• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 19,796 Views, 537 Comments

Re:Changeling - Robomac

After a fatal tragedy, Twilight wakes up in a situation unlike anything she had experienced before. How is she supposed to react when she finds herself reincarnated as the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, the very one who orchestrated her assassination?

  • ...


I don't know for how long I cried for. My heart was in shambles and my world view had been shattered. What laid below that was a torrential storm that consumed everything that I believed to be true. There could be no friendship for me. There's no way I could return to the harmonious life that I've known for so many, yet too few, years. Twilight Sparkle was…is dead.

On some level, I knew what happened to me was bad, but I never understood. How could I…how could anypony? There was no book for this, fictional or not. There was nopony to tell me what to do, or how to do it. I was completely on my own.

Maybe that last bit wasn't completely true, but it didn't mean that they could help me. Formica was the most caring individual I've met since my initial death. Could she possibly understand the pain of watching somepony who has helped protect you try to do you harm?

Yes…she could. The memory of Chrysalis' outburst from so early in my new life pervaded my mind. Whenever I looked at where her horn used to be, I would remember that incident, but it's raw impact has long since faded. Now she and Chrysalis are close to what I would call friends. If they could make up, why couldn't I do so with Shiny.

'I'll just convince him of who I am and he'll be my BBBFF all over ag…' No. I couldn't do that to him. It would only end in him facing the same horror I was facing. How could I tell my brother that the same changeling princess he tried to kill was his own sister's reincarnated self? It would destroy him.

It was hard to believe that he was willing to kill any infant, but it made some twisted bit of sense after I thought about it. I was the changeling princess, Chrysalis' heir. The viewpoint had changed, but it was in essence the same as why some changelings wanted me gone so I couldn't grow up to be like Chrysalis. To Shiny, Chrysalis was the one responsible for my death. Of course he wouldn't want another. Justifying it didn't make it any less painful though.

Strangely enough, my thoughts returned to Wordsmith. I wanted to deny the last words I heard from him, but I couldn't do that anymore with the evidence glaring me in the face. Equestria was preparing for war, but I had to believe that they didn't want a true extermination. I had to believe that losing me like that wouldn't be enough to drive Celestia and Luna that far, at least not permanently. Maybe the wound was still fresh.

That begged the question: How long has Twilight Sparkle been dead? Not once did Chrysalis mention how long it has been since then, nor anypony else for that matter. I only had my time as a larva to judge the passage of time. It took some effort, but I eventually figured that it was close to seventy days since I first woke up inside my egg, give or take a few. I would've figured this out a week sooner if not for how much disarray my mind was in. That meant that it had to have been at least two and a half months since my death, with however long it took for me to be reincarnated added onto that. I could be certain that Chrysalis waited until after Twilight's death before she conceived me. 'If I can learn how long it takes between conception and hatching for changelings, I can have a much more accurate timetable.'

Of course I could calculate, analyze, and speculate all I wanted, but none of that told me what to do. I needed a plan, and for that, I needed information. I looked at Queen Chrysalis and saw her pacing relentlessly. She had spent every moment not trying to distance herself from the recent encounter trying to come up with her own ideas. So far, she only had three, along with one joke plan and another inconsiderable one.

The first was the original plan of hiding out in a pony town. What was once the best option became just as bad as the others thanks to the anti-changeling salve. Chrysalis would've still tried plan A if not for Formica explaining that Wordsmith believed that Equestria planned to bring the salve to every town at once. Any attempt to counter this strategy would require her to go with plan B or C.

Plan B involved ignoring all risks associated with potential usurpers and returning to the hives as if nothing was wrong. With the future conflict incoming, she would be too distracted to watch over me at all times. She had a few changelings she could trust without question, but she was certain that they'd be outnumbered and overwhelmed by any sort of direct assault on my life.

Her joke plan was handing me off to Equestria and telling them to raise me as they saw fit. She laughed it off as ridiculous in the instant after the words escaped her muzzle. The inconsiderable plan was to withdraw permanently from the rest of the hives and let them fend for themselves. This defied every instinct Chrysalis had that wasn't centered on me, especially when Formica informed her that the hives won't survive without the information Chrysalis had.

Plan C was to separate me from anypony that could link me to my heritage and leave me with a changeling she trusted above all others. She refused to talk about him much. Whenever Formica asked, she became evasive rather than aggressive/defensive as she usually did.

Her greatest concern with this plan was not being able to contact me for fear of tipping me off to my heritage, leading me to revealing myself through youthful innocence; barring the possibility of me revealing myself on my own. In other words, the biggest chink in Plan C was the natural assumption that my mental age was the same as my physical age.

Like me, her lack of information limited her options. I stared at her for a few more seconds before nodding in grim determination. 'Here's hoping this doesn't backfire.'

I crawled away from Formica and began to search the forest floor for the necessary tool. It didn't take long to find a stick in the desirable shape and thickness, but I still needed to shorten it. My mandibles proved very effective at splitting the wood piece by piece. Once I had my makeshift pen, I searched for a section of ground that wasn't covered by debris or undergrowth. I managed to find something desirable, but I still needed to clear a bit out of the way. This seemed to draw Formica's attention, which was exactly what I wanted to do regardless.

I glanced over and saw her looking at me with soft eyes and a small smile. It hurt me a bit to know that what I was about to do would shatter her understanding of me, but I needed to make a move. Chrysalis and I were both going around in circles, and it was the only way I could think to break the cycle. With that thought in mind, I carefully began to draw in the dirt. I couldn't do anything complicated without using up a lot of time, so I drew something simple yet undeniably intelligent: the words yes and no. I had drawn them as carefully as possible to ensure they were unmistakable.

I looked back at Formica an saw a flash of confusion before she smiled normally. "That's lovely. Did your mother teach you that?" I immediately turned and poked the spot under the 'no,' before turning back. I looked into her eyes, which showed a temporary flash of understanding. "When did you learn this?" I only stared at her: This would get complicated quickly if I tried to answer anything more than yes/no questions. I was still not ready to share everything about myself. "Do you know how to read?" 'Yes.'

She looked at me with wide eyes for three seconds before snapping her gaze towards Chrysalis. "Your Majesty?" Her voice was that unique fusion of urgency and confusion that anypony would use when addressing the one who could have the answers. When Chrysalis didn't immediately respond, she tried calling out to her again.

Her second attempt proved more effective than the first. "What is it Formica? Can't you see that I'm trying to come up with a plan!?"

Formica completely ignored her biting tone. "The Princess is doing something," she explained with an unsure singsong tone.

The Queen looked towards us with a scowl on her face before relenting with a sigh. "Very well. It may do me some good to spend some time with my daughter."

And so would begin the literal moment of truth. 'It's up to you now Chrysalis. What will you do?'

Chrysalis took appraisal of the area before shooting Formica an inquisitive expression. "What is this about?"

"I think she can understand us." I decided then to point at yes.

Chrysalis looked between the two of us, nonplussed. I could count the seconds before she finally reacted. "Are you certain?"

"I don't know! She's always been more quite and observant than any larva I've ever known, but…I don't know."

"Nor do I." Formica slowly looked up at Chrysalis in bafflement. "The former Queen was forthcoming on how to rule the hive, but she was sparse on details pertaining to raising my own successor. We must test this: Any advantage we can get is worth it."

'Well...this is turning out easier than I expected.'

"What should we ask her?" After Formica asked this, they began brainstorming questions between one another. Most were more complicated than I could answer with yes or no. The rest were them confirming how far back I can remember. Due to embarrassment over my initial behavior and the associated complications, I let them believe that I only remembered as far back as when we first encountered Wordsmith. Applejack wouldn't approve, but she'd understand not wanting to reveal the full truth.

As they continued their debate, I decided to write down my goal. They paused their exchange of potential questions as I was half way through writing the final word. "We need to make a plan," they both read out simultaneously.

Chrysalis raised a hoof to her chin in thought for a few seconds before turning her focus on me. "Tell me my child...do you think you'll carry this memory through your pupation?"

Electricity coursed through my system at the question that I never thought to ask. Yes, what was happening to me was unusual, but how could I know that it wasn't typical? No child in the world retains the memories of their time as an infant. What if what I was experiencing was in fact the norm? I gave the only answer I could by drawing a question mark upon the ground. She growled and forced her hooves into the ground for a second. I could hardly tell that it was a tantrum considering how tame it was compared to others. It only took her one quick breath to resume a calm yet vacant gaze. I could not tell if she was concentrating on adding the possibilities involved with what I told them or if she was blanking out, just so she could give her mind a moment of rest.

Regardless of which she did, life returned to her eyes abruptly with the light of confidence glowing across her features. "We will go with Plan C provided that my daughter retains her memories. If she does not, then we will hide her near a hive and periodically send out trusted individuals to provide food as needed." I tilted my head at the new plan she came up with. Something about me partially revealing myself helped calm her enough to consider a new possibility.

"My child." Chrysalis' voice brought my attention back to her. During the seconds I spent zoned out, she had lowered herself so that her eyes were level with mine. "I hope that all of this is true, rather than coincidence. A princess should not be forced to live away from her future subjects because of the mistakes of her mother. I hope that you can forgive me."

I had forgiven her, but that was before I was forced to understand how bad it was. My forgiveness was cracked, but it wasn't so bad that I'd return to being petulant. I gave her an exaggerated nod that she returned with a subdued tilt before she stood tall and began channeling massive amounts of magic through her horn. The aura around her horn pulsed every second, growing slightly larger with each pulse.

Expecting some sort of big spell, I was surprised when absolutely nothing followed the small flash that indicated her spell's completion. "I've contacted our ally that still hides within Equestria's borders and told him all he needs to know. We should be able to meet with him before my daughter escapes her cocoon. Now would be a good time to decide how to confirm if your retain your memories...and I have the perfect idea."

She looked into my eyes with pride shinning from her slitted gaze. "I have watched you as closely as I was able since you were born, and Formica has watched you any time I couldn't. We both agree that you've always demonstrated skills in observation beyond your age. Your ability to understand and react has astounded me time and time again. Perhaps this is why I am so ready to believe that you understand us. Even before now, I knew how intelligent you are and knew what name I wanted to give you.

Once she gave me my name, the plan was set. The weeks passed by uneventfully until I suddenly began feeling an overwhelming and irrational sense of exposure. It was like thousands of ponies were watching me; judging my every move and my every breath. Celestia's disappointment, my friends' sorrow, Formica's shock, Chrysalis' horror, and my brother's rage all stood at the forefront. I tried to hide, but no refuge was reclusive enough.

Nausea hit me like being caught between a buffalo and yak stampeding into each other. A smidgen of relief came when I inevitably vomited upon myself. The skin covered in my puke stopped crawling. I kept at it, not thinking for a second about what I was doing. It made me feel safer with each glob I spewed.

By the time I regained my sanity, I was fully cocooned. I understood what was happening to me seconds before the drowsiness set in. I only had time for one thought, 'Will I really retain my memories?'


It was so cramped. I couldn't move at all. I could feel my muscles flexing against my confines, but I couldn't generate enough force. It made me angry, furious. I could fell an energy building up around the crown of my head. It was familiar, yet different. I didn't think about it. I just let it build ever stronger until it exploded in a burst of magic.

Finally using magic for the first time in months didn't register ahead of taking a deep gasping breath. I reached out of what remained of my confines and fell forward upon overextending. Instead of falling on my face, I landed squarely on my hooves. That was the moment when it hit me. A rush of elation flooded my system like liquid sunlight. I felt like a pony again. I opened my eyes but winced at the sun shining down on me. I brought my leg up to block the light, but it only worked for one eye.

I adjusted quickly and opened my eyes fully. It took a few seconds for the black blur ahead of me to resolve into an unfamiliar changeling. I froze, as did my blood. It was a harsh reminder that the me from then died long ago. I looked around and found neither Chrysalis nor Formica in the vicinity. I was prepared for this, but it didn't make it hurt less. I looked my new guardian over. He looked much like any other changeling except for the armored shell on his back wrapping around his front. Beyond that, I was barely able to differentiate his gender. His expression was stern and static, like a soldier. "Name?"

'Right...the plan.' I was left with two choices. I could feign ignorance and pretend that I couldn't remember anything. Chrysalis and Formica would come back and I'd be taken to a secluded location where Formica will watch over me and Chrysalis would send other changelings towards us periodically to ensure we don't run out of resources. With this option, came the possibility of escape. I could get away and try my hoof at returning to Equestria.

The second plan was to play along. I know next to nothing about changelings. Joining a hive would give me a chance that no pony has ever had before. Maybe that would give me the edge I need to end this conflict the right way. All it would take was abandoning everything I used to be.

I looked into his eyes and saw no sign of impatience. It seemed that my prolonged silence alone would not be enough for him to decide on an answer on his own. I tilted my head subconsciously as I tried to puzzle him out. "That's disappointing."

My heartbeat sped up when I realized that my display of curiosity had been mistaken for confusion. I could not be sure of what exactly came over me, I only knew what I said. "My name is Princess Antennae."

Author's Note:

As of May 27th, I made alterations to this chapter to address some of the complaints in the comments. I'd like to ask new readers not to harass any reviews from before this date.

This took much longer than it would've normally, but I had a couple things that made writing difficult. The first was a mild case of Theobromine poisoning (google it if you want a laugh) that gave me a headach that hurt in just the right way to keep me from thinking about what words I needed to write. The second was me dedicating what words I could write to my Miraculous/Avengers xover. The second chapter is turning out to be epic, and it's not necessary to know what Miraculous is to enjoy it.

For those who haven't realized it, this chapter marks the end of ACT 1 of Re:Changeling. Here is the ACT 2 synopsis.

Twilight Sparkle, I...am dead. Through my death, a war that I can do nothing about has begun to form across all of Equestria. All I can do is grow stronger with each passing day until I can finally put an end to this. As an ironic twist of fate, the first step is something that I stopped fearing ages ago: a return to magic kindergarten. My name is Princess Antennae, and this is my journey towards becoming queen of the changelings.

Comments ( 105 )

I'd rather her keep her actual name.

Could she possibly understand the pain of watching somepony who has helped protect you?

I think you kinda left a word out there.

, but I had to believe that they didn't want a true extermination.

Now that's just insane. D-:

Wanderer D

Hm. Intriguing turn. I was wondering when she'd do the "write on the mud" trick to communicate. I look forward to seeing where this goes from here.

Honestly she should let everyone know. Shining should feel bad because he tried to do a terrible thing, and if Twilight kept the secret and brought peace, he's still feel bad for almost killing the one Changeling to bring peace in the future. In short, no one will be spared and will suffer more thinking Twilight lost forever.

"Your name is Chitin." I don't get it.

"My name...is Princess Antennae." Wouldn't Chrysalis have named her before giving her spawn to be guarded?

7215304 i actully through Chrysalis was going to name her Twilight after Twilight Sparkle as a sort of sign of remorse.

Still though this was a very good chapter and I am looking forward to reading the second act as Twilight learns how to be a changeling as well as Queen.

This story just seem to get better and better the more chapters come out and I can't wait for more.

Good luck to you sir and keep up the good work

Princess Antennae? Ehhh, it seems rather uninspiring and dull for royalty. The soldier being named Chitin is more reasonable, sort of falling into the stereotype of soldiers being indistinguishable between each other to non-soldiers. If you're dead set on not letting Twilight stick with her original name, then at least give her something with a bit more... creativity or something to display her uniqueness. Maybe call her Princess Phoenix because she's almost literally rising anew from the ashes.

7215340 the first part of your ppost

I think Twilight either just named him or it is showing that she knew his name simply by looking st him even though he looked the same as all the others showing a small connection to either the hvemind or her Changeling Princess status.

7215340 It is implied that Chrysalis told her his and her names between the scenes where Twilight half reveals herself and her being cocooned.

Interesting story! I liked what I saw! kudos!

Changelings usually don't get names (So far, only Chrysalis. Formica, Sketchy, that one on the FoE universe and the Horde living on Earth with Catherine have been named) so Antennae Giving a Changeling a name, it's a big bad Deal...

7215446 Be that as it may, but she doesn't have to accept her name as is.

7215427 I agree.... Antennae. Antennae. Annnntennnnnnae. No, I just can not see that as a name. It's too.... Stupid. It's like calling someone Leg. Or Arm. Or Hoof. It just doesn't work.

It was hard to believe that he was willing to kill any infant, but it made some twisted bit of sense after I thought about it. I was the changeling princess, Chrysalis' heir. The viewpoint had changed, but it was in essence the same as why some changelings wanted me gone so I couldn't grow up to be like Chrysalis. To Shiny, Chrysalis was the one responsible for my death. Of course he wouldn't want another. Justifying it didn't make it any less painful though.

well, like the phrase goes....

I'm honestly surprised it took her two and a half months to start writing to communicate.


7215481 What about Mayor Mare?

7215585 mayor mare is a pun, so that gets a pass. Princess antenna is not.

About time she was able to talk. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.


7215624 Ah. I haven't, er... read the story yet, per se.... (working on it, though) :trollestia: I agree, Princess Antennae does sounds awkward. I could imagine it as the name of a drone, but not someone of such rank.. XD

great chapter

7215481 No it works perfectly fine here... or do you not know what 'chrysalis' means? It is in keeping with both established changeling and pony naming patterns.:rainbowdetermined2:



7215481 Or Cocoon, or Chrysalis... wait a second...

1.Need moar!!!!!! Moar I tell you!!!

2. Ooooooh, damn, this is getting good.

3. Antennae? Seriously? I mean, it's not that bad, but it still could have been way better.

noooo I caught up too quickly! Now the wait for more....

There’s a difference between a stage in something’s life cycle and naming them after a body part; you wouldn’t name somebody “lung” or “intestine” but you might call them “Babe” or “Kidd”.¹ Sure, there are exceptions to this, and sensory organs are one of them, but they are typically reserved for epithets or derisive nicknames.

¹ The earliest version of Kidd is Kide and is derived from the name for young goats; the more recent variant, Kidd, was a different surname once‐upon‐a‐time but has since subsumed the original entirely.

herp #29 · May 14th, 2016 · · 2 ·

I hate this direction emphatically. I don't understand why you would build up to this scene only to cut it short, cut the characters out that you've spent so long developing and making the characters lovable and invested with story significance background notes. This is not acceptable. This is the time for twilight and chrysalis to grow closer, not apart. if you planned to push them out of the story for dramatic effect most definitely now is not the time to use that. It's stupid. theres no story reason why it's necessary. Theres no where twilight can go that will be safer than chrysalis. no where chitin can be that she can't be. It's not logical, and cutting short the scene where twilight communicates is preposterous, it may as well have not occurred.

It's too early to say weather twilight choosing a name is a bad thing. she may rescind it. if its her new life, it's her mothers right to name her, as names are given by the queen. The fact that chitin asks for one is preposterous and doesn't belong there, but twilight picking a name is simply too early to tell if this is an awful decision or an in character one. We just don't know how the changes have affected her. but at minimum, Twilight has the information about names at this point and if she is at her full mental facility, there is no reason for her to answer with a name she hasen't been blessed with. It just doesn't make sense. If she where to emphatically decide to take a changeling name, she would need to tell chitin that she has not been named by her mother. this would have the same effect as not saying she is twilight. but regardless, chitin asking for a name simply doesn't make any sense even if twilight neglecting to use her original name could be supported. that too is on shakey ground, but it may turn out to be solid in future chapters. either way this chapter is a huge let down, and was not done with any finesse or build up.

Its stingingly reminiscent of those mentoring stories where the character protagonist gets sent from mentor to mentor, never developing a full relationship with anyone and cutting ties at very inappropriate times, all with seemingly no reason but to give the protagonist more and more power, while neglecting the characters goals. This is why the shakey ground exists for Twilights decision. Twilight's goal is to stop the changeling war, and ease the suffering of her friends. With absolutely no insight on how taking a changeling name is moving towards those goals, it seems weak willed and foolish. with no understanding of her current mental situation we are also blind to if the decision was made rationally or because she literally just woke up and was go home you're drunk twilight. the latter would certainly explain her actions of taking a specific changeling name instead of simply waiting for chrysalis to give her one. If and when she becomes fully rational it only makes sense that deciding to live as a changeling princess in spirit would mean waiting for her mothers name to be given to her as any changeling.

Ultimately detection has not been explained why it is a problem either. Yes chrysalis is in peril, but so is chitin, and chitin is not as mighty, and Formica far more experienced with children. Chrysalis also loves her child, and that would tempt her to keep her at her side, not examine the situation entirely rationally. what if chitin is a traitor? he is trusted, but her actions made his life of living away from the hive hard, and that doesn't count what will happen when twilight gets targeted by changelings as well as equestria.

This chapter is a wreck. the continuity of the characters in the story groans under the weight by a single thread and even if it holds it will be a stain, a fracture that will always have just needed a little more pressure to break the story.

herp #30 · May 14th, 2016 · · 2 ·

this is not done well if at all.

7216014 Clearly, I've got a lot of explaining to do next chapter. Answering most of your grievances would involve spoilers, but I'm certain why Twilight was separated from Chrysalis and Formica was explained indirectly. Twilight needs 'food' to grow, and she can only get that from a hive at this point in the story. Chitin's connection to them is unknown, so none of the usurpers will link him to the princess.

Herp has voiced a large amount of my concerns with this chapter. The passage of weeks was only in a single sentence and I feel that screwed up the sense of time. The back end of the chapter seems really compressed and I feel that hurts the progression of the story. Twilight cannot forget her past, it is already far too much of who she is. She already still has many preconceptions and gained knowledge. Her rose tinted glasses have been shattered but that does not mean she will throw away all that she has learned about friendship. That would basically be killing who Twilight is and at that point why even have her re-incarnated as a changeling? Just have a normal, overly intelligent changeling as the narrator.

7215959 exactly!

Chrysalis= change, she who broke with tradition. Stupid plan, but hey, she tried.

Antenna = dear Celestia pick a better name!

Seriously this was going so well, too! don't get stupid now, plot! I was really liking this!

7215481 Yep. I feellie he needs to change it. It's like calling someon eye, ear, or nose.

Names are supposed to have a meaning behind them, they're not supposed to just be words.

You can't use any odd noun as a name, you can't even make one up like Krin, they have to have meaning, have links to the future and the past of the one named.

The name 'Chrysalis' refers to change. Metamorphosis. This can be linked with the fact that she is queen of CHANGElings as well as to the fact that she changed the way changeling's act by attacking Canterlot.

The name 'Antannae' refers to a bodypart. This can be linked to the changeling's physical form. Nothing more, nothing less.

A better name would be something to do with maybe the fact that she was reborn? It would have to be a name acceptable to Changeling's, having something to do with insects, bugs, etc. Only thing I can think of is Decorticate (Synonym for 'molt', shed skin)

Princess Decorticate, it fits at least.

The name 'Decorticate' refers to the shedding of a shell. Rebirth. This can be linked to how Twilight is reborn. She shed the shell that was her former life and body and now occupies a new one, as well as to how she will shed the shell that has been built between ponies and changelings, how she aims to bring peace.

7215340 Chrysalis did name her, and the guardian a few paragraphs ago. "She told her her name, her guardians name" or something similar.

Despite the negative feedback you're getting on some elements, I did just want to thank you for the chapter and interesting story progression.

HOOO boy!

First off, I want to say this is my favorite story on this site. With that in mind, I think that's what makes this chapter extra tragic. It feels CRAZY rushed at the end and flies through THE MOST INTERESTING PART OF THE ENTIRE STORY SO FAR!

Chrissie and Formicas reaction to Twilights knowledge is WAAAY too tame.

I can't believe so much time was spent, chapters even, on building up OCs like Formica, and then we get like two rushed sentences of payoff with Twilight's reveal??? Dear sweet Celestia why you do this to us!?

Chrissies decision to just leave her daughter with some so called "trusted" solider who had never been mentioned before is beyond bizzare. She has been so protective in the story until now, that to just randomly decide to abandon care of her daughter to ANYONE without a muuuch better motive/reason than was shown is absolutely ridiculous.

I don't want to discourage you in any way, even with this chapter I am still interested in this story, but if you continue to spend so much time on mundane things and speed by the best bits, I feel like this story could be ruined rather quickly.

I mean if you want to get into the philosophical and/or existential implications of a dreamer being simultaneously the reader and writer, fine. Technically anything you would read in a dream is at most spontaneously generated by you (as the platform) and not necessarily "new" text by the time you (as the perspective) are reading it. But it can and does happen, and it's not really much different from creating/hearing music you've never heard before or creating/seeing objects that don't exist in reality.

Like, I've already mentioned that I've had dreams where I've written coherent programming code. I've also had dreams where I carried on coherent text conversations, read coherent instructions, or seen a hacker hijack my computer and start typing coherent creepypasta.

It's possible that I do this with greater ease than most because I've been an avid reader my entire life. Or possibly because I'm a programmer, and I have to think about language in unusually rigorous and precise terms -- grammatically and visually. Whatever the means, this is a thing, and it's very easy to quantify. I seriously wonder if people only think you can't read in a dream because Batman said it once.

My enthusiasm really died when Twilight said her new name...It's just so...bland and...I dunno. I'm not going to say it kills the story, but we've seen you do some really good, imaginative writing, and it'd be great to see you apply that same imagination and creativity to Twilight's new name.

:facehoof: <-- see? even Twilight doesn't like it.

A decent chapter. I was wondering when Twilight was finally going to grow up from being a little grub. Wonder how long she spent in that coccoon?

Honestly the most disappointing thing in the chapter was Twilight's changeling name. "Antennae" just feels so uninspired.

7222520 Aye, a suggestion for the author, look up "rebirth" in different languages, them mix and mash as you please, you'll likely end up with some pretty interesting names that sound pretty changling-ee.


I'm not really sure any pony would believe this random changeling claiming to be Twilight is true. By their very nature Changelings are tricksters. I suppose you could hope that a magic lie-detecting spell would work on this particular changeling. You could even throw away morals and just tear into it's mind, trying not to lobotomize it while extracting unfiltered information. Again, assuming this changeling wasn't created to absolutely believe it is the reincarnation of Twilight Sparkle in some twisted game played by Changelings forces.

Paranoia during war is a very dangerous thing. Lethal for Princess Antennae. But I'm still clinging to the potential fail safe; the Element of Magic may still recognize her. Heck, it could be the very thing that kept her soul/spirit from escaping to the afterlife, stuffing it into the next available body capable of handling an Element of Harmony. That sort of absolute certification can not be brushed off as Changeling games. Trick is to get to it of course. Not sure if the Elements were given back to the Tree in this world. If so, it might take a gathering of the six in a stressful situation for her Element to activate and do that rainbow-ification all over her and the others.

If I could figure out where this world and canon Equestria parted ways on the time line, it could provide a clue as to why the war mentality has gotten so bad.


Twilight has knowledge only she would know; that is proof enough. Not to mention being an Alicorn, specifically of Friendship, is a reasonable explanation for this.

I never understood stories that went with the premise that Changelings are liars and thus nothing they say can ever be taken as the truth. All we've canonically seen is that they are bad liars whose only element is surprise, not detailed infiltrators who can perfectly copy lives.


Let's hope Twilight remembers the minuta of her former life or Shining's going to blast her as a fake... or lock her up forever as an insane changeling that believes it's a reincarnation of his deceased sister.


I think you're being a little negative about the idea; if someone couldn't convince family and friends, then they have much bigger problems. We've not been shown in the narrative that the protagonist has any trouble with memories, so at face value we can assume it's possible.

Either way, if it doesn't happen in one way or another, everyone will suffer for Chrysalis' actions, even as they blow up in her face.

The breaking point chapter. Communication with Chrysalis established but Chrys is leaving for now, I wonder who was Chitin impersonating. I wonder if that's somepony from Ponyville...

Good luck, tiny Changeling!

Good luck, tiny Changeling!

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