• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 7,420 Views, 150 Comments

Epitaphs - Baal Bunny

Rainbow Dash asks her friends what they might want carved on their tombstones. Her friends tell her.

  • ...


"My epitaph?" Applejack's face wrinkled like she smelled something bad. "Why in the hay're you asking a question like that?"

Stirring her lemonade, Dash gave a shrug. "I was just thinking the other day." She glared around at her other friends gathered in Rarity's parlor. "And no cracks! I can think just like everypony else, y'know!"

Pinkie and Rarity were busy getting the Monopony board set up and Fluttershy was rubbing the belly of a stretched-out and purring Opalescence, so none of them seemed to be paying attention. That just left Applejack, and her confused look was already turning into a smirk. "You don’t want us making jokes, sugar cube, you shouldn't oughtta give us such perfect straight lines."

Dash focused her whole glare on Applejack. "I'm serious, AJ! I mean, we all gotta go sometime, and your headstone's, like, your last words carved in marble for the rest of whatever! You've only got that much space—" She held her front hooves out and moved them around to show how wide and tall she remembered a headstone being. "—and the letters can't be too small or nopony'll be able to read it. So I was thinking if you really had something you wanted to leave behind, you should probably figure it out early so it'll be ready if you ever, I dunno, crash the wrong way into a mountain or something."

Applejack nodded. "Seems powerful unlikely I'll be crashing into a mountain any time soon, but yeah." She leaned forward and patted a hoof between Dash's ears. "Could it be our little RD's growing up?"

"Will you—?" Dash batted Applejack's hoof away. "I'm being totally serious here!"

"I know y'are, Dash." Applejack took a sip of her own lemonade. "I weren't more'n a pup when my folks went, but I don't reckon they ever gave a bit's worth of thought to something like an epitaph. Granny's the one prob'bly put 'loving wife and mother' and 'loving husband and father' on the markers."

"Exactly!" Dash tapped a hoof on the table. "That's why I've gotta get mine all thought up now! I mean, imagine if you guys're still around when I go! How'll you ever even decide what awesome thing about me is so awesome, it deserves to go on my headstone?"

"Headstone?" Pinkie popped out of nowhere right beside Dash, wrapped her lips around the straw in Dash's lemonade, and sucked the glass dry. "Sounds like you two're having a grave conversation over here." She stretched her face into a toothy grimace, and her voice went all deep and croaking. "Get it? Grave?"

"Pinkie..." Rolling her eyes, Dash wanted to tell Pinkie to be serious, but that would be like telling the wind to stop: if it did, it wouldn't be the wind anymore.

Applejack's low, rough chuckle tickled Dash's ears. "Well, now, Pinkie, I reckon I know what yours'll say." Applejack swept a hoof in front of her. "'Pinkie Pie: she died laughing.'"

"Oooo…" Pinkie slumped forward onto the table, her chin resting on her hooves, her eyes half closed and focused on nothing. "That'd be the way to go, huh? Get that bony ol' Reaper dancing the 'Pale Pony Polka' with me till he was laughing right along, then wham!" She leaped up and slammed a banana peel smack dab in the middle of Rarity's fancy lace tablecloth. "We'd both step on it, see, then he'd grab me, I'd grab him, and we'd go sliding and squealing together right off into the netherworld!"

"Oh, now, really, Pinkie!" Rarity came up behind Applejack, her horn shimmering, and the banana peel drifted upward inside a flex of silvery magic. "You know that I much prefer such shenanigans outside."

"Sorry." The grin Pinkie gave her didn't look sorry at all. "We're talking about tombstones!"

Rarity flinched, her magic faltering and dropping the banana peel onto the carpet. "Why in the wide, wide world of Equestria would you be doing that?"

"Because." Pinkie's voice dropped again. "It's coming to get you, Rarity."

"Hmmph!" Rarity stuck her snout in the air. "Some of us have a dignified passing planned, thank you very much!"

"Planned?" Dash pricked up her ears: she should've guessed Rarity would have this stuff all figured out. "What're you gonna have for your epitaph, then?"

Rarity opened her mouth, but Pinkie spoke faster: "'Here lies Rarity. She wasn't fashionably late for this party.'"

Applejack coughed a laugh at that, and Dash couldn't help squirting out a little one herself. Rarity's lips curved into something that could've been a smile, and she nodded to Pinkie. "I'll certainly take that under advisement, but truly, I feel that my greatest accomplishments still lie ahead of me. Of course, one can never foresee how and where and when, but if I were to go in the near future, well, 'Element of Generosity' would sum things up nicely, wouldn't it?"

"'Be kind,'" came Fluttershy's breathy whisper. Dash turned and saw her blushing beside her. "I...I always liked the sound of that for mine."

"Nah." Pinkie blinked her eyes, and they suddenly became about five times their normal size. "'Here lies Fluttershy,'" she said all high-pitched and sugary. "'If you don't mind, that is.'" Another blink, and she swung her regular face back around to Dash. "And for you, Dashie? 'Here lies Rainbow Dash. And over there, and over there, and a little over there, too.'"

That got another laugh out of everypony, and Dash had to smile. "Y'know, I kinda like it. And your idea, too, Rares. I mean, I'd hate to write down an epitaph and then do something that was incredibly awesome and maybe not have time to change what I wrote down. Then it'd turn into a big thing with some ponies saying my headstone should say what I wrote and some ponies saying what I did later deserved it more." She shook her head. "It's just not worth the hassle." Flapping over to the sideboard, she grabbed a fresh glass of lemonade and took a swig. But a quick thought almost made her spray the stuff back out; she spun and glared again at Applejack. "Hey! You never answered, AJ! And I even asked you first! So c'mon! Spill!"

Pinkie blew air through her lips. "AJ's easy." She reached over, grabbed Applejack's hat in her teeth, and flipped it between her own ears. "'Here lies Applejack. Honest!'" She clapped her hooves. "Get it? 'Lies'? 'Honest'?"

Applejack snatched her hat back. "Ain't gonna be any tombstone for me," she said. "No way, no how."

"Uh-huh." Dash folded her front legs across her chest. "And how're you planning on arranging that?"

"Simple. They plant me at the edge of the orchard right by the road and scatter apple seeds over me." Applejack's voice got quiet. "That's a marker worth having, I'd say. Then any ponies, if'n they know you're down there or not, can get a little shade or a little snack when they're passing by."

Dash blinked, her throat feeling tight all of a sudden, and the door to Rarity's shop rattled. "Hi!" Twilight's voice called, and she came trotting in, tucking her wings to her sides. "Sorry I'm late: I thought the mayor was going to go on talking forever." She smiled, her face as bright and eager as always. "Hope I didn't miss anything."

Now Dash's throat was tight and dry. "Naw," she managed to say. "We were just, y'know, shooting the breeze."

Author's Note:

If anyone's interested in reading the original, mini-fic version of "Epitaphs," I've put it into this blog post since I don't have anywhere else to put it!:heart:

Comments ( 150 )

Damn. P pie was ON. She is killing me. Get it?

Do I smell cupcakes?


I think I'd like mine to be "I was buried with fifty pound of precious metals and gems". With a suggestive shovel underlining it.

This honestly made me think of what I want my last words to be "that was fun"
Even though I had some ups and downs in life I still had fun . Isn't that the true meaning of life . To make most of it and still have as much fun as you possibly can .
That's just what I think life's all about

I want mine to say: Everyone sucks but ME!
That way everyone will know what the score was.

I was a little worried about Pinkie in here, but she did everything I asked her to. And that smell's probably nothing to worry about.:pinkiecrazy:
I spent all day Halloween writing this, and I didn't even once ask myself the question. Now I'll have to think about it.

No tombstone for me. Just wrap me in newspaper and kick me off a pier, that'll do.

Im stuck between "gg no re" or as my sunbros last words "it looks like my quest has come to an end... but I take solice that at last I found....my sun" man tears were shed.

That last line. Right in the feels.


Talking about dying.
Immortal friend walks in.

I'm not sure I can say anything; I plan to be cremated.

I hope inside the casket with you would be a big sign reading, "PSYCH!"

Two more methods I didn't even think of!
And it's the Day of the Dead coming up tomorrow, too. I didn't think of that, either!

Here lies Chuk died of fatal bunny wounds

I'll just direct you to the icon I use. I'll also note that the ad banner at the bottom of the page as I'm typing this is for headstones.

Google knows everything!

5216059 Here lies Chuk I'm still down here!
Here lies Chuk I told you I was sick
Here lies Chuk shot through the heart and you're to blame
Here lies chuk where am I?
Here lies Chuk first man to land on the sun.... he didn't stay long

Here lies Anon, Mauled by a tiger, He left us these final thoughts
"God above, Someone help me, I'm being mauled by a tiger"

5216148 Here lies Chuk he's not dead he just got bored

I admit, the puns had me dying throughout the whole story.


I was really surprised that I came up with jokes for all five of them. Pinkie must be inside my head!:pinkiegasp:

Pinkie and Rarity were busy getting the Monopony board set up and Fluttershy was rubbing the belly of a stretched-out and purring Opalescence, so none of them seemed to be paying attention.

I see vat you did there. :coolphoto:

I love how you people write these one-shots. They're awesome.

Here's what mine would probably say:

"Here lies a kind man who proudly lived the life of a moron."

I'm so happy I heard about The Writeoff Association. These short, focused stories are just what I've been needing recently.
Might be I'll sign up for that one, too!

Quite honestly, Twilights reaction to their conversation could be a fiction it itself.

There is ridiculously amazing youtube video about it called Eternity's End. It doesnt detail discussion about it but instead an after the fact short sweet remembrance of the ponies we hold so very dear.

(Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzNXuLZD4bQ)

Well, my epitaph would be
"Все мы, все мы в этом мире тленны,
Тихо льётся с клёнов листьев медь…
Будь же ты вовек благословенно,
Что пришло процвесть и умереть."

This isn't meant as a serious critique on this story, I'm only saying it because it bugs me something fierce.
The "punny" name of Monopony is completely unnecessary here, Manehatten is fine because mane replaces man which insinuates humans. Having a monopoly on something can still exist in the MLP universe, just ask Filthy Rich.
Sorry, had to get it out of my system, you may call me pedantic if you so desire.

Mine would be "This seemed like a good idea..."

If we're all lucky, Twilight'll never learn about it.
How about "What could possibly go wrong?"
It was Pinkie in my brain forcing me to make puns.:pinkiecrazy:

Well then all is forgiven! :pinkiehappy:

Last words - That's easy, hold my beer

His last words were "Just like that old gypsy woman said!"

N. Cartman
1999 to 2050
When is this due?

But in all seriousness, my headstone would probably say-
I'm watching you!

I loved this, keep doing what you're doing and you'll make it big.

'Here Rests Raz. Maybe.'

And thank you dear author for the excellent gallows humor! Ah, it was quite refreshing to this poor soul.

I'd be buried at the Last Words Cemetery.
My Tombstone:
"Here lies MyLittleTimeLord.
~Watch this belly flop!"

:yay: for forgiveness!
We should all get t-shirts with our epitaphs on them so we can be prepared.
The Writeoff Association has just started a new round, so there ought to be another story from me here after November 24.

I work with computers and robots, so:
I'll Be Back!


Caution: Explosive Batteries.

or the ever classic:

Insert Lightning Here->
with an arrow pointing at a lightning rod attached to my brain.

"Autosave - turn 26,284"

i'm gonna have 'Respawning in 3...2...' just so people stand around waiting for the 1 to come up.

Either that or 'Unitatis. Officium. Libatis.' (Props if you get the reference. Hint: it's in Latin)

Mine will read "His K/D ratio was legendary, gamerscore unrivaled. Armies crumbled before him, villains flee from his legacy even now. Killed by a swampfly."

"Here lies [insert name]
Fucking respawn time is too long"

Either that or:

"Dance here"

This spawning stuff sounds dangerous...:twilightoops:
The only Latin I know is "Veni, vidi, vici," and I don't think that'd work too well on a gravestone.

I want to be cremated - I'm no big fan of the whole decomposition thing, and even if the chances are next to nil, there is no way in hell I'll ever be part of a shuffling zombie horde if I have anything to say about it. That said, if I did get a headstone, I think I'd want it to read, "And nothing of value was lost."

Alternatively, should I somehow get oodles of cash, I think it would be cool to have a mausoleum built of some sort of dark stone, with the ornate coffin within bound by heavy chains and surrounded by an occult-looking runic circle or some such... perhaps with other accoutrements along those lines; I haven't worked out any great detail. Ideally, there would be no indication of who was interred within, beyond the fact that whoever it was, the builders really didn't want to risk 'em ever coming back... :trollestia:

Mine would be:

"Het nok aan jul wen nah lost ni mindok groe."

I'm with Pinkie on this one; I plan on dying laughing :pinkiehappy:

I'd never really thought about it... :applejackunsure: How bout:
1. Did I leave the oven on?

2. "Waldo found me first."

3. "I should have written an epitaph."

5223052 OMG Cheryl would totally have that on her tombstone! Unless you weren't making an Archer reference, in which case please disregard and/or think I'm weird.

5230068 I have no idea what this "Archer" thing is, friend, Making assumptions like that, you're really entering into some sort of zone of danger or something.

"Here lies Kevin
I got a good feeling about th-"

Twilight's response would be, "Oh, that's not going to be an issue. I plan on making you all immortal soon enough."

5228727 it means 'Unity, Duty, Destiny'

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