• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 7,837 Views, 48 Comments

Maternal Punishment - Catyusha

Aria went too far and for that she will face Adagio's wrath.

  • ...


“We only lost to those pathetic little Rainboom-bitches and Sunset Shitter because you're the worst of the worst!” Aria yelled at Sonata.

She hung her head and said nothing in reply.
The three defeated sirens were heading home and all in foul moods. Adagio was gritting her teeth.
She was sick of Aria always picking on poor little Sonata. Sure, she was a bit clumsy and not one of the brightest, but she still was their sister, she still was family!

Adagio clenched her fists. It took all of her self-restraint not to turn around to slap Aria and tell her to shut the fuck up. Sometimes Adagio felt more like their mother than their elder sister! She'd put up with this before, but tonight was even worse than usual. What finally crossed the line was when Aria unleashed a rant on poor Sonata.

"You're a total screw-up and a complete ditz! You have the attention span of a goldfish, we always have to waste our time explaining every fucking thing to you over and over again! Do you even realize how far up shit creek we are with our amulets broken? Did you even know what the amulets were for in the first place, or did you just wear it because it was shiny? And don't get me even started on your ridiculous obsession with tacos! If I had a taco right now, I'd shove it right up your ass, you degenerate little cunt!"

Adagio turned around and saw tears streaming down Sonata's face. She grabbed Aria by her dress, like she always did when she had to back up an order.

“That's ENOUGH, Aria! You lead the way back home now and then I will give you a piece of my mind!” she snarled at her.

Aria felt like being defiant and grinned at Adagio.

“And why in Tartarus should I listen to you anymore!?” she asked.

Adagio let go of her and pointed in the way to the sirens home.

“Because I say so! And now, move it because I'm losing my temper!”

Adagio may have lost her siren powers, but she certainly still had her intimidating attitude. Plus, her blood was boiling and she was about to explode like a hydrogen bomb. Aria finally did as she was told, muttering incomprehensible insults under her breath, and Adagio shot her a final death glare before turning to Sonata, who still was silently crying, and embraced her in a sisterly hug.

“Shhh... It's okay now. I will order you some tacos when we are back home, alright? Now stop crying, you'll only get a bad headache...”

Sonata hugged her back and by the mention of tacos her face brightened immediately up.

“For realzies?”

Adagio nodded and replied, “Yes, Sonata. For realzies. Now, let's go. The sooner we get home the sooner you can eat as many tacos as your stomach can hold!”

Sonata gasped and hugged Adagio very tight. “OH THANK YOU, Dagi! You're the bestest sister I could ever wish to have!”

Apparently she forgot right away how mean Aria was to her a couple of seconds ago. All she needed were tacos in order to be happy.


As they finally got home, Adagio first got rid of her food-stained clothes and told her sisters to do the same, so they could turn on the washing machine right away.

“As if I would be wearing this dress any longer. It's the worst”, Aria commented.

Adagio shot her another glare and pointed towards the laundry room.

“Whatever”, was all Aria said and did as Adagio told her to. Sonata was about to do the same, but Adagio put her hand on Sonata's shoulder, holding her back.

“Wait. I wasn't kidding when I said that I would give her a piece of my mind when we got back home.
I need you to get me something needed for Aria's punishment.”

Sonata gave her a confused look, then nodded. The eldest of the siren sisters whispered something into Sonata's ear. Sonata nodded once more in excitement. Adagio then left for the laundry room as well and got rid of her dirty dress. Aria just finished undressing and left for the living room without paying Adagio any mind.

After that, she checked to see if Aria had put any detergent in the washing machine.

'Of course she didn't bother!' Adagio thought to herself, groaning in annoyance as she took care of it herself.

Adagio left the laundry room and headed into the living room, only to see Aria sitting on the couch in her underwear watching one of her stupid TV shows.
Adagio couldn't believe how impertinent Aria was being. Her thoughts were interrupted briefly as Sonata walked by, bringing her clothes into the laundry room. Returning to the matter at hand, Adagio decided it was high time to teach her sister a lesson. She walked up to the TV, turned it off, and stood in front of it staring pointedly at Aria.

“Hey! I was watching that!” Aria complained.

“Right. And now you don't,” Adagio snapped back at her. Sonata got back from the laundry room and told Adagio that she turned on the washer.

“Good. But didn't you forget something, Sonata?” she asked her.

Sonata thought for a brief moment and then she remembered what Adagio told her to get.

“Oh yeah! I'll be right back!” she chirped and left for Adagio's room.

“What the fuck do you want from me, Adagio? Just get out of my line of sight so I can watch my show! Is that really too much to ask for after a defeat like that!?” Aria asked.

Adagio said nothing and waited for Sonata. Just then she came back, holding one of Adagio's belts in her hand. She gave it to Adagio and nearly bounced with excitement of what was about to come. Aria stared in disbelief at the belt in Adagio's hand.

“You're kidding. You've got to be kidding me, Adagio.”

“No, I'm NOT kidding. You finally pushed it too far by always treating Sonata like that! Yes, I understand that you are pissed because we lost. We all are. But that's not the point. You're always picking on her, bullying her and I have had more than enough of that immature bullshit of yours!”

Aria's heart now was pounding in her chest. As much as she was a nihilistic badass girl, she still didn't dare to stand up to Adagio. Instead, she chose to escape to her room and lock herself in until Adagio's anger evaporated.

“Oh no you don't!” Adagio yelled and went after her. She grabbed Aria by one of her pigtails and pulled her back.

"OW! Did you finally snap!?" Aria yelled in pain.

“You really need to understand that Sonata and I won't put up with your childish behavior anymore!”

Aria struggled against Adagio, but it was no use. Adagio was by far the strongest of the three sirens.

“OW! That hurts! Lemme go, you evil bitch!”

“Seriously? You, of all former unicorns Star Swirl banished to Earth are accusing ME of being evil!?”

Adagio pulled Aria to the dinner table and pushed her upper body onto it.
Sonata was giggling, but said nothing, she just enjoyed the show. Or rather, the thrill of anticipation.
Aria's body was now shivering in pure terror.

“Please, Adagio! Don't do it! I promise I'll be good from now on, I promise! Just don't beat me!”, she begged.

“I am quite sure that you'll improve your behavior from now on. And to make sure of that, you will need this... hm... correction,” Adagio coldly replied.

Then she pulled down her panties and Sonata gave Aria's exposed butt a fascinated look.

“Well, I may be the worst, but now you are getting the worst!” Sonata mocked her and giggled again.

“Quiet, Sonata. Just watch,” Adagio ordered.

Without any further ado, Adagio raised her belt and blew the first strike on Aria's butt.
Aria thought the pain would kill her. She never expected it to be this bad. Worse, Sonata watched and that was humiliating beyond imagination.

“OW! I'm sorry! Please, no more!”

Adagio ignored her pleas and continued her sister's spanking. She increased the force slightly with every blow and after ten or so, Aria decided to try and escape. She struggled and managed to turn herself around.
Adagio rolled her eyes, grabbed her by one of her pigtails and pulled her to the couch. There she forced Aria down on her lap and Sonata stared at them in amazement. After Adagio had struck several more blows to her sister's ass, Aria lost it completely. She left all dignity behind and started crying openly. And loudly.

“Please, Adagio! I'm sorry, I've learned my lesson! Please stop, I'm begging you! It hurts so bad!”

Adagio gave no answer until she was finished with her. Aria's ass now had a deep shade of pink and after some more strikes, Adagio finally ceased the beating and released Aria.

“Go to your room now. I do not want to see you again until tommorrow morning, understood?”

Aria quickly pulled up her panties.

“Yes, ma'am,” was all she said. She retreated in defeat, to her the second defeat this evening and hung her head. She slammed her door shut and locked it. Then Sonata spoke up.

“Wow. Remind me to never piss you off this badly.”

Adagio sighed and took the house phone.

“Let's not talk about this. Now, I promised you tacos and I intend to make good on that. What kind of tacos do you like again?”

Author's Note:

This is my very first fanfic I wrote and published. It is a one-shot and feel free to critisize. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 47 )

Wow, your first fanfic? That's impressive, it's really well written for a first publish:pinkiehappy:


Thanks, but as the description says, I had help by an awesome American guy. :yay:

5237014 Well, I still like the idea of the story, as well as the story itself

Just one thing:

because you're the worst of the worst!”, Aria yelled at Sonata.

I will give you a piece of my mind!”, she snarled at her.

I listen to you anymore!?”, she asked.

I was watching that!”, Aria complained.

forget something, Sonata?”, she asked her.

I'll be right back!”, she chirped

after a defeat like that!?”, Aria asked.

“Oh no you don't!”, Adagio yelled

finally snap!?", Aria yelled in pain.

but now you are getting the worst!”, Sonata mocked

Get rid of all of these commas. :applejackunsure:

It's the worst”, Aria commented.

“Whatever”, was all Aria said

And now you don't”, Adagio snapped back at her.

Just watch”, Adagio ordered.

“Yes, ma'am”, was all she said.

hm... correction”, Adagio coldly replied.

In these, just move the commas before the second set of quotation marks. :twilightsmile: Hope that helps.

I liked this story. I was surprised when I found out spanking was involved, but it's not like I was disappointed . . . :trollestia: :duck:


Thanks for your help and I'm glad you enjoyed this story. :pinkiehappy:

Good. :pinkiesmile: I'm upvoting.

Not into spanking but I did like this fic.

Aria got what was coming to her. X3


Glad you two enjoyed my fic as well. :twilightsmile:

I expected to hate this and i turned out loving it, this is going straight to my favourites list. I almost feel bad for Aria. Very nice work for your first fic. I hope to see more from you.



Thank you very, very much. :raritystarry: And yes, you will see more from me in the near future. For my first fics I will concentrate on The Dazzlings and I will build upon my very first fic. :twilightsmile:


...More Dazzlings? Yes please!

This made my day :)
I really hope you do more fanfics with the dazzlings like this one :D

....... WOW

But, anyways... It's a bit strange Adagio has to keep Aria on tack like that. It's in Aria's nature to be grumpy, and it's known that none of the sisters like each other. A couple thoughts I had, was that Adagio isn't Aria's mother, and technically she doesn't have the right to treat her like that. Aria could potentially leave if she wanted to, and same for the other two, but they chose not to because they were attempting to achieve a goal.

I feel bad for Aria, because at the beginning, she was only lashing out her anger and bottling her feelings upon Sonata (many people do this) and she really doesn't deserve... uh... that.

But it's an interesting concept, I guess, not my slice of cake, but it wasn't badly written.

And it is your first fic, so don't look down - keep writing and improving! :D


Well, this is called an artists freedom. Here in Germany corporal punishment has been outlawed in November 2000 and many parents still beat their children. And that is was Adagio did here. She did it anyway, whether she has the right to do it or not. And I won't just write what the canon characters would do. Would be a bit boring, now would it? And since they have been together for at least one thousand years, I like thinking of The Dazzlings being a strongly bonded family. Of course Aria could leave, but why would she? She doesn't exactly have anyone else to turn to on Earth besides Adagio and Sonata.


I will write more with this kind of The Dazzlings. I like thinking of Adagio as a maternal figure for the other two. :twilightsmile:

Woah, okay. I learn something new every day o.o

5242938 Same here :D I always thought Adagio was being motherly to the other two.


Then I'm sure you're gonna love my upcoming fic. :twilightsmile:

5244761 Oh I will :) I'm really looking forward to it.

Well then...
This is probably one oft he best punishment fanfics i have ever read
so fun it made me giggle and laugh
Aria finally got what she deserved
good job
i hope to read more of you in the future
so i have given you a watch from me
and your german!
Im learning german in school


Yes, you will pretty soon see more from me and thank you very much. :twilightsmile:

Very good for your first fanfic. Also very hot hehehe


Well, it's not a clopfic. :rainbowhuh:

But thanks anyway for your fav and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

I wasn't sure what to think of this at first. Never was one for... Textual BDSM, even if it is in the form of punishment, and I know that this isn't a clopfic either.

I'm not 100% keen on them either, so, that's another barrel of fish.

I was in a binge mood for Dazzlings, more importantly, Sonata, but that's another kettle of water, ahaha! So I added a lot of Dazzlings to my read later list and over the last couple days either read the first chapter and said "Yep, I'm finishing this." - Adds to faves. Or I read first chapter and I'm like "... Ugh... Badly written... Bad concept..." And remove from read later and forget about it.

This one, however, while not specifically Sonata based, I still enjoyed and thought to myself "Yeah, I imagine that would be the sort of roles these three would have if they were more fleshed out."

So, you've earned a place in my Hall of Fave, and this fic will likely be reread countless times in the future! : D


Thank you very much and I'm glad you liked it. There is, however, a sequel. You might enjoy that one as well. :twilightsmile:

“As if I would * wearing this dress any longer. It's the worst”, Aria commented.

i think you're missing a word there.


Thank you, has been fixed. :twilightsmile:

that was fast. well, i will keep looking.

“We only lost to these pathetic little Rainboom-bitches and Sunset Shitter because you're the worst of the worst!” Aria yelled at Sonata.

i have the feeling it should be "those" also, sunset shitter made me laugh more than what it should have.

The three defeated sirens were heading home and all * in foul moods.

and all were in a foul mood.

It took all of her self-restraint not to turn around to slap Aria and telling her to shut the fuck up

and tell her to shut the...

She grabbed Aria at her dress, like she always did when she had to back up an order.

by her dress.

“Because I say so! And now, move it before I'm losing my temper!”

i think it should be either:
“Because I say so! And now, move it because I'm losing my temper!”
“Because I say so! And now, move it before I lose my temper!”

who still was silently crying, and embracing her in a sisterly hug.

embraced. also, gotta say it, i really like how you make Adagio care about Sonata while at the same time she's not OOC.

“Wait. I wasn't kidding when I said that I'll give her a piece of my mind when we get back home. I need you to get me something needed for Aria's punishment.”

“Wait. I wasn't kidding when I said that I would give her a piece of my mind when we got back home.I need you to get me something needed for Aria's punishment.”

“No, I'm NOT kidding. You finally pushed it too far * always treating Sonata like that! Yes, I understand that you are pissed because we lost. We all are. But that's not the point. You're always picking on her, bullying her and I have ** more than enough of that immature bullshit of yours!”

*= by. **= had.

She grabbed Aria at one of her pigtails and pulled her back.

like with the dress part, i think it should be "by one of her pigtails".

Adagio ignored her pleas and continued her sister's spanking.

can't really put my finger on it, but there's something funny about how that phrase sounds. maybe it's the "her" being used so close to each other.

well, that's all. really enjoyed reading this, now to the sequel!


Well, my native tongue isn't English, it's German. My proofreader is American and he said it's quite alright the way it is. But it is confirmed once again, you have a bunch of English speakers and all of them are telling you different things about what is correct and what is not. ;)

i could be wrong, my native tonge is spanish, and i'm aware i don't know as much about english as i would like.

well, that's all. really enjoyed reading this, now to the sequel!

I'm glad to read that and I trust you won't be disappointed by the sequel. Anyway, thanks a lot for your help. :twilightsmile:

This fic is extremely well written. I especially enjoyed seeing Adiago comfort Sonata and giving Aria her just desserts. :pinkiehappy:


Thanks. You might wanna check out the sequel though. I pictured Adagio even more like a mother for Aria and Sonata rather than just their elder sister. Though spanking isn't involved there. Yet. ;D


As if Adagio has only one belt. =P

Right... That should have been obvious.
I feel silly:derpytongue2:

Take that, worst siren! Nobody hurts Sonata like that, you miserable bitch! :pinkiecrazy: Hehe, I'm so evil...


Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

5397708 yeah, you're welcome. :pinkiesmile: Sorry if I offended any Aria fans, I just really don't like her. Not because she picks on Sonata (although that's a huge part of the reason), but she's just so miserable. She never stops griping and moaning about everything, always acting so negative towards practically everything and everyone. It's just annoying.


I pictured Aria in a more likable way in the sequel. You might wanna check it out, if you like the idea of Adagio being an evil bitch who doesn't fuck around. :trollestia:

5398032 Sequel?! :pinkiehappy: Must! Find! Now!

Plz let there be a sequel plz!! :rainbowkiss:


There is a sequel. It's called "Crimson Energy" and even though there is not yet any spanking involved, I'm quite sure that you'll like it. :twilightsmile:

So did she turn the belt inside out when she spanked her or right side in. Because if it was right side in like Aria Blaze commented (If you scroll down you'll see it) it has spikes on it.


Nope. Adagio of course doesn't just own one belt.

It is NOT alright to be turned on by this... Gosh darn it!!

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