• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 1,714 Views, 125 Comments

Of Shadows, and Sunshine - SeanofTheDead

Sombra escaped his death at the crystal empire narrowly, and has since been hiding in a Manehatten suburb. He has a house, a roommate and a female pegasus with a daughter who is interested in him. This is problem. Oh and he is hearing voices.

  • ...

Of Minor Villians, and Major Threats pt 2

Sombra walked into his home followed by Gilda and Sunshine, who were both still giggling at him for his antics. ‘Hmmm… perhaps I shouldn’t have taken it so far… that much was probably over-acting to Luna’s eyes.’

‘Yes, probably part of the reason why she decided to make it HER mission to retrieve your package. After all who wouldn’t be interested in the mail a diabolical villain receives hours after he takes a young filly under his roof for a week? Likely that she will attempt to ascertain what is in it. Hopefully she won’t attack you afterwards.’ Head Voice said as she finished watering her mind garden. ‘How long do you think it will take until they are ready to be picked?’

‘How should I know? I was a king with a talent for Dark magic, not gardening.’ Sombra thought irritably. (However soon you want, considering you made it from less than scratch)

“Mr. Somber? I’m kinda hungry. When are we having supper?” Sunshine asked as she put on her best, “If you don’t feed me I shall surely wither away” pouty face.

Sombra grinned down at her. “Really? That’s the best you’ve got? I suppose I should start making something though,” as his own stomach began to growl at him.

Sunshine giggled and walked to the table to sit down and wait as Gilda removed the groceries from Sombra’s magic and began to empty the bags.

“I don’t want to scare you little filly but here the both of us require a special diet, meaning there will be fish on my plate. As well as Gilda’s..” Sombra said nonchalantly as Sunshine gaped at him her mouth and eyes wide after he said it.

“You guys… you eat meat?” Sunshine said with trepidation as she backed away, a look of fear on her features.

“Oh come now. We don’t eat ponies, I am one after all. I have a… problem with my body which requires it. Gilda is a griffon, meaning she COULD eat ponies but chooses fish instead. She likes ponies, some are her friends. You have no need to fear us, alright little Sunshine?” (Used to be anyway, poor bird...)

“Okay!” Sunshine said as she pronked away gleefully.


“Yes Gilda, she is a little odd but so are you,” Sombra said as he gave her a smug grin.

“Shut up Sombrero,” Gilda mumbled sourly as she went to the living room, “I’ll leave you here to cook and go watch the filly. Please try not to burn the drinks this time?”

“I told you that is a common occurrence amongst unicorns! …Although admittedly I have no idea why.” he said as Gild chuckled and left him alone to cook.

‘Finally some time to myself, sombra thought as he looked at the apparently sleeping pony inside his mind, Now, what am I going to do about my ever increasing list of problems? Luna isn’t likely to leave me alone anytime soon beyond what I’ve heard I did at the crystal Empire there should be no reason for THAT much animosity towards me, though the problem of not remembering much will need to wait until later. I need to get rid of Head Voice, convince Luna and Celestia as well as those blasted mares from the empire, that I am not a threat and I need some kind of trump card for when I make my REAL move for the Empire and the Crystal Heart. He looked around searching for some way to combine his talents, the resources he had and make some kind of plan. ‘Right, as though I can make something to threaten Equestria enough so that the sisters will leave me alone from what I have in my kitchen.’ he thought bitterly.

He turned to the radio and switched it on with his magic, filling the kitchen with annoying static.

Completely useless piece of junk. And here I thought it was supposed to let you listen to music, yet nearly half the time this happens,[/i’] he thought irritably. ’Can’t anypony make simple things like this work properly? I know it is fairly new, but honestly they need to make the signal stronger, the towers better and the receiver in the radio itself capable of processing the signal better. Wouldn’t be hard, or even cost much. I could make them out of crystal and enchant the forsaken things for ponies… sake,’

A grin crept across his features as he began to create his latest and least convoluted plan yet. Then the stove caught fire. Not to mention a small patch of lawn, the living room coffee table, a fire extinguisher, a pith helmet, the fifth stair from the top on the basement staircase, the glass salt shaker next to Sombra, Headvoice, a small container of hot sauce in the fridge, Gilda’s tail, and every piece of toast within a seventeen-point-three kilometer radius.


*snort* Huh? What’s goin- WHY AM I ON FIRE!!!??

“So it begins…” Sombra said to himself unaware of the destruction he had (somehow) caused.

“So what you are saying is you two are spies?” Twilight asked her mother with an angry look.

“Well that is the short version yes. The longer version is that we are agents of the Princesses wishes, protectors that fight the things that give fillies and colts nightmares. And the ponies live on none the wiser of the near immanent death that might have awaited them had we not been there to protect them,” Twilight Velvet said whilst giving Twilight a look of infinite patience, then a rather hard look of annoyance. “But this is neither here nor there. You are a princess and MY daughter. I thought you were taught to push aside personal issues unless they were the reason for a disaster? This is something minor, that is about your father’s and my life choices that can be dealt with later, or even on the way to where we are going. This is not the time for this while Sombrero… I mean Sombra… runs rampant and unchecked.”

“Right, I’m sorry I’ll just ignore the fact that you hid who you two really are from me AND Shining for our entire lives up to now. My bad.” Twilight said with increasing hysteria, before giving a resigned sigh. “But you are right let’s get this done before we worry about petty personal things. Girls… Rarity glaring helps no one… Thank you. Now, Girls, and Spike… and Discord and… ugh. Everypony, we are heading to Manehattan to continue our search. According to Princess Celestia, it has become a hotbed of rather odd circumstances over the last few weeks. And… Trixie I am sorry if you still don’t feel like it, this is now a command from your princess. The sisters working together had trouble beating him last time, this is a thousand years later and he is apparently going to be patient about it this time. That being said, no one is allowed to go anywhere without at least two other ponies. Who knows what’ll happen if he finds you looking for him alone.”

“Um that reminds me hon,” Night Light said finally speaking up, “there is one more pony with us, and given her state we probably shouldn’t move for awhile. She passed out on the carriage ride here and we put her into the room you were all in. Your friends don’t really like other unicorns much do they? The instant your friend Rainbow Dash saw her she tried to drop her out the window if you’ll believe it.”

“Now that you mention it Night, you are right. Didn’t say a word either. Just glared and grabbed the mare. She might make a good operative with that kind of detachment towards killing a pony.”

“That poor mare though, good thing we grabbed them before she let go. Celestia might have been mad if miss Shimmer had died.” Night Light said as he nodded to himself.

“Ohhhhh,” Twilight said as she realized why everything had transpired the way it had today, “Now I get it,” she said with a somewhat manic giggle, “the universe just hates me. That’s why.”

She then promptly passed out.

Discord wept silently with a smile as these events transpired in front of him, as Rarity glared at him. “I *sob* know why you are mad Rarity. But this *sob* wasn’t my doing. And that’s why I am crying. Because this world we live in, is so beautiful sometimes.”

He then turned Rarity’s mane into a handkerchief and blew his nose into it before turning it back. “That’s for being my least favorite by the way.” He then stopped and looked around for a moment as if wondering how he had gotten where he was, before glaring at the ceiling above him. “Not cool at all my friend, not at all. Please leave me out of your personal vendetta’s against the ponies in the future.”

Then Rarity screamed and began chasing Discord around in circles whilst the other ponies looked at one another and shrugged before turning to carry the comatose and kinda twitchy Twilight to her room.

“Darn it! Where did that ninja pony go?” Daring Do asked herself as she landed on the street of the Manehattan suburb she had seen the ninja heading towards before she lost sight of her completely. She stamped her forehoof in frustration and glared around as though the pony was simply right in front of her. “First she gets away then someone raids my stuff so i have to take time to get new disguises so i can go out into public, then my helmet catches fire outta the blue! Seriously what the heck?!” She sighed resignedly as she let her head droop towards the ground and mumbled to herself, “If i write about that then i am going to lose my fan-base because they will all think i am insane.”

“It’s alright miss, there is no reason to think you are insane if you think you saw a pony dressed as a ninja.”

Daring started as she heard a kind sounding stallions voice and quickly turned to see the owner was standing rather close to her. He looked slightly out of place in a way she couldn’t describe beyond that him being there seemed almost...lazy somehow. But beyond that tenuous assumption she couldn’t place her finger on it. The earth pony stallion was blue, of an average build for an earth pony and seemingly spotted in two different shades of the color, one was somewhat dark the other light. His mane and tail were brown and he was wearing a black vest that looked like it was a part of a suit that had been taken from the whole outfit. Surprisingly however he didn’t have a cutie mark.

“Like I said, you aren’t insane. I just saw a mare dressed as a ninja talking to Princess Luna about two blocks from here at Mr. Somber’s house.” “I assume you are curious as to why she is there and why she is dressed like that so maybe go ask him. His house stands out fairly well anyway. It’s big, creepy, and looks like something out of a poorly made horror movie. And it’s in that direction if you intend to fly there,” he said as he pointed southeast of where they were standing. He stopped talking and Daring stood there still stunned as to what had just happened.

She rushed towards the stallion with a near squeal of happiness and kissed him on the cheek before spouting a quick thank you and taking off flying in the direction he had offered to her. He smiled kindly towards the mare as she disappeared from view. “You are quite welcome, Miss Do.” His smile changed slightly to a more malevolent one before he reclaimed a kind look and walked away from the insanity he had knowingly caused. “I do wonder about ponies sometimes,” he said as walked with a self satisfied look in his eye, “I mean really. King Sombra, Mr. Somber, big, freaky, powerful unicorn with a natural attraction to violence, purposefully living in a “haunted” house that inspires fear. How hard do they need to be beaten with the proverbial stick before they see what’s right in front of them?”

Daring looked at the house the stallion had described. It was big, creepy and looked like something from a low budget horror movie alright. Yet somehow, it didn’t feel very foreboding at all. Then she heard the yelling.

“I am sorry I set you on fire but in all fairness how was i supposed to know that would happen?! I was cooking not plotting arson! And you were in a different room!”

“That might be true, but you are banned from cooking anyway, I’m better at it anyhow!”

Then the front door slammed open and an angry looking griffon with a giggling foal on her back walked out. The foal appeared to be giggling to the point of tears while the griffon had a bandage wrapped around the end of her tail. She didn’t even acknowledge Daring’s existence as she huffed and took off into the air yelling, “I’m taking the foal to go get food for us all. Try not to set the house on fire this time!”

Daring turned back towards the entrance of the house to see a large angry unicorn in the doorway who yelled back at the griffon, “MAYBE I’LL JUST SET FIRE TO YOUR BED WHILE YOU ARE GONE! AT LEAST THEN I’LL DESERVE YOUR ANGER!”

“Ummmm….” Daring said rather confused and embarrassed at what had taken place in front of her.

“...Of course there is someone outside during this,” sombra said as he sighed audibly, “I am sorry for that. But no I do not wish to explain it.”

“OH! Oh, no i wasn’t trying to find out what’s going on, I was just… alright look. I have been following a pony for a LONG time and they were last seen here apparently. I have reason to believe she is in possession of a rare and dangerous magical artifact and that it is being delivered somewhere in the area. I assumed since she was seen talking to a princess that either the princesses know what is going on, or she randomly encountered them and played off her disguise somehow. The point is, I need to find her before something bad happens.”

Sombra chuckled, “And why are YOU looking for them hmm? Are you some kind of Daring Do super fan or something?”

“Umm… heh well actually,” she said as she showed him her cutie mark, “I am Daring Do. I was asked by the princesses to be on the lookout for this kind of thing happening. Due to some threat returning to the world. And, I discovered that an extremely powerful artifact was being housed near Ponyville. Unfortunately a group of griffons working for my arch nemesis also figured that out. Now I think i beat him here, but he has proven to be able to keep ahead of me on more than one occasion….” a look of shock crossed Daring’s features, “Why am I just spouting all this to-”

She stopped as she looked back towards Mr. Somber. He had a look of utter amusement on his face. “Well to be honest I am unsure why you are, but one thing is for certain. There is probably more to this tale than what you have said. So why don’t you come in for a moment, we can talk in my workroom in the basement and you can rest for a bit.” as he said this both began walking towards the house Daring following him unconsciously while her mind raced.

Okay daring okay just calm down, we need to be sure he doesn’t talk about any of this. To ANYPONY. He is offering a more secure place to talk and he seems to be going about this far more professionally than you...maybe he’s a spy for the princesses! That would make things a LOT easier.

It wasn’t until they had reached the bottom stair of the basement and the lights were turned on, that Daring realized he had locked every door behind them. And that his “workroom” was not the place where he explored whatever hobby he had, small black and dark red crystals jutted out from the floor and walls some forming into various pieces of furniture, others appearing to be harvested in bins and containers. Small crystal...creatures scurried about working on strange contraptions that harvested the crystals or made new objects out of them, including more crystal creatures that scurried off and began to work on something new or took the place of a fallen creature and brought the pieces to what appeared to be a miniature trough where other creatures fed on the dead ones parts. Daring was somewhat horrified by this sight and it was only made worse when they all stopped and bowed to Mr. Somber.

“So, you said something about an artifact… and a former threat come back into the world?”

Daring didn’t want to look at him. She was afraid, the temperature of the basement had already dropped far enough for frost to form on the ground under her hooves. The shadows around her were moving… she wanted to scream, to call for help, to turn and run...but for somehow she was rooted to the spot, her eyes still glued to the crystal beings consuming their dead…

Mr. Somber chuckled darkly, “I am sure they told you the threats name. I am sure you brushed it off as the Sisters simply being paranoid… Go ahead, say the name.”

“S...s… Sombra.”

“ My name is KING Sombra. And you would do well to remember it.”

Daring opened her mouth to scream… and the sound died in her throat. She only got a small glimpse of the pony in front of her before his magic hit, His horn...those fangs… his eyes....

And then Daring Do knew no more.

Author's Note:

So who thought I was dead? lol not me! Anyway more characters for the story one is in for the long haul though will be appearing sporadically throughout the story. And one is so obviously apparent as to who they are, I will be SEVERELY disappointed if no one picks them out. Made that OC a long time ago. Hope he works out here. Gave him a name today too. Bal. What do you guys think?

Still undergoing edits, please be patient while I work through them. I made a promise I am trying to keep to it. So, I hope you enjoyed it.