• Published 29th Oct 2014
  • 6,370 Views, 40 Comments

In the End These Things Matter Most - Bico

Turquoise Blitz's children learn that, after years of mourning his late wife, Anthea, their father may be moving on, but how will Oasis and Apollo take having Princess Nidra as their stepmother?

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How Deeply Did You Let Go?

It had been several months since Crystal Clarity and Nidra had had their fortuitous talk in the garden, and the half-dragon mare was now heavy with foal. As a princess, it was fortunately ensured that she would never have to lift a hoof to feed or bathe herself, but as a pony of draconic persuasion she was... restless.

"You can take your tea and stuff it!" she hissed. "Don't touch me, Lulu!"

Princess Celestia smiled beneficently. "It's good to see the mother-to-be of my grandfoal so healthy and energetic... though perhaps we could refrain from breaking my fine china?"

Luna leaned over to her sister and whispered conspiratorially. "And I thought I was a nightmare when I was pregnant..."

Celestia gave her a pointed look.

"What, still too soon?"

"O, Celestia!" Crystal sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I've just been so anxious lately. I can't deal with ponies right now and being cooped up in the castle is driving me mad!"

"Ooh, I rather like that idea," Discord commented as he sipped his tea from a comically dainty cup, pinkie fully extended. "Be nice to have company."

"Not helping, Dad," Illusion groused. "Crys, I know it's been hard on you, but that's why Mom decided to have this tea party out here near Ponyville." He gestured around at the massive blanket laid out at the edge of the Everfree with their family members surrounding them as well as a large contingent of royal guards, also enjoying a cuppa as they kept watch at the perimeter.

"Yeah, because this is really relaxing," Crystal said with a grimace. "Whose bright idea was it to invite both Bleubelle and Apollo, anyway?"

A blonde-maned, powder blue-coated unicorn mare, statuesque and gorgeous even as the lines of middle-age imposed themselves on her face, lifted her cup toward Apollo. "Darling, a refill?"

"I'm not your 'darling,'" he growled. "And I'm not your butler, either!"

Bleubelle gave him a calculating once-over. "Oh? Dear, you could have fooled me; you look for all the world like a poor mule."

"You are an amazing mare," Apollo breathed. "To manage packing that much bigotry into one statement."

"Well, you can't choose family," Celestia said with a sigh. "Well... unless you adopt like I did her great grandmother, Blue Shield. Great mare, I don't know what's happened with her descendants."

"Sometimes one bad apple ruins the whole bunch," Oasis said, shooting a dirty look at her brother. Under her breath she mumbled, "In which case maybe those two are better off rotting together."

Beside her, Turquoise nudged her in the ribs and frowned, but a slight smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. He turned to Princess Nidra on his other side. "More tea, Nidra?"

"Wha?" Nidra jerked up, wiping drool from her face. "Uh... yes, of course ba-a..." She blushed as she saw other ponies looking at her. "Uh, T. I would love some tea."

"Oh, we know how you love T," Oasis said with a giddy grin.

Nidra shushed her, face burning with embarrassment. While they had been unable to hide their obvious affection and friendship, so far they had yet to publicize the full extent of their relationship beyond Oasis and Claire, though rumors did abound. Oasis, naturally, didn't help with her constant innuendo.

"Please, Darling, don't try to put on a brave face for my sake," Bluebelle continued in her ceaseless badgering of Apollo. "I know you still hopelessly pine for me, and I completely understand."

Apollo grumbled. "I'm not pining. I'm bitter and angry. There's a huge difference."

"Honestly," she went on. "I'm flattered. I've read up a bit on dragon psychology from the Princess Twilight Sparkle wing of the library, and it even seems that once a dragon truly falls in love he becomes bonded to his mate for all his life, even past death!"

Nidra cringed upon hearing that, Anthea's laughter echoing in her head.

Apollo snorted. "Must not have really been in love with you. Surprise."

"Honestly, since we separated, I have been feeling some twinge of attraction lingering," Bluebelle said, swooning her hardest at him. "Why, perhaps it was..."

"Oh, no," Apollo said, holding the suddenly amorous mare back with his hoof. "You are not dragging me back in, again!"

She put a hoof to her head and arched back dramatically. "Yes, it seems we have been thrown together by fate, forever forged together by the fires of destiny!"

"You should try these little cakes, Nidra," Turquoise said. "Say 'ahhh'..."

"I'm just feeling smothered, Lulu," Princess Crystal complained. "All my instincts are screaming at me to get away from everypony, and it's so hard to fight..."

Bluebelle snuggled up to Apollo, who cringed back. "A dragon can't fight his instincts, Darling. Just look at your grandfather, your father and, why, even our dear Princess Crystal Clarity!"

Nidra whipped her head around as Turquoise touched her back. "Are you alright?" he asked. He lowered his voice and whispered to her. "Sweetie, you look stressed, do we need to go somewhere?"

Bonded to his mate for all his life, Anthea whispered. Must not have really been in love with you. Her voice became sadistically saccharine. Instincts are screaming... to get away. A dragon can't fight his instincts.

"I-I'm sorry?" Nidra said. "I'm having a hard time... ah... hearing..."

"You know," Turquoise said, putting a wing around her. "I've been a bit worried about you. You haven't been sleeping well and you're always distracted. Is something going on?"

"Sometimes I'm not sure if you even love me!"

Nidra froze, her ear flicking momentarily to her cousin and cousin-in-law.

Illusion sighed. "Crys, we've talked about this..."

"Nidra," Turquoise said, cupping her chin with his claws. "We haven't really talked about this... but I've been thinking about it for awhile now."

Nidra refocused back on him. "Wh-what?"

He smiled broadly. "Listen, I think I know what it is. It's been hard keeping this a secret from anypony. I love you, Nidra, and I want everypony to know it."

"Uhhhh," Nidra replied.

Must not have really been in love... Annie's voice insisted, anger and heartache tinging it. I never loved you!

"Nidra," Turquoise said, pulling a velvety box from his saddlebag. He opened it and the glimmer of a huge, exquisitely cut diamond dazzled her.

"Hold your horses, everypony," Crystal shouted. "He's finally doing it, thank Celestia."

"You're very welcome," Celestia said, "But I'm afraid I had no hoof in this."

"Crys, isn't that the ring you've been working on all month?" Illusion asked as he saw what Turquoise had presented. "I thought that was supposed to be for a propo-ohhhhh..."

Turquoise held the ring up to Nidra, his big, watery eyes gleaming with sincerity. "What do you say? Will you marry me?"

"Turquoise..." Nidra said, choking back her tears. "N... n-no!"

He jerked back as if he had been slapped. "Wha...? But... I thought..."

The surrounding ponies burst into rapid-fire conversation, their voices hushed. Nidra's sensitive ears, though, picked up every word loud as if it were being shouted into them. The shock, the accusations, the sympathy, it washed over her like a tsunami.

"Enough!" Nidra shouted, and her alicorn magic exploded from her horn. The attendees and surrounding guards immediately fell silent, many falling to their bellies from the dose of sleep spell.

She looked about at the barely conscious ponies around her, tears dripping down her face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I... just can't do this anymore. T... it's over. I'm sorry." With a powerful flap of her batlike wings, she took off toward Canterlot.

"Wait!" Crystal called weakly as she crawled after her. "My beautiful cousin-in-law... come back. Momma needs more of your sweet medicine..." Then she drifted into the comforting embrace of her subconscious.

Turquoise lay meekly on the ground, staring at the ring he had tried to give Nidra. Then he brushed a tear from his face and let it fall to the ground.

Oasis burst through the door of the Ponyville Castle library. “Yoohoo, Grandfather!”

Spike’s head poked out from behind a massive bookshelf and he smiled at her. “Well, well, if it isn’t my favorite granddaughter!”

“Hmph,” Oasis said haughtily as she pranced over to him. “You won't be able to get away with saying that for much longer, Grandfather.”

“Claire still might have a son,” Spike said with a pout. “You know the docs swore she was going to be a colt right up to the day she was born. Of course, then I’d have to choose between him and Apollo… and I am not good with making hard decisions.”

“But you are good at procrastinating,” she responded. “So you can just do that.”

“Good call,” he said. “So what brings you around here? Looking for a good book to read?”

She shook her head. “It’s actually about Father.”

“Ah,” Spike said. “He seemed a bit... off when he came by earlier. And he's been in such an infectiously good mood these past months, too."

“It’s actually… something to do with that,” Oasis confessed.

Spike looked down at her with consternation. “What? Why?”

“Well,” she said, a hint of a smile crossing her face in spite of her concern for her father. “Recently it seems he’s taken a shine to a new mare.”

“A new mare?” Spike said.


“But,” Spike said, wringing a book in his hands. “But he loves Annie.”

“Well, of course!” Oasis replied brightly. “But new love has blossomed, and it must be tenderly nurtured if it’s to…”

“So he loves Annie,” Spike said. “So why did you say there was another mare?”

Oasis grimaced. “L-listen… Grandfather… I know the whole dragon mating-for-life thing is particularly strong, and believe me when I say the apple hasn’t fallen very far from the tree…”

“Heh, I know Pinkie might have been distantly related to the Apples, but I’m pretty sure no one in this family is,” Spike said, chuckling at the very idea.

“Erm… not quite what I meant,” Oasis said. “In any case, I know that Father has finally fallen for another mare this long after Mother’s passing, and while they were together they've been so happy!”

Spike mulled this over for a long moment. “So… you’re saying that he's been happy with a mare who’s... not Annie?”


“But he still loves Annie, right?” Spike clarified.

“… Yes…”

“Well,” Spike said, putting the book in his hand back on the shelf. “I don’t know if I get it completely, but I’m all for anything that would make my son happier.”

Oasis did a pleased little hop. “Perfect! Then you’ll help.”

“Of course,” Spike said. He blinked. “With… with what?”

Oasis leaned in conspiratorially. “Grandfather: take a letter!”

When Luna entered her daughter's chamber, she found her lying amidst a mountain of pillows garbed in a violet bathrobe. Her eyes were red and cheeks stained with tear-tracks.

"It has been a long time since I have seen anypony wallow quite so pitifully," she commented, walking into Nidra's room and shutting the doors behind her.

Nidra didn't move to even look at her mother. "What have I told you about barging into my room?"

"I do believe you pleaded that I refrain from doing so," Luna said, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "A request I have heretofore denied."

Nidra sighed. "Alright. Fine. Let me have it, then."

Luna stood silently at the side of Nidra's bed, looking her up and down. Then she gathered Nidra up into a bone-crushing hug. "My poor baby!"

"M-M-Mom?" Nidra squeaked.

Luna loosened her grip and sat her daughter before her on the bed. "Nidra, I love you. Turquoise, I'm sure, loves you. We all love you and are concerned for you."

"M-Mom, why are you being so lame?" Nidra asked, but she was choking back tears that threatened to resume their onslaught.

"You haven't been sleeping," Luna said matter-of-factly. "You're stressed and you aren't acting like your usual self. If you keep all this to yourself, you could very well have a mental break... and I know better than most what a desperate alicorn can do."

Nidra shuddered. "Well, you don't have to worry about 'Nightmare Z' terrorizing the realm."

"It's not just that," Luna said, her expression soft. "You're hurting and seem intent on aggravating your pain. I cannot allow my daughter to suffer any longer."

"Mom..." Nidra said softly. "Thank you for the consideration, but..."

Luna frowned. "This is not the time to rebuff my offer, Nidra."

"Listen, just because I've been having bad dreams about Annie doesn't mean you have any jurisdiction here!"

Luna's brows raised. "Ahh, so that's what it is..."

"Nnnnngh!" Nidra said plaintively. "I said too much. Still, it's my problem to deal with."

"It's not all your problem, Nidra," Luna said sharply. "Even if you don't want it, the ponies who love you also share this burden. But... it is your responsibility, ultimately."

Luna turned back toward the door. "I will not interfere with your dreams. Even so..." her horn flashed and a golden necklace adorned with a flower-shaped green necklace appeared in midair. "I will leave you something that may help you remember."

"Th-that's T's!" Nidra exclaimed, catching the necklace in her own magic. "Wh-where... why?"

"I 'borrowed' it," Luna said, raising her wings to mark a physical pair of quotations. "Keep this with you, today, as you slumber. Remember the ponies who love you as you dream." With those final words, she left.

Nidra sighed heavily as she regarded Anthea's cutie mark, its craftsmareship among Crystal Clarity's best. She gingerly brought it up to her neck and fastened the clasp behind her with her magic. The necklace had been designed to fit snugly around Turquoise’s neck, but hung loosely on hers. Still, she felt some comfort wearing something of her now-ex’s as well as something which represented her dear departed friend.

“Of course,” she muttered to herself. “She’s the one who’s been tormenting me every day, isn’t she?” With an exhausted thump she fell into her bed. She had been having trouble getting to sleep for awhile, but she had already stayed up far past her usual bedtime for the picnic, and with her sudden emotional outburst over, her reserves were completely spent. It wasn’t long before sleep overtook her.

Nidra became aware of a presence and she froze, apprehension filling her. In the shadows of the castle halls in which she inexplicably found herself, a draconic equine form lurked. “H-hello? Who’s there?”

When the figure emerged, she breathed a sigh as she recognized the freckled face of her secret amore. “T, I thought… I thought you were somepony else for a moment.” She couldn’t recall who she’d thought he was, but whomever it had been, it had filled her with dread.

“I’m sorry, Nidra,” he said as he rebuffed her approach. “Something’s happened. Something wonderful.” He turned and looked down the hallway. At the end was Celestia’s throne, which didn’t strike Nidra as odd in the least even though she was quite certain the throne should be in the throne room.

Regardless of this fact, the throne was there, and upon the throne sat a pink unicorn mare, her body as large as the true owner’s and her horn possibly even bigger. Even so, she recognized her as her old friend, Anthea, glowering down at her with clear, glowing blue eyes, her pupils reptilian slits.

“B-but…” Nidra stammered. “We’re… we’re together now, aren’t we?” She shook her head. “You love me… just because she’s back, that doesn’t mean…”

“Nidra,” Turquoise said, a cold edge to his voice. “I could never love you. I love Annie even beyond death. You were just a passing diversion while I waited to join her.” He turned his tail on her and began to walk toward the throne. “I have to leave you, now.”

“Wait, T!” Nidra cried, lunging after him. Even though she pumped her legs much faster than his slow walk, she seemed to be getting further away from him as he neared the giant Anthea. “Please, I’m sorry. I never wanted to leave you. I love you!”

Anthea rose from her throne, staring deep into her soul. “You foal. Nopony could ever love a selfish, spoiled pony like you. That’s why you treated everypony like dirt when we were young, wasn’t it? Because you knew deep down that you would never be loved for who you were.”

Tears pricked at Nidra’s eyes, but she put on a burst of speed, sweat lathering on her coat from the exertion. The hallway just stretched out longer and longer, and soon she saw Turquoise at Anthea’s side. “Please, don’t leave me alone. I don’t care what you do, but let me come with you!”

Anthea laughed and reached her massive head down to Turquoise. She opened her fanged mouth wide and with a snap of her jaws scooped him up in her mouth, only his lizard-like tail hanging out. She slurped his tail like a noodle as she swallowed him whole. “You’ll never see Turquoise again,” she said. “He’s mine forever.” Her horn flared a vivid emerald and a bolt of caustic magic sizzled down the hallway.

Nidra gasped and tried to dodge the spell, but her hooves were melted into the floor. She knew she would be blown to smithereens in only a moment, and her heart rate skyrocketed, pounding in her head. Her vision was filled with a dark and sickly green.

The soft lime light of Anthea’s true magical aura burst into life before Nidra, and the coup de grâce failed to come. Nidra stared wide-eyed at the form of Anthea’s cutie mark which floated before her, and then down at the necklace she now recalled she was wearing. “Wh-what… is this?”

“You already know,” Anthea said from Nidra’s side. She looked up at Nidra, eyes milky but aware, and smiled. “It’s a protective spell.”

Nidra looked from the small unicorn at her side and then past the flowery shield to the massive Anthea standing before the Equestrian throne. “Are… are you really her? This… was a fake Annie all along?”

“Since when has Annie been fourteen hands tall with dragon eyes?” the smaller Anthea said.

Nidra nodded. “Of… of course. I should have known you were the real… wait… how did you know what she looked like?”

“Because you may remember what my eyes really look like in your subconscious,” Anthea said with a smirk. “But you always did forget that I can’t see.”

Nidra opened her mouth, but didn’t quite know what to say. “I’m… I’m dreaming. You’re a dream. Everything here is.”

“Bingo!” Anthea said with a wink.

“I told my mother not to interfere here…” Nidra said with a snort.

Anthea patted Nidra’s shoulder. “And she’s not. You’ve created this all yourself. The only thing Princess Luna did was give you that necklace for the night. Sometimes all it takes to escape your nightmares is a reminder.” She grimaced. “And… you know… a counterspell to the Terror Inception curse.”

“Terror Inception?” Nidra exclaimed, her wings spreading wide in shock. “But… that spell is an ancient dragon's curse only known to ponies of the royal family! Who would dare?”

Anthea looked back to the monstrous Anthea beyond the shield. “Well, we can find that out easily enough. I’m just a construct made up of your memories of Annie representing the spell protecting you, though. If you want to deconstruct this curse, you’ll have to invoke my power yourself.”

Nidra considered the shield before her, and she nodded in understanding, a knowing smile spreading across her muzzle. “Very well.” Her horn flashed and a beam of light shot into the glowing flower, inscribing a golden Z on top of it. The combined magic then burst forth in a shockwave of power, shattering the hallway before striking the giant Anthea, blowing the outer form out like a candle’s flame.

Beneath the large Anthea’s form, however, a familiar ghostlike apparition stood. “Turquoise Blitz will never love you. He still loves Anthea,” Apollo said as he stood in the blackness of Nidra’s dreamscape. His body flickered with static for a moment before repeating itself. “Turquoise Blitz will never love you. He still loves Anthea.”

Nidra stared wide-eyed. “A-Apollo? He did this?”

The smaller Anthea shrugged. “Well, you know he was always a bit of a momma’s colt,” she said.

“I knew he didn’t like the idea of his father and me being together,” Nidra said. “But I didn’t realize he felt this strongly.” She pursed her lips in thought. “Where did he even learn to cast this spell?”

“You’d be surprised what you learn in his line of work,” Anthea commented, flashing Nidra a smirk. “So… now that you’ve broken the spell, what do you plan to do? Perhaps a saucy little dream about your beau?”

Ex-beau,” Nidra clarified. “At least… I think so… ugh, I can’t think about it right now. It will only make my sleep restless, and that’s the last thing I need.” She turned to the image of Apollo still repeating his lines and encircled him in a magic bubble which then poofed out of existence.

Anthea nodded. “Understandable.”

Nidra gave her a sideways glance. “You’re… just a dream version of Annie, yes?”

“Ye-e-e-e-es,” Anthea said slowly, fluttering her lashes with a coy grin.

“So,” Nidra said, clearing her throat. “You’ll basically do anything I want, right?”

Anthea seemed to consider this. “Well, anything you can believe, I suppose. Do you have something in mind that you really think Annie might… do?”

A broad grin spread across Nidra’s muzzle. “I think I might…” she stepped closer to Anthea, colors swirling around them as her new dream took shape.

Apollo threw his saddlebags on his couch, feeling thoroughly pleased. “Ah, it’s been such a good month. A relaxing trip to Fillydelphia, finished my manuscript, successfully broke up my dad’s relationship…”

He froze as he heard somepony knocking sharply at his door. “That’s weird… who even knows I’m back, yet?” He trotted to the door and opened it with his telekinesis.

“Hey, Polly!” Oasis said brightly, barging into his livingroom. Behind her their father slowly entered with an awkward nod to his son. “Dad and I just wanted to stop by to help you get ready.”

“Ready?” Apollo squeaked. “Wh-what for?”

“We’ve all been invited to the Grand Gallopin' Gala,” Turquoise said.

Apollo’s jaw dropped. “The Gala? But… that’s tonight!”

“Exactly,” Oasis said. “Which is why I’ve brought some particularly snazzy outfits based on Grandma’s old designs.”

Turquoise’s head dropped. “Sorry, Son… we tried to send you word, but we just got an Away From Office message whenever Dad tried to Flame you.”

Apollo scowled as his sister went to work trying different outfits on him. “B-but… I don’t even want to go. What if… what if she’s there?”

“Oh, come now,” Oasis said with a scoff as she snapped a bowtie onto him. “She may still technically be part of the royal family, but she’s also dirt poor. I doubt she’ll show her face unadorned in the most splendiferous outfit imaginable.”

Apollo relaxed. “I suppose not…”

“Ugh, purple is really not your color,” Oasis commented, ripping his clothes off and starting fresh. “Which seems ironic, all things considered.”

“But, Dad,” Apollo said with a start, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. “Surely you’re not going. I mean… what if you run into Nidra? After the way she dumped you…”

Turquoise’s face tightened in distress, provoking immediate regret in his son. “I… I couldn’t skip it when my own sister’s going to be there. Besides… Nidra and her mom generally don’t attend.”

“Indeed,” Oasis said with a nod as she wrapped a cravat around Apollo’s neck. “They’ll have their own duties to attend, after all.”

“Hmm…” Apollo vocalized thoughtfully. “I… suppose…”

“There!” Oasis said. “I think that looks quite smashing, don’t you, Father?”

Turquoise looked at his son dressed from head to hoof in a dark green smoking jacket and trousers, complete with a coachmare’s cape. “He looks ridiculous,” Turquoise said.

Oasis sighed. “Alright, plain tux it is.”

The Grand Galloping Gala was as ornate as it had been a century and a quarter before. Of course, with Discord as Princess Celestia’s customary plus-one in the decades since, it had never been quite as boring. Nidra passed the cotton candy cloud chocolate milk fountain as she walked alongside her mother, holding out her goblet to partake as she went.

“I have to say I’m a bit surprised that you wanted to come,” she said as she took a sip of the sweet drink. “Though I guess it is nice.”

“I simply felt we could use a little night to unwind now that your ordeal has concluded,” Luna remarked. “You look worlds more at ease, I must say.”

Nidra dipped her head. “I suppose I am… though there’s still something weighing on my mind.”

Luna opened her muzzle to reply, but she was cut off when a long, furry body came between her and her daughter. “We-e-e-e-ell, my dear niece,” Discord said in her place as he draped an arm around Nidra’s neck and grinned toothily. “I’m happy to say that the Grand Galloping Gala is exactly the place to come to have all your problems melt away!”

“None of my problems involve clothing, Uncle,” Nidra responded with a grin.

“Hey,” Discord said, poking a talon into her chest. “It was only my idea to invite him the first time. All the other times was completely your Aunt’s fault.”

“Discord, must you?” Luna interjected with a weary grimace.

He turned his head and chuckled. “Oh, ho, ho, ho, yes, you must give me this. She is my favorite niece.”

“So what is this about, anyway?” Nidra asked.

His face took on an innocent purity that completely betrayed his deviousness. “Oh, nothing… it’s just that—look out, an inconveniently placed banana peel!”

Nidra’s hoof paused just a hair’s breadth away from a slimy yellow tripping hazard. She pulled back and carefully stepped around it. “Oh, thank you, Uncle Discord.” She laughed as she turned her head back to him. “For a moment I thought you were—”

“Waaaah!” a masculine voice called, and a huge green stallion collided into Nidra, who collapsed in a tangle.

“Oh, actually, that warning was for him,” Discord said, gesturing with his lion paw toward Turquoise Blitz, who struggled furiously to extricate himself from their involuntary coupling.

“Nidra!” Turquoise exclaimed as he got back to his hooves. “I… I didn’t think you’d be here.”

“Nor I you,” Nidra responded breathlessly. “In fact, I normally skip it, but my mother suddenly decided that she needed to…” she trailed off and looked behind Turquoise to see Oasis, her smile wide enough that it looked as if it would break right through her cheeks, and her eyes widened in epiphany. “Ahhh… I see.”

“Huh?” Turquoise said blankly.

She ignored him for the moment as her gaze found Apollo glowering at her behind his father as well, but his expression immediately melted into one not unlike the time he’d been caught with his hoof in the cookie jar. A knowing smirk came to her lips. “Well, T, it is good to see you, but I’m afraid we’ve found ourselves in the middle of the dance floor, and the next song is beginning. Oasis, make sure your father gets out there.”

Oasis’ eyes sparkled as she comprehended Nidra’s plan, and she dragged Turquoise away.

“B-but Nidra, I…” Turquoise began.

“Don’t worry, T,” Nidra said, waving. “I’ll save the last dance for you.” With that, she turned on Apollo, whose expression became one of pure terror. He wasn’t fast enough to escape her, however, and he found himself in her clutches, being led around the dance floor in what seemed to be an endless waltz.

“Au-au-auntie Nidra,” Apollo said with a hesitant smile. “You… look well rested.”

“I am,” she said, and glanced down to her chest, where Anthea’s cutie mark glinted upon Turquoise’s necklace. “Thanks to a good friend.”

Apollo swallowed as he noticed the jewelry. “Where did you get that? It’s Dad’s…”

“Yes, it is,” Nidra said. “But my mother acquired it for me, I suspect through your dear sister who is always thinking so much of my well being.” She looked aside to where Oasis was swinging Turquoise around with abandon across the floor. “I’d meant to return it soon, but I was somewhat hesitant… as I knew I should do it in pony.”

“Aunt Nidra,” Apollo said shakily. “I… didn’t mean any harm. I mean… not exactly…”

She looked back at him sternly. “Don’t give me that, young colt. Do you think you’re the only one who’s lost a parent? I know exactly what I would feel for anypony who tried to take my father’s place. Suspicious, angry, and even hateful.”

“I don’t hate you, Aunt Nidra!” Apollo said, his eyes welling up as his fur stood on end. “I was just looking out for my Dad’s best interest!”

“You were looking out for yourself,” Nidra said calmly. “Because T and I being together means that you have to accept that your mother is gone and is never coming back.”

Apollo drew back as if struck. “Th-that’s… that’s ridiculous. I know she’s…”

“So do I,” Nidra said, lowering her gaze. “But even then I was never able to bring myself to fully commit. I was always worried about what Annie would think… how she would feel… how she felt to begin with.”

Apollo shifted uncomfortably.

“But I have to thank you,” Nidra said. “You made me realize that we’ve both been living in the past. It isn’t your father who needs to be protected. He’s stronger than either of us, because even though he still remembers and loves your mother with all his heart, he was able to truly let go.” She sighed. “Something we both have to learn to do, ourselves.”

“I… uh,” Apollo said after a minute of silent waltzing. “If my dad still wants to… I mean… I won’t stand in your way. I still want you to be part of the family, any way that ends up being. I know you won’t replace my mom, anyway. Dad can never love you like he loved her… he’s part dragon, after all, and dragons…” he looked aside with a tinge of melancholy. “Can’t…”

“I wouldn’t want him to,” Nidra responded, giggling at the absurdity. “I want him to love me… as me.” She pulled back from Apollo and took him in. “I’m glad we had this talk. And since you believe ponies with dragon blood can love only one mare their entire lives, it’s a good thing somepony thought to send your One True Love a very fancy dress far above her means so she could attend this party in the manner in which she was accustomed.”


“Darling, come dance with me!”


Nidra released Apollo to Bleubelle’s enthusiastic grasp and turned to another dance partner. She made her way casually across the floor trading partners until she found Oasis and Turquoise. She gave Oasis a nod when she caught her eye and smoothly slipped into Turquoise’s arms.


Turquoise blushed. "Uh... hey, Nidra. Been awhile."

"I understand if you're upset with me," Nidra said softly. "I acted like... well, like a spoiled princess, I guess."

He blinked in surprise, but then he relaxed into a fond smile. "You acted like yourself. Yourself when you're stressed, scared, and sleepy, but yourself nonetheless. And how could I be upset with you for that?"

"You're too forgiving for your own good, T," Nidra rebutted, chortling.

Turquoise spun Nidra around before bringing her back flush to his barrel. "Just forgiving enough for yours, though."

"You know this probably isn't going to change much, right?" Nidra said. "Like you said, I was under a lot of... stress. An unusual amount. But that's me. There's always something that will get to me, and I'll react badly..."

Turquoise held a claw up to her lip gently. "I know. But it's been a long time since I was a young colt freaking out because my pregnant wife was in a bad mood."

"Heh," Nidra said, nostalgia lacing her voice. "I remember. She was probably grumpier than me back then. Hopefully I'll be the opposite..." She put a hoof to her mouth and flushed as she saw Turquoise's ears perk and realized what she had inadvertently implied. "Ah... I mean... if that ever did happen... theoretically."

Turquoise only half successfully suppressed a guffaw. "Well, anyway... if you hadn't noticed, I've gotten a bit better at dealing with conflict in my old age."

"Like with your son?" Nidra asked.

"Ah, yeah..." Turquoise said, turning his head toward Apollo, who was even now struggling against his captor. "I've been meaning to talk to him... he was acting a bit surly about us, I know."

"See that you do," Nidra encouraged him. "He really needs to know that he hasn't lost both his parents. That's important even to old codgers like us."

He nodded with a smirk. "Yup... speaking of Apollo, we should really go rescue him from that mare of his."

"Don't bother, Father," Oasis called from the arms of the random dance partner she'd found. "I took the liberty of having Grandfather send an invite to a certain somepony..."

"Who?" Nidra wondered.

"Oh, his 'editor,'" she responded with a sly cock of her brow.

"How's that going to...?" Turquoise said, but a cacophony arose to drown out his words as partygoers put the "gallopin'" into the gala.

An eight-legged green dragon with yellow under-scales nearly the size of Spike burst through the doors. She had two sharp golden horns sprouting from her head and between them was a purple fin that trailed down her long neck. Down her lower spine, five huge gems sprouted like spikes. Her crimson eyes scanned the hall, and when they locked on Apollo her wings spread wide and her right eye went askew.

"Polly!" she cried as she scrambled across the dance floor. "I'm so happy you finally asked me to..."

"And what is this gruesome creature?" Bluebelle asked, aghast.

"R-Rigamarole?" Apollo stammered, his face as pink as his sister's.

"I am a dragon!" Rigamarole said with a snarl. "And who are you? Oh, wait... is this the one you were talking about, Polly?"

"And why is it calling you 'Polly'?"

"She's his 'editor,'" Oasis piped in, helpfully. "Who he was vacationing in Fillydelphia with."

"'Editor'?" Rigamarole asked. "Pfffhaw! I'm no editor. Polly and I met while he was researching dragon culture and magic. I'm from a long line of dragon mages, you know, on my mother's side." She tapped her horns meaningfully.

"My, my!" Nidra commented. "All this time and it seems the dragon pony can move on... and has by the look of it."

"I... uh... I wasn't really sure if," Apollo explained. "I mean, she's a bit..."

"Polly!" Rigamarole cried. "You weren't... ashamed of me, were you?"

"No, it's not like that, Rig!" Apollo said frantically. "Things have just been complicated in the family recently and..."

Bleubelle growled and clamped onto Apollo, giving Rigamarole a death glare. "Of course he's embarrassed of you. A big, scaly, old beast like you... he'd much rather be with me. After all, he loved me before you, and that means he can't love anypony else."

"Y'know what?" Apollo said with an exasperated huff. "Yes, she is the one I told you about and I did love her with all my heart once. However, I would very much like to dance with you way more than I would her."

"That's all I needed to hear," Rigamarole said, tears of joy in her eyes as she forcefully pried Bluebelle off of him and threw her behind her like a crumpled page of notes. "Let's dance, honey!" She pulled him into a four armed embrace and began to square dance across the floor.

"Auntie Nidra!" Apollo called out. "I've made my peace, this night. You and Dad have my blessing."

"Wow," Nidra commented. "That was somewhat unexpected."

Turquoise nodded. "Well, as long as we're doing unexpected things, I guess I'll keep this ball rolling." He knelt down and removed the engagement ring from his breast pocket. "Princess Nidra... now that things have settled down, will you marry me?"

"No," Nidra replied immediately. At his forlorn face, she laughed and put her hoof over his. "Not yet, lover boy. But keep asking. I have a feeling you might just be able to convince me."

Turquoise flushed deeply and got back to his hooves. "Oh, well... I guess... we can keep on dancing, then?"

Nidra glance over at Oasis, who gave her an expectant glare.

"Nah," Nidra said with a saucy grin. "We've strutted around in front of everypony long enough. I think we need a little more privacy for the rest of the night." Her horn flashed and the two of them disappeared.

Upon her throne, Celestia took a few pieces of the popcorn proffered by her husband. "Wow... I am very pleased with the way this gala turned out."

"Indeed," Discord said, pouring half the bag down his throat. "Not much property damage, but... loads of entertainment." He gave Celestia a side-glance. "Glad you developed a sense of humor during the thousand years I was trapped in stone."

"Glad yours matured past that of a 5 year old's," Celestia concurred.

"... Touché."

Comments ( 11 )

I laughed so much.

Thanks for a great story. I enjoyed it. Good luck with future writings.


Is…Rigamarole related to Crackle? She makes me think of Crackle.

This story realy worth the wait. :pinkiehappy:

Ri2 #6 · Jul 9th, 2015 · · ·

6186239 …Crackle BRED?!

Did you see dat gem-covered hide? She fine by dragon standards.


6187583 Dragons clearly have different standards of beauty than us. Strange, horrible standards.

His face took on an innocent purity that completely betrayed his deviousness. “Oh, nothing… it’s just that—look out, an inconveniently placed banana peel!”
Nidra’s hoof paused just a hair’s breadth away from a slimy yellow tripping hazard. She pulled back and carefully stepped around it. “Oh, thank you, Uncle Discord.” She laughed as she turned her head back to him. “For a moment I thought you were—”
“Waaaah!” a masculine voice called, and a huge green stallion collided into Nidra, who collapsed in a tangle.


"Hold your horses, everypony," Crystal shouted. "He's finally doing it, thank Celestia."

"You're very welcome," Celestia said, "But I'm afraid I had no hoof in this."


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