• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,762 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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Sweetie slowly walked out of the room, meeting the concerned gaze of her sister. Giving a weak smile, Sweetie allowed herself to be hugged. Turning, both walked out of the throne room, heading for where breakfast would be served. Sweetie saw various plates, and squaled in delight. Finally, something new to eat!

“Sweetie, I know you are very busy learning about this other looper, but I was wondering if you would like to spend some time with me in Canterlot today. If you are far too busy, that is quite alright. I suppose you can always do it another loop.” Rarity picked at her food, ears flopped down as she spoke. Sweetie tilted her head, and raised an eyebrow.

“Of course I’ll go. Researching is fine and all, but I wouldn’t miss out on a trip to Canterlot. I might even get my Cutie Mark!” Sweetie ‘eee’d as she thought of the many high-class marks she might find herself worthy of. Rarity smiled warmly, and chuckled in response.

“That’s good news. I’ll set up an itinerary for today while you get dressed.” Rarity finally dug into her meal, appetite restored. Sweetie learned, due to trying various foods, that she did indeed love salad. It was odd from her perspective, but really the freshness of the produce really drove the point home. Sweetie knew she would have to find a way to have it more often.

After breakfast, it was onto getting ready. Sweetie trotted to her room to prepare, beaming proudly as she walked around the white halls alone. It made her feel incredibly grown up to be left alone unsupervised here. It made her feel like she was really lucky, instead of unlucky, to be stuck in a time loop. Sweetie quickly got ready, and turned to see her sister walking into the room.

"Are you ready?" Rarity smiled as a nod came from her sister, and turned. Slowly, both walked out of the castle and into the bustle of Canterlot. Looking around, Rarity knew just where she wanted to go first. It contained shopping, and started with clothes. Sweetie breathed in sharply as she was led into a very expensive looking shop.

"Normally I would just make you an ensemble'. However, since the loop resets on Friday, I don't have half the time I need to prepare you a lavish dress radiating perfection. So instead, I shall purchase you an outfit that is close. I also ask that you give my future self a note I will give you later. It just details my plan, hopefully we agree and we can create the start of the perfect gown." Rarity began to go through the clothes, looking for items similar in color to Sweetie.

Eventually, Rarity picked out a dress with a pink and white chest, black waist, and white back. The back had the bottom tied up, and a note pattern on it. Rarity also picked out a pink pair of heels, the heel being barely a centimeter thick. Finally, Rarity picked up a black hat with a pink and white bow, and a neckband with a note on one side. Sweetie walked into the changing room to try them on.

Sweetie Belle looked a lot more mature in the clothes, almost appearing to be simply a small pony instead of actually being a filly. Rarity nodded, proud of her work. While she personally would have preferred darker colors to bring out Sweetie’s features more, it would still suffice. Rarity paid the bits to the clerk, and they exited the shop. Sweetie smiled at Rarity who lent down and pointed toward a poster.

"There's a concert in town, would you like to see it?" Rarity smiled, noting the enthusiasm as Sweetie nodded. Turning, they both walked toward the venue. Sweetie began to hum a merry tune. Rarity smiled down at her sister. Taking their seats, Sweetie fell silent as the concert started. Sweetie listened to the singers weaving music over the crowd and sighed, closing her eyes.

Music was like magic in a way. It was made to convey a message, pursue a thought, do an action. This song was about loss, but it also contained a silent hope to be found. Sweetie knew all this just from her ears. Opening her eyes, she blinked as her horn activated unbidden, and she felt a tingling sensation in her eyes. Sweetie blinked, and suddenly she was met with the sight of something truly amazing. For Sweetie was seeing music.

The song wove through people's ears, sometimes passing directly through them. Sweetie watched the crowd, noticing how some seemed bored, not even hearing the beauty of the song around them. How could they not hear this? Sweetie bit her lip, did she dare try to help? Glancing to the stage, Sweetie saw the concentration on the singer's face as she tried to weave her song. It sailed, swam, and yet Sweetie could sense it would not reach the intended audience. At least, not without some help.

Sweetie looked to her horn, and slowly understood the spell that had activated. It was almost as if it was made for her, to help Sweetie complete her task of helping the singer on the stage. Sweetie closed her eyes, folded her ears to the sound, and concentrated. Slowly, she opened both and focused on the notes in the air. A gentle nudge, a soft touch to slightly alter the course. Suddenly, the crowd transformed. Sweetie no longer saw them as ponies, but as the notes that comprised their own specific song. Sweetie knew what she had to do.

Slowly, Sweetie followed the note's back to the source, and altered each one as it emerged from the singer's voice. As the note divided, Sweetie altered each one more. Eventually, all the notes were exactly the same, and yet different on such a minute level that only the singer seemed to notice. Ears flickering, she opened one eye, eyes immediately drawing to the filly whose horn was aglow, concentration on her face. Slowly, the singer watched as the crowd changed from bored, to interested, until finally all were swaying in time to her music. Closing her eyes, the singer smiled, and her confidence grew to new heights, adding a final missing piece to her song.

Sweetie felt the magic on her horn fade, and opened her eyes to a normal crowd, no longer seeing the music. It didn't matter, for Sweetie could feel it. This music resonated with her, filling her with such strong emotion she wiped a tear from her eye. Beside her, Rarity was trying to hold back tears. And so, the song that would have fallen on deaf ears, instead moved an entire crowd to tears. Sweetie smiled warmly, feeling happy for the singer. This was what Sweetie had always wanted. No, it wasn't to see herself sing upon a stage, that never interested Sweetie. But many songs, from many ponies, fell short of what they wished. Many let their voices die out, to never be heard again. Sweetie hated seeing voices fade before their message had been spoken.

Sweetie felt a tingle on her flank, but didn't bother to look down at it. Sweetie didn't care anymore.

It was only a Cutie Mark.

Author's Note:

Scuse the slightly chopped top, didn't center the puppet before taking the image.
Sweetie's Mark essentially means her talent is bringing out the heart in songs. AKA: Making others rise to the occasion, the medic, healer, bard, priest, etc etc.

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