• Published 20th Oct 2014
  • 842 Views, 4 Comments

The Revenge of Tirek - Matthew Stone

After a fearsome messenger's prediction becomes reality, it'll take the help of some old allies and a NEW one!

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Power of the Fusion

As Mokuba and Storm get all fused up with their mighty power, they charge up into the air, having electricity shoot out their feet light breaking light bulbs. They rush into Tirek’s face, punching him with an iron fist to send him back a couple feet. Tirek then retaliates by having a huge bright ball expand at the palm of his hand, sending the crazy wave to strike both Mokuba and Storm.

The filly prince jumps to miss; yet, Storm’s left wing gets scorched from the blast. Mokuba then pulls out his sword, and has bigger rays shoot out with the color yellow. Its streaks then electrocute Tirek in the chest, having him hurt, but also sinking in the power given. He has the lightening move strike back at Mokuba, only with Storm blocking the attack, reflecting the strike to come at Tirek again. Once hit, Tirek lets out a roar of rage, probably the loudest in this fight so far.

Twilight and her friends then begin to help Mokuba and Storm, splitting into two groups to do their fight. Twilight has Applejack jump on her back to do a lasso move that grabs Tirek’s hooves, having him trip onto the ground. Rainbow and Fluttershy than flash and gust on Tirek’s forehead to stun him. The beast then tries to knock the two pegasi ponies down, but Pinkie Pie manages to catch both of them after the big slap strikes Rainbow and Fluttershy. Pinkie then throws water balloons to distract Tirek, as Rarity has her horn magic strike Tirek from behind.

William then is raised in the air by Luna’s magic to do a disgusting stunt. When swooping in the air with the aura, he floats above Tirek to make mighty spits with gross sticky phlegm. Tirek looks in in fury, trying to catch the worm.

“COME ON! You can do better than that!” William taunts.

As Luna keeps this distraction method up, she looks at Tails and TJ, winking at them. The two foxes are going to climb on Tirek’s left leg when he’s not looking, and attack him on his big back. Their trip wasn’t easy. Feeling the rough skin when climbing was unsettling, and the clutching grip was awful. It almost felt like poison ivy when touching the skin layer.

In a flash, the foxes jam their feet onto Tirek’s back with one hop. Tails starts by running up and making a high hop, just to give the perfect kick behind Tirek’s head. Tirek then stomps his hoof down, and turns his heard to see them in anger. He swats down again and again to try and squash them on his back. That’s when TJ knells down to miss the slap, and shoots a hug Kamehameha wave towards his face. Tirek feels the strike, and hops back in pain. This has Tails and TJ jump off the giant beast, floating down safely with their tails.

Just as the foxes do their work, Mokuba and Storm shoot more beams around to target every brainwashed pony they can find. Storm is sensing were they’re hiding, and where they’re going.

“Let the beams of our powers change them back…” Storm chants.

In Manehattan, Babs was searching for her mother to make sure she’s safe. She even looks up at the white streaks rushing through the sky. They look like a beautiful mix of a shooting star and meteor. She looks through the crowd, and eventually she’s her favorite face that’s familiar.

“MOM!” Babs cried.

The mother turns, and cries out in joy when she sees that her daughter is safe. She rushes over to her, giving her a squeeze as she thanks any god for keeping her safe.

“Excuse me, coming through…” another familiar voice sounds.

Babs turns to see her other friends pushing through the crowd. Spike walks alongside Zecora, as Whooves, Derpy, and Dinky follow alongside them, now free from the spell.

“Well, I see you found your mom.” Spike said, when coming up to Babs.

“It’s perfect to see that you both are safe. But now, we must spread to potion so freedom can awake.” Zecora tells them, holding the sealed potion bottle with her hoof.

“What else do we have to do to save everypony?” Derpy asks, “The streaks and potion are something, but Tirek’s dark demons are still taking each kingdoms hostage, including Canterlot.”

“If I know better, Twilight is doing something about it right now.” Doctor Whooves assures, “The best we can do is have her do her job.”

Celestia feels happiness and warmth when she senses the ponies’ magic returning their true forms. All cities in Equestria are being reformed from the sprays of the potion, and Twilight knows that for sure too. She can also see a raincloud carrying drips of the cure, made from pegasi ponies. The Wonderbolts are also guiding the clouds to their destinations. Tirek notices, and infuriates himself when figuring it out.


The beast than increases a red aura around his body. His legs grow longer, as he expands the muscles on his arms.


With a sudden attack, Tirek sends all his energy to target Twilight and her friends. That’s when Twilight knows there’s a given chance. Instantly, Applejack and Pinkie spark the power inside them. Then came Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. All the hues and brightness ignite as Rainbow Power finally activates itself in the main six.

Oddly enough, they disappear. Tirek sees this in confusion, wondering what’s going on.

“SISTER! You have to get Shining Armor and Cadence to safety!” Luna tells Celestia.

“Right.” Celestia nods.

Celestia then comes up to Shining Armor tending his wife, and has an aura transport them away from the dangerous fight.

“NO! NO PONY ELSE WILL ESCAPE!” Tirek yells, attempting to crush the evading ponies.

Tails and TJ block his crush attack though, and create a defensive block with their arms. The attack strikes the foxes’ limbs, and Tails winches at the minor pain from that big hit. Tirek pushes harder, to try and knock them out.

That’s when Luna flies up to distract Tirek again, having herself camouflaged with her blur aura. She flashes underneath Tirek with William by her side. They then break through the deadly security clouds to get to Discord in his glass cage. William pulls out a sudden cartoon-like hammer, breaking the glass. Luna then tries to break Discord’s grasp against the chaos gun he’s pointing to his head.

“I deserve to die…” Discord moans, still under the spell.

“NO! Don’t say that…” Luna sobs, “We’ll get you out of this…”

Just then, Tirek’s mighty hand comes under himself to grab Luna and Discord. His pinky also knocks William aside, sending him to the stone castle wall.

Storm and Mokuba raise up to make another attack, but Tirek let’s out a fierce roar to halt them. Tails and TJ come over to help William up, as they see Tirek holding Discord firmly by his neck, and having Luna held on the other. Discord is still clutching onto his chaos gun, having Tirek grin longer.

“Forget the minutes then. Why don’t we make things more interesting?” Tirek said, “Either you let Discord kill himself, or LUNA DIES!”

“WHAT?” Mokuba screams.

“YOU MONSTER!” Storm joins in.

“But… dude…” William puts together, “Once he’s dead, you’ll drain his energy. Then… we won’t have any chance of fighting back at you.”

“That’s quite correct…” Tirek said, “But look at it this way, you won’t lose a princess if he’s gone.”


“It’s a win-win situation. What will it be?” Tirek demands.

“Save… Discord… don’t worry about me…” Luna wheezes at the gang.

“SHUT UP!” Tirek said, shaking her, “It’s THEIR choice.”

Storm and Mokuba now figure that this IS an opening to Tirek’s victory. They want to save Discord and Luna at the same time, but what can they do? Tirek is already ready for what he’s predicting. For that reason, Mokuba and Storm sigh and lower their energy to float back to the ground. Returning to their normal selves, they bow down to surrender.

Tails and TJ just stand, doing nothing. William even seethes in anger to Tirek’s evil. The beast than grins and sets Luna to the ground. Luna wheezes in defeat, as he sees Tirek clutching onto Discord tighter than before.

“Do you have any last words?” he asks him.

“Yes…” Discord rattles, “I… really do love my friends…”

“Is that so?” Tirek laughs, “How about I depress you more than? I love to see tears and blood mixed together!”

Tirek than expands his claws, thinking of who his killing target can be. He directly looks… AT MOKUBA AND STORM!

Having his dark magic grow stronger, the shadows grasp their feet, having the two of them struggle to break the grasp. Tails, TJ, and William are then pushed back by Tirek’s gust. Then, the monster makes his victory stab to kill the two princes. The gravity on his hand falls to collide with them, making the stab!


To Luna’s shock, the princes disappear. Just… disappear. They turned into sudden ash, as Tails and TJ look in awe. William even giggles at such a strange sight. Tirek also mutters in confusion, wondering what’s going on.

“Up here.” a voice calls to him.

Tirek looks up to see Mokuba and Storm, still in their Stukba power. They’re floating on top of him with their aura, grinning.

“WHAT?” Tirek screams, “HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?”

“Pinkie Pie manages to speak fast because of her hyper activity.” Mokuba smiles, “And there’s something she told us about the Beetle Emerald…”

The two of them make a huge light in their hands, having the blast strike Tirek hard against the castle walls. Discord is then released from his grip, and is caught by Luna, the foxes, and William before a rough landing.

“The emerald gives the fighter an ability to use a HINT of CHAOS.” Storm said, “One chance to make good clones of ourselves… to fool the enemy…”

“NOW!” Mokuba calls up.

Tirek looks up to see Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash floating above Tirek. Their bright aura swirls around their Rainbow Powers in a variety of colors.


“Quick thinking, that’s simply it.” Twilight smirks, “Just an opening to protect our friend…”

Discord then wobbles when being in his friends’ grasp from bellow. He then looks up to see Twilight and the others making a large colorful ball ray. He smiles.

“I… want to live… for them…” Discord said weakly, but happily.

Luna turns to him in pride. The spell is breaking.

“NOW GIRLS!” Twilight yells.

Tails and TJ help Luna, Discord, and William get out of the premises in order to not be struck by the powers. Mokuba and Storm then join with the main six to help with the attack.


The mighty color blast then strikes Tirek, having a burning feeling enter his body. All the ponies’ esteem and magic leave his body in the process. The blast becomes brighter, as Tirek is at his defeat!

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Tirek yells in a high pitched, melting voice.

The blast than explodes, having Tirek burn into ash. As Twilight feels the power lowering, she sees the blast lowering it’s light. Tirek is nowhere to be seen. It could be finally, that he is no more…

Twilight and the others then float down slowly, having them return to their original colors when they touch the ground.

“Is he… gone?” Rainbow Dash asks, “And by gone… I mean…”

Twilight comes over to double check and make sure. She looks at the medallion on the ground, the one they once used to unlock the key to defeat him. It was with him during his atrocities he committed.

“He’s gone.” Twilight finally concluded.

The rest of her friends sigh in relief, as Storm and Mokuba come by to join them.


Pies are suddenly splatted on their face magically. Twilight sighs, as she sees Discord poofing in front of them, laughing.

“It’s great to be back!” Discord chuckles.

“Yeah… I can tell.” Twilight sighs, wiping the pie cream off her face like everypony else.

“I must thank you for such a protection.” Discord smiles, “I had no idea I was close to…”

Discord suddenly stands in place, silencing his giggles. Twilight wonders what the change in his behavior must be. Then, Discord sniffles and quickly breaks into tears. He falls to the ground, hugging his legs and crying loud and clear. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy then come up to comfort Discord, understanding why he’s so devastated. After everything that happened…

Leo and Ian than poof right in front of the others, free from Tirek’s imprisonment. Spike and Zecora then enter into the kingdom grounds, done with their travels to check on Twilight and… Discord.

Spike sees the tears continuing to stream down his face.


“There, there… shhh….” Fluttershy comforts.

Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie than come over to join Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to hug Discord. Spike, Leo, and Ian then come over to join in with hugging him too.

Celestia then approaches into the premises with Shining Armor and Cadence. They stand by Zecora, noticing Luna, the foxes, and William standing by them, witnessing the comforting reunion they’re giving Discord.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Discord cries.

“Shhh. It’s not your fault, don’t apologize.” Twilight coos, “Tirek won’t harm you any more. We’re here for you.”

All of Discord’s friends are gathered around him. They’re never so happy that he’s safe. In fact, they love that he’s alive. Joy fills all of them, as Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Ian, and Leo hug Discord tightly. Their happiness grows for the spell to be broken. Their happiness is lifted, now that everypony else is safe.

Celestia smiles.