• Published 13th Dec 2014
  • 6,053 Views, 31 Comments

South Park; Trip to Equestria - ThatCactusPony

(Rewriting) After encountering a strange object in a forest during a field trip, five 4th graders get taken to Equestria. What could go wrong?

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Chapter 1

Kyle's head hurt. He couldn't remember anything except for the strange blast from the orb Stan found. He wasn't sure if he was still on the ground in the forest, or somewhere else. Perhaps Mr. Garrison saw the blast and someone took them to the hospital? No way... Then where were they? Kyle opened his eyes and coughed. He sat up and looked in front of himself with blurred vision. The trees were there, but he was no longer on the forest. Instead, they were at the tree line once again.

"Y-you guys? What happened?" Kyle could hear Stan somewhere nearby. But his neck hurt too much to look behind himself.

"I don't know dude..." The red-head replied.

"Um... F-fellas?" Butters said, his voice quivering in fear. "Something's wrong with my body..."

"Butters... What did I tell you? We don't want to hear about your personal issues..." Cartman groaned.

"I-I don't think this one's personal... Since it happened to you too."

Cartman looked down at himself in confusion. Then whispered, "My God..."

Kyle stood up. But to his surprise, he could only walk on all fours. So he practically crawled over to a nearby puddle. He crept to the edge and looked. He gasped. He had no fingers, just strange hoof things. He also had larger ears and face. He almost resembled a horse, except orange with a curly red mane. He touched his face with his....hoof. "What the hell....." He whispered.

Suddenly, he heard a scream. He turned to see Stan standing on his hind legs, staring down at himself. He was a brown horse with a black mane and blue eyes. "WHAT AM I?!" He cried out.

"We're weird technicolor pony things dumbass..." Cartman replied. He was a reddish-brown pony with a brown mane and yellow eyes. He was sitting with his hooves crossed over his chest.


"Dude! Calm down!" Kyle exclaimed. "Im sure there's a reason for this!"

"You sure we're not on drugs or something?" Cartman asked.

"I don't like this fellas..." Butters whimpered. He was a teal pony with a yellow mane and blue-green eyes.

"I don't think any of us like it..." Stan let out an agitated breath and put a hoof on his forehead.

"I'm sure we can figure out what's wrong with us somehow." Kyle sat down, trying to think. "So let's see, we found a rainbow orb and it knocked us out. Now we're ponies. I bet that orb has something to do with the fact that we're colorful farm animals. And what the hell is this?!" He suddenly exclaimed and pointed to a horn on his forehead.

"Oh my God Kyle! Now you're a Jewnicorn!" Cartman smiled at his own pun.

Kyle opened his mouth to say a remark, but was cut off when a shadow passed over their heads. A yellow Pegasus with a golden brown mane, blue eyes, and an orange parka flew over. "Mph mmmmph mmmn mpmm!" He cheered.

"Aw no fair! Kenny gets wings?" Cartman complained.

"Even if you had any, you'd be too fat to be picked up..." Kyle snorted.

"Shut up Jewnicorn..."

Kenny landed an said, "mmphm mmm mmmmph mmph?"

"Yeah, he has a point. The orb could still be in the forest. Maybe we can still get home!" Stan said with hope.

"But didn't it break or something?" Kyle pointed out. "Besides, do you really want to search through that forest? We're in a place were humans become ponies. Who knows what kinda hellish creatures lie beyond those trees?"

"Damnit Kyle....why must you be right...." Stan smacked his forehead. "Ok. Let's go look for some help."

"Mmph?" Kenny asked.

"How bout there?" Butters suggested, pointing towards a colorful town, about a half mile away.

"That would probably help...." Stan said. "Ok guys, let's go..."

The boys arrived into the town about fifteen minutes later. Sure enough, there were lots of other technicolored ponies roaming the streets. They all looked so colorful and happy.

"Damn this place is gay as shit..." Cartman said to himself.

"Let's just ask someone something..." Stan looked around, until he saw a pink pony with a poofy dark pink mane. "How about her?"

Kyle walked up to the mare and said, "Excuse me? Me and my friends are kinda lost and I was hoping you could...." Suddenly, the pony gasped and jumped into the air, then ran off like a bolt of lightning. Kyle stood in shock.

"Wow..." Cartman stared after her in confusion.

"Well... I guess that happened...." Stan blinked.

"Now what do you suppose we do?" Butters asked.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Cartman spoke.

"You just ate a bag of chips fatass!" Kyle yelled.

"And that was awhile ago. We could have been unconscious for awhile...." The red earth pony pointed out.

"Huh... He's right, who knows how long we've been unconscious" Stan agreed.

"Well, I am looking for food. See ya" Cartman announced and walked away.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmn!" Kenny called.

"He's right! We should stick together!" Stan called after him.

"I'd flip you off if I had fingers!" Cartman yelled back.

"Forget it... That dumbass doesn't even have any money!" Kyle rolled his eyes. "Watch how far he gets."

"In the meantime, we should look around." Stan suggested.

"Good idea. Then we'll meet back up with fattso and get some answers ers." Kyle smiled.

The boys started to walk down the sidewalk. They passed many buildings in the process, including a really big tree house thing. As they continued down the streets, they suddenly heard a noise above their heads. "Get back here!"

A light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail was zooming through the sky, trying to catch a cloud.

"What's that crazy person doing?" Butters asked.

Suddenly, the mare kicked the cloud, and then a lightning bolt struck from the cloud. "Look out!" the Pegasus exclaimed. The boys screamed and ran away. Kenny tried to fly off, but the bolt hit him. He let out a muffled screech before falling to the ground, twitching with the electricity.

Stan and Kyle ran back over. "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" Stan gasped.

"You bastard!" Kyle angrily shook his hoof at the Pegasus, who flew down to the ground.

"Oh dang, is that guy ok?!" The rainbow-maned pony gasped.

"I dunno, let me ask him!" Stan smiled sarcastically. "Hey Ken, you ok? Oh that's right, he's DEAD!"

Just then, Kenny sat up and and waved. "Mmph mmmmn mpmm mpph mrm!" He reassured.

"Oh never mind. He's ok." Stan said.

"Sorry about that, those clouds are rediculous. I gotta go, bye!" She unfolded her wings and took off.

"Is there no sane person in this town?!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Guess not..." Stan sighed. "Come on, let's just go get fatass. Maybe we can get help wherever HE'S at."

The boys walked past the colorful buildings. Stan looked around. As he did, he noticed that there were not very many ponies out in the streets. "Where do you think everyone's at?" He asked.

"Not sure. Better question, where the hell is Cartman?" Kyle said looking around.

"Mrm mrrm mrrmph mm mmmr." Kenny pointed to a building that looked strangly like a piece of cake. Stan let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes. The boys walked through the doors. The scent of cake and pastries was overwhelming.

"If he's not here, I don't know where he is..." Stan commented. Sure enough, the forth grader was sitting at a table, scarfing down a plate of sugar cookies.

"How the hell did you get those?!" Kyle exclaimed.

Cartman looked over and took a slow bite of a cookie. "Um... Baby pony discount...." He said with his mouth full.

"No you didn't asshole...." Kyle growled.

"Okay, okay... I found a gold thing on the ground and I spent it on food. They also gave me a discount..."

"Well we need to go. We still haven't found any help."

"Nah I'm good..."

Kyle walked up and smacked the cookies on the ground. "I said we're leaving..."

"Fuck you Kahl..." Cartman grumbled. He stood up and started towards the door. The others followed. Cartman hesitated for a bit, then turned back to shove the cookies in his mouth, then walked back outside.

Stan took the lead. "Ok, so we should... Oh God damnit!" He looked up at the sky and saw that it was becoming darker. "It's almost night time and we still have no idea where we are!!!"

"Gee, what are we gonna do?" Butters asked, his ears flattened.

Just then, Kenny called over, "Mmmph mmmph mm mmmrm!" He waved a hoof over. The forth graders walked over. Kenny held up what looked like a folded note. Stan took it and unfolded it.

"Go to the library! (AKA the big tree thing. You can't miss it!)" Stan read. He looked around until his eyes locked onto a huge tree with doors and windows.

"Maybe someone there can help us!" Butters smiled.

"Then let's go!" Stan said happily. They all ran towards the library. When they got there, Kyle opened the door. It was all dark in the room and became pitch black when Kenny shut the door.

"Hello?" Stan called out into the seemingly empty room. Suddenly, the lights turned on. The room was full of ponies of every color. Streamers were thrown onto the boys. "SURPRISE!" They all said.

Kyle blinked in disbelief. "What. The. Hell..."