• Published 4th Nov 2014
  • 2,510 Views, 46 Comments

The Mare Who Fell to Earth - HudsonHawk

An ordinary man meets an extraordinary woman. A woman who both claims to be a unicorn from the land of Equestria, and who possesses a medallion that may attract a great evil to our world.

  • ...

Chapter Eight - Friday, May 2 and Epilogue

That morning, I got up at around 7 AM. I quickly got changed into a black dress shirt, jeans, my sneakers, and my trenchcoat. I woke up Rarity, and she changed as well into her maroon jacket, dark green t-shirt, jeans and tennies. We had to take care to avoid the sprawled bodies on the living room floor: the rest of the gang crashed in the living room due to my family's sudden return.

We stol- er, borrowed, Twilight's motorcycle, as the engine on the Malibu was still toast. We were heading up to a place I hadn't been to in a while, and a visit was long overdue. We did have to make a stop first.

After climbing off the bike, we took a walk through Wrightwood Cemetery. As Rarity trailed behind me, I scanned the headstones for one person in particular. I found what I was looking for several rows in. The stone read:


August 3, 1986 - March 12, 2012



I teared up as I set the bouquet of carnations on her gravesite. Rarity set down the roses she had bought, and put her arm around me.

"Feel like doing anything rash?" She asked, obviously thinking about our conversation four days ago, after that terrible nightmare.

"No." I said through my tears. "Not anymore." I hugged her tightly. "This means so much to me... and her. Thank you."

"Like I said before. It's what friends do."

I heard footsteps behind us. I turned, and the sight utterly melted my heart. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Matt were there. Each one had a bouquet of flowers and were walking towards us. When they reached the headstone, one by one they placed their flowers at the grave.

"You didn't have to do this." I said.

"But we did, sugarcube." Applejack said in her appealing country twang. "We had to. It was the least we could do after you gave your life for us... for people you barely knew."

"How did you get here?" I asked. "Matt's car couldn't possibly fit all of you."

"Matt just borrowed your parents' van." Dash replied.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Rarity and Matt told us all about her... call it a hunch, but we figured you would do this." Dash said.

"We didn't want you to go through it alone." Fluttershy said. "True friends are there for you, good times and bad."

"And you.." Pinkie started, "...are a true friend, through and through."

"Besides..." Twilight started, "...you took care of and looked after our friend. It was the least we could do to repay your generosity."

Matt just stood there. "They all said what I would have said, bro." He ruffled my hair. "But you know I'll always be there for you."

I started crying in earnest. My friends, old and new, gathered around me in a group hug. The crying was not for Jennifer, for, as she assured me, what happened was not my fault, but for the kindness and generosity shown by my friends, old and new.

I dropped Rarity and the bike at home. I told her I needed some time alone and borrowed Matt's Charger. I drove aimlessly through town, thinking back on the past week. I stopped the car near a rummage sale, and saw some interesting items, interesting enough for my new friends.

About an hour later, I was back home, bearing gifts for my new friends. I called them outside and started to speak.

"Guys, what you've brought into my life can never be repaid, no matter what you think. You've helped me conquer a great demon in my past, and I will be forever grateful. What I've gotten for you guys is the least I can do." I opened the door to the back seat and started with Twilight.

"For Twilight, I got you a complete set of the 2012 Encyclopedia Britannica." I hefted the box out of the back seat and laid it at Twilight's feet. "It's a couple years behind, but a majority of the stuff is still accurate. You can brush up on human history, both the good and the bad, and maybe update Lyra on recent events."

Twilight's jaw had dropped at the sight of the gift. From what Rarity had told me, a new book to read would make her as happy as Nick Nolte with a case of booze. Twilight hugged me.

"Thank you!" She said. "I can make a report to the princess on humanity, and compare and contrast our histories! This is gonna be so great!"

I continued. "For Applejack, I figured that you would have a thing for country music. As part of our cultural exchange program, I present you with these."

I handed her a red Sendik's bag containing three LPs: "Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison," Kenny Rogers' "The Gambler," and Willie Nelson's "Red-Headed Stranger."

"Big Mac... Granny Smith... Apple Bloom... they're all gonna love these." Applejack said, beaming. "These are definitely gonna be played at the next Apple family reunion." She tipped her Stetson at me. "Mighty grateful."

"For Rainbow Dash, I present you with this." I handed her a large, die-cast model of a Blue Angel F-18 Hornet, as well as a Blue Angels DVD.

"According to Rarity, you're always going on about the Wonderbolts, the greatest stunt team in Equestria. You've now got a DVD on the greatest aerial stunt team in human history, and a model of one of their planes."

"This DVD would have been enough. The model makes it 20% cooler." She gave me a friendly tousle of the hair. "Thank you."

"For Pinkie Pie, I give you this." I handed her a pair of Groucho Marx glasses. "I know how much you like to make people laugh."

"But I have several pairs of these." Pinkie said.

"Ah, but do they do this?" I wound up the mechanism on the side of the nose. The mustache started wiggling. Pinkie let out a cry of joy and brought me into a vice-like hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said, as I tried to breathe. "These are the greatest glasses ever!" She released me, and I took a few moments for my windpipe to recover. I then moved to Fluttershy.

"For Fluttershy, I give you these stuffed animals." I handed her a stuffed rabbit, a stuffed dog, and a stuffed Simba from "The Lion King."

"I don't know what to say..." She started, in her adorable little voice.

"A simple thank you will be enough."

"Okay... thank you."

I pulled her into a hug. "Enjoy them." The smile on her face was worth it.

The seat was empty by the time I got to Rarity. "I don't suppose there's anything in that car for me?" She asked, slightly disappointed.

"What I have for you isn't in the car." I replied.

I slipped Jen's ring off of my finger and onto Rarity's. She gasped.

"That's Jen's ring!" She said, shocked. "Why are you-"

"You played a big part in helping me realize that what happened to her wasn't my fault. You played a large role in helping me to move on. Do you remember what I told you once, about why I wear it?"

"Yes. You said it was to remind you of her, and to remind you of your... inaction..." She slowly realized why I had given it to her.

"She will always be with me. I don't need a memento. That ring also signified the weight I carried after her death." I pulled her close. "I don't have to carry that weight anymore."

She teared up. "I don't know what to say..."

"Then just say this." I kissed her, long and passionately.

It was a couple hours later when princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence came via the portal to bring my six new friends home.

"Wait." I said. "Before they go, can I see them as they really are?"

The princesses thought about it. Their horns glowed, and my new friends assumed their normal forms, as ponies... six of the most adorable creatures you'd ever lay eyes on. They'd give Gizmo the Mogwai a run for his money in the cuteness department. Adding to the adorability, their clothes were altered to fit them as well.

"What do you think?" Rarity asked nervously. "If you don't love me anymore, I'll understand."

I knelt down and looked her in the eyes. "I'll love you no matter what. I fell for YOU. Don't ever forget that."

Rarity pecked me on the cheek. I looked over at Matt and Dash.

"As a pony or a human, you'll always be awesome to me." Matt said. Dash pecked him on the cheek.

"Well..." Rarity started, "I guess this is goodbye."

I remembered something from one of my favorite movies. I started to speak.

"Don't say goodbye. Say good journey." I started. "It is an old Eternian saying. Live the journey, for every destination is but a doorway to another."

Rarity considered this. She smiled.

"Good journey." Rarity said.

"Good journey." I replied, pulling her into a hug while trying to avoid getting an impromptu lobotomy via her horn. I was astounded by how soft and cuddly she was. Rarity bowed to the princesses and entered the portal. In a moment, she was gone. I did feel sad seeing her go, but I knew it had to be this way.

Twilight stepped up next. She turned to Matt and I.

"Thank you both for your help... and Jimmy, thank you for looking after Rarity." She noticed the sadness in my face.

"You're really going to miss her, aren't you?"

"Yeah." I replied. "It's crazy. I've only known her a week, and I feel like she's always been there. I'm going to miss you, too."

She walked over and put a hoof on my shoulder. "I know it's strange, but I have the feeling you and Matt will be seeing us again. I don't know how or why, but I do."

"Take care, Twi."

"Take care, Jimmy."

She nuzzled me and trotted over to the portal. She was gone.

Applejack was next.

"Goodbye, sugarcubes." She said as she tipped her hat to Matt and I. She went through.

Fluttershy motioned for Matt and I to come over. We did, and she threw a foreleg around each of us, pulling us into a hug.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"No problem." Matt replied.


"Goodbye." I said.

Pinkie was next, her eyes spraying tears like a lawn sprinkler.

"Come on, Pinkie." I said. "Don't cry. You're going to make us all start."

"I can't help it." Pinkie said through her tears. "I'm going to miss you both. I never even got to throw that thank-you party!"

"Well, if you ever come back, maybe you can."

She perked up. "Can I babysit your nephew, too?"

"We'll see." I replied. Matt and I hugged Pinkie before she walked into the portal.

Dash was next. "Will I see you again?" She asked Matt.

"I don't know." Matt said. "I hope we do. I never met anyone like you."

She and Matt shared a long hug. She then turned to me. "Look after him, huh?"

"I will." I replied as she headed for home. The only ones left were the princesses, Matt, and myself. I started to bow to the princesses, but something odd happened. They bowed to me in respect.

"Please don't do that." I said. "I did what anyone would have done."

"You took care of our subjects, our pupils." Celestia started. "It is the least we can do."

"I told you last night. I'm not special." I said. "I'm just plain old Jimmy Quinn. You didn't have to do that."

"Not everyone has to be special to do amazing things." Cadence said. "The most amazing of all aren't the sports stars, or celebrities, or prize-winning novelists."

Luna brought it home. "The most amazing people are the quiet, unassuming ones. The ones that go about their lives, doing their jobs, living their lives, and helping those in need." She paused. "Sound like anyone you know?"

"Yes." I said. It could apply to any number of people I knew. It could apply to my parents, who had raised me and made me what I am. My father, a cop, who did it because the world needed cops. My mother, a patient woman who imposed on me my sense of compassion for my fellow man. My sister and brother-in-law, total opposites, yet happily married and raising the nephew I adore. Matt, always there to share a beer, a story, or a movie. Even Phil, who treated me to sodas on the house, and when I lost my first job, got my spirits up with a rousing song and a free burger. Even... Jen.

Jen, who wanted to be a nurse when she got out of college. Jen, who was always there for me when I fell, always there for me when I had my triumphs, always there to save me from myself, to pick me up, to dance to "Lost in Your Eyes" when I felt down and when we both needed cheering up. To give me a hug and tell me everything would be all right.

I finally snapped out of my thought and spoke. "If anything, I should be thanking you."

"Us?" Celestia said, puzzled. "Why?"

"Your pupils helped me conquer a very dark time in my past. They helped me to see that my girlfriend's death was not my fault. They helped me find my way again. You three must be doing something right to have pupils like that."

I bowed lower in return, in utter gratitude.

All three walked up and nuzzled me. Celestia spoke.

"You may think this is goodbye, Mr. Quinn- Jimmy, I'm sorry. However, your actions and what my pupils told me last night have made me think. Before we came here, the portrait of humanity that we had was just of a pack of primitives, ones who would murder and pillage for no reason at all. Maybe we are ready to learn about one another, to truly co-exist. I will ponder this matter further when we return to Equestria, but rest assured, Jimmy: this is not the end."

The three princesses entered the portal. Within minutes, the portal had closed.

Matt walked over to me and put an arm around me.

"Jimmy Quinn, uniter of worlds." He said. "It sounds nice, doesn't it?"


It's now the ninth of November. Please allow me to bring you up to speed on what happened afterward.

A day or so after Carney started rebuilding from the assault of Lord Maliss and his minions, we got many, many volunteer workers. Many with strange names. Names such as Braeburn, Hayseed Turniptruck, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Cherry Berry. When asked if they were related to the portal or the regal ponies that exited it after Maliss' defeat, a blond-haired, brawny man in overalls, work boots and a red shirt just had this to say: "Eeyup."

Within three months, with the help of the large amount of volunteer workers, the mall and downtown Carney were finally reopened. The volunteer workers vanished as suddenly as they came.

My family and I are doing fine. My dad just celebrated twenty-five years on the force, and got his gold watch. My mom is as supportive as ever. My nephew has entered the first grade, and is charming everyone in his path. As for me, I left the megaplex and got a nice job in an office, with help from my sister. The pay is great and so are the benefits.

However, recent events have affirmed that Celestia was right: what happened was not the end. Just today, I found a scroll of parchment on my porch, addressed to "Mr. James Quinn, aka 'Jimmy.'" It read:

"Dear Jimmy.

Myself, my sister, and Cadence have gone over our pupils' recounting of their adventures in the human world, and the history of humankind, as outlined in the books you gave to Twilight Sparkle. She sends her gratitude for them, by the way. We have decided to appoint Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy as Equestria's ambassadors to the human world. However, don't think the opportunity for friendship and knowledge shall only be a one-way street. As of this moment, I name you, James Quinn, and your friend, Matthew Borchers, as humanity's ambassadors to Equestria. You shall be given the same rights, freedoms and privileges granted to all under our rule. I do hope we can learn a lot from each other, and use it to benefit both our worlds.

With warm wishes and fondest regards,

Princess Celestia.

I was elated. I would be able to see them again... I'd be able to see Rarity again! I literally jumped for joy after reading this scroll.

Much later, I was hanging two new photos on my wall. One was of Jen and I on our first date, at a charity screening of "Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D." The other was a photo I had taken before the six had to leave. It was a picture of my family mingling with our new friends. My parents stood behind me. Rarity and I were holding each other, smiling. Pinkie Pie had Cristian on her shoulders, both laughing and having a good time. Twilight and Applejack flanked Rarity and I. Twilight was smiling her best smile, Applejak had tipped her hat to the camera. Fluttershy had, temporarily, gotten over her camera-shyness and was smiling a gorgeous smile with my sister and brother-in-law. Dash had her arm around Matt. The photo was in a frame from the dollar store, labelled "My Family." As Genesis' "Follow You, Follow Me" ended, the KRNY request line opened, and took their first request.

"KRNY request line, you're on the air."

"Hello, I'd like to make a request for someone very special."

That voice couldn't be... could it?

"Yeah, boyfriend of yours?"

"Yes, you could say that."


"We haven't seen each other in a while. I've been traveling, and I'm coming back to see him. Can you play 'Twist of Fate' by Olivia Newton-John for me?"

"Can do, ma'am. Can I have his name, please?"

"Yes. To my darling Jimmy, from Rarity."

"A very lucky man if I do say so myself. Thank you for your request, ma'am."

"No, thank you for playing it. Goodbye."

"This Jimmy has one special lady. To her darling Jimmy, from his love Rarity, here's 'Twist of Fate.'"

As the opening synths rang out, I bolted outside to wait for her. Good things are worth waiting for, after all. As I reached the door, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, darling. Did you get my message?"

It's gotta be a strange twist of fate, telling me that heaven can wait...


Author's Note:

Jerry Goldsmith - A Gift of Flowers (from "The Swarm"): http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/A+Gift+Of+Flowers/2LDzAU?src=5 (Jen's grave)
Klaus Badelt - Wish Me Luck (from "The Time Machine"): http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Wish+Me+Luck/3MZJml?src=5 (Presents)
Michael Giacchino - The Ellie Badge (from "Up"): http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/The+Ellie+Badge/4BI7oo?src=5 (Rarity and the ring)
Klaus Badelt - Godspeed (from "The Time Machine"): http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Godspeed/7bjch?src=5 (Goodbyes)
Genesis - Follow You, Follow Me: http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Follow+You+Follow+Me/4EPr34?src=5 (KRNY music)
Olivia Newton-John - Twist of Fate (from "Two of a Kind"): http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Twist+Of+Fate/2N7oqS?src=5 (Rarity's message)