• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 545 Views, 0 Comments

Aeternus Tenebris - Draconaes

What nightmares plague the Sun? Celestia's sister is back, but Nightmare Moon continues to haunt the night.

  • ...

It is only beginning.

Year 1000 LE


Celestia sat atop a tower, surveying her empire. It had taken many years to build - and much bloodshed - but it was worth it. The lesser creatures of the world would be better off for it, in the long run. How could they hope to prosper in such a dangerous universe without her? Better for them to bow to her, whether by will or force, than to suffer the sting of nature. For she was Master here, and they her lessers. No one should live nor die save by her will. She grinned as she recalled a title from her youth.


Her grin slowly slid off her face. Something seemed... off, but she couldn't quite place her hoof on it. Just then, a trumpet sounded, announcing the return of a group of her warriors. The column was headed by state-of-the-art machines of war, and glimmering banners depicting a stylized alicorn were being waved to and fro. In the middle of the column, a group of ponies, griffons, and dogs in tattered, ruined coats marched in chains.

This latest group of rebels had been causing unrest from the mountains to the west. She was glad they had finally been rounded up. In a few days the executions would be finished, and there would be one less obstacle to perfect order and peace.

She frowned. Executions? Was that really the answer? Wasn't she at least jumping to conclusions, before they had a trial? But no, trials would be a waste of time for these insects.

She blinked. Something wasn't right. She didn't feel like herself. She closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened them again, she saw several other alicorns beside her that she did not recognize. On either side of her, they glared haughtily at the column marching below them. One of them seemed to be smiling in delight, even.

She shivered. The world suddenly seemed very cold. She gasped as she noticed the sky being consumed by inky darkness. The other alicorns shared concerned glances, then took flight, quickly vanishing from sight. She sought the sun, and found it being eclipsed by the moon.

A cackling laugh interrupted the silence. She spun about and felt her heart drop. She was in her castle, and standing amidst the shattered remains of the podium next to her throne was an alicorn, pitch black and with razor teeth. "Did you really think you could escape me, Celestia?"

"Luna? What are you doing? You must lower the Moon!"

The alicorn scoffed. "I am Nightmare Moon. Luna is gone. This world shall suffer eternal night, and there is nothing you can do to stop it! You will only be delaying the inevitable!" She broke into laughter, throwing bolts of lightning with abandon. Celestia took to her wings, trying to put some distance between herself and the monster that destroyed her sister. Nightmare Moon soon followed. Her thoughts raced as she flew out of the castle. This wasn't right. Luna was supposed to have been restored! What had happened to allow Nightmare Moon to return, so soon?

Suddenly, Nightmare Moon appeared in front of her, grinning as she lowered her head. Celestia tried to slow down, but her momentum carried her forward into Nightmare Moon's waiting horn. She cried out as she felt it slide between her ribs, then again as the dark alicorn unleashed a bolt of energy that seared straight through her chest. She convulsed as she felt the horn remove itself.

She fell for what seemed like an eternity, watching the gloating face of her once-sister above her. She hit the stone floor of the throne room with a sickening thud, feeling the blood leaking out of both ends of her wound.

This felt familiar. She recalled something similar happening, a thousand years ago, but this time she did not rise again. She felt her breath fade and her heart stop, but still she could see through her dead eyes. Dark figures began forming out of the shadows in the throne room, horrific creatures that she could not describe in her current state. They began swarming over her, siphoning away what magic remained in her body. She felt the world going dark, fading away. The shadows whispered to her as they devoured her.

"The light is fading. Only darkness will remain. The sun will die and we will live forever. Sleep and do not return. The twilight of the universe is coming."

Suddenly, they scattered. The castle transformed into an open, sunny field, and a trio of alicorns stood looking down upon her. She could not see who they were, only that they seemed to be sad, or perhaps disappointed. Before the darkness took her completely, she heard one of them sigh and mutter something.

"You couldn't even protect yourself... what a shame. You shouldn't have even been here."

Celestia shot forward, struggling against cloth bindings that were restricting her movement. It took her a moment to realize it was her bedsheets, and that she was in her room in Canterlot. Still breathing heavily, she carefully extricated herself and moved to her window. She saw a light from Luna's tower, and smiled as she remembered that her sister was home, safe and sound again. She couldn't suppress her swelling pride as she remembered Twilight Sparkle for returning Luna to her, less than a week previous.

The nightmare had been terrifying, but now, in the realm of the waking, she was more confused than frightened. She was not very surprised that she had dreamt about Nightmare Moon, but what she remembered about the beginning and the end of the dream did not make sense to her. Maybe it represented the fears she had about herself? About being an effective and just ruler? She felt a pang of guilt as she remembered those last words. You couldn't even protect yourself... You shouldn't have even been here. What if she ended up letting everypony down?

She shook her head and began fixing her scattered bedding. She had not had fears about her ability to rule for hundreds of years. She was Celestia the Light-bringer, first of the alicorns, Alpha. She reminded herself that she had ruled successfully - for the most part - for over a thousand years, and she should be confidant in her ability to keep Equestria safe in the future. She smiled again. Especially with Twilight Sparkle. She won't let Equestria fall while she has blood in her veins.

Finally reassured, Celestia returned to her bed. The terrors of the night had little real power over her, and she fell into a restful sleep.

She did not notice the subtle shift of magical energies leaving the room.

Author's Note:

Happy Nightmare Night!

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