• Published 19th Oct 2014
  • 2,946 Views, 25 Comments

Snapshots - 314

A snapshot. A moment captured in time, preserved forever. Relationships have many such moments, from the first kiss to waking up together. Twilight and Dash get to share a few.

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Waking Up

My mind slowly returned to consciousness, the dreamworld vanishing into a soon-to-be forgotten state. I couldn't remember any details, but I knew that Twilight had been there and that left a smile on my face.

Without cracking an eyelid, I drowsily flailed my hooves, whipping up the sheets as I searched for the other occupant of the bed I was laying on. They soon touched a warm body, one that managed to escape me in the night. How that was possible, I wasn't quite sure. I always went to sleep with every limb, wings included, cuddling her close. She must have been a master escape artist.

Regardless of how she ran away in the night, I would always bring her back in the morning. If I loved something, I was supposed to let it go, but there was no way I was going to let this awesome mare disappear on me. I pulled her tight against my chest, hooves wrapping around her waist. She gave a small moan, telling me that she wasn't quite awake yet.

Her feathered back pressed into my chest, the soft coat so wonderfully warm. She had maintained her wings well, noticeable in the sleek and smooth feel of her feathers. I sat there, just enjoying that sensation of being close. I had knocked the sheets down to just covering our legs, but we were producing enough warmth of our own to compensate.

It wasn't long before my head started to get a little colder, so I burrowed my face into the back of Twilight's neck. I pushed aside her tangled mane and let it fall over my face, breathing deeply to get as much of her scent as I could. She smelled a little of lavender and lemon, two smells that didn't seem to go well together, but made a beautiful scent just the same. Kinda like me and her. I smiled again, rubbing my face against the back of her neck and praising Celestia for what I had been given. Literally praising her, seeing as how she sent Twilight to Ponyville and all.

My eyes closed again, sleep calling my name once again now that I had my mare in my hooves. I wanted to fall asleep again, return to whatever dream I had with Twilight, but I knew that the real world was better for once. I pulled her even tighter, so tight that I was surprised I didn't wake her from a hug equal to Pinkie's. I felt her shift a tiny bit and smiled. She had woken up when I grabbed her but, just like me, she chose to live in the moment.

It was a moment of calm in the hectic life of the castle. Soon, we would both have to get up and run through our day, missing each other and wishing they were at our side. Well, that's how I thought anyways. Every minute without Twilight was to me a minute wasted. I don't know how I went so long without recognizing how absolutely amazing a mare she was. I guess I had her persistence to thank for uniting us.

I nuzzle the back of her neck and licked it a little bit. I felt her shiver slightly, but in a good way. We had kissed before, so I knew she was okay with it. I moved my head around to her ear, lifting my head off the plushy pillow. I flicked her ear with my tongue, then took the whole of it in my mouth like a teething foal would. She jumped, preventing me from doing anything else. Rolling my way, she somehow managed to end up on top of me, my back pressing against the bed and her stomach meeting mine. I glanced up at her and stuck my tongue out playfully, a smile on my face and the faint tinge of red in my cheeks.

I looked into her eyes, oh those wonderful, amazing eyes. Rarity always described eyes as pools of beauty, but I preferred to think of Twilight's as a well. Sure a pool was nice and all for chilling on a hot day, but I would much rather drink from Twilight's massive and way too special love for me. How could I say no to that? Two wells of purple, her purple, stared back at me. An adorably cute nose was right above an even cuter smile, showing no annoyance at my undoubtedly terrible attempts at being half as cute as her.

We sat like that for a moment before I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my hooves around her so that they met at her wingjoint and spun, using my own wings to help catapult myself across the mattress. She gave a squeak of surprise as I was suddenly on top of her, before we both fell off the bed. I had made sure that I would hit the ground first, letting Twilight fall against my much softer stomach. She gave an oof at the impact, before meeting my gaze again. I stuck my tongue out and licked her nose, making her burst out into giggles.

She sat up, butt resting on my belly button. Her mane and most likely tail were an absolute mess, knotted and tangled up as she tossed and turned in the night. She had traces of bags under her eyes, signs of what her new position was depriving her of. I knew I had the same, but mine were at least helped by my naps. Her coat was obviously pushed the wrong way in parts, the short hairs standing up straight. She probably didn't even smell to great to other ponies, but I for one loved her smell. And despite the scattered, first wake appearance of my marefriend, I knew I wouldn't give it up for anything.

She put up with my crazy antics, my own terrible appearance, my constant attempts at romance that fell short most every time, and even my obliviousness at so many things. Despite how poor of a marefriend I was able to be in return to her amazing gifts, she loved me as I was. And that was absolutely brilliant. My heart swelled in my chest, almost threatening to burst out right there and ruin a perfect moment. She was just staring down at me, a hoof at her mouth to stifle the laughter.

“Rainbow, you are an absolute mess this morning.”

“So are you Twi. But ya know what? I love you anyways. Never change egghead.”

Her smile grew bigger and she leaned down to kiss me gently on the mouth, an echo of past romance but made no less special by the slight amount of contact. “I love you too Rainbow.”

I was left laying on the floor giddily as she crawled off of me and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She looked back at me and giggled again, the indescribably awesome sound reaching me in my happiness.

“You have no idea how much I love you Twilight,” I whispered.