• Published 26th Oct 2014
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My Little Pony - The Age of Dinosaurs - StrangeBehavior

Equestria, a magical land ruled and controlled by the ponies, has had a period of peace for a thousand years…Now, ancient predators of another world start to appear…Is it the start of something greater and a warning of disasters to come

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Chapter 5: Frost Bitten

White Tip awakens inside the cave her pack had used as shelter since they had first arrived in this weird, mammal- infested world. She saw that no one, other than Red-Claw, was present with her.

Red-Claw spoke, "Glad you are awake, White Tip…I knew you were alive…"

White Tip looked around, then asked, "Where are the others, and my daughter, is she…"

Red-Claw interrupted and answered, "She's fine, your hatchling has more than proved herself in the pack, so she's safe…Frost has asserted himself as the alpha-raptor when those wooden creatures came back to give us trouble…"

Their conversation was cut short with the vicious roar belonging to Frost, that was a clear message to any, it was a call to challenge.

Frost was circling the Alpha Timberwolf, as it circled the Utahraptor, they are challenging each other for dominance, where the leaders of each pack fight for control of the resources in this territory. Pounce and the other raptors waited on the sidelines, though they will not interfere, they will attack when necessary or when Frost gives the signal.

The Timberwolves were smart predators, unfortunately the dinosaurs they challenged were smarter. The wood canines had planned two steps ahead of the raptors, but the raptors have planned even further thanks to their growing brains. All in all, the Timberwolves are outclassed in intelligence, but that won't stop them from using the fact that they are made of wood to their advantage. Then, what seemed like an invisible switch is thrown, the alpha Timberwolf and the Utahraptor lurched forward and readied to attack each other's weak points. Though the Timberwolf was faster, Frost was more burly than the other raptors and as such, swatted the wood wolf with his tail to a nearby tree and slammed hard against it.

Frost winced in pain a little, because though it did not really hurt that much, the Utahraptor knew his stiffened tail was not meant to smack others, especially if they're made of wood. He knew not to make that same mistake twice, as he snarled aggressively against his opponent, standing up after that hard smack to the tree and growled in response to the alien carnivore's hiss…

"Come on Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Everfree Forest is not that far now, we still have to catch that wicked Velociraptor for Twilight…" Scootaloo said to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom said to Scootaloo, "But Scootaloo, you saw what that velo-ci-rapper could do right? It was much faster than anypony in Ponyville and it killed that cute little critter and ate it. We could get into some serious trouble from Applejack and the others, we could get into seri-ouble!"

Sweetie Belle replied skeptically, "Seri-ouble isn't a word, Apple Bloom…"

Scootaloo then said, "What are you, a dictionary? We could get our cutie marks if we capture that awesome creature!"

The three friends headed into the Everfree Forest, but stopped when they heard the loud screech that the three fillies know came from the large creature that carried the Velociraptor away. It sounded terrifying as the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued on cautiously, gulping in worry, but they are not aware that the screeches had attracted the attention of a creature far worse than a hydra, a manticore, or a dragon, from deeper in the Everfree Forest…

Frost angrily bit the neck of the alpha Timberwolf, but some of his dull teeth fell out and the raptor hissed at his failure. The wooden canine had the massive predator's left arm caught in his jaws, he winced a little at the sheer force of the bite's inertia cracked his neck somewhat. The Utahraptor strategy changed a little when he saw the wolf's twitching eyes, he knew that no matter what creature he faced, their weakest spots are always the eyes. Frost then used his free arm to swipe at the wood carnivore's glowing eyes, he swatted his attacker's face several times until the Timberwolf yiped and let go of the raptor's arm. Frost looked at his now free arm, luckily, it only has a couple of bloody scratches, he hissed at his opponent angrily, and let out a bellowing screech to the alpha Timberwolf which sent a clear message all animals understand…

This is now a fight to the death…

Red-Claw and White-Tip walked up to the other raptors, who were watching the fight unfold. The alpha Timberwolf growled and readied to start the death battle, but then suddenly started to whimper. The raptors were curious at this sudden change in mood of not only the leader, but the other Timberwolves as well, then it clicked, now they know what they are feeling now…

Pure fear…
The raptors started to feel it too when the ground seemed to be thudding with big footsteps, then the air was filled with an unmistakable smell that made the Timberwolf pack flee in terror, and made even the raptors nervous, the mixed smell of fresh blood and rotting flesh…

Earlier in Ponyville, the Mane Six arrived following the bird to the 'thing' that had walked into the town, and then, they saw it, a large pointy creature with some of Fluttershy's birds perched on it's back.

"What the hay is that thing!" Applejack shouted.

The creature shot its head up to the alien sound it heard and looked around, sniffing in case the sound was from an attacker, but all it smelt was mammals and unfamiliar dinosaur scents.

Pinkie then said, "Shh…He can hear us and smell us…But he can't really see us because his eyesight is really, really bad, so Fluttershy's birds are his eyes so he can defend himself from real meanies that would want to hurt him real bad. So we have to be real quiet and careful or else he will think we're meanies…"

The other ponies looked at Pinkie with jaws open, Twilight then asked, "H-how did you know all that Pinkie?"

The pink pony smiled and said, "Just a hunch…And duh, just look at him…It's obvious…"

The ponies, not even Pinkie herself realize how right she was, for the pointy animal was the well protected ankylosaur called Gastonia, he lived in the same area and time as the Utahraptor, Frost's species. The Gastonia was a plant-eating dinosaur with poor eyesight, but acute senses of smell and hearing, and he knew how to use his tail to defend itself from attackers, he used its tail like a medieval mace. The Gastonia can fend off even the fiercest and largest carnivores that exist, and the Gastonia can even defend himself from the fiercest aggressors Equestria can offer.

Though a little afraid when they first saw it, the ponies relaxed when they saw it walk over to a bush and ate the plants. Twilight was so occupied at trying to figure out what those menacing plates on the dinosaur's tail are for, she almost forgot they still had to get White Tip back to show the Velociraptor to Princess Celestia.

She said, "Ok girls, enough staring at the spiky animal, we have got to go get White Tip…"

Pinkie then chimed, "Yeah, since I saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo head into the Everfree Forest to look for White Tip the Velociraptor."

Rainbow Dash then said, "What!? Why didn't you tell us those three fillies are going into that dangerous place!"

Pinkie giggled as she answered, "Well duh, we won't have a good fan-fiction if we knew they were going in from before…"

The CMC were getting close to the raptor pack, when all of a sudden, many creatures that lived in the Everfree Forest start fleeing down the way they came. Then the three fillies start feeling tremors in a rhythm that are like the footsteps of a massive animal. They became too afraid to continue on and stood there, frozen in their tracks…

The raptors knew that whatever was coming, it was big, and it is a predator. The birds that remained during the winter flew away in a panic as the trees shook by the large creature coming to them. The raptors finally saw who their intruder was, and White Tip panicked for the sole reason that she knew what the behemoth was. The creature was a female predatory dinosaur known as Tarbosaurus bataar, the apex predator of Cretaceous Mongolia, and the Velociraptors only ran into one in their lives and it left a deep impression in their minds. The Tarbosaurus looked at the raptors and growled as she knew that these creatures are intruders of her territory.

Pod thought in his head, How the hell did we not run into that thing all this time we were here?!

Pounce walked up to Frost and asked, "Well, what do we do leader?"
The Utahraptor knew that they all don't stand a chance against the tyrannosaur and answered, grimly…

"We run, like hell…"

The six raptors ran as the Tarbosaurus let out a bellowing roar that echoed throughout the forest, then gave chase.

Celestia flinched as her new pet Triceratops cowered beneath her as the roar of a large animal came from the direction of Ponyville. The princess knew that this meant serious trouble, so she decided to visit Ponyville a day early, with the baby dinosaur following closely behind. Celestia knew that there was trouble brewing and it seemed that Ponyville will be the epicenter of that trouble…

The Mane Six heard the roar as they exited Ponyville and headed to the Everfree Forest, they panicked as the three fillies will surely be in danger of whoever made that bone-chilling roar, and hurried to rescue the Cutie Mark Crusaders…

Speaking of those three fillies, they huddled together after they heard that terrifying sound.

Apple Bloom said first, "Uh girls, I think we overstayed our welcome…"
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both replied in unison, "Agreed…"

Then the three fillies got a real surprise, when the raptors they were looking for ran right past them. But the three young ponies saw what the raptors were running from, the huge tyrannosaur running towards them with jaws open.

Scootaloo shouted, "Dragon! RUN!!!"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then caught up with the raptors and screamed as they all were chased by the terrifying Tarbosaurus. The ponies and dinosaurs ran through the bushes and small trees, trying to use them for cover to slow their pursuer, but the predator crashed through them like a chainsaw through tissue. The Tarbosaurus then bellows her terrifying roar…

Applejack asked her friends, "Y'all hear that?"

Pinkie said, "Yes indeedie, I heard it too, now White Tip and our sisters will crash through the forest right there and then we all run away from the monster…"

Pinkie's knee got pinchie, then said, "My knee is getting pinchie, something really scary is going to happen…Ah!"

The pink earth pony then ran back to Ponyville screaming, leaving the other five gobsmacked at what their strange friend just did. They turned their attention to the forest entrance as they saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo running out screaming with the raptor pack trailing close behind with the same fear that the fillies had, and Frank following closely behind White Tip.

Frank asked the Velociraptor, "What did you say that monster was again, raptor?"

White Tip responded, "Doesn't matter if we get caught in its jaws, just get away as fast as you can!"

The sight of these raptors running away from something made the five ponies nervous, and then they saw her, the Tarbosaurus, with her bone crushing jaws wide open growling loudly.

Rainbow then shouted, "RUN!!!"

Now the five ponies followed the fillies, raptors, and the bird, running away from the tyrannosaur.

Ponyville was deserted, not a pony in sight, that is what Celestia and her Triceratops see. Then she saw the ponies she could count on with what she presumed were the 'feathered monsters' she heard about, running away screaming.

Celestia called, "Twilight, what is going on?"

Twilight replies in a not normal way, "Hide! Run and Hide!"

After she said that, the Tarbosaurus crashed through an abandoned building, growling ferociously, making the baby Triceratops panic and run away. Celestia ran after the baby dinosaur as the ferocious tyrannosaur tailed behind them.

Twilight then realized, "Wait, what?! Princess Celestia, HERE?! She is being chased by that monster! We have got to save her, girls!"

The other four ponies agreed and went to save the princess from the apex predator of Mongolia.

The Triceratops baby ran away in sheer panic, he had seen a creature similar to the one chasing him before. He ran past the grazing Gastonia with the Leallynasaura circled around the ankylosaur, and startled the small dinosaurs as the tyrannosaur crashes through. The Leallynasaura and the birds on the Gastonia fled in a panic, this alerted the small armored dinosaur, who proceeded to sniff the air. The baby ceratopsian was finally caught by Celestia, who sighed in relief, but then saw the Tarbosaurus female charge right for her. The ponies that were hiding in nearby buildings and the Mane Six, saw the tyrannosaur charge at the ruler of Equestria and an unknown creature right beside her, many of them gasped or panicked that this terrifying creature was going to devour their princess.

Twilight tried to pool her magic together to cast a spell powerful enough to stop the forty-foot long carnivore…

But it was too late as she said, "No! I'm not going to make it!"

In an instant, the ponies closed their eyes, but heard the tyrannosaur bellow loudly, like it was in pain…

Princess Celestia never felt so helpless, fear welled up in every fiber of her being as she hugged the baby dinosaur tightly, but luck was on her side. The Gastonia smelt the tyrannosaur and instinctively knew it was a carnivore, so on a reflex, it swung its tail hard and it hit the Tarbosaurus hard on her left shoulder, his large plates along the sides of his tail, puncturing and cutting her flesh. The tyrannosaur roared in pain of the attack, she angrily looked around to she what kind of creature was foolish to attack her, she looked down and saw the tiny ankylosaur swinging his tail with her blood on his tail plates. The Tarbosaurus tried to hold down the little Gastonia with her huge foot so she can rip his head off, but another swing hit her square on her right leg, causing the tyrannosaur to once again bellow in pain. The pain caused the huge dinosaur to fall on her right side, but she is still alive, growling in pain that made the Ponyville-ians shudder.

The ponies saw this tiny prickly creature fend off what they presumed was a dragon-like monster, and couldn't believe how a three-foot tall herbivore was hurting a nineteen-foot tall monster. Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing either, but realized her former mentor was still looking on, like she had seen a ghost, and called for her to come over. The raptors were watching too, though they are hoping that by some fluke, the little Gastonia will fatally wound, or better yet, kill the huge Tarbosaurus, but they were so focused on the possibility of a meal that would last for a few days, that they don't realize that they are in a position to be easily spotted by Twilight and her friends, but all their attention was on the tyrannosaur and ankylosaur.

After a minute, the Tarbosaurus had given up after a series of unsuccessful attempts, and had some cuts and stabs all over her body that discouraged the tyrannosaur, and she retreated back to the Everfree Forest, her dinosaurian instincts tell her this fight she cannot win.

Rarity spotted the raptors looking at the retreating tyrannosaur, and informed Twilight and the others of them. Twilight saw the raptor pack and used the stored energy to cast a spell and aimed it at the raptors, causing a cage to appear around them. The dinosaurs never seen magic before, so they naturally freaked out, Frost violently slammed and bit the bars of the cage, causing the bars to flicker somewhat. Rarity and Celestia used some of their magic to strengthen the cage Twilight conjured to contain the predatory dinosaurs.

"Grr…They are tough…To…Contain…" Twilight strained to say as the magic tried to contain the violent dromeosaurs.

Afterwards, the ponies held a small celebration to the Gastonia for fending off the big monster and saving Princess Celestia's life, but the armored dinosaur didn't seem to care, since its small brain couldn't focus on more than one thing at a time, so it resumed grazing, much to the ponies surprise (he was rewarded with a medal too, which would be an honor for anyone to receive).

Twilight still couldn't comprehend what happened, though they are all different, these creatures seemed to be the same kinds of creatures she earlier deduced the Velociraptor belonged to. She was deep in thought as Fluttershy tried to communicate with the Gastonia

Her thoughts were interrupted when something big hit the back of her head, hard…

"Oww! What was…that…" Twilight uttered, rubbing the back of her head, and saw what hit her as a timespace vortex closed.

A large chest with a red emblem on the lid (the kind of chest used to store books)…

And a strange, red device, no bigger than a blackboard…

Author's Note:

That vortex…wonder where it lead to…:rainbowhuh:

Credit to Dihinner as always, especially now since, at the part where Frost said, "We run, like hell…" was the furthest he got before canceling 'Raptor'. After that point, is where I use original ideas I or you readers, come up with. In short, after that one point I stated already are totally original ideas, but still have inspiration to the source.

The new dinosaurs are;

And I know you'll rail on me about 'what about T. rex?' Let me point something out…
I have a really awesome idea to include our favorite meat-eater, and I have no plans of reducing it to a minor role. At the current time of the chapter, the Tyrannosaurus is uncalled for, but sourcing from the original story, I had to include its Mongolian equal. You can say I'm building up for the 'Tyrant Lizard King' for his grand entrance, so please be patient.:fluttercry:

However, I can say that a certain 'gigantic' plant-eating dinosaur will make its dramatic appearance two (or three) chapters from now, and it is going to make Equestria's citizens marvel at the sheer size of the creature…:trixieshiftright:

:facehoof:No point in hiding it anymore, the carnivore at the end of chapter 4 is Albertosaurus. And [:pinkiegasp:SPOILER ALERT!!!] Edmontosaurus and Iguanodon will arrive in Ponyville next chapter, along with a true oddball in the dinosaur family…:pinkiehappy:

I'm positive you know the drill now…:ajsmug: