• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 1,144 Views, 18 Comments

Disabled Angel - Sugarcube66

Candy, or more commonly known as Peppermint, finds out she's mute or unable to talk. Thus leading her parents into sending her to Luna's school for disabled foals, where she will meet a lot of friends.

  • ...

Discovery, and heading off.

Candy bounced into her room, as a normal energetic 5 year old filly would but this little filly never uttered a word, even to herself as she grabbed a small coloring book from her desk. She giggled to herself, as she picked up a crayon with her teeth and began drawing, using her mouth as her magic radar useless at the moment.

''Peppermint?'' came a voice, a small 6 year old pegasus filly with a autumn theme walked in. Her auntie Autumn, who surprising only a year older then her.

Candy never mouthed a word as she ran and hugged her auntie, almost like she was saying 'Yay, Auntie Autumn'. Autumn smiled, patting to supposedly mute filly on her head.

''Peppermint, your mommy has made cookies, let's get some.''

Candy smiled at the use of her nickname, which was Peppermint. Shortly after her birth, she gained a surname Rose due to a golden rose growing in the garden. Later, her nickname was used. Peppermint due to her swirly peppermint colored mane.

Peppermint, energetically bounced behind her autumn themed aunt, wanting some cookies. The two very small and young fillies ran into the kitchen, where Timid was just placed the warm cookies on the side.

''Not yet girls. There still hot, you don't want a burnt mouth, do you?'' said Dizzy, who was sat at the table, wanting for her cookies.

''Not really.'' came the reply from of course Autumn.

Peppermint never muttered and even mouthed a word, she just showed emotion to each conversation. Her parents really were starting to believe that she was mute.

The pair of fillies ran off into the living room to play with Peppermint's twin brother and sister pair, Rumble and Tumble. They were very identical, had the same grey coat and white wings as their 'father'. And they both had blonde, straw colored mane and tail but shared pink and purple heterochromic eyes from their mother.

Timid smiled, but her smile faded into a frown as she thought of Peppermint's muteness.

''What are we gonna do about her, Dizzy?''

''Send her to Luna's school.'' came the reply from the magazine reading mare.

''? 'Luna's school'?''

''Yep, read this.'' Dizzy showed Timid the magazine, which stated that Princess Luna had set up a school for disabled fillies and colts.

''Is this true?''

''Well, from what the magazine says. Don't know any more, sorry. Why not ask your mom?''

''I guess, mom normally knows everything. Go keep on eye of Peppermint and the twins, you know their likely a nab the cookies.''

Timid walked off, leaving Dizzy to creep over to the cookies and take a batch, of about 5 to herself and begin nibbling on them. Timid shook her head, looking at her wife in discourage from what she just said but walked off to the study part of the castle.

She pushed open the door, to the library and saw the purple alicorn reading a scroll, not even noticing that her daughter just walked in at least till Timid walked closer.

''Hey, Timid. What's wrong?''

''..Mom, is it true...that Luna has a school...for the disabled..?''

''Yep, she started it up about a year ago, I did want to know if you would send Candy.''

''Oh, I see...Um, me and Dizzy will think about it.''

''I do hope so, that filly is almost definitely mute. And she won't make friends here, at least there she might be able to.''

''I know, talking was never her strong point. I wonder, if her vocal cords snapped before birth or a little after causing her to be mute for life...'' thought Timid, looking at her mom.

''What do you think Dizzy will say?'' asked Twilight.

''...She already said to take her there.''

''Then, I suppose it's settled. It's a boarding school, so she won't be home for some time. Give it till Monday, then she has to go.'' said Twilight, looking at Timid though concern lingered in her eyes.

''...I know, I will tell her, the twins and Autumn. Including Nyx and Twinkle.''

That Monday was a sad one. Timid, holding onto Tumble, the female twin, stood next to Dizzy who was holding Rumble as they hugged and said goodbye to their muted filly. Peppermint waved goodbye, as she got onto the train, pulling a wheel bag behind her with her teeth.

She walked onto one of the seats next to the window and peeped out, waving to her parents. A small necklace gleamed from around her neck. She picked it up with her magic and as the string unraveled from her neck, the diamond pendent turned into a mini whiteboard. The filly wrote using her magic as a pen and showed her waving parents. Written was 'Goodbye, see you later'.

It brought tears to her parents eyes as well as her own, she frowned deeply and waved before turning the whiteboard back into her pendent, which safety secured itself around her neck.

Chuu! Chuu!

The train went as it began moving, taking the young filly and other passengers to Cantorlot. She looked at a small map, which her parents had gave her. It was a map tell her how to get to the school. She was gonna need it for sure.

Peppermint laid down on her seat, looking at the ceiling with a single purple eye, as her blue one was closed, darkness drifted over her eyes, as she fell to sleep. It was gonna be a long journey, so she thought that she should sleep and slowly drifted off into dreamland.

A hoof tapped her white coat, waking the small filly up. She shuffled and opened her heterochromic eyes, staring at the stallion, who had awoken her. He was the driver.

''Miss, we're here. I like to ask you to please get off the train.''

Peppermint nodded, understanding and hopped off her chair, grabbed her bag and walked out of the train, which almost insantly went. Chuu! Chuu! And began moving again.She watched it, as it slowly vanished into the distance, before glancing at her map and began walking into the big city of cantorlot.