggering another chuckle from the figure in the middle.

“Why did I even come down here? In fact, why did I ever take this job?” The nurse begins to fumble for the light switch nervously. She wasn’t supposed to close the door behind her, nor was she supposed to stay in the dark for too long. The chuckles have died down, now replaced by maniacal laughter.

Then, silence…

A scream came from the basement, alerting us all at once. I looked towards one of the nurses and nodded. We knew what happened. She had closed the door behind her and didn’t get to the light in time.

“We warned her about that too. She just didn’t listen… how sad, it was her first week,” I mumbled as I resumed my work. I didn’t pick the best job in the world. Of all the many wonderful jobs out there, I decided to work at an asylum. And as if things couldn’t get worse, I, along with many other nurses and doctors, had to keep an eye on this asylum’s most dangerous resident, Rainbow Dash.

When I applied for this job, they did warn me about her antics. They said that if I stayed in the dark for too long without finding the light switch, then she would more than likely end my existence. That statement had immediately struck fear into my heart.

It hadn’t taken me long to find her files. Just punched the first four letters of her name into the computer’s mainframe and hit search. Her background was the first thing that I read. The page said something along these lines:

Rainbow Dash, the fastest Pegasus in Equestria, or more commonly known as the most murderous thing in Equestria, was brought to this asylum in a crazed state. It was later found out that after being fired from her job as a weather pony, she found a new position in a place called the Rainbow Factory. She had told us, when she was stable, that what they did was not a normal way to make rainbows. She said that they took the young fillies and foals that failed their flight exams and ground them into rainbows.

She lost it after her first week at the factory. She took all of the employees and ground them into rainbows. The amount of people in the machine caused it to malfunction, which then caused a massive explosion of the factory. She came here with a large amount of her mane and tail singed off. She refused to sit still, so we had no choice but to put her in a “natural” environment. We stained her walls with blood and slight rainbow markings.

Now, all she does is sit in the center of the room in her straightjacket. But, she will move, and it is impossible to do so with the straightjacket on, so we assume that she has found a way to get it off. It isn’t safe to go into her cell with no light on and have the door shut behind you. If you do find yourself in that situation, kiss your life goodbye and make your final wishes. There will be no way out, because the door locks behind you. Take a buddy and a flashlight to see the actual light switch.

Rainbow Dash, the most murderous thing in Equestria, is far more unstable than when she came here. Good luck…

Apparently, all newcomers had to read that page before they began their first shift, but they must’ve stopped informing everypony who came here to work. I looked at one of the other nurses and motioned her over. I leaned over the desk and whispered into her ear, “Would you ever want to be promoted?”

“No thank you. Once you’re promoted, you get to look after Butchershy.” I had forgotten about her. It was said that something horrible happened to her a few years back. Something about a wagon wheel, a hatchet, and some animals. I honestly forgot everything I had heard about her. But yeah, promotion meant Butchershy.

“Right… but isn’t there a way to avoid being promoted to watching her?” The nurse shook her head. I frowned slightly… of course there wasn’t a way. I moved my eyes to the computer screen in front of me and pulled up Dash’s camera. It was pitch black, but I was finally met by her deranged eyes staring into mine. I jumped back and slammed my head against the wall in complete shock.

We all heard more maniacal laughter come from the basement. Her laughter would travel through the air vents in the floor, bounce off the walls, and pierce our ear drums. Each time she laughed, chills would shoot down our spines. I looked again towards the nurse beside me as a bead of sweat fell from my nose.

“So, you nervous about tonight?” Of course I was nervous. I was going to be left alone, in the darkness of the lobby, watching the cameras, whilst making sure Dash stayed in her cell. I nodded as yet another bead of sweat fell from my nose. She looked at me sadly and said, “I was terrified too. But don’t worry, she doesn’t do much. Just mumbles about some ‘Daring Do’ and laughs indefinitely. Don’t let it get to you alright?” She leaned in towards me and planted a light kiss upon my cheek.

“You’ll be fine. Trust me.” She got up from her chair and walked out of the lobby, locking the doors behind her. As soon as she left the parking lot, the lights in the building began to shut off, one by one. The only light that remained was the glow of my computer screen. I refused to look at it, and began to take in the silence.

“Hey Mister… I have a surprise for you Mister… Come into my cell!! Party with me please!!” The unmistakable voice of Pinkamena Diane Pie, the second most dangerous pony here, echoed from the ventilation two stories above me. If she knew I was here, then the rest of them must have known too.

Sure enough, more voices came from throughout the asylum, each one beckoning me to go into their cell. I nervously laughed to myself, while trying to regain my confidence.

“This is a home for the insane, and you’re going insane just being here! Get a hold of yourself man!” I hadn’t checked on Dash in a while, so I moved back to her camera and found the light on. There was only one light in her cell, but it let enough light into the cell to where you could see everything in there, except for the blind spot under the camera.

That must’ve been where she was sitting, because the moment I looked away, she was staring into the camera, drooling uncontrollably. Her eyes darted back and forth, trying to figure out if I was looking at her. When she could tell I wasn’t, she flew to her usual spot in the center of the cell and lowered her head. She began to mumble about ‘Daring Do’ again, and finally paused.

“Hey sir, can you bring me some books from Twilight’s cell? She has the ones I want; you know that as much as I do.” Her head spun to look into the camera, her eyes bloodshot. I pulled up a microphone and switched to her channel.

“I am sorry Ms. Dash, but I cannot leave this spot. I have to keep an eye on you.” She could sense the fear in my voice, and she began to grin. Small chuckles arose from within her, and they quickly escalated to demonic laughter. I wasn’t about to leave that seat, so I linked up to Twilight’s cell and watched her. She, along with Rarity and Applejack, were the only non-murderous ones here.

She was fumbling with her books, hurling them to the floor and putting them back into their proper shelves. She was obsessed with organization, and that was what drove her to insanity. She had tried to do something fun, but continuously failed, and finally forgot to organize her books. Spike had come from upstairs, and being hungry and tired, decided to eat her books. What she did in response was horrific. She forcefully tore the remaining books from his insides, killing him instantly.

Upon seeing what she had done to her life-long friend, she brought herself here immediately. She was stable, just afraid of killing again. I threw up her communications system and said, “Twilight, can you please send Rainbow Dash some Daring Do books? She is requesting those ones specifically. Thank you.” I turned off the com and sighed as she cringed before sending the books down to Dash.

I flipped Dash’s camera on and saw her flying through the books.

“Holy crap! I knew she was fast, but not that fast!” She tossed at least three of them aside within three minutes, already finishing half of the books Twilight sent her. Not even three minutes later, she tossed the other three books aside and stretched her wings.

“That was a good read Mister… I forgot your name, what was it again?”

“It’s… Chaser… Cloud Chaser.”

“Ah, another Pegasus? Brilliant… you wouldn’t mind flying outside and telling me what the scenery is like would ya?”

“Actually, I would mind. Again, I’m not allowed to leave this seat, nor will I leave the seat. And that is the final say. Now, I am turning off your com channel. Good night.” She waved a hoof at the camera before it blacked out. I flipped through every camera there was, only to find each one was down.