• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,501 Views, 5 Comments

I'd love to see the moon rise - Aqua_Breeze

All Luna ever wanted was for ponies to enjoy her night. Now that she's back, her sister decides to stay awake and watch as she paints the night sky.

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I'd love to see the moon rise

"Does the day have to come so soon?" Luna asked.

"It is the time of the summer sun celebration, dear sister," Celestia said, "But do not worry, the night also has it's place in this world".

"I just wish others would take the time to have fun during the night," Luna said softly, "But they only ever seem to want to have fun during the day".

"Things have changed, sister," Celestia said, wrapping a wing around Luna, "When you get the chance to raise the moon again, you can be sure that there are ponies out there who want nothing more than to watch and marvel at your artwork".

Luna just remained silent as Celestia went to work setting the moon and raising the sun so that the day could start. It was something she had not seen in a thousand years, yet it did little at the moment. As each star faded and the moon fell, Luna felt a little ping of sadness as it only brought back painful memories from her past. It didn't take long after the rise of the sun for Luna to start feeling tired. Her sister encouraged her to go and rest, it had been quite a night, after all.

During her slumber, Lunas dreams were plagued with nightmares. Normally, she would help rid other ponies of these horrid dreams, but now she suffered them herself, and felt powerless against them. Every now and again, she would bolt up, screaming in fear. She was, however, quickly comforted by her sister, who had decided to abandon her royal duties for the day just so she could try to help her sister have a good rest.

It was nothing strange to see Celestia awake at the late hours of the night anymore. She had taken over Lunas royal duties of the night after banishing Nightmare Moon, so she was used to being awake for days on end. She had the energy to stay awake, and she was more determined to use it tonight than she had ever been. She had not been there for her sister before the rise of Nightmare Moon, and she wanted to fix that. She knew how much pride Luna took in painting the night sky, but she had ignored it until she had to take the task upon herself for once.

Night was fast approaching, and it would soon be time for Luna to take over for the first time in a thousand years. Celestia was more than happy to let somepony else take over for her at night. She was determined to be there by Lunas side the whole time, and to watch, for the first time ever, as her sister went to work painting the night sky. She wanted to be there to watch the display that Luna took so much pride in.

"Luna, wake up," Celestia said, nudging her sleeping sister with her hoof.

"Huh? Wha? What's going on?" Luna asked groggily as she slowly lifted her head.

"It is almost time for you to go to work," Celestia said.

"I see," Luna said softly, staring down at the ground.

"Do not worry, sister, you'll do fine," Celestia said.

"I'm not sure of that," Luna said.

"And why not?" Celestia asked.

"The night has belonged to you for a thousand years," Luna said, "I doubt anypony would really want me to take it from you".

"Sister, the night has never belonged to me," Celestia said, gently nuzzling her sister, "It has always been yours, and it was more so I that took it from you".

"How so?" Luna asked.

"I was never there for you when you needed me the most," Celestia said, "I always worked through your night, and never took the time to enjoy it as I should have. I took the night away from you when I let you become Nightmare Moon and banished you to the moon for a thousand years".

"It was not just you that ignored the night," Luna said softly.

"And tonight, you'll see that's changed," Celestia said, "Ponies who work through the night do not ignore it, but instead make time to enjoy the night sky. Fillies and colts who can't fall asleep, stay awake and play around in the moonlight. Even I have taken to looking at the night sky when I feel lonely... it always made me feel like you were still by my side".

It took some time, but Luna eventually rose to her hooves. After stretching and properly waking up, she walked with her sister out into the courtyard, per Celestias request. After she sat down, she closed her eyes and concentrated on how she should paint the night sky for the first time since she returned. She had her sister by her side this time, and she wanted it to be a display even her sister could be proud of. Celestia had set the sun some time ago, so when Luna finally had a good image in her head, her horn lit up and she set to work.

The dark sky soon went almost ablaze as stars flew through the sky. It almost looked as if the stars were dancing as Luna maneuvered them perfectly into place one by one. There were even a few shooting stars whenever Luna felt the need to change the pace slightly. After the stars were set, it was time for the moon to rise into the sky. As the moon rose, a beautiful silver tint fell over the land. When once Celestia would have shivered slightly as the moon rose, she now felt warm. The very sight of a craterless moon brought her great joy.

During the whole display, Celestia couldn't help but shed a few tears. She had never taken the time to watch and enjoy her sister raise the moon and set the night in motion. It was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Her emotion did not go unnoticed as Luna took notice of her sisters tears in the light of the moon, which was now sitting nicely in the sky. Celestia was awoken from her trance as her sister brushed away the tears with the tip of her wing.

"I never took time to watch as you went to work like that," Celestia said, "And I do not even know why. That was beautiful to watch, and it is a work that you should be proud of".

"I am glad at least you could enjoy it, if nothing else," Luna said, "Though I do have one question".

"Ask away," Celestia said.

"Is there any chance you might be willing to watch me again from time to time?" Luna asked.

"After a display like that, how can I possibly say no?" Celestia asked rhetorically, "I'd love nothing more than to be there by your side to watch as you put on such beautiful displays, and turn the night sky into a masterpiece as you did tonight".

Comments ( 5 )

I read this story a little while ago and didn't think it made that much of an impression on me. It turns out I was wrong.

Please have and consider I Thought I Knew the Sky as an unofficial companion piece to this.

5496068 Great story, and it does fit well with this theme. I went ahead and added a link to it in the main description, as well as to your page so you can get the right recognition.

This is absolutely beautiful.:raritydespair: I love it

Nicely done. I get a buzz from stories that depict Luna getting confronted with the fact she is appreciated. Enough of a buzz that two shorts on the topic were my way of breaking into the writer's scene here. :twilightblush:

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