• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 2,302 Views, 81 Comments

Operation: UPPER CUT: Aftermath - AzainInvazion

After the slip-space bomb explodes, Jorge gets transported to Equestria, but he's not the only one..

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Chapter 4

Ponyville Library

Dear Princess Celestia,
I’ve recently made a new friend here in Ponyville. This “friend” isn’t really from around here and wants to get back to his home. However, he has told us that his home is so far away that I believe the only way he can get back is with your help. This situation is really best explained in person, can we please come to the castle?

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight sighed with relief as she finally finished the letter. It took long enough to figure out the right words to say and, with Spike fast asleep, even longer to actually write it down. The unicorn slowly made her way upstairs thankful for the rest she was about to get. It had been an… exciting night, filled with surprises and danger, but everything would be back to normal soon. She hoped.

Fluttershy's Cottage

Jorge woke up feeling slightly uncomfortable. A quick check over his body revealed the answer. He had slept with his armor on. Ever since that fight with the Elite the night before, he felt the need to keep it on. Just in case. Twilight had said something last night about knowing someone who could help him just before she left. She’d be back soon… He hoped.

Just outside the window was Fluttershy. She was feeding all her animals. Man, she had a lot of them. A knock on the door broke his concentration. Jorge almost answered it before he remembered that he wasn’t on Earth. Or Reach. Or any human colonized planet for that matter. He waited.
“Fluttershy, open up. It’s me, Twilight.”
Jorge instantly recognized the voice and opened the door.
“Oh. Hi, Jorge. I got a letter back from Princess Celestia!”
“Princess Who?” Jorge asked.
“Celestia, she basically runs everything around here. She might be able to get you back home.”
Jorge’s spirits rose at what the unicorn had just said. Back home. Back to Reach.
“Great.” He said thankful that he might return home soon.
The back door opened and in hovered a yellow pegasus followed by several small animals.
“Oh! Jorge, you’re awake. Hi, Twilight.” She said closing the door.
“I was just telling Jorge that I got a letter back from Princess Celestia.” The unicorn replied.
“Ooh. What does it say?” Fluttershy asked.
The lavender unicorn opened her saddlebag, unrolled the scroll, and read it out loud.

My Dearest Twilight Sparkle,
I am quite anxious to meet this friend of yours. The fact that he lives so far away that you think he needs my help to get him back has peaked my curiosity. Come by anytime you like. I am sorry, but I won’t be able to arrange a carriage to pick you up, the pegasi assigned to that job are all sick with feather flu. I am sure you will be able to find transport, perhaps by train.


Princess Celestia

The trio was the picture of happiness at the news that Princess Celestia had given them. Not only was she willing to help Jorge get back to Reach, she was anxious to. The gang’s celebration lasted only several seconds before a rather large problem was brought up by Fluttershy.

“Umm… Twilight, how are we going to get Jorge all the way to Canterlot without anyone noticing?” Fluttershy asked, exposing the obvious problem.

The cottage fell silent as this new obstacle was brought to light. Jorge was by no means a small creature. He stood over seven feet tall and his armor didn’t help to hide the bulk. His facial appearance may be common place on human-inhabited areas but to the ponies of Equestria he might as well be Discord himself.

The tense moment was broken when Twilight let out a triumphant…

“Aha! I got it. Ever since we ran ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’,” she said, dripping with sarcasm, “out of town, I’ve been reading up on some illusionary magic. I could disguise Jorge as a pony and we can travel to Canterlot by train like normal.”

Jorge got slightly uncomfortable with the fact that he would look like a pony for the duration of his trip to this “Canterlot.” The rest of NOBLE Team would kill to have pictures of “The Big Man” as a candy colored equine, especially Emile. He would never let Jorge live it down if he saw him like that. Luckily though, NOBLE Team was nowhere near where he was, so he could suck it up… For now.

“Okay, Jorge, get ready.”

The Spartan did as instructed and braced himself for whatever the unicorn was doing to him. A ribbon of purple light spiraled around him as it emitted a soft glow. The ribbon spun faster and faster, completely enveloping the paralyzed soldier. A brilliant flash of light erupted from the spiraling column as Twilight completed her spell.

When the light faded, a Spartan didn’t stand in front of them, but a pony. He had a slightly dull orange coat, with a short-cut, jet-black mane. At roughly the size of Big Macintosh he easily towered over the other two ponies in the room.

“Did it work?” Jorge asked. “I don’t look any different.”

The Spartan examined his extremities. His arms looked the same, his legs looked the same. He didn’t look anything like what Twilight and Fluttershy looked like. Twilight, realizing what was going on, explained to Jorge why he didn’t look any different.

“You don’t look any different to you. It’s just an illusionary spell. You’re still the same when it comes to size and mass, you just look like a pony to everypony around you.”

Jorge accepted the answer without any further thought. He couldn’t explain half the things that went on in the past few days, why would this make any more sense.

“Well, if everypony’s ready, allons-y.” Twilight said.

The two other ponies just stared at the unicorn with blank stares, not understanding what she had just said.

“What. That doctor with the hourglass cutie-mark taught it to me. He said it meant, ‘Let’s Go.”

Satisfied with the mare’s explanation the three went off towards Ponyville’s train station.


Everfree Forest
Wreckage of the Long Night of Solace

An Elite major stood before four Elite minors. They were surveying the results of the scan they had just done on the strange planet they were on when a rustling was heard from behind. They immediately took a defensive stance as they waited for the creature to reveal itself.

Another minor burst from the bushes, putting the rest of the Sanghelli at ease. The Major walked forward.

“What news have you brought us?” It said in a commanding voice.

The minor was obviously out of breath. Panting and breathing heavily. Eventually though, he was able to answer.

“Our scout has been petrified. I found his body just outside of a small cottage. He had been turned entirely to stone.”

The Elites held their breath at what their commanding officer had to say about this.

“No matter.” He said. “It simply means that we will have to act with more caution. These creatures are still no threat to us. We will conquer this land, for the Covenant!”

A volley of Elite hands shot up into the air as their chants blocked out even the howls of the timber wolves.