• Published 29th Oct 2014
  • 365 Views, 5 Comments

Robot Unicorn Attack: Soulless or Misunderstood - Georelic35

The Iron Pegasus has everything he could ever want. Or does he? He is the mascot of Team Inferno and is looked opun with respect. But what happens when you take a big flaming metal pegasus and insert it into a world of bright colourful ponies.

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1. Prelude

There was only one thing that mattered right now. "Must keep running" that was the only thought in her mind as she ran for her life across the floating islands. Her coat, an almost shining silver, glinting in the sunlight piercing the skies of the sky world. Her chromatic mane and tail shifting in the wind, as she was running for her dear life. As she was running, a rainbow trail was seemingly all that was left in her wake as she was running.

Behind her, not much further than a few hundred meters, a blazing inferno was slowly gaining on her.

She spared only a moment to glance back and watch as the blaze suddenly gained an extra body length on her. She immediately regretted her actions and set into the fastest sprint she could manage.

It had been a long day for the grey unicorn. She had shattered a few star fragments, but managed to get ambushed by a big brown/redish monster, it had a cosmic star for a head, making it a target like any other. The monster had fired a cosmic beam at her, the beam was instant and almost hit her dead center. However, a quick sidestep had managed to minimize damage only taking out the beatiful silver wings that had adorned her sides. "Damnit, getting those back is gonna take forever" she thought as the dashed into the star fragment the monster was using for a head. As she defeated the giant, she felt another cosmic power moving to her position. She didn't think much of it. Usually when defeating a giant more would come flokking to defeat the creature that defeated their comrade. She didn't bother to check untill she noticed the power was moving at a rate much faster than any giant she had ever heard of or faught...

As she glanced towards the source of the fast moving power, she felt terror enter her essence. In the distance a blazing inferno was moving towards her location at a very fast pace. Faster than ever before she started galloping towards the nearest Rainbow Territory she know of.

She was tired and hurt. It wouldn't be long, before she would be unable to continue. But she had to keep going, Rainbow territory began only a kilometer or two ahead. And there should she knew she would be safe.

A hit was all it took for her to suddenly lose balance and fall on her side.

The blaze had caught up to her. As it came to a stop another unicorn was revealed standing where the fire was once burning.
His coat consisted of black metal plates overlapping each other from his rear to his front. His mane and tail was of the same fire that had chased her for the last few minutes, a horn, a shard of iron that seemingly glowed orange and almost orange from heat, adorned his head. Along his sides where a pair of massive black wings, slightly ragged and torn from countless battles. His orange eyes displayed only anger as he looking down opun her. She knew him, everyone knew just who this black horse was.
He was the Iron Pegasus, a being created in the lava world made from minerals and fire, with two simple goals, to be the exact counter opposite of what Team Rainbow was and to bring any cosmic energy he found to his master.

When finally he spoke, the voice was deep and crackling, almost like a bright burning fire. "So, I finally managed to get you. Do you even realize just how much better you are than the previous model? Although you may be faster, then you still weak, filled with emotions." As he finished speaking he brought his hooves down on her shell in a stomp. His hooves was faintly glowing and gave off the same fire as his mane and tail.

"No matter what. I will have the cosmic power you currently hold. And I will deliver it to my master." Anger could be heard in his voice, as he brought his hooves down in another stomp. The fire he adorned among most of his body flared in his anger. Fire could seen burning from his orange eyes.

As she lay there getting beaten and battered, she felt her mind slip, her very essence being crushed by the angry enemy atop her.
Her shell broke and she could feel her mind slipping. And as the last parts of her mind left her shell, a single line of voice left her muzzle. "Why do you only destroy..."
The Iron Pegasus stood atop the broken shell of a Robot Unicorn MK-2. Truth is, The Iron Pegasus and the original Robot Unicorn was created alongside eachother. Created as equals, yet rivals.

Each and every cosmic warrior was given a cosmic power core. Made from a full cosmic star. Getting an unbroken cosmic star back to base was simple enough. But shaping it into a Cosmic Core takes a lot of cosmic power, something that only the leaders of Team Inferno and Team Rainbow could do. This cosmic power could be gathered from breaking cosmic stars or by breaking a cosmic warrior and consuming the power contained in it's core. The draining of a cosmic warrior was always a thrill. A boost of power, sending your system into a momentary of overdrive. But this time something was off. As The Iron Pegasus began to drain the cosmic power, of what should be just another mass manufactored clone, he could feel something else. A different kind of power entering his core. It felt wrong, like a million voices telling him that he should dispell and get rid of this new power. But all he could feel was the immense power filling his very system.
And suddenly, just as quickly as it began, the power stream ended and his systems collapsed in on them selves.

A white pony with a long white horn and great white wings, packed agains't her sides, with a flowing ethereal mane and tail consisting of the colours of the dawn, could be seen sitting on a throne made of beautifull white marble as she adressed the problems of her subjects. She was one of the alicorns of Equestria and her name was Princess Celestia. She was getting quite tired of something always happening. For one thousand years she had ruled alone. Nothing significant happened during those thousand years. But now, in the past year so many events had taken place. Most significantly being the acention of her faithfull student to becoming an alicorn herself and her student then proceding to defeat an enemy, that would try to steal the magic on all of Equus.

"Princess?" It was the voice of a white coated mare with a double variant of pink mane that was asking her a question or maybe she was stating something. Celestia knew her name. Fleur de Lis, she was a supermodel in Canterlot. Not very important, although she obviously felt important. Celestia was about to reply but didn't even get started when she felt a displacement of magic. Like something suddenly forcing the magic away to make space for something different. The power felt similar to her own alicorn magic associated with the sun itself. But no matter what it was she had to get to it.

"I am sorry but something has come up. You will all have to return tommorrow." Celestia said. Everyone in the room looked at Celestia as if they perhaps offended her somehow, all except Fleur that is.
"Princess, whatever it is, I am sure it can wait a minute or two right?" Fleur said with a sweet voice. It was clear she was used to getting what she wanted but she wasn't stupid either.
"I am sorry but it will have to wait." Celestia said as she teleported away leaving everyone dumbstruck.

Celestia appeared onto a balcony where a dark blue alicorn, with an ethereal mane and tail filled with sparkling stars seemingly awaited her arrival. She was another one of the alicorns of Equestria. Her name was Princess Luna and she was the sister of Celestia.
"I see you felt it likewise sister. Whatever it is, I managed to pinpoint it's location to be somewhere within the Everfree Forest." Luna said looking to her sister with a gaze asking a simple question. What do we do about it?
"Why can't Equestria have a bit of peace after seeing so much within such a short time..." Celestia said with a slight drop and shake of her head. They looked at each other and then looked towards the Everfree, silently hoping nothing bad would come of this.

In the newly created Castle of Friendship near Ponyville, an alicorn with a lavender coat and a mane and tail consisting mostly of dark blue, with a single streak of pink and purple, was reading a book. She was another one of the alicorns, although she was still getting used to the title and responsibillity of being the Princess of Friendship. It hadn't been much more than a couple of months since she had been coronated and not much later been given the official title of Princess of Friendship. Her name was Twilight Sparkle. She was lying in her bed reading a book as the displacement hit, the telekiketic field she had been holding the book in cut off, making the book promptly fall on her face. She groaned and removed the book with her hoof. Moved towards a window to stare towards where she could feel the displacement originating from.

Every part of the Iron Pegasus' body felt like it had been pulled to the point right before breaking.
Right now he had other concerns though. He could not feel any cosmic power, except one enormous one in some place far away.
As he laid there he slowly let his systems get started again. After a minute of waiting he proceeded to open his eyes and take in his sorroundings. All around him was trees, although he could make out a mountain in the distance. As he rose he stood almost as tall as the trees themselves. "Wierd, I don't remember ever seeing trees this small." He commented. Gone was the menacing voice of crackling fire, instead replaced with an almost rusty voice. "It doesn't matter. I have to find my way to an Inferno Territory so I can deliver this Cosmic energy." He looked around, making sure that he had enough space and then jumped and flapped his big wings. Only to find that they wouldn't respond and didn't move at all. "Damnit, I guess I gotta walk towards a base." he said. He then proceed to head towards the mountain he saw before.

Author's Note:

Holy hell. Finally pulled myself together to actually make a story.
Please tell me what you think. Feel free to correct me if i bucked up.
Thanks in Advance.

Comments ( 5 )

Just a minor adjustment in this line, which is having a line under it.

A white pony with a long white horn and great white whings, packed agains't her sides, with a flowing ethereal mane and tail consisting of the colours of the dawn

Else I didn't see anything that was a problem.
So far, it's an awesome story, and i can't wait for the rest of this to be done.

5201775 This is what i meen. Thanks

I Found some fails.

Fleur Dis Lee

It's Fleur De Lis:)

And you need to make all the direct speech i's with uppercase letters. :D

It's nice otherwise.

5204342 Fixed it.

And two author notes on my screen... What?

Interesting start for a story, would like to see what path the story goes down.

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