• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 1,333 Views, 21 Comments

On the road to Justice. - SugarHoneyIceTea123

A crossover with the Superman/Batman mythos. Starring Applebloom and Diamond Tiara in the lead roles!

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Chapter 3: Solitude

In the cold arctic north of the world, a lone figure flew across the frigid pale blue sky.

The figure soared weightlessly across the sky, seemingly defying physics due to the lack of anything keeping her in the air.

After flying for Celestia-knows how long, she found a patch of solid ice to land on. She drifted to the speck of ice surrounded by freezing water before softly landing on four hooves

The figure, clad in layers and layers of white winter gear to keep herself warm, pulled her heated mask off to reveal a yellow red-haired mare underneath.

Applebloom shivered as the sudden cold air hit her face. Every single tiny breath created a cloud of fog.

She looked around with her heightened vision, making sure that nobody, pony or otherwise, was around to witness… whatever it was she was about to do. Satisfied with her apparent solitude, she took to the skies once more before flying into the center of what she believed to be the largest body of water in this frozen wasteland.

Taking a deep breath to steel herself for whatever may happen, Applebloom reached into the depths of her parka before pulling out a shimmering white crystal.

It was time to discover the mysteries of her past.

For the past five years, Applebloom had attempted to unlock the secrets of this crystal, one of two remnants of her former life as a citizen of an entirely different planet. She subjected it to thousands of different stimuli, from barbaric methods like hitting it really hard to acute methods like projecting various light and sound frequencies to it.

Put it was by pure accident that she discovered how to make the crystal perform its intended purpose.

After many failed attempts, Applebloom was at her wits end when she decided to throw caution to the wind and seek outside help. She turned to Ponyville’s resident genius, Twilight Sparkle, for aid. Though she left out a few details on the nature of the crystal.

Eager to help the young mare (and intrigued by the crystal itself), Twilight decided to shave off a tiny sliver of the crystal so she could examine it under a microscope.

Fate intervened when her draconic assistant Spike, carrying a bucket of water for his usual duty of cleaning the library, bumped into Twilight causing her to drop the sliver into bucket.

It was only a second into Twilight lecturing Spike on being more careful before the crystal sliver began to react… violently to the water.

Giving off a series of pulsating lights, Applebloom and Twilight both jumped in shock as the crystal sliver expanded within the water, shards of white pierced the bucket and, in an explosion of water and wood, became a large statue of crystal right in Twilight’s library.

One year has passed since that day, with Applebloom begging Twilight to keep the events of that day a secret.

But now she knew how to, for lack of a better term, activate the crystal.


But the tiny sliver Twilight took expanded into a large statue roughly a head taller than Twilight herself.

If Applebloom wanted to recreate that effect with the crystal in its entirety, she would need a lot more water.

And a lot of privacy.

Finding a quality location within the frozen wastes of the north, Applebloom flew far and fast to this location.

Which brings us to here and now. Applebloom looked at the crystal in her hooves; she looked at the shimmering blue waters below and dropped the crystal.

With a quiet ‘plop’, the crystal sank deep into the waters.

A moment passed, and then another moment of pure silence save for the wind.

Before Applebloom could wonder what was taking so long, she saw the same pulsating lights she saw in Twilight’s library deep inside the water’s abyss.

The lights grew brighter and brighter within the water as Applebloom saw a crystal structure begin to rise above the water’s surface. The structure grew and grew to enormous proportions, forcing Applebloom to fly away from the ever expanding crystal in order to avoid being consumed by it.

Finally, the pulses started to die off as the crystal slowly started to finish its metamorphosis. The result of Applebloom’s ‘experiment’ now stood before her, an island of white crystal that blended perfectly with the white snow and ice around it.
“Wh-Whoa…” She said in awe. Just like the statue in Twilight’s library, the crystal had expanded into a gargantuan structure. On a whim, she gazed into the mass of crystal, through the walls, to discover a series of chambers resting within. Following the paths connecting each chamber, she found a doorway into the crystal fortress and, with no real plan in mind, stepped inside.

The various chambers she visited were, for the most part, empty. The walls inside the fortress were smooth and round, not jagged like they were outside. But the central chamber deep within the heart of the fortress had something of interest.

A podium made up of several crystals bunched together stood before a flat wall of polished crystal. Applebloom could see her own awestruck face within the mirrored wall as she stepped closer to the podium. With a wary hoof, she touched the center most crystal within the podium.

The crystal gave off a sharp sound, like a bell, before retracting into the podium. A green light began to emanate from the podium as the entire chamber started to glow with the same green light. Applebloom began to panic; she didn’t know what was going on!

But then the light started to fade, and a calm voice spoke out to her.

“Don’t be afraid. You are not in danger.” The voice said.

Applebloom looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. Even with her heightened hearing, the voice seemed to come from all directions at once. “Who’s there? Where are you?” She asked.

Before she could say anymore, the mirrored wall started to shimmer before an image materialized on its surface. The image was of a yellow stallion with an earthy brown mane and beard. The stallion was wearing flowing red robes and a golden circlet around his head. But what Applebloom noticed immediately was that this stallion bore the same symbol on his chest that was on her blanket.

A golden shield with a red ‘S’.

The image started to move, looking down on Applebloom before smiling warmly. “It is good to see you. You look well.”

Applebloom nodded nervously. “Uh… Thanks” She said, unsure of what to make of all this.

The stallions smile fell a little. “I’m sure you have hundreds of questions. What would you like to know first?”

Applebloom blinked before reminding herself that her whole reason for coming here was to find answers. And now, this pony was offering her some. But first, she needed to find out exactly who she was talking to.

“Let’s start with… Who are you?” She asked.

The stallion nodded. “I have been designated with the name ‘Archive’. I am an advanced artificial intelligence programmed with the mandate of preserving information of the planet Krypton, your homeworld, in the hopes that you would one day come to me and I could share with you all I know.”

Applebloom’s eyes lit up. Finally! This is what she waited five years to find!
“Artificial Intelligence? Like a computer?” She asked.

Archive nodded. “Yes, though I was given sentience by my creator who also served as the template for my likeness and personality imprints.”

“Who is your creator?” She asked.

“My creator was Krypton’s leading scientist. Your father, Jor-El.” He said.

Applebloom instinctively took a step back, as his struck. “My… father? You’re my…”

Archive shook his head within the mirror. “No. I’m sorry but I only share my likeness with your father. He and I are not the same individual.”

Applebloom eyes dropped a little. “Oh… Where… Where is my father?”

Archive sighed as he knew this would come up eventually. “It is my deepest regret that I must inform you that your father is dead.”

Applebloom’s eyes widened in shock. “What do you mean? What happened?!” She demanded.

Archive held up a hoof to calm the mare. “Please, maybe it would be best if I just tell you the whole story.”
Many years ago, the planet Krypton was in the midst of its fifth scientific renaissance. Our technology was among the greatest among the stars and we frequently did business with many other species across the cosmos, building and designing new and better devices for such esteemed groups like the New Gods of Genesis and the Guardians of Oa.

But our wisdom came from the age of our planet. And old worlds orbit around old stars. The red sun that Krypton orbited around was dying. But it takes a long time for a sun to die. In that time, we could have evacuated the planet and colonize a new one. But as our wisdom grew, so too did our arrogance. Rather than flee from the sun, we would face it and tame its wrath.

Our scientists worked for many years to reverse what cosmic law had ordained. To renew our sun to its former glory. Had we realized our folly before it was too late, we might have avoided the events that brought you to this world.

Something happened during our experiments, in our attempt to save our world we had only succeeded in dooming it. The naturally slow process of a dying sun was… accelerated by our experiments. Krypton’s sun was going supernova, an explosion that would wipe out the entire solar system including Krypton.

And it was happening much too fast for any of us to do anything. It was too late for a total exodus of the planet, but your father had a plan to preserve Krypton’s legacy.

He hastily crafted a small starship, just big enough to carry a single infant, and sent you away from the doomed planet. As Krypton burned, you made your way to a planet that Jor-El had been previously researching.

A planet called Earth.

Jor-El had discovered this planet by accident, but grew to admire the many races living on its surface. He knew you would be safe among their kind…
“He downloaded my consciousness into a Matrix Crystal and sent me with you. The rest you know.” Archive said. He allowed Applebloom to ruminate on his story.

Applebloom was silent for a little while before tears started to form in her eyes. It was strange, she didn’t know anypony from Krypton… and now she never would. She didn’t know her true father… but she knew he sacrificed everything just to keep her safe.

“Ah… Ah’ve always wanted to know where ah came from. And now that I know…” She said, wiping her eyes.

“It’s enough… just knowing he loved me.” She whispered.

A few minutes passed in silence as Archive allowed Applebloom to come to terms with her planet’s demise.

“There are still so many things ah don’t know. Like… What’s my real name?” She asked.
Archived gave a small smile, happy to give an answer that wouldn’t cause heartache. “Your birthname is Kala-El.”

Applebloom nodded. “Kala-El…” She said, getting a feel for the word in her mouth. “Ah like it.” She said with a smile. “But I think ah’ll stick with Applebloom all the same.”

Archive tilted his head. “Applebloom? Is that the name the natives of this world gave you?”

Applebloom nodded. “Yeah. My… My momma called me that after she found me.”

Archive gave a sad smile. “So you were taken in by good people?”

Applebloom’s smile widened. “The best. My momma and poppa, my Granny Smith, my sister Applejack and my brother Big Mac. I couldn’t ask for a better family.”

Archive nodded. “I’m sure Jor-El would have been happy to see you with such a loving family.”

Applebloom decided to change the subject before the mood became too somber again. “What about my powers? Ah’m stronger than most ponies, ah can fly without wings and my senses are unbelievably good.” She asked. “Is that normal for Kryptonians?”

Archive brought a hoof to his chin. “Hmm, yes and no. Your father believed something like this might have happened.” He continued as it was obvious Applebloom was more than a little confused. “Due to the old age of our red sun, Kryptonians evolved the ability to absorb solar radiation since there was so little of it emanating off our sun.”

Archive shrugged his shoulders. “Your father believed that since earth’s yellow sun is much younger than Krypton’s, it gives off much more solar radiation. Thus your body becomes, shall we say, supercharged due to your natural Kryptonian physiology causing you to absorb the higher amount of solar radiation.”

If anything, Applebloom was more confused. “Ah’m not a scientist like pa, but I guess that makes sense.”

Applebloom ‘hmm’ed as she thought of any other question concerning her past. “What about that symbol on your chest? I saw the same symbol on my blanket.”

Archive looked down in order to notice the symbol Applebloom pointed out. “This is merely a family crest. Specifically the crest for the ‘El’ family.”

Applebloom cocked her head as she gave the symbol another good look. “Why is it shaped like an ‘S’?”

Archive raised an eyebrow. “What’s an ‘S’?”
Time passed as Applebloom became satisfied with the answers she received. She certainly knew a lot more about her past than she ever did these past five years combined.

Only one question still remained.

“So… Now what do ah do?” She asked.

Archive raised an eyebrow. “What do you wish to do?” He asked.

Applebloom thought long and hard. “Ah want to go back home, give my family a big hug and tell them ah love them.”

Archive smiled warmly. “A noble goal, Kala-El… I mean, Applebloom.”

Applebloom shrugged. “It’s okay, you can call me Kala-El if you want. But… what are you gonna do?”

Archive shrugged. “Not much I can do. There is no computing device in Earth advanced enough to hold my consciousness so I will just have to stay here.”

A look of sadness crossed Applebloom’s face. “All by yourself? Ah’ll… Ah’ll come visit you.”

Archive nodded. “If you wish. Your father knew that your abilities would cause some… rifting between you and the ponies of this world. He created this place to be somewhere you could escape to, if only for a few moments. A fortress of solitude of sorts.” He gave a small smile. “Though I would certainly welcome your company as well.”

Applebloom returned the smile. Before she turned to leave, she gave one last parting look to Archive. “Thank you for telling me… everything.”

And with that, Applebloom left her newly inherited fortress and flew back home to Ponyville.
Within an extravagant mansion in Canterlot, a fifteen-year old young mare was hard at work.

Fancy Pants had very recently added a gymnasium to his mansions many chambers, claiming his niece had discovered a passion for exercise.

This was partly true.

When Diamond Tiara decided to tell her aunt and uncle all about her plan in confidence, they of course did everything they could to try and talk her out of it. But it became very clear very fast that the mare’s mind was set in stone on this matter.

With no way to dissuade her, the aristocratic ponies decided to do all they could to keep their niece from killing herself during her crusade.

Diamond Tiara quickly went to work preparing herself, diving into every single book on criminology, law and psychology she could find. Before the… incident, she was never the most studious of ponies.

Vengeance was a great motivator for studying.

But it was not enough to expand her mind. For every advancement to her growing knowledge, Diamond Tiara spent just as much effort honing her body as well.

Hence the fully supplied top-of-the-line gymnasium Fancy Pants bought her for ‘her birthday’.

Seeing the petite and svelte pink mare surrounded by numerous heavy metal weights, leather punching bags and all manner of acrobatics appliances would cause one to be skeptical. But all they would have to see is this same petite pony lifting well over one-hundred and fifty pounds over her head to shut them up.

Fancy Pants stood to the side watching his niece work herself into a puddle of sweat, ready to step in at a moment’s notice if she hurt herself or if she collapsed from exhaustion.

Which has happened far too often as far as Fancy was concerned.

However, Diamond Tiara’s daily routine went off without a hitch. Drying herself off, she gave herself a quick look in the mirror. Her routine was designed to make her as strong as possible without bulking her up so she could keep up appearances as an upper-class heiress.

Fancy Pants walked over to her as he took note of her ragged breathing. “Perhaps it would be best to… restrain ourselves in the future.”

“No.” She said bluntly, though her expression softened as she saw the hurt look on her uncle’s face. “I’m sorry Uncle. I meant there’s no need to go any easier on myself. I have a good routine that works.”

Fancy nodded. “I just… don’t like seeing you hurt yourself.”

Diamond gave a sad smile. “It’s supposed to hurt Uncle, that’s how you know it’s working.” She walked passed him as she took a drink from her water bottle. “Besides, we’ve already been over this with my nutritionist. As long as I eat regularly, which you and Aunt Fleur see to rather obsessively I might add, this routine will not cause any lasting damage to my body.”

Fancy Pants nodded. “I know Miss Tiara. But you know it’s not just the exercise I take issue with.”

Diamond Tiara’s eyes lowered to meet the floor. “I know. I know you and Aunt Fleur want me to move on and forget all this.” She raised her eyes to meet her uncle. “But I can’t. Every time I close my eyes, when I go to sleep I see them screaming for help only I’m too little to do anything.”

Her expression hardened. “But I’m not a little filly anymore. The next time a couple in an alleyway cries out for help, I’ll be able to do it.”

Fancy Pants sighed. “And what about the couple after that and the couple after that? What about the people crying for help in Manehattan while you’re in Stalliongrad answering dozens of cries for help?”

Fancy’s face turned stern as he tried once again to drive his niece away from this insane idea. “You cannot bear the weight of the world on your shoulders Diamond. You’re only one mare.”

Diamond Tiara looked away from her uncle. “I make no delusions that I can help everypony. But I can help much more by doing this than by simply being another aristocrat.”

Fancy Pants sighed. “You have my aid as always Miss Tiara. But you have it under protest.”

Diamond turned to give her uncle a tight hug. “Duly noted.”

In the midst of their hug, Fleur De Lis walked into the gym with a grave expression. “Diamond?”

Diamond Tiara pulled away from her uncle to face her aunt. “What is it Aunt Fleur?”

Fleur De Lis looked aside, wondering how she could tell her niece without it resulting in her doing exactly what Fleur didn’t want her to do. “Captain Spoon called. He wanted me to inform you… that Icey Chill has escaped from prison.”

Diamond’s eyes widened in shock. The water bottle that was in her hoof fell to the ground splashing water across her hooves.

“Icey… Chill…” Diamond repeated. Her parent’s murderer.

Walking passed her aunt, Diamond Tiara turned towards her room with Fancy Pants on her heels.
“Diamond? What are you going to do?” He asked apprehensively.

“No more training.” She said. “No more preparing. My mission starts tonight.”

She turned towards her uncle with fire in her eyes. “And Icey Chill will be the first to fall.”