• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 2,623 Views, 133 Comments

The Brony and the Baddy? - Blazidude30

Sonata Dusk just wanted to escape her so-called friends, only to end up in another world inhabited by these crazy humans.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

As Brad began to work his way back, something crossed his mind from the conversation with Fraizo.

'Now that I think about it,' Brad thought, 'I really haven't had a serious relationship...ever. Maybe one day I'll find that girl for me. I always did kinda want a family.'

The walk ended much quicker than on the way there; Brad much too eager to eat the goods he was holding. Upon arriving back at the house, he heard laughing.

'Huh,' he thought, 'Sounds like she fell in love with the show like I did. Oh, the memories.'

Brad walked in, hearing the show wrap up from the room.

"I'm back," Brad shouted. He peered around the corner. "Sounds like you were enjoying that."

Sonata appeared hysterical, lying on the sofa with arms and legs sprawled all over. "That," she began, still laughing, "was so funny! Just watching the two of them fight and do all those stupid things to each other was just so funny to me!"

"Glad you enjoyed it, you're not the only one who loves it," Brad said pleased, "And I have the food."

"Are you sorting it out then or are just gonna stand there?" a voice behind Brad said impatiently.

"Yes, Josh," Brad said annoyed, "Just give me a moment will you?" Brad turned around. "I've just walked through the door."

"Yeah, but were starving!" Josh whined.

"Fine, come on then," Brad instructed, "You coming, Sonata?"

"Yeah, just give me a second," Sonata said, sitting up.

"Is dinner out yet?" Robbie shouted from upstairs.

"It's just coming out now!" Brad shouted.

"Like you should have done years ago, oh SNAP!" Josh responded.

"Josh," Brad began, "shut up."

"Huh?" Sonata said confused.

"Basically, coming out is another way of saying you're gay," Brad explained.

"What's 'gay'?" Sonata asked.

'Oh God, help me,' Brad thought. "It's where you...like the same gender."

"What's wrong with that?" Sonata asked confused, "I mean, is it wrong to have friends of the same gender here?"

"No," Brad explained, "I mean, like like, the same gender."

"Ooooooooooh," Sonata realized, "Now I get it. Do many people like the same gender that way, then?"

"There's a fair amount," Brad told her, "and I have nothing against them. A friend of mine actually liked both genders. I'm just not one of them."

"Oh," Sonata said, processing the information, "I wouldn't have had anything against you anyway. There were probably people like that back at Canterlot High, but Adagio never told me about them."

"Probably didn't want you to know about them," Brad explained, "There's a lot of people that look down upon them for some reason because they break the 'social norm', like how I break it by watching MLP. I don't care, people can think whatever they want; they ain't gonna stop me from being me."

"I guess that's pretty true," Sonata said, beginning to sound confident, "I shouldn't have let Adagio just walk all over me. I'll make sure no-one walks all over me in the future!"

"And we'll help in any way we can, right guys?" Brad finished.

"Yeah," Josh said with little enthusiasm, "Now can we have dinner instead if the four of us standing in the doorway?"

"Technically, it was your fault we had this conversation in the first place," Brad countered.

"Can you two stop bickering?" Robbie asked, "Seriously. You two don't stop."

"Says you," Brad argued, "You and Josh don't argue all the time either?"

"GUYS!" Sonata shouted, breaking their argument.

"Sorry," Brad squeaked, "Let's just get dinner."

The others nodded their heads in agreement and made their way to the kitchen; Brad leading. Upon entering, Brad noticed the plates set out.

"Who sorted these out?" Brad asked inquisitively.

"Uh, I did," Sonata said, "I sorted it while the adverts were on."

"Huh, I thought you were in hysterics the entire time I was gone," Brad admitted.

"Hysterics?" Sonata asked.

"Laughing uncontrollably," Brad explained. 'Sometimes I do question if she really is a ditz or not.'

"Oh," Sonata responded, "Well, I had a my moments during that show, but I had some time to actually be useful here."

"We heard you laughing alright," Robbie butted in, "I was wondering what the hell was going on down here!"

"Well, I very much appreciate it, Sonata," Brad thanked, ignoring Robbie's' comment, "and you shouldn't have to feel useless. You're our guest! Now let's have some dinner!"

Brad began unpacking the bag of goods, assigning them to each plate. "Robbie, you've got a fish, battered sausage and chips. Josh, you've got the fish, chips and your curry sauce and gravy." 'I do not understand his weird food habits what so ever, but I guess whatever works.'

The two boys went off to eat, leaving Sonata and Brad in the kitchen.

'Talk about manners much,' Brad thought. He looked in the bag at Sonatas' dinner. 'Hope she likes it.' "Here's yours Sonata."

He reached into the bag and pulled out the paper-wrapped meal, Sonata looking at it expectantly. He unwrapped the paper for Sonata to see, and she was pleasantly surprised. A fish wrapped within golden batter was revealed alongside a substantial amount of chips.

'Oh, Fraizo,' Brad thought, 'You've outdone yourself for the guest, have you? Trust you of all people.'

"Is that the fish?" Sonata asked, pointing at the object in question.

"Sure is," Brad answered, "Covered in batter."

"And it's beautiful!" Robbie shouted from the living room.

"Where are they?" Sonata asked, "Why aren't they at the table?"

"We usually eat in the living room," Brad admitted, "We just prefer it really, and never had much to talk about at the table, so we just left it in favor of the T.V., mostly for those two though. As long as I get my food, I don't mind to be honest."

'Wow,' Sonata thought, 'They really are split up.' "Ever thought of going back to the table?"

"I'm not bothered, whatever makes people happy I guess," Brad answered without care.

"OK," Sonata said, a bit worried. 'He just doesn't really care about them, does he? And if he does, he just lets them walk all over him. Like Aria and Adagio did to me...'

"What's up?" Brad asked worryingly, "You OK?"

"Yeah, sorry," Sonata reassured, "Just blanking out. Can I get some of this fish?"

"Of course, let's get it plated up," Brad acted upon response. He took the meal and spread it across her plate as much as possible. 'Seriously Fraizo, you do go overboard sometimes but this is another level.'

"There we go," Brad declared, "You want salt, vinegar, sauce or anything?"

"Er...no thanks," Sonata politely replied, "What did you get anyway?" She peered into the bag. "It doesn't look like you got a fish."

"That's because I didn't," Brad explained as he reached into the bag and pulled out his paper-wrapped meal. "I'm not as big of a fan of an actual fish. I prefer the fishcake."

"They sell fish-flavored cake?" Sonata asked, "That doesn't sound that great, to be honest."

'Seriously,' Brad thought. "No, it's more a patty with fish in it. Almost like say, a fish burger without a bun."

"Oh," Sonata said, "Well, why call it a 'fishcake' then?"

"I have no idea," Brad admitted. He first took the fishcake out, its crumbly covering beginning to fall. He then took his chips out and put them on his plate, then the peas went in the corner.

"Et voila!" Brad announced, "Bon appetit!"

"Um...what?" Sonata asked with a confused tone and a confused face and a confused pose.

"Sorry," Brad began, "Can't help but incorporate some French in there sometimes."

"French?" Sonata asked even more confused.

'She should pose for the 'Confused.com' ads. She's looking at me like I'm from another planet. Right, I am to her. Well done, Brad.' "It's the language of people who live in a country called France. Their known well for their cuisine, so I usually use a bit of their language when I prepare food."

"Oh," Sonata said, "So what did you say in 'French', then?"

"I said, 'And here! Good appetite!'," Brad explained, "Basically meaning 'here is your meal'."

"Oh, wow," Sonata said in awe, "Do you know anymore?"

"Not really," Brad admitted, "I studied French at school for three years and that's about as much as I can remember."

"No problem," Sonata replied. Her stomach growled. "To be fair, I think my tummy thinks it's time for food anyway."

"Not the only one," Brad agreed.

The two made their way into the room after taking a knife and fork each, only to find Josh and Robbie almost done.

"What took you guys so long?" Josh asked.

"Just having a conversation," Brad answered, "You guys were really hungry, huh?"

"Can you tell?" Robbie asked sarcastically, "We were starving!"

"Alright, keep your hair on," Brad reassured.

Brad and Sonata took their seats on the sofa next to each other. Sonata began to cut into the fish, and noticed the white meat inside.

'Huh,' Sonata thought, 'Didn't expect that.'

She took a chuck out of the fish, and placed it gently in her mouth; trying the taste. Sonata quickly made her decision on the fish.

"This is incredible!" Sonata exclaimed, "I've never tasted anything like this in my life, and I love it!"

She began quickly tearing apart the fish, scarfing it down like it was nothing.

'Can't tell if hunger, or just really likes fish,' Brad thought, 'Probably both.' He began to eat his own meal alongside Sonata. 'God, it's really been too long.'

The meal soon ended due to the hunger of the pair; Josh and Robbie had left the two to their own accord at this point. Sonata lied back on the sofa.

"That was amazing," Sonata sighed, "Thanks, Brad."

"No problem," Brad replied, "It's been too long since I've had that." He looked at the time on the television. 7:30. "Oh, shoot. My work starts in half an hour."

"Your work?" Sonata asked. 'I never actually heard what Brad does.'

"Yeah, I got a new job a few days ago," Brad explained, "It's probably my dream job too."

"Really?" Sonata asked inquisitively, "What is it?"

"I now help podcast a show on the internet," Brad answered, "and it's all about My Little Pony."

"That sounds amazing!" Sonata congratulated, "So, where do you do it? And what is a podcast?"

'Well done, Sonata' Brad thought, the sound of a sarcastic clap being heard in the back of his mind, 'Well done.' "It's basically a radio show, and I speak to people from the internet over an internet call."

"And it goes live?" Sonata asked.

"Yep, to all listeners," Brad confirmed.

"Would I be able to listen to you while you, um, 'podcast', please?" Sonata requested, "I still kinda want to know more about this whole 'My Little Pony' thing, and this might help."

"Sure, I don't see why not," Brad responded, "Just might be an idea if you stay quiet. People will recognize your voice from a mile away. Literally."

"Thank you so much!" Sonata cheered, "And I'll be quiet, no need to worry."

"OK then," Brad declared, "Let's head on upstairs!"

"Upstairs?" Sonata questioned, "I thought your computer was in the dining room."

"It is," Brad explained, "But we just don't use it because it's absolutely terrible. My laptop is way better, even for this."

"Oh, OK," Sonata said, "Shall we go, then?"

"Yeah," Brad answered, "Time for a podcast."

Author's Note:

Stuff, more stuff, and even more stuff! If I make a chapter a day, I would. Sadly, school comes first. But I have words for you to eat, so eat them. I'm off now anyway, so hopefully one more will go up by tomorrow; no promises, :raritywink: Seriously though, 46 favs? Calm down, I can't handle it. Keep the support rolling, it's such a motivator you wouldn't even believe. I guess until next time; peace!