• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 3,367 Views, 72 Comments

A Moment With The CMC - DRWolf

The CMC are on the lookout for something new and exciting in the hopes of getting their Cutie Marks. But they've never met anyone quite like DRWolf before. And he's never met anypony quite like the CMC either...

  • ...

Some New Visitors

Dr. Wolf sat quietly in his chair, simply enjoying the silence between meetings. The only noise breaking the serenity was the ticking of the clock. Even one who helped others with their stress, tension, and upset needed their own downtime once in a while to keep themselves grounded. Given his workload, it was a precious thing for the busy therapist to have any downtime at all.

His solitude soon ended though, with a knock on his office door. As the bipedal canine rose and opened the door, he looked up out of instinct. Instead of an adult pony looking down at him, the small wolf's eyes were greeted by the wall and the top of several little ponies’ manes. He readjusted his line of sight and found himself staring into the orange eyes of a young yellow Earth Pony. His sensitive nose told him, by the smell of their perspiration, that the three had been doing some strenuous activity. Strangely, they also smelled of tree sap, among other things.

“Yes?,” Dr Wolf greeted.

The little Earth Pony filly's eyes widened in amazement as she took in the sight of the unusual creature before her, “Woah! You weren’t kiddin. He actually is a wolf.”

“Told ya so!” replied the orange pegasus next to her, giving a victorious grin and a playful nudge with her elbow.

Dr. Wolf gave a small, amused smile. He was accustomed to being looked upon with curiosity, but there was always something about childlike amazement that never lost its charm. “Well, hello there. Is there something I can help you three with?” he asked politely, giving the same welcoming smile he tried to give all those who knocked on his door.

The white unicorn foal looked at him cautiously, keeping a small distance from the white wolf in front of her, “Uh, he doesn’t bite... does he?”

The doctor gave a small chuckle. “Heh, of course not. Despite my appearance, I can assure you that I am very different from other Wolves, and I strive to create a safe and welcoming environment,” he explained, keeping his tone relaxed and welcoming, his body language nonthreatening.

The unicorn relaxed, and in a moment stood by her friends and shared their child-like excitement and energy.

The orange pegasus came closer to Dr. Wolf, eyes examining him closely. “Fluttershy told us about you. So you're some kind of 'psycho' doctor, right?” she asked, giving a confused look as she tried to say the word.

“Uh...The technical term would be clinical psychologist. And yes, I spend my time listening to ponies talk about whatever’s troubling them,” Dr. Wolf moved aside and invitingly held a paw towards his office. “Why don’t you come inside my office, and tell me what’s on your minds.”

The three fillies grinned ear to ear, looking to one another in wide-eyed excitement.

“Thanks, mister!” the little yellow Earth Pony announced.

The trio sped past their host fast enough to make his fur blow a little bit. Dr. Wolf closed the door and walked over to his chair, picking up his clipboard and donning his reading glasses as the three fillies made themselves comfortable.

“My name’s Applebloom, and this here is Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle,” the little Earth Pony introduced, pointing her hoof first at herself, then the pegasus, and finally the unicorn.

The unicorn gave an enthusiastic wave while the Pegasus merely lifted her hoof and gave what looked like a mimic of a salute.

Applebloom continued, “We wanna see if our special talent could be giving ponies advice and stuff. Maybe then we could be...”

The three took a deep breath.

“Cutie Mark Crusader Psychologists! YAY!!” all three yelled at the top of their lungs.

Dr. Wolf's ears pinned, not out of anger or upset, but simply in response to the surprisingly high volume the trio had managed to reach, making his sensitive ears ring.

Despite that, the psychologist managed to maintain his composure and respond in an even, calm tone, “Well...it is good that each of you are very interested in learning. Though becoming a Doctor takes many years of training and discipline. I would advise that you-”

“Hey, have you actually read ALL these books?” Sweetie Belle interrupted as she approached the bookshelf, eyeing it curiously. The little unicorn put her hooves on the second shelf so she could get a closer look at the books nestled there. She scrunched her face in concentration as she tried to read the various titles.

“Some of them, but a lot of these are for reference,” Dr. Wolf answered with a small smile at the filly's curiosity. He could certainly sympathize with wanting to know what a book may hold.

Applebloom put her hooves on the armrest to get closer to her host. “Cool! You must be pretty smart,” she exclaimed enthusiastically. Before Dr. Wolf could reply, Applebloom pointed to the clipboard in his paws. “I want to try this too. Can I borrow yer glasses and that clipboard, mister?”

Despite being the actual canine in the room, Dr. Wolf found himself on the receiving end of better puppy dog eyes than he believed he could manage. “Well... I suppose, as long as you’re careful with them,” The white wolf gently took off his glasses and put them on the little filly's head.

He found it somewhat amusing that despite the two of them being around the same size, the glasses still seemed a little small on the pony, due to her large eyes. He waited for her to adjust the eye wear before carefully handing her the clipboard.

“Thanks! And don’t you worry about that. Ah’ll be real careful,” the little pony replied with a wide grin as she took a seat on the couch normally reserved for patients. She fumbled the board for a moment before managing to position it properly in her hooves.

Dr. Wolf simply retrieved a spare clipboard. It paid to be prepared after all.

Applebloom cleared her throat, doing her best to make herself look professional. She put the pen in her mouth and made an effort to look as though she were in serious thought and consideration.

“Ahem, ahem...And what brings you in today?” she asked to no-creature in particular, her voice a bit more over the top than it should have been. “What's that? You say yer big sister won't take you seriously, or trust you to take care of yerself? That must be real tough. Sisters can be such a pain in the flank, can’t they?”

The doctor watched quietly as Applebloom spoke, intently jotting down notes all the while.

Sweetie Belle giggled excitedly and hopped around between them. “Hey yeah, and maybe I can be your secretary!” the small filly exclaimed, leaping up on the couch's armrest and taking a prim and proper stance. “Ahem, ahem, Dr Bloom is in. Please be here by 1 o'clock.”

The little unicorn turned and noticed the somewhat disheveled desk, with lots of papers stacked in piles, “Oh, and I guess a secretary keeps the office tidy too. I'll help you clean up some of these old papers.” She leaped up onto the desk, knocking some of the papers down.

Dr. Wolf managed to avoid cringing as Sweetie Belle grabbed several of the papers in her mouth and gleefully put them through the shredder next to his desk, reducing them to nothing but illegible mulch.

He still managed to keep his voice calm and even as he replied. “Oh... Miss Belle, if I could just ask you not to destroy thos-”

“Hey Doc, can you use your super-awesome 'psycho' skills to help me find my special talent?” Scootaloo interjected, putting one hoof on the armrest opposite from Applebloom to boost her up, and using the other to point insistently at Dr. Wolf's clipboard.

Never one to be able to resist helping somepony in need, the psychologist turned to the orange pegasus, even as the sound of shredding paper echoed in his ears. “Uh... well Miss Scootaloo, maybe first we should discuss why you feel it is so important to find your special talent. Perhaps this is the sort of thing that you just need to let happen, rather than try to force it?” he replied in as helpful a tone as he could manage.

The orange pegasus rolled her eyes and scoffed. “That's what everypony says! Seriously, can't you do some sort of psykka-nasis or something?”

The canine psychologist did his best to avoid being distracted by the sound of the two fillies playing with a paper shredder and clipboard behind him, and managed to take in everything being said by the small orange filly asking him for help.

“You mean psycho-analysis?”

“Yeah, that.”

Whatever Sweetie Belle had been shredding was finished as the shredder fell silent.

“Haha! This is kind of fun. I could get used to being a secretary,” the small unicorn laughed, her hooves clattering noisily on the desktop as she jumped with excitement.

“And how do you feel about that?” Applebloom questioned in her best over the top psychologist imitation. “We’re going to try something new today. Tell me about your foalhood....”

“Anything yet girls?” Applebloom finally said, in a tone that was more her own.

Scootaloo turned her head and looked at her flank with optimistic excitement. Dr. Wolf looked back to see the other two mimicking their friend's action like a mirror.

All three found nothing but blank fur.

Sweetie Belle pinned her ears in disappointment. “Nope. Still no cutie mark.”

Scootaloo gave a dejected sigh, pinning her ears. “Well, what could we be doing wrong then?” she asked, all three looking down at their hooves.

Dr. Wolf tapped his chin, looking thoughtfully at the situation surrounding him. “I think it is important for each of you to realize that helping other ponies with their problems takes a lot of patience and persistence. So, if each of you would like to learn more about being good listeners, then I would recommend finding a member of your family and just spending a good ten minutes asking questions about how their day went. You might be surprised to see how much good it can do,” he explained slowly and clearly, trying to condense down his rather complex job to something three impressionable young foals could perhaps understand.

Scootaloo cocked her head in confusion, the other two trotting over and joining their friend.

“Wait. So you’re saying that all you do is... listen? Not giving advice and telling ponies what they should do?” she asked, scratching her head with a hoof.

“Well, it’s more like a process of letting ponies talk out their problems, and then the solution can often come out of that. I kind of help them give themselves advice,” the wolf replied, giving a small smile. He remembered so many sessions with ponies, some of whom naturally did expect him to have all the answers from the get go, only to be a bit frustrated to merely be met with more questions. But ultimately, if they were just told answers without having to dig a little themselves, they were likely to view what was said as simply a lecture to ignore.

Scootaloo gave an excited grin...that then dissolved a bit into confusion and disappointment.

“Wow! That’s.... kind of boring....”

Applebloom scratched her head with an uncertain look. “I dunno...I suppose I can talk to ma sister sometimes, but tryin' to talk to Big Mac only gets maybe one or two words out of him at a time. And if I show Granny Smith that I want to listen to her, she starts gettin into stories about her past, and then forgets what she was even talkin' about halfway through,” the young foal explained, giving an irritated look at whatever memory was running through her head.

Sweetie Belle gave a scoff. “Heh, that’s nothing. If I try asking Rarity about her day, she just starts going on and on about all the dresses she’s been working on, and what goes into all the designs; the stitches, the fabrics, the complementary colors... and then before you know it, you’re her mannequin!” the small unicorn explained, assuming a mocking, lady-like voice and posture as she listed the things her sister would say.

Scootaloo scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Well, this didn’t really seem like my thing anyway. So yeah, no cutie mark. What should we try next?”

Sweetie Belle rubbed a hoof under her chin. “How about...Cutie Mark Crusader Surgeons!”

Scootaloo and Applebloom's faces lit up like Hearth's Warming Eve trees.

“Hey yeah! That sounds like a much cooler way to help ponies,” Scootaloo announced.

Applebloom pointed dramatically in the direction she believed to be that of the hospital. “To the Ponyville Hospital! Oh, here’s yer glasses back mister.”

The little filly gently took the glasses off her own head and laid them in the paws of Dr. Wolf.

“Let’s go!” Sweetie Belle announced loudly before Dr. Wolf could reply.

In a tri-colored blur, the three fillies exited the room so quickly the scattered papers blew as if caught in a wayward breeze.

Quiet returned to his office, and Dr. Wolf surveyed the damage. His clipboard and glasses were indeed unharmed, as Applebloom had promised, but he was fairly certain that the couch was a tad bit muddier than it had been when the trio entered. The floor also definitely had more papers littered about, and of course, Sweetie Belle had shredded quite a few of them. Thankfully, the doctor had a good memory when it came to what he'd read and written. So it wasn't a huge issue, but simply a time consuming one.

Still, he liked to think the trio might take his advice to heart, or had at least gotten a chance to get something off their chests that had been festering. Sometimes simply talking about a problem could do a world of good.

Dr. Wolf still gave a small smile as he looked in the direction the trio had left. “Ah...to be young again...and also a pony...” he remarked, as he collected the scattered papers and placed them back on his desk in a neat pile. The psychologist then put a paw to his chest, taking a deep, calming breath in before letting it out slowly. “It’s good to be helping...”

Author's Note:

This story had been inspired by the fan art piece created by Starbat many months ago. When EquestriaDaily posted their "Friend Off Revival" contest, I felt driven to write up a video script with Starbat, and it got turned into a completed story here on FimFiction with a little help from Godzillawolf. For my first attempt at a My Little Pony story, I think it turned out rather nicely. But what do you think?

Comments ( 72 )

This was very fun to be involved with.

I'm glad I was of assistance Doctor.

Comment posted by Joshiplier deleted Oct 28th, 2014

Hmmmm... Nice first story it's definitely better than other writers' first stories that I've seen. Keep up the good work doc, take your time.

For my first attempt at a My Little Pony story, I think it turned out rather nicely. But what do you think?

I think I'll look forward to more stories from you. This was rather enjoyable. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for writing! :scootangel:

This is an interesting story. It is a cossover of YouTube and FIMFiction. ¡This is what happens when worlds collide! ¡I love it!

Well this story is more than that, seeing how the author is the actual Youtuber himself.

Defiantly we'll paced and excicuted, and the CMC were adrable. I don't really have to much bad to say after a first read, although, for this line:

*“Yes?,” Dr Wolf greeted.

Get rid of the comma
Other than that, if this thing faint get 200 likes by the end of the week, I am defiantly giving it an underapreceation review, maybe even a dramatic read if I can get the CMc's voice

5196320 I voices Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. I have auditions for older versions of them on my channel but I can do them younger too just that I had to do older for an audition. The only difference is that when I did them I made them well a bit older sounding.

But I'm sure you get the idea, and I'd love to do it! :)


What a wonderful story Dr.Wolf. Loved it so much. Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see if you do more stories with the Dr.Wolf character. Maybe a story where your brother Terik comes into your office?

5196576 got to use the link. It's either on the fat right or left and looks like a pair of chain links

:pinkiegasp: Whoa, what? You actually wrote a story?!
I'm going to read it.

I heard from Kendell2 aka Godzillawolf's Blog on DA about this and really loved it :twilightsmile:. Maybe we can see more Moments with Dr. Wolf :pinkiehappy:?

Okay, I got to admit. I was surprised that in the past, you keep saying that you don't see yourself as a writer. Then all of the sudden, right out of the blue, when I was just checking on the notification, a post from you reading, DrWolf Posted a New Story. Then I checked it out.
:duck:I've got to say one thing.
That was Awesome!!! How long you've been working on that? Of course, you got some help but what made you write this?
:coolphoto: That's all I'm going to say.

Very intriguing, Dr.Wolf. :raritywink:

5198509 I was inspired to write a story based off of this fan art for the "Friend Off Revival" contest happening on EquestriaDaily.

I wish you luck then, Doc.
Still recovering from a shock, though.

That was a pleasure to read, Dr. Wolf. :twilightsmile:

When I first watched one of your "Future Episode ideas" videos I just sat there and wondered why you were outlining your fanfic ideas and turning them into videos. Glad to see you try writing! It's a different side of the fandom with its own set of quirks and challenges. You did a very good job for your first crack at it.

Author Interviewer

Good job for a first fic! :D I particularly like the CMCs' characterization.

5231345 Thank you kindly.

Author Interviewer

Now write one explaining what the heck your OC is doing in Equestria. :B

Wonderful story, thoroughly entertaining descriptions of the mayhem caused by the fillies, as well Dr. Wolf's ability to keep calm and focused. I enjoyed the posting on the Dr.Wolf youtube page as well. Thanks for sharing!

Two things:

I've read in places that describe how to write for MLP that capitalizing words like Pegasus and Unicorn is expected, others say it's only if the characters name is pegasus or unicorn. I used to capitalize it soley because my spell check picked up on pegasus as needing to be capitalized (afterall, it was the name of Perseus's horse)... I'm leaning more towards not doing it lately, just saying pegasus, earth pony, and unicorn, and that does make more sense as it isn't a proper noun in that sense.


"Even one who helped others with their stress, tension, and upset needed their own downtime once in a while to keep themselves grounded."

It's grammatically incorrect, because it starts off with the singular subject, yet the feel of the sentence is very good, which is why I hesitated to mention it at first. One does not want his writing to come off as stilted, which could be the result if you tried for a quick fix. If you don't write fiction often, you're showing promise as being a good writer and that's a pretty bad habit for anyone just starting to get into. So, more grammatically correct:

"For even those who help others with the stress, tension, and upset, need their own downtime once in a while to keep themselves grounded."

Problem is, that sounds impersonal, so perhaps slightly rewriting it:

"Even one who helps others with their stress, tension, and upset occasionally needs his own downtime every once in a while to keep himself grounded."

Just a thought :twilightsmile:


Off to a good start, Dr. Wolf!

Peace out :eeyup:

You spot on the characters of the CMC and their interactions with your OC, not to mention you both kept true to yourselves as well as the CMC. Overall it's pretty good.

This was nice! I liked it a lot and I enjoyed watching the video as well. If you ever need someone to help you edit your stories, please feel free to msg me. I am a ruthless grammar nazi lol :-)

5231473 DRWolf's origin story is being written as we speak. :)

*grins and applauds softly* Very sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing more writings and your adventures.

Very good fanfic doctor!

A fantastic little story Doctor.

Can't wait.:moustache::twilightsmile:

Okay, just finished reading this, and it was so spot on! It was like one of your videos....instant-fav!:twilightsmile:

Btw, I had planned on giving your OC a cameo appearance in my current fic Heroes of Harmony, as a sort of homage to you. But if you are interested in learning more about it (and any input you would like to add), just let me know.:raritywink:

5327879 I suppose it would be interesting to see DRWolf being included in more stories here.

And since this particular story takes place in a world inhabited by various anthropomorphic animals (including wolves), the appearance of your OC won't seem so out of place (compared to Equestria).:raritywink:
And like I said before, if you would like to be involved (at least the part concerning your OC's cameo), we can talk about it via PM.

But anyways, I might try giving cameos to other members of the BAC from YT in my stories (so far, I've only got ideas for you, Silver Quill, and possibly Digibro [even if he no longer does MLP reviews anymore]).

5335878 *Instantly thinks of the Chakat Universe*

Never heard of that. :trixieshiftright:


Nope, never did. Sorry.:applejackconfused:

What-what? :rainbowhuh:

5682050 We use different colors to help differentiate between us.

I assume that you're "Never did" was that you never heard of it before?

Be warned... the stories do not pull any punches when it comes to NSFW material.

Hmm..I see.

Yes. Despite having an interest in Anthropomorphic animals (though at the same time- like Dr. Wolf- don't really consider myself a Furry), I've never taken part in groups involved with it. Especially this one.

....Bring it on.

*reads introduction to Chakats article*

5682824 I actually found the site through one of the most feel infused stories on that site... Which also "happened" to be one of the most NSFW stories on that site (I can neither confirm nor deny that the NSFW parts being the main reason why I found it in the first place...)

I recommend reading the Tales of the Folly, not written by Goldfur, but still a great and on-going series

And here's the main Chakat hirself! https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Goldfur

Yeah, which would that be?

Okay. Another time perhaps.

5682921 "Life's Dream"

I like that one...

Of course you like it StarRunner! It's what allowed you to come into existence!

*Turns to Honeytongue* Color change means that someone else it talking, not necessarily a different topic/conversation... We only just realized that that's what you thought the double spaced lines meant... Sorry for any confusion.

Tales of the Folly also goes by Folly - The Curse.

Okay then.:twilightsmile:

Lol, yeah I already figured that much.

5682967 *Clicks FIM:fiction's home page*
*Sees new message*
*7 seconds ago*

The timing...

(Oh, and sorry Dr. Wolf that this is cluttering up the comments and has nothing to do with the story, until this post! I liked the story. Please don't delete these comments, it makes the comment section really ugly and makes people wonder what happened)

Perhaps we should continue this through a PM thread, instead of the good doctor's comment box.:twilightsheepish:

"Despite being the actual canine in the room, Dr. Wolf found himself on the receiving end of better puppy dog eyes than he believed he could manage."
´kay my head almost exploted by trying to imagine so much cuteness together.meh, good story, doc

5702071 Glad you enjoyed it.

Hehe, poor Doc had no idea what he was getting into with the CMC. Then again, most ponies only realize once it's hilariously too late.

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