• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 1,659 Views, 66 Comments

Humdrum: Star Swirl Asylum - Darth Gonzo

Humdrum is trapped in an asylum with not just his but all of the Power Ponies's villains.

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Asylum Trap!

Chapter 1 Asylum Trap
A dark night on the streets of Canterlot a carriage speeds towards the asylum and in that carriage is the Dragon Warrior himself Humdrum and sitting next to him in restraints the Mane-iac.
"I'm more powerful than ever before with the power of this reality bending stone. Oh right I was stopped by Zapp who say that she was to busy saving dimensions to bring me to prison herself." Mane-iac said.
The carriage goes through the gate for Star Swirl Asylum, Humdrum and Mane-iac walks up to the asylum and enter through the doors. The Guards grab Mane-iac and strap her to an upright table on wheels.
"Oh you guards sure are grabbing and now you're strapping me now I didn't know you guards were so kinky" Mane-iac said.
"Thanks for bringing her back to the asylum Humdrum. But I thought Zapp stopped her so why isn't she here?" The Guard asked.
"She's busy saving the multiverse from being destroyed." Humdrum said.
"Okay then thanks again Humdrum. I think we can handle it from here." The Guard said.
"You can sure handle me big boy" Mane-iac said.
"Something doesn't feel right I'm going with her so I can keep an eye on her." Humdrum said.
Humdrum and the guards walking towards the security check point they stop inside it and the guards turn on the scanner to check the Mane-iac for any concealed weapons then the scanner lights started flashing red.
"I want Mane-iac search again." A guard said.
"You what to pat me down well then by all means go ahead." Mane-iac said.
"Sir it's not the prisoner it's coming from Humdrum sir." A security officer said.
"Oh really Hummy what did you sneak in? Dragonrang? Dragon grapples? maybe a gem or two?" Mane-iac.
"Be quiet you." A guard said.
They continue through the asylum until they reach a nurse.
"I need to check Mane-iac for injuries sorry but it's protocol." Nurse Redheart said. She begins checking Mane-iac for any injuries.
"It appears she's got some burn marks and some cuts and bruises." Nurse Redheart said when suddenly Mane-iac lunged for her.
"Ahhhhh." Nurse Redheart screams.
"Get her out of here." Nurse Redheart said.
"Oh come on nurse I don't bite well sometimes I do sometimes I don't but this time I wasn't going to bite." Mane-iac said.
Humdrum and the guard continue to walk until they reach an elevator area.
"There's another prisoner coming up in the elevator." A guard said, warning the other sand Humdrum.
The elevator arrives.
"It smells like a sewer in here. Wait a minute is that you Toothless? Long time no see." Mane-iac said.
A giant alligator looking pony steps out of the elevator and looks at Humdrum.
"I've got your scent Humdrum. I will hunt you down." Toothless said.
The guards got worry and then shocks him by the collar he's wearing.
"A toy collar won't stop me from killing you, Humdrum. I'll rip you apart. Eat your bones." Toothless said as he walked away to a different room.
"That reminds me I should bush my teeth." Mane-iac said while the guards take her into the elevator followed by Humdrum. The doors to the elevator close and it starts going down.
"What a great night for a party!" Mane-iac said.
"Not where you're going!" Humdrum told her.
"The night's still young, Hummy. I still have a trick or two up my sleeve. Don't you think it's a bite funny that I haven't tried to escape yet?" Mane-iac said.
"So tell me something. You've never let me bring you in at all. So what are you really after?" Humdrum asked her.
"Not much hundreds dying in pain and fear. Also a good place to get my hooves done." Mane-iac answered. When suddenly the elevator stopped and lights turned off.
"Hahahahahaha." Mane-iac laughed.
"What's she doing? Stay where you are. Get a flashlight! Get a light on her!" The guards shouted.
The lights turn back on and Humdrum has a claw on Mane-iac neck.
"What? Don't you trust me?" Mane-iac asked.
Humdrum right then, he took his claw off her. The speakers turn on. "Intensive Treatment lower floors are now at level Red Alpha." A voice on the speakers said.
They step out of the elevator and head towards the next room.
The first thing Humdrum sees in there is Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard. "Long night Shining?" Humdrum asked him.
"Mane-iac tries to take over the city again, leaving me all the paper work news and the Power Ponies." Shining Armor said.
"Hopefully the last one we'll have with her. Humdrum said.
"Hold it there! Sorry, Humdrum, but Star Swirl staff only!" A guard said.
"I assure you, if anyone's qualified, it's….." Shining was about to say, but was interrupted by the guard.
"Listen, I appreciate the assistance, but he'll unsettle the more violent immates." The guard said.
"I think he's talking about you, Hummy. Don't be a stranger. You're always welcome here. I've got to say, it's good to back." Mane-iac said.
"You okay?" Shining asked Humdrum.
"I'm worried, she's up to something, but I can't put my claw on it." Humdrum said.
"At least she's back where she belongs." Shining said as he and Humdrum watch her being taken to a cell.
Suddenly Mane-iac tripped and the guard walk up to her.
"Get up!" The guard said.
Mane-iac smiled then headbutted the guard in the face, causing him stumbled back, to where she could use the hoofcuffs she was wearing to choke him.
"Mane-iac's loose! Alert the Warden!" Humdrum said as he started to pounded on the window.
"Hurry! We're losing him, Doc!" Mane-iac said as she continued to choke the guard, making the doctor to uncuff her, she then knocked out the doctor.
She then went to the face of the dead guard.
"The choke's on you!" Mane-iac said to the dead guard, she than started to dance around, she stopped dancing and looked at a camera.
"Sweetie, I'm home." Mane-iac said to the camera.
The person on the other side watching said "Come on in." And he opened the door, she ran towards the door just as Humdrum broke the window and through.
"Welcome to the madhouse, Humdrum! I set a trap for Zapp, but you were the one who sprang it gloriously! Now let's get this party started!" Mane-iac said has run into the room on the side to watch the fight that was about to begin.
Humdrum was now surrounded by prisoners, they started to attack him, he punch the first prisoner in front four times in a row, then next guyn he kick him in the face and knocked him out.
"I'm just warming you up, Hummy." Mane-iac said to Humdrum.
More prisoners surrounded Humdrum one of them run up behind him and tried to kick him in the back, but he caught the kick, Humdrum then pull the prisoner towards him and punch him in the face knocking him out instantly, the next guy got elbowed in the face was knocked out to.
"I really need to get tougher minions." Mane-iac said, mostly to herself.
"The system's jammed! We're stuck in here. Mane-iac's in full control of the system." Shining said to Humdrum.
"I'll find way out! Shining, try and contact the Warden. Let him know what's happed. I'll be back." Humdrum said.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Hummy. I'm in the Asylum. And there nothing you can do about it."
To be continue

Author's Note:

Toothless's secret identity is a pony version of Gummy just so no ones confused.

Comments ( 66 )

Seems pretty good so far:twilightsmile:

Hmm, Arkham asylum, interesting. You might wanna take it a little slower though, this seemed a bit too fast and not descriptive enough. One thing that disturbs me a little is that I find Mane-iac flirting with Hundrum kinda cute. Unlike Joker's which was disturbing. I also wonder how Spike/Hundrum came to be like this, he's become like Batman but unlike him would have a few superhuman powers like invulnerability and some enhanced strength.

5182675 I'm not going to be writing the original of Humdrum Phantom's going to be writing it.

5182675 He right. I just get to get Masked Matter-Horn out of the way first.

5190813 I got an idea for a story starring Derpy.

there are other main and fan power pony villians as well as heroes

5202370 Okay but why are you telling me that?

5203766 This story is part of Phantom Fan 21's Power Ponies universe. You should check out his stories.

5203785 i did also cyborg pony is most likely going to face mane-iac first in univers

5203876 Possibly but I got a story that is in the same universe as this story I'm just waiting for it to be done submitting.

5213203 cause he's a villain. Also I just saw the bucket on Spike's foot on the cover. Very funny

5213213 I thought it was funny to.

5213213 Also the reason Gummy's villain is because I needed a lizard character.

5213301 Have you seen my Captain Goodguy story?

5213315 in fact I just favorited it.it is comong along very good. I remember you from Phantom Fan21's blog about the Shattered Dimensions crossover he's writing.

5213418 Have you seen his Power Ponies stories?

5213428 yep. Fluttershy's is my favorite and I am waiting for the update on the 2nd chapter. I'm also started my own Power Poniesverse with a new team and an ultra bad-ass villain they face. And my later fic's shall dive deeper into the truth behind Saddle Rager's power's.

5213464 I helped him with the Power Ponies stories.

5213620 well than you sir have me as a follower. And a moustache.:moustache:

5213715 That is one of the reasons I'm making stories in his Power Ponies universe.

5213786 moustaches and follows? Also I do it because I like to do it.

5213896 you didn't answer the question. For moustaches and follows?

5213915 I don't understand the question?

5213923 I mean is that the reason you write these stories? For moustaches and follows

5213973 No I'm writing them because I want to.

5213990 thanks for answering. And so do I. And have a lot of ideas and this is a way to get them out.

5214056 Would you like a hint at my next story?

5214120 It's about a mad pony with a box.

Mad Pony with box: Mane-iac or pony Discord or Doctor Who
Box: Pandora's box or the Tardis.

5214196 Doctor? Doctor Who?

5214217 don't start with that. that jokes been beaten to death several times.

5214229 Sorry I couldn't resist. Also it's going to be in the Power Ponies universe.

i figured. i may do one taking place after he events in the 2014 Annual which is a very good read

5239396 What do you mean?

5239434 you and my curiosity and now you have my adtention

5239634 What are you curious about?

5239659 how he is going to stop her

5239811 I haven't thought that far ahead.

5239917 Would you mine checking out my blog?

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