• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 7,405 Views, 48 Comments

The Transformers My Little Pony Crossover - TFCrossoverFan

The Autobots befriend the Ponies and must help defend Equestria from the Decepticons.

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Chapter 9

Jazz was bored. Really bored. He was sitting down in front of Teletraan 1’s screen, which was still narrowing down Optimus and the other Autobot’s location among the dimensional existences. Thing was, it had been doing this for days. When it became apparent that they would not find results anytime soon, each Autobot was assigned a shift for watching the screen. While one Autobot was watching the screen in case Teletraan 1 did find the other’s location, the other Autobots were busy fixing up the space bridge for when that time came. They had finished refining it yesterday, so all the Autobots had to do now was wait. And Jazz did not like it one bit. He knew his name had to come up sooner or later, but he knew better than to complain. With Optimus, Ironhide, and Prowl gone, Jazz was the Autobot’s temporary leader, so he had to set a good example. Besides, complaining was Gears’ and Huffer’s job. Jazz began spinning around in his chair, trying to shake off the boredom, when Teletraan 1 finally finished its search.
“Attention Autobots. Search completed. Optimus Prime and other Autobots found,” Teletraan 1 said.
“Well it’s about time,” Jazz said, “I better go tell the others right now!”
Jazz got out of his chair and ran out the room to tell the other Autobots. In a minute all the Autobots were in the control room.
“So Teletraan 1 finally found out were Optimus and the others are?” asked Wheeljack.
“Yep, and it’s all right there for us to see,” Jazz replied. The image on the screen showed a single large bright dot amidst a black background.
“Oooh, a dot. What else is there?” Gears sarcastically said.
“Hate to say it, but Gears has a point,” Hound said, “We really don’t know anything about where the others were sent.”
“Yes, it could be dangerous,” Hoist said, “Jazz, what are your orders?”
“Well, we gotta go in there anyways, no matter how freaky scrap gets,” Jazz said, “Teletraan 1, plot space bridge course for that destination!”
“Downloading current coordinates to space bridge.”
“Excellent. Autobots, to the space bridge!”
The Autobots quickly left the Ark and lined up outside near the space bridge. Jazz stood in front of them, and started speaking.
“Alright, this is a rescue mission into unknown and possibly hostile territory, and I’m leading it. But I’m not going to take all of you with me. Now before I start asking for volunteers, I would like the Dinobots to step forward please.”
Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Swoop, and Snarl stepped up one pace.
“Like I said, we’re going into unknown territory, and I want all the strength I can bring,” Jazz said to the Dinobots, “Think you five are up to the challenge?”
The Dinobots raised their arms and yelled in approval.
“We Dinobots help rescue Optimus Prime!” Grimlock roared.
Jazz smiled. “Alright, you five line up by me. Now, any volunteers?”
Every Autobot stepped up.
Jazz gave a sigh. “Okay, clearly all of you want to come along, but I can only bring a few more of you. Say, four. You guys should discuss who you think should really go.”
The Autobots nodded and huddled up, deciding who should go. Only half a minute afterwards, they seemed to have made their decision. Wheeljack, Perceptor, Mirage, and Cliffjumper walked up to Jazz and the Dinobots.
“After a little talking, we decided that us four should come along,” Wheeljack said, “You’ve got me and Perceptor for medical work, and Mirage and Cliffjumper both make excellent scouts.”
“Good reasoning Wheeljack,” Jazz said, “Now while we’re gone, someone has to be in charge. Silverbolt, I’d like you to be the temporary leader.”
Silverbolt saluted. “Don’t worry Jazz, I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong.”
“Alright, looks like we are ready to go,” Jazz said, “Rescue team, step into the space bridge.”
Jazz and the others stepped into the bridge. “Alright, send us away!”
The space bridge opened, and sent the Autobots away. Like every space bridge trip he had ever taken, Jazz couldn’t get a clear bearing on what his surroundings were while he was being transported. All he could see for several minutes was a bright blur all around him. Also, this trip seemed to be taking a really long time to finish. Finally, they stopped, but Jazz was still in a blurry mess. And yet he was standing on solid ground, as were the other Autobots with him. Looking around, Jazz noticed a short distance away an exit to this madness. Approaching it, he saw beyond the opening sunlight, and he could hear birds chirping and see a vast field of grass. Jazz stepped into this world and looked behind him. The “mess” he and the others were in was actually the interior of a portal. The rest of the Autobots stepped out.
Jazz’s com link began buzzing. “Hello? This is Jazz, come in over.”
“Jazz, this is Silverbolt I hear you loud and clear. I trust your trip went smoothly?”
“Yep, me and the others just stepped through the portal. We are currently in this so called “alternate dimension”.”
“So what’s it like over there? Anti- gravity floating rocks? A creepy swamp? Any monsters?”
“No actually its… it’s kind of nice here. There’s some pretty flowers, nice bright sunlight, good scenery, and oh! Look at that cute little bunny!”
“Huh, not really what I was expecting, or what you were expecting I assume.”
“Y’know Silverbolt, the more and more I look at this place, the more I’m beginning to think we’re just on a different version of Earth.”
“Now there’s a thought. Anyways, Jazz, listen, when you find Optimus, just call us up and we’ll reactivate the space bridge portal. Good luck out there. Silverbolt out.”
“Copy that. Jazz out.”
As soon as Jazz closed his com link, the portal disappeared, leaving the ten Autobots to search for Optimus and the others.
“Alright, let’s get to business. Swoop, fly up and search this area. If you see any sign of civilization or the others, come back and let us know. We’ll be nosing around this general area.”
“Swoop understand! Swoop find other Autobots!”
As Jazz and the others began searching about the field, Swoop transformed into his pteranodon form and flew off.

One minute later…

Swoop soared through the clouds. Being the smartest of the Dinobots,(And that’s really saying something.) Swoop was taking his aerial scouting mission seriously. But he couldn’t but help be distracted. His sensors were picking up energy signals everywhere, even in the sky. ‘No,’ he thought to himself, ‘Must find friends.’
After finally entering clear skies, Swoop noticed a settlement far below him. Wishing not to get too close, Swoop zoomed his optics onto the settlement, and was quite surprised. The settlement was populated by colorful small four- legged organics, and they were crowding around something. Swoop looked at what the organics were looking at, and gasped. The organics were surrounding Bumblebee, who was lying on the ground, injuries covering him. Several dangerous looking objects laid near him, and there was no sign of any of the other Autobots.
“Swoop go back to get help!” Swoop quickly turned back and flew back to the field. When he got there, only the other Dinobots were still around.
“Where are other Autobots?” Swoop asked.
“Other Autobots go explore other places,” Grimlock replied, “Why Swoop want to know?”
“Me Swoop find Bumblebee hurt surrounded by enemies! We must go save him!”
“Bumblebee hurt and surrounded by bad guys?! RAAAWRGH!!! WE DINOBOTS GO SAVE HIM! Dinobots, transform!”
“Yes! Slag want to fight!”
“Me Sludge follow leader Grimlock!”
“Me Snarl ready!”
“Dinobots follow Swoop! Me Swoop know the way!”
With that, the Dinobots transformed and set out to rescue Bumblebee. It was not long until they came upon the settlement Swoop had found.
“There! That is where Bumblebee is!” Swoop said to the Dinobots.
Grimlock took the lead. “Dinobots! Attack!”

Meanwhile, in Ponyville…

“Where… where did Ratchet go?” Bumblebee weakly asked the ponies.
“Don’t you worry Bumblebee,” Twilight said, “Ratchet’s just gone off with Applejack to the farm to salvage some supplies.”
“Oh, okay. I was worried for a second. My optics are still kind of blurry and- LOOK OUT!”
Twilight and the ponies quickly turned around to what Bumblebee was referring to, and were alarmed to see five giant monsters rampaging through Ponyville. The crowd panicked and screamed as the monsters roared and thrashed about, damaging and setting fire to various buildings.
Rainbow Dash took a battle stance. “Why I outta…”
“No! Don’t fight them Rainbow!” Twilight called out, “Go get Optimus and the others, you can’t possibly beat them!”
“Yeah, that’s probably a better idea. Don’t worry! I’ll be back.” Rainbow Dash then sped off into the distance in search of the Autobots.
Twilight turned her attention back to the attacking monsters. They spit fire and smashed down buildings, but so far it appeared that nopony was critically hurt. As she frantically looked around, she noticed Fluttershy running up to her.
“Twilight! What- what’s going on? We aren’t under attack are we?” Fluttershy asked nervously.
“Yes, we are under attack, problem is we don’t know who!”
Twilight and Fluttershy looked on at the destruction.
“Okay Fluttershy, I have a plan, you and me are going to…um, Fluttershy?” Twilight stared at Fluttershy. Her face was contorted with rage and the very atmosphere around her screamed FURY. Fluttershy calmly walked up the monsters and stopped in front of who appeared to be their leader, a bipedal wingless dragon. The lead monster noticed her below him and turned his attention to her, roaring loudly.
“How dare you…” Fluttershy quietly said the monster, who continued to roar, “How DARE YOU?!” The monster stopped roaring, surprised that this small helpless organic had just talked back to it.
Fluttershy flew up in the air and landed on the monster’s snout. The other four noticed this and began observing the scene.
“Listen here, just because you and your friends are big, doesn’t mean you get to be BULLIES! You guys may have huge teeth, sharp claws, and breathe fire, but you do NOT, I repeat, you DO NOT. ATTACK. MY. HOME. Ya got that?”
Then the monster spoke. Fluttershy hopped of its snout as it began moving and hovered in the air.
“You puny organic have big guts for talking to Dinobots like that. Especially me Grimlock. We respect you big time for that.”
“Well, it’s good to see that you are listening to me. Now, if you and your Dinobot friends will help us fix all of this…”
“No! We Dinobots respect you, but we no listen to you!”
Fluttershy had enough. She spread her wings, widened her eyes, and began emitting The Stare. The Dinobots were immediately terrified of The Stare, and began stepping back in submission.
“Now,” Fluttershy said, “If you would all be so kind as to help us rebuild our town.”
“Yes miss,” Grimlock said as he and the other Dinobots transformed back into their robot forms, “Whatever you say.”
Fluttershy was surprised. “Wait, you’re Cybertronians too?”
“We Dinobots are Autobots! We came here to rescue Optimus Prime and friends!”
“Oh, so you know Bumblebee then? He’s right over there.” Fluttershy pointed to Bumblebee. The Dinobots quickly rushed over to him.
Grimlock picked Bumblebee up. “Bumblebee? Are you alright? Speak to me!”
“Ugh… Grimlock… is that really you? How did you get here?”
“We join Autobot rescue mission in space bridge thing. Came to save you from little creatures!”
“What? We don’t need saving Grimlock! Everything’s fine here.”
“But, Bumblebee covered in wounds and surrounded by little creatures all by himself!”
“No you dolt we are allies with the ponies! And they were just helping Ratchet fix me!”
“But, me Grimlock no see Ratchet.”
“Here I am now,” said Ratchet as he approached the Dinobots from behind with Applejack, both carrying a pile of various tools.
“What in tarnation happened here?” Applejack asked as she looked around at the partially demolished buildings.
“I have a pretty good feeling about what indeed did happen here,” said Ratchet, who was glaring at the Dinobots. “Alright you bozos, why did you do this? Explain yourselves!”
The Dinobots sheepishly looked at the ground. “We, um, attacked this place thinking bad guys beat up Bumblebee, but it all just big misunderstanding.”
“So it seems. So tell me, did you stop because Bumblebee called you out? Or because your heads ran out of hot air to breathe?”
“No. Actually, we stop because of,” Grimlock pointed a finger to Fluttershy, “Her.”
Ratchet looked in disbelief at Fluttershy, who seemed to be a little nervous now that she was the center of attention.
“Fluttershy. Little Fluttershy?! AHAHAHA! …Are you serious?”
“Fluttershy give Dinobots good chewing out.”
“Well, looks like it worked, if she really did stop you. Hang on, what are you five doing here? HOW did you get here?”
“The Dinobots were sent in to rescue us Ratchet,” Bumblebee said, “Them and a few others came here through the one- way space bridge we made.”
“Others? Grimlock, who else came with you?”
“Uh… Jazz… Wheeljack… Cliffjumper… Mirage… and… Perceptor. Wait, who that?”
Grimlock was referring to a group of vehicles and a pegasus who were approaching Ponyville. When they arrived, the vehicles transformed and the Pegasus took a boxing stance.
Rainbow Dash was ready for a fight. “Alright you punks, get ready to taste the rainbow! And- wait, Optimus, what are you doing?”
Optimus walked up to Grimlock and the Dinobots. “Dinobots? What are you doing here my friends? What happened here?”
“You know these monsters?!” Rainbow Dash said.
“They are not monsters, Rainbow Dash, they are Autobots, just like us. They’re just a little… undisciplined. Ratchet, can you tell me what happened here?”
“Long story short Prime, the Autobots back at the base used that space bridge to come here and rescue us. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding the Dinobots attacked Ponyville, but they were stopped by Fluttershy.”
“Fluttershy stopped the Dinobots?” Optimus looked at Fluttershy, then back at Ratchet. “How’d she do it? Not even I can forcefully stop the Dinobots while they are in battle.”
“I wasn’t here at the time Optimus but when I asked Grimlock what happened, he said Fluttershy “chewed them out”, then they stopped.”
“Hm, interesting,” said Optimus, “But now we have a real problem on our hands. Due to the Dinobots’ actions, half of Ponyville is destroyed. Thus, it is our responsibility to rebuild it.”
“No! Me Grimlock disagree!” At first Optimus expected to hear Grimlock not wanting to help rebuild Ponyville, but what followed was the last thing he ever expected to hear.
“Optimus Prime and other Autobots no fix Ponyville! We Dinobots only ones who fix it!”
“I must have rust in my hearing servos again,” said Ironhide, “But, did I just hear Grimlock willingly volunteer himself and the Dinobots to fix this place up?”
“Boss Fluttershy told us to fix Ponyville, so, we Dinobots obey.”
Everyone looked at Fluttershy, who only seemed to become more nervous.
“Prime!” yelled a voice from behind the Dinobots. Everybody looked to the source. Running towards them were Jazz, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, Mirage, and Perceptor.
“Optimus, are you okay,” Jazz asked, “We saw smoke so we came running.”
“Do not worry Jazz. There are no enemies here, only friends,” said Optimus.
“Then what’s with all this destruction,” asked Wheeljack, “Looks like a battle happened here.”
“No, the Dinobots just acted up is all. Now come, I will take you to Canterlot. We have much to talk about.”
“But Prime, don’t you want to go home?” Jazz asked, “Everybody back at the base is expecting you and the others, and we should really get going.”
“Jazz, much has happened that you and the others are not aware of. We will discuss this after you meet Princess Celestia in Canterlot. Now come. The rest of you, stay here and help put out the fires.”
“Princess who- wah?”
Jazz didn’t get to finish his question. Optimus had already transformed and was driving off. The rescue team and the Dinobots transformed and followed after him to Canterlot. The rest of the Autobots began helping in recovery efforts, from putting out fires to rescuing trapped ponies. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker approached Fluttershy.
“So, you tamed the Dinobots?” Sideswipe asked.
“Y-yes, why?” Fluttershy responded.
“Wow. Remind us to NEVER get on your bad side Fluttershy,” Sunstreaker replied.