• Published 27th Oct 2014
  • 828 Views, 19 Comments

The First of Many - Spirit Shift

Twilight takes the foals into Whitetail Woods for the annual Nightmare Night scare tradition. However things don't go as expected. Twilight comes back, scared out of her mind, and the foals are mentally broken. What happened?

  • ...

The Final Letter

I-I couldn't… I can’t. I don’t believe it. This isn't happening. THIS ISNT HAPPENING! No! I refused to acknowledge thi--

My denial skid to a halt when Spike’s body fell from the ceiling and landed in front of me.

I… I just broke. I grabbed his bloody form and held it tightly to my own. I looked over his face and I screamed. I screamed louder than I’ve ever screamed before. Even when I ran out of air, I continued screaming. My magic went haywire and my castle trembled from the raw magical force I was letting out. At some point I ended up teleporting, and with all that magic being fueled into it, I nearly blew the hospital away when I reappeared.

Eventually, my screams turned into tear-filled wails that continued to shake the foundations of the building. To their credit, the doctors instantly realized what was happening and tried to act, but against my better judgment, I feebly fought them off. I hunched over and held Spike tighter, screaming and crying for them to stay away. I didn't want to be separated from him. It wasn't until Doctor Stable came right up to me and ordered me to let them help that I reluctantly gave him up.

I watched with bloodshot eyes as they rolled him away into another room, reaching out with a trembling hoof. I sat there, in the crater that I had made, and cried until my tear ducts went dry.

Shift. He did this.

I have been upset before.

I’ve been angry before.

I’ve even been known to briefly burst into flames due to frustration before.

But I’ve never experienced pure, unbridled hate for any living creature. Not Discord, not Chrysalis, not even Tirek.

With another burst of magic, I blew away the nearby wall and flew out of it. All I could see was red. He did this. He killed Spike for no reason.

I was going to make him pay.

I zoomed across Ponyville and found him talking to Rainbow Dash. Without a second thought, I dive bombed him, crashing into him and dragging him through the ground. When we stopped moving, I punched him with all of my earth pony strength. I poured all of my rage into every single strike. I figured that if I couldn't use magic then I would simply use physical force.

I continuously slammed my hooves into Shift’s face and body. Blood began splattering everywhere, but I still didn't stop. Even when somepony tried to pry me off, I simply bucked them back and continued. Even when I felt bones crack and break I still didn't stop. When I heard ponies telling me to stop, I still didn’t. When I looked into his sick golden eyes, I responded by slamming the pony’s head into the ground several times.

Above all else, I needed to make sure that he’d never hurt anypony again. Even if I had to sink down to his level.

With one last punch I heard a final sickening crack. The pony I was beating finally went limp, and I realized that my job was done. I stood up, half my body covered in blood and breathing heavily. I looked around and noticed that I had attracted a crowd. I saw ponies looking at me with fear and horror. I saw Time Turner holding a frightened filly. I saw my friends covering their mouths with tears flowing. I saw Rainbow Dash with a bloody nose being held by Shift.

My eyes went wide. I clearly recognized him. His rare dark red eyes gazed into mine with a look of shock and concern. Slowly, I turned back to the pony I had just killed. I only then realized that she was a mare. She looked almost exactly like Shift, except for two things. Her coat was lighter.

And her cutie mark was of seven bubbles.

It slowly dawned on me what had happened. I backed away, stuttering. I looked at my hooves and shuddered at the sight of the blood of an innocent mare dripping from them.

I looked around, and everypony I looked at flinched and moved back.

“I-I-I didnt mean--”

“Twilight, why?” My face shot back to Shift’s and I could feel my anger reignite.

I lunged at him. “THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” I screamed. Everypony in the crowd scattered and I was held up and slammed into the ground my a magical force. I struggled to get up but the magic was far too powerful for me to break.

ENOUGH!” I stopped struggling when the Royal Canterlot Voice rang throughout the town. I saw Princess Luna descend from the sky. “EVERYPONY! RETURN TO YOUR HOMES AND LOCK YOUR DOORS. STAY INSIDE AND DO NOT COME OUT!” Everypony did as she asked and soon the only ponies around were myself, Luna, and my friends. I saw Shift trotting away, smirking at me.

“NO! Don’t let him get away!” I panicked. “He did this! He--”

“Quiet, Twilight Sparkle! Do not try to place blame. We saw you.”

“But it’s not my fault! Listen! I need to call Samae--” I saw Luna’s horn alight and everything went black.


Twilight woke up to see Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looking over her. Using her magic, she picked Rainbow Dash by her neck and forced her eyes wide open. With her hooves, she grabbed Fluttershy’s mane as she tried to run. Turning Fluttershy toward Rainbow Dash, Twilight ripped a section of pink mane out and stuffed it down Fluttershy’s throat.

Rainbow Dash screamed but Twilight only smiled. She dropped Fluttershy and watched as she tried to crawl away. Grabbing her wings from behind, she stomped down with one leg and pulled with the other. Fluttershy tried to scream but the hair in her throat caused no sound to come out. Only the sound of flesh ripping echoed.


“Twilight?” Rarity said, looking around nervously. Twilight simply took a step forward.

“Twilight what’s wrong? You’re making me nervous. I really think-ack AGGHRRAGHHHCCCCCKKK--”

Twilight lunged and pushed Rarity to the ground, both of her front hooves pushing down on Rarity’s windpipe. Rarity tried to use her magic but one look into Twilight’s eyes broke her concentration. Twilight stared down at her with a crazed look and a crooked smile. Finally, Twilight released the pressure and let Rarity breath. However, the second she did, Twilight grabbed Rarity’s horn. With a strong yank, she tore it right off, along with a section of Rarity’s skull.


Applejack ran. Her hat had long since fallen off her head, but she had no intention of going back for it. From out of the darkness, a brown rope flew and caught her around her midsection. Magic took control over the rope and wrapped it tightly around all four legs. Twilight slowly walked up and licked her lips in delight. Taking out an apple from nowhere she shoved it into Applejack’s mouth. Without any further delay, Twilight leaned down and tore into Applejack’s neck.


Pinkie Pie leaned back, struggling against Twilight’s harsh grip. Her mane was limp and her coat was dull and listless. Around her neck was a razor thin wire and behind her, holding the wire, was Twilight, standing tall on two legs and holding her up.

Right now, the wire was only tight enough to choke her slightly. But as time went on, Twilight slowly tightened it. The wire began digging into Pinkie Pie’s skin. She coughed and choked, trying to get some semblance of air into her. Her eyes began slowly filling with blood before rolling back, and her body began going limp.

However, before she could die, Twilight’s magic activated. Her horn glowed a sickly purplish black and Pinkie’s struggling began anew. Twilight continued to tighten the wire until Pinkie’s body fell to the floor, blood squirting profusely from her neck. Twilight tied the wire into a knot around Pinkie’s severed head and let the balloon attached to the other end lift it high into the sky.


I watched all of these scenes play out on various screens. I don’t know where I was, but these scenes refused to go away. When one ended it would only repeat itself, like an endless torture for what I had done. Eventually, various memories came back to me. I realized that I had seen brief shots of each of these once before.

“Is this what goes through your mind now?”

I lazily turned my head to see Princess Luna trot into view.

She turned to me and sat down to meet my eye. “What happened, Twilight? Why have you gone down this path?”

“Why indeed?”

Luna’s head snapped toward the new voice; a dark gray colt trotted into view in much the same way as Luna.

“Who are you?! How can you see me?”

“Chill, Moonie. I’m just here to talk to Twilight.” He trotted through Luna and came up to me. “Twilight, what happened? Killing ponies was my end of the deal. You trying to put me out of a job?” he snarked.

“Away from her, apparition!” Luna yelled.

Shift ignored her, “I mean, I wouldn't mind if you joined me. You’re already my accomplice.”

I knew that he was right and I let my gaze fall. He used his hoof to gently guide it back into his, “Now that you’ve felt death with your own hooves, you might have a little more understanding.”

Luna took my face and pointed it to hers. She had a gentle look in her eyes. “Twilight, do not listen to him. I do not know what has happened before now, but this isn't who you are. You have not killed anypony nor do you ever have to.”

Back to Shift, “She’s lying to you. The mare is dead! You felt her skull break under your hooves. You heard her neck snap after the final punch. She lives no more!”

Back to Luna, “All is not lost. Do not accept these views. You were tricked and manipulated into doing what you did. He is nothing but a dream. Remember your true, kind nature!”

Back to Shift, “But look at your new nature. The horrific scenes of death that play through your head. This is you. This is what your mind can conceive. Embrace it.”

Back to Luna, “But this isn't you! This is just what the evil has implanted in you. The real you would never consider acting upon this… this madness.”

I looked back to the horror stories playing above. I felt something awaken deep inside of me, and I too woke up.


It was the middle of the night when I finally escaped the castle dungeon and appeared in Ponyville. Shift was already there, clearly expecting me. I stood there for a few minutes glaring at him.

“I’m done!” I finally said.

His smile faltered, “Excuse me?”

“I said ‘I’m done!’ I won’t help you hide anymore!” I yelled.

“So you want to die?”

“I’d rather die myself then let you keep killing.”

“Oh? Did Luna get into your head?”

I flinched back, “H-How did you know that?”

“Duh, I was there wasn't I…? Oh! Did you think I was a part of your dream? No. I’m inside of you Twilight. Ready to kill you from the inside out.”

“That’s impossible!”

“Fine, go ahead. Call him! Kill yourself!”

I took his challenge. Fighting through the pain I took a deep breath. “SAMAEUGH--” I felt the familiar stabbing sensation in my chest. I tried to ignore it but the more effort I put into saying his name, the more it hurt. Soon, I fell over, on the verge of passing out from the slow pain.

“S-Sa-Sama-S-ACK--” I began coughing out blood.

Shift laughed as he trotted up to my fallen form. Still laughing, he began kick my gut and stomp on my head. “Give it up, Twilight. You’ll pass out before you finish.”

“Indeed. Though it’s not necessary, anyway.”

I watched as Shift’s face finally dropped and he took a huge leap backwards. Black feathers began falling from the sky. I saw two figures descending in front of me. One stood tall and held onto a large scythe. The other was a pony tall pony with a flowing dark blue mane.

Luna turned to me and lifted me with her magic. “I am sorry that I’m late. The barrier of his was hard to enter,” she said.

I lazily looked back over to the two otherworldly creatures. Shift was smiling again, “Well, you got here faster than I thought.”

“I’m not here to talk. Let’s go, Lucifer. Now!”

“Make me!” Shift began transforming, but into what, I never saw. My vision failed, and I passed out again.


I woke up sometime later in a hospital bed. Princesses Celestia and Luna were standing over me, and the former was crying.

“Twilight!” Celestia cried, “I’m so glad you’re alright! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I should've sent you home with guards. I should’ve--”

“Sister. What’s done is done. Twilight is safe now.”

Celestia sniffed and wiped her face. “I-I know, but--”

“Shi-Shift….” I coughed, “Where is he?”

“Th-sniff-they fought. Samael won and took him away.”

Luna continued. “Samael removed his influence from you when he left.”

I finally looked over at Luna. Only then did I realize how badly injured she was. Half of her body was bandaged. Her wing was wrapped up and one eye was covered. “The curse?” I asked.

Luna scoffed, “There was no curse.” Knew it. “Shift messed with your head, Twilight. He made you think you were in pain to control you.”

“H-he was in my dreams….”

“Your mind created him. He was a manifestation of Shift’s influence. Believe me. He is gone now.”

I sighed in relief. I realized something and sat up in alarm, “My friends! Derpy! Spike! Are they alright?!”

Celestia gently sat me back down. “Your friends are alright. Rainbow Dash needed to have her nose fixed but otherwise she’s alright.”

I noticed that only half my question was answered. I opened my mouth, but a small sniff came out. I realized that I was crying. “Spike? Derpy? What about them?”

Celestia put a hoof to her mouth and made a small whimper. She bolted out of the room in an effort to hide her tears. Luna took a deep breath and looked me in the eye.

“Derpy Hooves… she is dead.” I gave a small gasp, but she continued, “Spike is…. a little more complicated--”


“He is, but he’s in a deep coma. The doctors aren't sure when, or if he’ll wake up. He suffered from large amounts of internal bleeding and he needed his tail amputated. It isn't looking good.”

Silence shrouded the room for several seconds, only broken by my quiet whimpering. Luna eventually got up.

“Your friends are nearby. They understand what happened and aren't mad. Do you wish to see them?”

I thought about it and nodded slowly.

Soon several concerned heads popped into view. I gave a small smile and they trotted completely into the room.

Rarity stepped closer and gave a small concerned smile. She had bags under her eyes and it didn't look like she had any sleep in days. “Twilight. I’m so sorry we didn't trust you.”

Twilight took a nearby scalpel and slit Rarity’s throat before stabbing it into both of her eyes.

“Hah!” Applejack said to her. “Speak fer yourself. I never doubted her!”

Twilight lept up and punched her in the face. While Applejack was recovering, Twilight grabbed a section of the ceiling and brought it crashing down on her. Blood spattered everywhere, but she repeated the action again and again while laughing madly.

Rainbow Dash clapper her hooves together, bringing my attention to her. “Man, I can’t believe Shift was the one doing all of those horrible things! I feel so stupid!”

Twilight first used her magic to grab the ICU near her. Then she wrapped it around Rainbow Dash, holding it in the air until she stopped struggling.

Fluttershy whimpered, her eyes bloodshot from crying, “I just wish that none of this ever happened. I just want to go back to the way it was before all of this!”

Twilight grabbed Rainbow’s limp body with her magic and proceeded to beat Fluttershy with it. Fluttershy tried to run but Twilight grabbed her by her long tail and slammed her into the wall.

Pinkie Pie had a slightly limp mane but still tried to give an uplifting smile, “Come on everypony. We shouldn't be so down. Let’s be happy that it’s all over.”

Twilight first shoved her hoof deep into Pinkie’s mouth. Grabbing her tongue, she ripped it clean out. Stucking her other hoof into her mouth Twilight picked her up and tossed her out the window.

I finally had it. I screamed. My friends all looked at me with concerned looks.

“Twilight, darling, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked, “Why are you screaming?” Fluttershy covered her head and huddled into a corner.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “I-I can’t…. I can’t stop! Please make it stop!”

“Stop?” Applejack questioned. “Stop what?”

I opened my eyes again and the first thing I saw was myself brutally murdering whomever I looked at. I panicked and shoved everypony out of the way and ran out of the room. I immediately ran into Celestia and Luna, who were talking in the hall. I began to have another vision, so I tried to run the other way. I felt myself struck in the back. I recognized it as a classic but powerful sleep spell.

I woke up back in my mind. Images of death were not what I expected to find. So the fact that Shift was sitting there watching them completely stunned me.

He was currently laughing hard at an image of me slaughtering Lyra. I merely stuttered out meaningless sounds. He finally turned to me and stood up.

“Nice place you have here. I wish I could stay.”

“Ho-ho-how are you here?! Samael took you away!”

“That he did. I supposed it was about time. My work was done anyway.”

“What? You failed! As far as Equestria knows, only two ponies were killed by you.”

“Ah, don’t be modest. The second one was all you. And, if we’re going to be honest, so was the first.”

My anger flared and I launched myself toward Shift. “I didn’t do that!” I began punching him the same way as I did before, only this time I was sure it was him. “I’m not letting you do this anymore!”

Uninjured, Shift shoved me off, “Do what?”

“You won’t manipulate me anymore!” I yelled.

“So what? You’re going to kill me now?” he said, smirking while he dusted himself off, “I’m not even really here.”

I picked myself up, “I’ll make sure none of you remains. If I’m going to be a murderer, I’ll at least do it for the safety of Equestria.” I once again threw a punch in his direction.

Shift caught it and flipped me into the air, his smile never faltering. “What about that mare? You killed her in cold blood. Was snapping her neck for the safety of Equestria, as well?”

I opened my wings, righting myself mid-air and dive bombed Shift from behind. “You tricked me! You manipulated me into doing that! But you don't have any power over me anymore!”

Shift’s smile fell and he spun around, round house punching me right into the ground. “I never had any power over you. Everything that happened was your decision. You decided to seek out Samael, you chose Carrot Top, you tried to be a smartass, and now you tried to fight me. I made you do nothing!”

“Yes you did! Whatever you did to me that night! I can’t stop thinking about death! Everytime I look at my friends, I imagine myself killing them. You did that!”

Shift slapped me. “That’s all you, Twilight. This is your mind we’re in. Now shut up and listen. I’ve left this world. So my influence is fading. However, like I said. My work is done.”

“You can’t kill anymore!”

He gave me a large smile. “I don’t have to. You’ll do it for me.”

“No! I refuse!”

“But Twilight, you already have. Plus, you have it now, the urge to kill. You’ve felt the blood of another on your hooves. Look around you! It’s all you can imagine now. Do you remember what I told you the night we met?”

“You were going to become Equestria’s first real serial killer,” I answered, standing up.

“No. You don’t listen. I said I was going to make Equestria’s first killer. And I have. When I’m gone, and when you wake, you’ll have the urge to kill others. You know the pain of loss. You’ve felt the blood of others. And you have the power to do it. You have everything you need now. You will be Equestria’s first real killer. How can you even deny it?!” he laughed gleefully.

I struggled to block out his words, but the sights and sounds of the ponies in my fantasies rang throughout my head. “No!” I lunged at him one again and savagely bit into his neck. Blood began splattering everywhere. He merely looked up at me.

“Wonderfully done,” he rasped. I finally realized what I did and began shaking horribly. Shift slowly began to fade but the blood on my mouth and hooves remained.

“With my death… I pass my bloodstained torch over to you.”

A large audible crack sounded throughout my mind. The number of screens displaying various murder methods nearly tripled.

And I laughed. I laughed because he thought he had won. I knew what he wanted from me. I knew that as soon as I woke up these scenes would play in my eyes. I knew that I would eventually act on those scenes to make them stop. I knew.

And I knew exactly how to fix that before any of it could happen.


Twilight stopped writing when her ears twitched. She could hear footsteps coming down her stairs.

“My friends are here…” she thought. Giving a lopsided smile, she turned to face the door. “I guess they finally came to check up on me,” she muttered.

“Twilight?” Rarity called out. “Are you there? Can we come in now? We haven't seen you in weeks.”

“Please let us in…” Fluttershy whimpered.

Twilight heard Rainbow’s voice next, “Forget that! I’m going inside!”

“Rainbow Dash, wait--”

Rainbow burst through the door and nearly threw up at what she saw.

Standing in front of them was the once proud Twilight Sparke. Wingless and eyeless with a cut off horn. She held a pencil in her mouth and gave them a crazed lopsided smile.

“I can’t hurt you like this….” she giggled.

Author's Note:

The moral of the story? As Shift said, “Not every story has a happy ending.”

Comments ( 8 )

Good ending, always the key to a good horror piece. Properly macabre but without full-on grimdark. I feel like I would have understood this better if I'd known more about Shift, was he some sort of crossover villain from Kingdoms of Heart?

5212703 Nope. No crossover here unless religion counts

Absolutely fantastic. Honestly, I do think this is kind of a crossover because of the religious imagery, but I also think a tragedy tag would be appropriate, as it definitely gives off the chills and regret that all good tragedy does.

Damn, this was... somthing... Do I regret reading this? I don't even know...

7098668 I didn't say the story was bad, it was great! It's just that I've never read a darkfic before.

7100646 lol no I'm not angry. I'm glad you read it. And tbh I haven't read very many either, I just wanted mine to have a story behind it rather than senseless death.

So f*cking disturbing....
I loved it

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