• Published 14th Jan 2012
  • 7,535 Views, 156 Comments

Megaman Zero E - KaijinZero

  • ...

Canterlot pt3

"Zero, what’s this guy talking about!?" Dash asked as Alpha began firing on their position.

"I don’t know...I've never met him before..." Zero said, shooting his buster at their attacker. And yet, I feel that we have met before...

Blocking the shots with his shield, Alpha began charging his arm cannon, but stopped as Twilight began throwing rocks at him from above with her Telekinesis. Jumping back a few feet, he took aim at the young princess and fired a large plasma shot at her.

Twilight evaded by teleporting to a spot just behind Zero. "Protoman, it doesn’t have to be this way... Why don’t we stop and talk it out?"

"Save your breath Twilight." Zero scolded. "If you're going to be a leader, you should know when talk will get you nowhere but six feet under."

"He's right you know... You should focus more on DEFENDING YOURSELF!" a furious barrage of plasma shots came from Alphas Arm cannon, causing Twilight to quickly create a shield.

"Zero, I can’t hold this up for long!”

"Don’t worry Twi! I have an idea! Let me pass through and go for that guy!"

"Rainbow are you crazy! He’ll-"

"Let her out Twilight, I get what she wants to do."

"Alright...whatever you have planned, it better work..." Letting the shield down at the top, Rainbow rocketed at the Crimson robot, drawing his aim at her. Using all of her skills as an athlete, Rainbow dodged each of the shots, narrowly getting hit a few times.

"Hey bolt for brains! What does a beam saber sound like?"

The hum of Zero's saber played through the air, slashing Alphas’ buster from his elbow.

"Gah! Y...you...!"

Now’s our chance for a Harmony Strike! Zero thought, gathering energy, like before, he felt the bonds of friendship, but this time, he felt a jolt of electricity bonding him to the ponies. so this is what Loyalty feels like? releasing the energy, the two buster guns appeared on his hands. "Harmony Strike-RAIKOUSEN!" firing a magenta and light blue charge shot, zero then rushed in, his saber charged with Electric energy to spear Alpha.

What he did not expect was a sphere of dark energy moving at him from the side, stunning him where he was...

"Zero, watch-AUGH!" the two mares were also hit by the dark energy sphere, capturing them as well.

"Hey, what gives? We were about to win!" Rainbow complained.

"Hee hee hee... Alpha did good playing you for the foals and fool you are..."

"That voice...show yourself Weil!"

A bright flash revealed the mad scientist next to Alpha. "Hee hee hee...Bwa ha ha ha ha! Foolish Reploid... did you not think that this was a trap all along?" the sadistic doctor sneered.

"Jokes you jar head! We knew this was a trap!"

"Rainbow! Not helping!"

"No, let the idiot speak..." Weil taunted, "It may well be the last time she does so."

"Tch...You dirty no good..."

"Where are Celestia and Luna?" Twilight asked.

Smiling a smile that sent shivers through the ponies spines, Weil motioned as though he were raising something from the ground. From it, the statues of Celestia, Luna and Discord appeared. The only difference was that none of them had horns or wings, and expressions of surprise, shock and fear on their faces.

"Princess! What did you do to them, you monster!" Twilight cried.

"I merely drained them of their magic little pony..." Weil said, floating towards the young princess."Just like how I will drain every single being on this planet."

"And Monster, hah! Child, I am no Monster...I AM A GOD!" snatching her horn, Weil's arm was coated in red and black electricity. Screaming, Twilight felt her magic being drained.

Zero knew he had to do something quick, or his new charge would end up just like her rulers. "Weil! Let her go, she did nothing to you!"

"Don’t worry, Hero, I'll let her go..." tightening his grip on her horn, Weil’s grin became frightening. When’s she’s a dry husk of a pony!"

C’mon Rainbow! You can’t let your friend get drained like the princesses. How can we free ourselves and get outta here? the rainbow maned mare thought furiously.

Alpha? No that guy looks winded, so I doubt he'd be any help...that and he's working for jar head.

A guard...no wait most of them are gone. Damn! How can we...

She got an idea.

One that would be suicide in most instances, but she had no choice now.

Twilight felt the Earth Pony Magic go first. Then her wings began to fade, signaling the end of her Pegasus magic. If something didn’t go in their favor soon, she'd be just like Celestia and Luna. She had no idea what it was like for Discord, as the being was almost entirely nothing but chaos magic. Actually, this must have been torture for him.

And here comes another bolt of pain, and there goes her Pegasus Magic.

It was over. This Madman would absorb everyponies magic and turn Equestia into a wasteland, and there was nothing anypony could-


Weil stopped draining Twilight right then and dropped her to stare at the Pegasus.





"Rainbow... I normally would let this be bygones, but I swear that if we survive this, I'm going to kill you-"

"I just broke a Pinkie Promise Twi."

"Oh. Well in that case, I’ll let you guys live."

"Amusing as your little banter is, what is this Pinkie promise you speak of? Weil asked, his eyebrow raised.


Zero was confused. That shout sounded like ... "But she was in Ponyville...it couldn’t be-"


It was like a Demon from the deepest regions of the darkest part of Hell had decided to rise up and take on the world. A pink, frizzy haired pony shaped demon, but still.

"What is this? And where did you come from little Horse?" Weil asked, not even fazed by Pinkie's sudden appearance. Well, maybe little confused he admitted to himself, but unfazed all the same.

"Oh Hi! My names Pinkie Pie, I came from a rock farm 20 miles south of Ponyville! Who are you...and why were you holding Twilight like that?"

"Pinkie, He's a bad guy!" Rainbow warned the pink mare. "He wants to drain everypony of their Magic!"

"WHAT! Okay you big dumb meanie! Nopony messes with my friends!" whipping out her party cannon, Pinkie fired it at a now confused Weil.

raising his arm to protect himself from the deadly confetti (you stand in front of a cannon launched barrage of party supplies and see if you come out unscathed), he didn’t notice that Pinkie had freed his captives and was now bolting for the door.

"What are you doing Alpha!? Get them!" a now furious Weil commanded.

""Ngh...You won’t get away!" though he was heavily damaged, Alpha sill gave chase.

Seeing a pursuer, Zero quickly shot his buster, causing alpha to stop and raise his shield, giving him and the ponies’ time to escape.

"How did you get here so fast?" Zero asked once they were nearing the train station.

"Cadence teleported me here so I could get you guys, how else did you think I did it?" Zero decided to ignore any other possibility.


"Yep, your brother had a train bought to Ponyville so we could escape to the Crystal Empire not long after you guys left."

"That’s good... looks like we won’t have to worry about Weil's forces attacking Ponyville and worrying about you guys." Rainbow sighed in relief.

"What! That meanie was going to attack Ponyville! Now he really isn’t getting a party!" after rounding the corner, they found their train had been fixed, and Techno was waving wildly to get their attention.

"Almost there...!" grabbing twilight, Zero suddenly tossed her towards the train, before turning around. "Rainbow, Pinkie, We have company."

"Ooh, really? Who is it, no let me guess, its-"

A giant of a Mechanaloid burst through a building on their right, training its eyes on them. Its left arm had a spike crackling with electricity for a hand. Its other had a large flamethrower. Its body was an icy blue, and gave off vapor waves ever few seconds.

"Great. One Elemental Golem was bad enough, now it’s three in one..."

Comments ( 12 )

Oh great. Now Twilight's going to be stuck as a unicorn until Weil has been defeated.

I must put this on my 'to read' list, I LOVED MMZX4!

3511209 ZX4? we havnt even gotten ZX 3 yet...

Thank you so much for writing this.

Why the FBC reference? They don't exist anymore. :applejackunsure:

3511305because thers like a gajillion of them?

4335620 i'm trying to add a 'gamey' feel to a few things. there should only be a few things left (Spoiler alert, the best part of MMZ2) and then its straignt dialouge.

This is dead now, right? :applejackunsure:

5407503 no, just a REALLY bad case of Writers block.

Intrigued, don't kill my interest now.

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