• Member Since 25th Aug, 2013
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"I, dig a pony, well you can celebrate anything you want, yeah, you can celebrate anything you want..."

Comments ( 58 )

so how often can we expect updates? on a regular schedule, or just whenever? 'cause i'm super excited to read the rest of this story!

This is my main focus now. The next chapter needs some final checks and then polish but is 95% done. The chapter after that is framed out. I have two other chapters that are 3/4 done. I'll try to keep the momentum going.
And THANKS! :twilightsheepish:

“It sounds like she is blessed as well. He smiled at her. Please forgive me but I have taken enough of your time and I have a certain poet who awaits me in our room and refuses to start her breakfast without me. You see unlike you and I, she is a leisurely zebra.”

Missing a quotation mark before Please

And picture from Carbon Maestro's music called "Ansatsu", made by NCMares ^^. I love this picture :D

5982543 GREAT song!! Thanks for that. I will endeavor to be worthy of them both. It is incredible, right?! I have the scene in my head where it will be used and I hope it lives up to the piece. I just love how flat out dangerously pissed off bad-ass she looks yet retains the heart and soul of Twilight. I totally believe it is Twi and that it's one of the many sides we haven't seen on the show. Unlike when she squard off against Tirak, this time, just from the expression on her face that it's very personal.

Well then things never stopped getting interesting with your stories. I can't wait to tune in for the next episode.

5991475 Thanks - then I best get working on it! I'm off work today dealing with a tooth abscess. Left side of my face - ugh. I'll spare you the details - Now it's back to the desert with Twilight...:twilightsmile:

Oh my heart...
I'm a huge twijack fan so this hurts me.
I kinda wish there was more to Blackbird so I could know more about what may happen. But I don't want more at the same time because that would take you away from this one... Damn...
either way, I hope to read more soon!

I tried to explain how my bookkeeping system works to him but he just kept gettin a headache

I'm pretty sure that's his subtle way of telling you your bookkeeping skills suck AJ.

Looks like AJ has some serious soul searching to do. Will she continue to have no desire be in a relationship with a mare (or anyone in general) and quite possibly continue to curse Twilight for putting her in this situation? Or will she look deep down and realize that being with Twilight wouldn't be as bad as she makes out to be, and could in fact be the greatest thing that could happen to her.

Soon, yes... Chapter almost complete, just cleaning things up...

well, that's what she get's for drinking water from an unknown plant, like a fucktard.

So just how much power did Twilight keep for herself here? She can't cast the shape shifting spell but can cast protection spells....that can't stop scorpions. She's pretty much useless isn't she?

Also, I thought sucking out venom made things worse or is that just for snakes?

It depends on the type of venom.
I agree with you as well she was an Alicorn you thought should would have took some safteyprecautions.

I wonder how much longer Prim Proper will have a job or at least his current job.

What does Rainbow Dash have to do with any of this? :rainbowhuh: If I read between the lines... No, that can't be it.

Finally, I was 3 chapter behind, now I'm caught up! Can't wait for the next one, this hole celestia thing is going to drive me crazy if you don't get back to it soon!

From the story:

Twilight’s eyes flew open wide and her heart started thumping. She was sure she heard something move near her . Then felt something on her leg. She instantly cast a protection spell around herself. and lit her horn with a dark blue tint, casting an ultraviolet light..

The protection spell was cast after she was stung. She was too busy listening to the bandits to think about it, or to even notice the creature crawling on her.

I think that I see where I created confusion - I was trying to show that she is really out of her element and what she did was kind of stupid - when she created the protection spell - not unlike the one that Cadence cast to protect herself and Twilight from Discord's "blue flu" - she encased several of the creatures in there with her. I see that I could have made that clearer. - I really need to find someone to pre-read, but they all seem so busy...

As far as the venom - there will be more on that later. :twilightoops:-
Nothing bad though. :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for sorting all that confusion out.

I beg to know if this is going to update!
Please tell me that it will or that you are working on another story. I'll except any explanation at this point! :pinkiehappy:

I have felt terrible about this Alexander, I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. Not sure if anyone else is, but thank you for not losing faith. You can always email me at idigapony@optonline.net. I will answer.
Yes it will continue. I have the entire story planned out, it's just things have been so crazy. I hope you like the new chapter. As I'd promised things are starting to heat up here. :pinkiehappy:
I'll be at Ponycon NYC on Sunday with the family. I'm going to try to see Ashleigh. It's more than worth $30.
:ajsmug: :rainbowdetermined2:

This is turning out better than what my expectations were. My heart was racing a bit while reading this chapter.

6930521 Thank you! You just made my weekend and that's saying something considering I'm going to PonyCon NYC tomorrow! I'll get moving on the next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Tinkle tinkle little star…

my inner child laughed at this....my adult self laughed as well.

It looks like Twilight is in over head, but it might still be too early to tell.

Now onto the next stage in Applejack's journey

I don't know how I feel about where this story could go...
I love this story but it could either go great or... Other

I doubt that I will be disappointed one way or another, I just don't know what to prepare myself for!

Also I can't wait for us to get back to see what AJ is going to do when she wakes up!

Thanks very much. I've started the chapter. It's on the way. Twi is surely over her head, but I love it. I am very stoked that you're ready for the next chapter because I am too...:rainbowderp:

Isn't this connected to the Dash/Harmony thing? I'm gonna follow this, read quite a bit so far. I'd dispute some of the characterization of Dash and Twi but to each their own I suppose. Felt like a lot of others were pretty good. And the story is fairly captivating. Guess I'm interested is seeing where the personal relationships go more than anything (not really interested in the clop lol).

Thanks. This really is fun but a lot of work.
Funny you should say that. After watching the season 6 opener, it kind of feels like the characters arent developing much and I'm getting off base with them. and yest, It is connected to the Dash Harmony thing. That has 2 more chapters and will involve a lunch with a certain "uncle" who will be greatly relieved... but a hint on the over-arching story will reveal itself. It's big.

Damn I REALLY wish I could tell you. what is about to happen *AUUUGGHHH!!!
I need to shut up now.

I love writing ponies but I'm supposed to be studying for my Cisco CCNA. Ugh!

Thanks for your comments. They make me write more.

Thanks, I was thinking no one cared anymore. Should I focus on this or Not So Quiet on the Set? Your call.


I'd prefer if you focused on this.

On another note, 30 weeks is quite a long time. I guess life got in the way. Welcome back! :ajsmug:

You got it.
Thanks. I was on Deviant art last night just poking around and saw that 6932906 had made a comment on a Twijack family portrait I started to think about my stories. I pour so much work into these stories, so many hours of writing and re-writing and I began to wonder why. Not many readers seem to enjoy them and my wife was getting sick of my asking her to edit them. In addition I was at a point where I had to focus on completing my next Cisco certification (something I finally accomplished.) This began to become like a second job.
Your poke was nice though. I thought the comments here would get mailed to idigapony@optonline.net I guess not. Next topic. The thing about this story is it's a lot of fun and it's going to be a great adventure. NSQOTS is more about characters. I love the concept though, and it hadn't been done before. The germ of the idea was planted when I noticed the lens flare during the show's opening. Why would you have lens flare unless there is a camera? Naturally it's because the show that we watch is filmed on a sound stage and on location throughout Equestria. This explains not only the lens flare but why the Ponies seem to suddenly break into intensely orchestrated and choreographed musical numbers. That obviously didn't happen when the events actually occurred (except in Over A Barrel with Pinkie and that horrendous song and maybe one or two others.) The songs were added when the scripts were being written. As I considered the idea, I suddenly saw Twi in sunglasses with a Cosmopolitan in her hoof yelling "Wasssssup bitches?!!" I laughed and started the engine. Then I came up with an entire story, which is actually pretty good. I just need to fix the pacing.
This story is much "grander". I'm sort of regretting the whole Dash-Harshwhinny thing at the hotel. All that crazy violent sex, but the background for the Elite Pegasi is intense and Dash's need to make Elite babies is frightening but only shows its head when she gets aroused by the scent of another Elite, otherwise she is utterly oblivious to it. That's why the sex is so violent and why she loses control. It's a natural but unintended part of her genetic design. (Wait - Rainbow Dash was genetically designed? Mayyyyybeee...) I did NOT intend for that to happen, it just did. Every time I've gone back to re-write it and eliminate all that, it doesn't work. I still have to tone it down. The latter part got too porno-messy and I don't like it. I need to finish that as well. There are only two chapters to go.
So I'm back on this one.


Welcome back! :ajsmug:

I second this.

7868284 Just to throw my two cents in: I enjoy both stories, but the prequel to this one is what got me into your stories so my vote's for this one.

Just curious, but what certification did you get? CCNA? And was it in Routing and Switching, Security, Wireless or one of the others?

I also learned that I really am immortal.

Damn. That's a lot of shit to hang onto eight little words.

Well, you know your quests, author. She's already received supernatural aid, crossed the threshold, and is floating off into the belly of the whale.

Been so long I'm going to have to reread. Glad to see this rise from hiatus! :ajsmug:

I'm re-reading it now too. I was getting such positive feedback on A Taste of Honey that I wanted to at least get the two of them together. I am psyched to get back to this. :pinkiehappy:


sol seomar leapa alpha


I’m very happy to see this update once again!

Do you recall why you painted the walls? It was due to something subliminal he did or said. Painting the walls meant you had to take down the picture. When it came time to put it back up some idiot decided to just put it on a shelf he no doubt suggested you mount.

It was then that Twilight realized something about Flint. He had studied the art of lingual words. She couldn't remember the term for it, but it was something like the school for mares in that trilogy she had read about the desert planet. The choice of words in certain situations were as powerful as any weapon. They pre-occupied the listeners with images that captivated their imaginations. Those words could be used to a great many ends.

Oh. Oh, Twilight...

You just made all the effort in all of my writing worthwhile. That someone was following my story that closely. Thank you.

Dang, and I missed the Dune reference until I reread that quote just now. His power does seem rather Bene Gesserit-like.

eYup. Good catch. It’s all over “Blackbird” - (something else I need to get back to) with the various guilds and “houses” in early Equestria. It’s one of the few non-Twijack stories I’ve written, but it’s Luna (who I love as well) She was quite the vixen in her early days. I lover her characterization.
Anyway...just because they both have that skill doesn’t necessarily mean anything...:trixieshiftright:

Meh. I've read so much worse. Seen so much worse.

What can I say, I've led a sheltered life... :fluttercry:

You should expand your horizons. Of course, I guess it really depends on just how much you want us to understand this particular equines antics, as well as the inner workings of his mind. If you want to really get to us, you need more. If you want to keep this somewhat tame, then I do believe you have accomplished your goal.

I always appreciate your thoughtful and helpful comments and as always I truly appreciate your continued support. :twilightsmile:
I should probably remove the second sentence of the author's notes. I wrote it after spending a good deal of mental time in that sanitarium, looking around and deciding what would be in my narrative and what would be in the pictures. As a result, my mind was in a very dark place. In addition, I may have made too many assumptions as to what some of my readers bring to my stories (with respect to life experience). I was deliberately sparse in this chapter. I should probably have considered that not everyone has spent time in the New York City morgue (located in the basement of Belleview Hosptial) or had 7 major surgeries, (3 of them life-saving and woken up in the middle of one) or even read the Dicken’s novel “A Tale of Two Cities.” (Watching the movie doesn’t count - it’s all in the telling, not the viewing) Those experiences were a very distant part of the subtext for me.

I find that one of the problems with today’s scary movies and television is that Hollywood has bathed us in so much blood, gore, and special effects, that the audience has to be told in bold letters and in no uncertain terms when to be scared. When I was young, “jump scaring” was considered cheap, cheesy, and insulting to the audience's intelligence. Today is it used constantly. The art of foreshadowing and menace is utterly lost on them. In days gone by, censorship limited what filmmakers and television writers could show. As a result, directors had to find creative ways to draw in their audiences, to get them actively engaged and use their imaginations to fill in the dark spaces.
Thanks again for your thoughtful observations. :twilightsmile:

Figures it wouldn't be that easy. Wonder if that healing spell will do anything though

You do know I’m gonna lose ‘em in the first hour, right? I’m the best hide-and-go-seeker in Ponyville

I figured Pinkie would be better.

I see someone has been watching Guardians of the Galaxy

Yes, but Pinkie can fold time and space, which gives her an unfair advantage. In any case AJ likes to think she's the best.

It's such a cool weapon...maybe the coolest I've ever seen.
"Come a little bit closer your my kind of pony..." I never thought a scene of multiple murders could make me laugh. I had no idea it was written by Boyce and Heart (and Farrell) - they wrote some of The Monkees biggest hits.

Hmm I have to admit reading this story so far I am beginning this can't possibly end well for twilight to the point I am beginning to think the best case scenario for her would either live forever in exile or find a way to die a heroic death because it seems like returning to Equestria would result in a fate worse than death given the legal punishment waiting for her as it stands assuming what they would do to her would even work or didn't flat out kill her in a horrific way.

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