• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 1,692 Views, 18 Comments

Princely Pursuit - Eyeswirl the Weirded

Sunset Shimmer is pursued by someone she thought she'd never see again. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Chapter 1: New Face In Town

"At long last..."

The trip had been relatively short, just a walk to the train station in the middle of the night, a ride to the nearby town, a clandestine entry to the crystal palace, and nothing at all to stop him from silently searching for the door, but the wait had felt endless. Ignoring the question of why Twilight Sparkle didn't seem to have any security in place yet (the front door hadn't even been locked), Prince Blueblood stepped closer the mirror of myth, still hooked up to eldritch apparatus he'd overheard the master of the house say would leave the portal open at all times.

He knew they'd miss him. He knew his aunts (at least one of them), his peers, many high-bred fillies whose advances he'd shunned for just this day would miss him. He suspected even Equestria as a whole would-

Oh, who am I kidding? Nopony is likely to even notice I'm gone for the first few weeks.

It wasn't as though he had a lot of friends or important duties to perform, back in the castle. Other castle. Whatever. He approached the mirror, ready to at long last reunite with the one he'd been sure was lost forever.


A week.

A week was apparently all it took for whatever trust she'd gained from the rest of her classmates to disappear.

I don't understand, she thought, it looked like we were all getting along since the Sirens were stopped!

Lightly sighing to herself as she approached the school building, Sunset Shimmer reverted to avoiding eye-contact and keeping her head down as she had not long before, not knowing what it was she did that got everyone giving her weird looks and whispering her name in the time between the end of school yesterday and this morning. She was broken out of her thoughts by a familiar voice.


Smiling already, she turned to look at Pinkie Pie and the others, gathered by the statue in front of the school/portal to Equestria. She quickened her pace as Rainbow Dash and Applejack waved her over. "Hi, guys."

"Good to see you, darling."

Pinkie stepped forward, exuberantly joyful as ever. "So what's his name?"

Sunset's face contorted with confusion. "W-what? Who?"

"The guy, silly!" She acted out several pantomimes within the span of four seconds, talking just as quickly. "Is he an adventurer come back after years of travelling the world, dodging dart traps, jumping spike pits, swiping lost idols, and punching people in the face?!"

Rainbow smirked, her cheeks colored with the faintest blush. "Sounds like my kinda guy!"

Leaning against the statue, Applejack chuckled. "A male version of Darin' Do, ya mean?"

Before she could answer, Sunset raised a hand. "Uh, I'm sorry, what are you talking about here?"

The first five friends she'd ever made shared a quick, uncertain look, followed by Rarity turning to Sunset with concern. "You haven't heard? Someone's looking for you."

Her eyes widened in fright. "What? Who?!"

"We ain't sure yet, Sugarcube, but rumor has it he's some spiffy-lookin' fella with long hair an' a white suit."

Rainbow nearly stuck out her tongue. "A suit?! To school?"

Rarity crossed her arms, shooting her tomboy friend an equally cross look. "There's nothing wrong with having a fashion sense, you know." Losing the sternness in her face, she turned back toward Sunset. "But yes, apparently he's been going around asking for you since early in the morning, a few people said they saw him running around town in the middle of the night."

Sunset gripped a sleeve of her jacket, visibly worried. "Uh-huh?"

Fluttershy, who had already been sitting by the base of the statue, hugged her knees to her chest. "Y-you don't think he's some kind of... b-bad person, do you?"

"Ooh," Pinkie exclaimed, waving both arms, "like one of those crazy guys in the movies with a chainsaw and hockey mask, even though he's not a lumberjack, a hockey player, or a photographer?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "He doesn't have to have that stuff to be a knife-wielding maniac, y'know. Heck, I don't think he even needs to have a knife!"

Noticing Sunset's increasingly terrified expression, Rarity moved to put a hand on her shoulder, turning to look at the others. "Alright, that's enough, you're scaring the poor dear!"

Pinkie and Rainbow both flashed apologetic grins as Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ah'm sure if this feller was dangerous, or packin' weapons on school grounds, somebody would'a called the police."

Relieving a thought as that was for Sunset, an equally frightening one occurred to her. "What if... what if it is the police? Finally looking into what happened a while back...?"

Her friends all shared a quick, worried look, Fluttershy speaking first. "You're afraid you're going to be arrested for the Fall Formal?"

A brown boot stamped the ground once as it's owner wore an equal-parts angry and concerned expression. "Horse-apples! Ain't no way they're thinkin' a' takin' you in fer that now?!"

A blue fist pounded into a blue palm. "Yea, let 'em try and book her!"

Red and yellow hair gently shook on a resigned head. "I appreciate the thought girls, I really do, but if someone's pressing charges, it'll only be worse if I resist."

White sleeves wrapped around Sunset's midsection. "Well, glad that's settled!"

She was being grabbed from behind, a jolt of panic shooting up her spine as she tried to turn to face the one holding her. "Ah?! W-what?!"

The others, Rarity in particular, observed the blonde-haired newcomer. He stood a head taller than Sunset in shiny, black shoes, long, straight hair (apart from a single, wavy strand hanging partly in front of his pale, yet chiseled face), dressed in what might have been a white tuxedo with a compass rose imprinted on the cummerbund and an ordinary rose embedded in the lapel. He smiled down at his captive. "I've missed you so much, Sunset Shimmer."

Turning her head enough to see his arctic-blue eyes, her own widened in shock. "B-Blueblood?!"

Applejack whispered to the others. "Thinkin' this guy ain't a cop."

"Y-you know eachother?" asked Fluttershy, peeking out from the side of the statue she'd hidden behind.

Blueblood chuckled, hugging Sunset tightly enough to lift her a few inches off the ground. "Of course! Why, we were-"

He was cut off by Sunset, going red in the face, shouting as she wriggled in his grip. "Let go of me, you Numbskull!!"

Everything, the surrounding students entering the building included, went quiet as many turned to stare at the source of the sound, who was still being held by the handsome stranger. He smiled. "Ahh, you're just how I remem-OOF!" He lost his grip on Sunset, who immediately joined Fluttershy behind the statue, after being lightly shoved by Rainbow Dash.

"What's the big idea, pal?! Do you just go around squeezing people?!"

Regaining his balance, Blueblood regarded her with disdain. "Hmph. I embrace the few worthy to be touched by royalty," he said with a casual flip of his hair, "so you need not worry your badly-dyed head."

Rainbow's face adapted a hue close to the red in her hair, as well as a few upraised veins. "WHAT?!" Part of her anticipated some kind of defense from Rarity, but the fashionista was staring off into space. Those looking closely might have seen little hearts in her eyes.

Applejack crossed her arms with an annoyed expression. "An' just who the heck do ya think you are?"

He looked at the farmer curiously. "Oh. Sunset, you have your own yokel?"

Rainbow was no longer the only one wearing a furious expression. "YOKEL?!"

"Well," he calmly summarized, moving toward the spot Sunset had disappeared to, "suppose you have your reasons for picking your servants this way," he paid no mind to the two he had already offended indignantly exclaiming 'servants?!' in unison, "but what say we-"

He was stopped by Fluttershy, barring his path with both arms outstretched as Sunset slipped around to another side of the statue. "Um, p-please leave her alone, I don't think she wants to t-talk to you."

He raised a golden brow. "Oh?"

Sunset called from behind the statue. "It's true, actually!"

The prince chuckled, stepping around Fluttershy. "Yes, I remember this game very-"

She quickly moved to stop him again. "Please, leave her alo-"

Any trace of a smile vanished. "Get out of my way."

Fluttershy visibly trembled, but didn't give up! "S-s-she d-doesn't want to... um..." Her voice grew softer as his glare grew sterner. "I-if you c-could just, uh, j-just-"

He leaned forward. "Boo."

"EEP!" She crouched down and covered her head with her hands, but her friends were silently proud of her for lasting even that long.

Blueblood again stepped around her, but as he approached his increasingly nervous target, a bell sounded. Sunset smiled sheepishly. "Well, that's the bell, school things to do now, you should head home until the semester's over, seeya!" She bolted for the building, the Rainbooms (Applejack had to drag Rarity) following close after.

Hm, he thought to himself as he stood alone, she must have some manner of machination in play that involves the local education facility. I probably shouldn't interrupt her work there, if such is the case...

Author's Note:

I think it might be the most fun writing Blueblood when he's kindof a jerk. Not evil, not monstrous, but definitely kindof a jerk. Or insane, that's pretty fun too! :pinkiehappy: