• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 1,026 Views, 38 Comments

NaPoWriMo 2014: A Compilation of Pony Tales - Fluttercheer

Tales about various ponies of Equestria and their lifes and adventures. Written for the National Pony Writing Month.

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Day 9: Just a Sunny Day

Pinkie Pie looked out of her window. It was a sunny, quiet day in Ponyville.

The foals were in school, many ponies at work at this time of day and Pinkie Pie had the day free. Unfortunately, also her friends were at work and did not have time for her, so she decided to just go for a little walk on this beautiful day. She retreated from the window and walked down the stairs, cheerfully whistling a song. Down in Sugarcube Corner, she met Mr. and Mrs. Cake. They were busy with a lot of customers right now and didn't pay attention to her.

The pink pony walked past the counter. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!”, she greeted them.

They looked up for a moment and replied the greeting. Then they brought their attention back to their customers.

Pinkie Pie opened the door of the shop and walked outside. It was a really warm day. Pinkie stood there for a moment, soaking in the fresh air around her. She smiled. She had plenty of time today to walk around and enjoy the warm weather and the golden rays of the sun and this made her happy.

She set herself into motion again and began her walk through the town. There were not many ponies on the streets, but Pinkie Pie didn't mind. She just enjoyed the warm air and the occasional cold breezes around her. It was the perfect day for a walk.

Pinkie walked past the townhall. She looked up into the sky and admired the clouds up there while making her way around the circular building. Some of the clouds looked like cupcakes and this reminded her on it that she could fetch some later and invite her friends to a little picnic party after their work for the day was done. In her mind already at this party, she thought about which cupcakes she could choose. Strawberry, maybe? Or pineapples? It definitely had to be apple cupcakes for Applejack. They were her favorite ones. And some jewel cupcakes for Spike.

While Pinkie was already planning the party in her head, she bumped into another pony.

“Ouch!” Getting hit by the bigger pony in front of her, the filly was falling to the ground. She rubbed over her blonde mane and then looked around confused. As she saw that it was a pony she just ran into, she became frightened.

“Hi!”, Pinkie Pie said. “Sorry for bumping into you! I was just planning my next party and so I didn't see where I was walking!” Pinkie gave her a grin and squeed. Then her happy, upbeat expression turned into a surprised one. “But what are you doing here?”, she asked the filly. “Shouldn't you be in school, Dinky?”

The filly with the blonde mane and the purple-grey coat gasped. She was caught! “Well, I was just.....” Dinky hemmed and hawed, not knowing what to say.

“Just what?”, Pinkie asked her and her voice became a bit more strident. She narrowed her eyes at Dinky.

“I..... I'm not going to school today!”, the little filly answered under the pressure.

Pinkie Pie's expression returned back to her usual happy one. “Well, d'uh! I know that! I mean, why else would you be here while every other foal is in school at this time of day? Except you become sick, then you wouldn't be in school, but you're running around here on the streets, so you're not sick, and this means that you're cutting school today! The only thing I don't understand is why you're cutting school today, but I'm sure you're going to explain that!”

Dinky blinked at her and just stood there for a moment, with an open mouth. She was both amazed and terrified by how fast and how much Pinkie Pie could talk without having to gasp for air.

Dinky shook her head. “Well, there's no special reason for it”, she said to the pink party pony. “It's just such a beautiful day and we're writing a hard test today, so I wasn't really in the mood to go to school. I wanted to spend the day outside.”

“Oh, I see! You're right, it's really a beautiful day today! But learning is important and I'm sure the test you're missing is an important one too!”

The filly shrugged. “I can write the test tomorrow. And the weather was so bad the last few days and so I didn't wanted to miss out on the good weather today! If I would have gone to school today, I would sit around half of the day in the school house and at afternoon I would have to do my homework. And when I would be finished with that, the day would be almost over!”

That made sense to Pinkie Pie. She could understand the little filly. She was easy to distract by herself, especially on such a sunny day, and she also cut school sometimes when she was a filly.

“Okie, dokie, lokie!” Pinkie Pie answered cheerfully. “I guess it isn't too bad if you can write the test on another day.”

Dinky was surprised that Pinkie wasn't betraying her. “You're not going to tell Mrs. Cheerilee or my mom?”, she asked her.

“No, don't worry, I keep it as our secret!”

Dinky smiled. She made some steps forward and put her hooves around Pinkie's neck. “Thank you!” Dinky buried her head into Pinkie's chest.

“Aww, don't mention it!”, she said happily.

Dinky released the hug again and gave Pinkie a big grin.

“But you should not run around here while you're cutting school! Somepony else could see you and not everypony will keep it a secret!”

“I know!”, Dinky answered promptly. “That's why I was on my way into the Whitetail Woods when I bumped into you. I hoped that I wouldn't meet anypony this early! Hey, how about you come with me? We could play together and there's nopony else I could ask to come with me without getting into trouble.”

Pinkie didn't have to think long about the offer. She hasn't planned anything special for most of the day and playing with a filly in the woods was as good as taking a walk through the town. “I'm in!”, she answered.

Dinky smiled again. “YAY!”, she chimed out.

Pinkie joined Dinky's side and they headed to their destination together. They were going through some secret ways that only Pinkie Pie knew and managed it so to avoid meeting any other pony, even though there were some on the streets. They were also faster this way and so they reached the Whitetail Woods very soon.

Having arrived there, they just stood still for a moment, taking in the beauty of the nature around them. It was spring and at this time of year, the woods were the most beautiful.

The trees just returned from their long winter sleep and were adorned with beautiful pink, blue and yellow blossoms.

The grass was fresh and green and Pinkie and Dinky could smell it's strong scent, still being a little wet from the rain last night. They soaked in the delicious scent greedily.

Some dragonflies were buzzing around the area.

The water of the creek was crystal clear and they could see the lake in some distance.

Pinkie Pie was taking in everything of the beautiful scenery as she suddenly felt a light slap at her flank. “It's your turn!”, Dinky cried out happily and then she was dashing through the woods, a cheerful laughter on her lips.

Pinkie loved it to play tag and so she did not hesitate to follow the little unicorn through the trees and branches that surrounded them; a happy smile on her face on her own.

Despite eating so many cupcakes and other sweets Pinkie had no problems with it to catch up with Dinky. She reached her and gave her also a little slap on her flank. “Tag! Your turn!” And before Dinky could turn around, Pinkie was already away, galloping through the woods to avoid getting caught by her little playmate.

But Dinky was fast too and she had not shown her full tempo yet as Pinkie chased after her. After some minutes of dashing around the trees she had almost catched up with Pinkie Pie. She reached for her flank to give it a slap, but Pinkie was moving to the side in the last moment. The pink earth pony jumped behind a tree with a thick trunk and then turned around to Dinky.

They were facing each other and Dinky was narrowing her eyes ambitiously. She ran up to Pinkie Pie to catch her, but Pinkie was moving to the other side of the tree, bringing it between them. Dinky tried it a few more times, but Pinkie was always faster. She used the tree as cover and was clearly having an advantage.

Dinky stopped and thought for a moment what to do. Then she dashed to the side, and ran a few meters away from the tree.

Pinkie thought she had given up on catching her and neglected her defense for a moment.

But this was not the case. Dinky suddenly changed direction and galloped in her full speed towards the tree.

Pinkie Pie could not react fast enough and so Dinky jumped at her. “Tag!”, she shouted confidently, happy about having beaten Pinkie. The little filly jumped with so much speed onto her that Pinkie was thrown of her hooves.

They rolled down a little slope together and as they came to a halt at the bottom of it, they were both cluttered with grass and dirt.

Pinkie lied on the back, her hooves stretched into the air, and Dinky was lying on top of her, her tiny hooves still clasped around her neck, in the same position after she had jumped on her.

“You're all dirty!”, Dinky said to her and giggled.

“Yes, but I'm not the only one!”, Pinkie answered and like she wanted to confirm it, she playfully smeared some dirt over Dinky's cheek.

Dinky giggled again and then they broke out in a hearty laughter together. They didn't know how long they had to laugh about both of them looking silly, but it also didn't matter.

Only the moment counted now.

After their laughing fit had stopped finally, they gave each other a little nuzzle and then they decided to just stay there for a few more minutes. The two ponies felt a little exhausted now from their unexpected roll down the slope and had to gain their breath back before they could continue playing.

Pinkie Pie stretched out her hindlegs to bring them into a more comfortable position and placed her hooves on Dinky's back, pressing her a little against her body this way. Dinky rested her head on Pinkie Pie's chest and in this position, they relaxed for a while.

After some minutes had passed, Dinky looked to the side and noticed something. They were not far away from the lake they had seen anymore.

Dinky looked up to Pinkie. “Look, there's the lake!” She pointed into the direction where she saw it. “Do we wanna play in the water?”, she asked the mare.

“Sure, I like to play water games and swimming!”

Dinky happily jumped off of her body and ran up to the lake, with Pinkie Pie closely following her.

Dinky's eyes sparkled as she looked at the lake. His water was even more clear than the water of the creek. She could almost look down to the ground. The sun that was shining through the branches of the trees was reflected by it's surface and let the lake shimmer like it was adorned with little golden flakes.

“Awww, I wish we had a ball to play with it in the water!”, Dinky said a little sad.

“No problem!”, Pinkie cheered. “I have hidden balls everywhere around Ponyville in case there is a ball emergency. And I would call this a ball emergency!” She reached between some bushes and pulled out a pink ball with her cutie mark on it. “There we go!”, she said.

The sadness vanished from Dinky's face and was replaced by a broad smile. “You're the best, Pinkie Pie!” Dinky cuddled against her thankfully and then jumped with a splash into the water.

Pinkie Pie did the same and soon, they were engaged in an exciting ball game. They played around for half an hour and then left the water again. When they got out of the water, Pinkie Pie hid her ball again between the bushes and then they lied down at a nearby tree. They didn't have any towels to dry them clean, but they also didn't need any. It was still warm and the sun dried their coats.

Dinky was snuggling up to Pinkie Pie and found herself embraced by Pinkie's hooves. The unicorn filly yawned.

“Huh, you're tired?”, Pinkie asked her.

Dinky nodded sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

“Then it's time for a nap, I guess!”, Pinkie answered. She gently lifted her up and lied her down on her stomach and chest.

Dinky buried her face in Pinkie's chest and curled up a little. Soon, her eyes fell closed and she began to breathe more calmly. Here and there, quiet little snores escaped her lips. Dinky was fallen asleep.

Having nothing else to do until the little filly on top of her was awake again, Pinkie decided to join in on the nap. She gently placed her hooves around Dinky again like she did earlier at the bottom of the slope and closed her eyes too.

She was not very tired yet, but having the cute little filly sleeping on her made her feel so comfortable that she could feel the warm blanket of sleep washing over her too and some minutes later, Pinkie Pie was asleep as well.

Author's Note:

Changed my decision again and decided to write a sequel for this story.
I realized that this story works better as a stand-alone with a real end, so everything else that Pinkie and Dinky experience on this day will go out under a different title, to make it possible to consider "Just a Sunny Day" as individual, finished story.