• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 15,742 Views, 847 Comments

(Mis)taken Identity - MythrilMoth

Twilight Sparkle investigates the strange events at Canterlot High School.

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Interlude: Principal Interest

As Principal Celestia sent out an e-mail to the teachers of the six absent girls, her mind wandered back to a memorable afternoon, not long after the Fall Formal...

Classes had ended for the day, and Principal Celestia was finishing up some paperwork in her office. She was hoping to, for once, leave campus early and find time to unwind at home. Recent days at CHS had been remarkably stressful, what with rebuilding the school entrance, whitewashing the Fall Formal incident, and trying to wrap her mind around exactly what had happened.

After the dust had settled—literally and figuratively—and the mysterious Twilight Sparkle had disappeared, Luna had quietly hired a private investigator, who had turned up some interesting information.

A girl by the name of Twilight Sparkle lived in another part of Canterlot, and had at one time attended Crystal Prep—when she was twelve.

A girl by the name of Sunset Shimmer had died at the age of three.

Given the bizarre nature of the Fall Formal incident, during which three of her students had transformed into actual demons and six more—one of whom she now realized was never a student at CHS to begin with—transformed into some sort of weird pony-eared magical girls, Celestia was not surprised at the results the investigation had turned up, and she had paid the private investigator off to forget he had ever taken their case. Still, there were many questions left unanswered about the whole thing, and after spending an entire week buried in paperwork and avoiding the media, Celestia had reluctantly begun to accept that she would never have all the answers...and perhaps that was for the best.

A knock on her door roused her from her thoughts. "Yes?" she called, straightening up in her seat and shuffling the papers on her desk into a neat, orderly pile.

The door opened, and Sunset Shimmer poked her head in. She wore a pensive frown. "Principal Celestia? Can...can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course," Celestia said, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. "What's on your mind?"

Sunset sat down, shifting restlessly. "I..." she began, then broke off. After a long, awkward moment, she said, "I...I just wanted to apologize...for everything I've done since I came here."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "You've already apologized to most of the student body, and to myself as well. And you're still serving out your detentions..." She glanced at the clock. "Which, incidentally—"

"I know," Sunset said. "But I asked for permission to talk to you before going to detention."

Celestia nodded. "Alright." She absently wrote out a slip for the detention monitor as she waited for Sunset to continue. "So...I take it you have more to say?"

Sunset shifted. "Yeah," she said. "It's just..." She folded her hands on the desk and looked down at them miserably. "When...when I came here, I had...I had this huge chip on my shoulder." She looked up at Celestia. "My old teacher...I thought she was holding me back, keeping me from being what I thought I deserved to be. I lashed out at her, I...I did things behind her back I wasn't supposed to do. When I didn't get what I wanted when I wanted it, I decided it was her fault..." Sunset's eyes turned cloudy and sad. "I was so stupid. I...I don't know if I could ever face her again, tell her she was right...apologize for everything I put her through..." Sunset swallowed, then looked up. "But...you remind me so much of her, and...and I caused even more trouble for you than I ever did for her, and...and everything I did here, I think maybe I was trying to hurt her by disrupting your school. I justified it all to myself as wanting to be in control here, wanting to take what was rightfully mine..." She laughed bitterly. "After Twilight Sparkle and her friends—my friends—put an end to my plans, I spent a lot of time thinking about why I was really doing it all." Sunset ran a hand through her hair. "I..."

Celestia held up a hand. "Sunset Shimmer. I'll accept your apology on two conditions." She raised one finger. "One: I want your word that I can count on you for anything I ask of you. If I ask you to volunteer for something—anything—I want to know you'll do it without complaint."

Sunset nodded. "Of course. It's the least I can do."

Celestia nodded, then raised another finger. "The second condition: I want to know who you really are." She laid her hand down on the desk and joined it with the other, steepling her fingers. "Luna and I did some checking after the Fall Formal. Sunset Shimmer died thirteen years ago. We also found out there's a Twilight Sparkle living in the city who's already graduated college and earned a Ph.D. But the girl that spent part of the week here...the girl that stopped you at the Fall Formal...that isn't her, is it?"

Sunset sighed and shook her head. "No, it isn't. I mean, it is, but at the same time it isn't." She blinked. "Wait...you actually found this world's Twilight Sparkle? Huh."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "This world's Twilight Sparkle?"

Sunset grimaced. "Alright...I'll explain everything."

And she did. All of it.

Sunset spoke at length, about Equestria, about Princess Celestia, about her studies as the ruler of Equestria's personal student. About how she let her ambition run unchecked. How she betrayed Celestia. How she was banished from the castle, and subsequently fled through the mirror into the human world.

She told Celestia about the Sunset Shimmer of this world, who died as a small child. She told her about Princess Twilight Sparkle, the bright young unicorn who had succeeded her as Princess Celestia's student—had gone on to achieve everything Sunset had wanted for herself.

When at last she fell silent, Principal Celestia sat in contemplative silence for a long moment. "If...if I hadn't seen the whole demon and magical girls and rainbow thing for myself, I wouldn't believe a word of what you just told me," she said. "But...I did see it, and...I do believe you." She sighed heavily, massaging her temples. "Whoo...that's a lot to take in."

"I know, right?" Sunset said with a soft laugh. She glanced at the clock. "Oh, crap! Detention—"

Celestia held up a hand and shook her head. "Don't worry about it." She pulled out her phone and tapped the screen a couple of times. After a moment, she spoke into it, "Sunset Shimmer is serving her detention in my office this afternoon. Yes. I just wanted to let you know not to expect her." She hung up and put her phone away, then crumpled up the pass she'd filled out earlier and tossed it in the wastepaper basket.

For the next half hour, Sunset Shimmer filled Celestia's mind with fanciful tales of unicorns and pegasi and castles and cloud cities and magic and monsters, all in a land populated entirely by talking ponies that sounded like something right out of a storybook. The earnest wistfulness in Sunset's voice as she told her tale resonated deep within Celestia's heart; she could tell the girl was desperately homesick for that wonderous world, and part of her jealously wished she could see this mysterious magical land for herself.

When Sunset once again fell silent, Celestia tilted her head. "It sounds to me as if you desperately wish to return home," she said. "If...if there is another Celestia, I...I do believe she'd be eager to see you again. If...if you wanted to, you could go back—"

Sunset shook her head. "Even if...even if I had the courage to face Princess Celestia again...and I'm not sure I could..." She sighed. "The portal only opens once every thirty moons. By the time..." She swallowed. "By the time it opens again, I'll have graduated from here. I'll have my hands full just making ends meet in this world, and..." She smiled. "Well, there's no telling what'll happen in the next couple of years, right? I could be a completely different person by then, with a life here I won't want to give up..." She shrugged. "Anyway, it's just better if...if I give up on ever going back to Equestria. I have to accept that this is my reality now, and hope that Princess Twilight reassured Mo—Princess Celestia that I'm doing fine."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Are you?" she asked. "Are you doing fine?"

Sunset's brow furrowed in thought. She shrugged. "You know? I think I'm getting there." She smiled. "Yeah...I think I will be."

Celestia smiled in return. "Well...I certainly hope so. You have so much potential. You could go far in this world...especially now that you've learned to accept friendship and put aside your darker ambitions." She scooted her chair back. "Well, I believe you can go ahead and go home now. Unless you had something else you wanted to talk about?"

Sunset stood up. "That was pretty much it." She straightened her jacket and popped her back. "Thank you for..." She trailed off. "Thank you."

Celestia nodded. "My door is always open. Any time you need to talk, I'm here."

Once Sunset left, Celestia grabbed her purse, headed out into the hall, and looked for her sister. "Luna?"

"Yes, Tia?"

"We're going out for tapas and drinks tonight," Celestia said. "You know the place. I want to get completely wasted."

The haze of alcohol had almost erased the entire conversation with Sunset Shimmer from her mind, but the reappearance of Twilight Sparkle, the wild magical display at the Battle of the Bands, and the appearance of the other Celestia served as a constant reminder that all of it was real. Only the portal that wasn't supposed to be open again for a very long time WAS open, and that other, magical world was there waiting to be explored...

Celestia shook her head. "Nope." Draining her second cup of coffee since arriving at the school, she dove into the day's workload, putting thoughts of prancing pony princesses and magical castles firmly out of her mind.