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Ch. 7 Not a good day...

Hey, you guys might see Razor showing up in a couple of stories, like this and this,,,So check those out sometime!, BUT WAIT! Read this chapter first!


Fluttershy saw the small animal, it was falling off of the dam, she could see the colors...Red and...Blonde? Cream? It didn't matter, she started off with a gallop, she jumped into the air and spread her wings, the animal hit the water.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no!" she was flying as ast as she could, the poor animal....it was a pony.

Red and Cream....there's only one pony who has those colors around Ponyville....


AppleBloom fell off the dam and is drowning.

Fluttershy flew faster, she dropped, and splashed into the water right in front of AppleBloom. Fluttershy looked at her face, her face was bruised and she was bleeding out of her mouth. Fluttershy held onto AppleBloom and paddled with her wings. She pulled AppleBloom ashore, she was not breathing.


Fluttershy pulled AppleBloom away from the water, she flipped her over onto her back and tried CPR.

"One two three four five...breather!" she gave AppleBloom mouth to mouth.

"One two three four five......breathe!" she again....no success, tears were forming in Fluttershy's eyes.

A small crowd was gathering around Fluttershy, including Big Mac, who had just finished fixing the cart and had pulled it into town. He collapsed...and inched forward.

"One..two..three..four..five....breathe!" for the third time, it had failed.

Big Macintosh was speechless...AppleBloom?

Fluttershy was crying onto AppleBloom's face now, her tears landing on AppleBloom's eyelids, she set AppleBloom down, defeated. she laid AppleBloom beside her...what was AppleBloom, now a lifeless pony.

Stop the music:

Listen to this

AppleBloom was confused, was this what it was like when somepony died, were they just trapped here forever? The massive expanse of nothingness puzzled her, she had never seen anything so huge, not even the castle!

"Er...hello?" she asked to the nothingness, it echoed several times, then again...she was alone in silence.

AppleBloom felt a small amount of pressure wavering on her chest, the nothingness around her turned into a great picture, with more color than she could've imagined, she saw Fluttershy, she was pressing on her chest.

"One two three four five..." Fluttershy put her mouth on AppleBloom's and blew, "Breathe!" Fluttershy was saving AppleBloom, and now she was crying too.

"Save me!" AppleBloom didn't so much as want to be saved, she just wanted Fluttershy to not feel the pain of her dying. AppleBloom's peace call with death was certain, so she would not be saved, and AppleBloom knew that.

"One..two..three..four..five....breathe!" for the third time, it had failed. Fluttershy's tears dropped onto AppleBloom's eyes, she could feel their saltiness even after she had passed, she saw somepony, her B.B.B.F.F. Big Macintosh crawled beside Fluttershy, he picked her up and hugged her....she tried to hug back, but alas...her time had come...there was no going back.

When she realized this, she was back in her body....she looked over and jumped onto Big Mac, but bounced off of his coat, he looked over and stared through her. AppleBloom looked behind her, there...laying on the ground, was her, she was nothing but a spirit, a spirit that nopony could see. She hugged her brother, and then Fluttershy, but then a miracle happened, she was flying, not really flying, but floating towards the sky...she smiled, once she raised high enough through the clouds, miracle number two happened.

"Granny Smith! Mama, papa!" AppleBloom said, amazed, they were with her...and she was happy.


Sweetie Belle sat there in second block, social studies, she was bored out of her mind! She wished she could be with AppleBloom, hanging out. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen AppleBloom at all today, nor Scootaloo.

The bell rang, so everypony rushed to lunch....maybe she'd see them there. if not, she'd see Razor at least. She stopped by her locker, and put her saddlebag inside. She looked over at Scootaloo's locker, nopony there...then at AppleBloom's, as well...nopony was there.

"Boo!" Sweetie jumped...she felt two hooves wrap around her.

She stood there, she felt the light peck of a kiss on her neck. She smiled, it was Razor, she turned...

It wasn't Razor.....It was "Bent".

"Hey Belle..." he said smugly.

"Leave me alone Bent," she turned, "Ouch."He grabbed her.

"Now don't interrupt me." he said, gritting his teeth.

"Razor!" Sweetie called out.

"That little wimp, the hell is he gonn..." he stopped in mid sentence, his eyes rolled back of his head. Sweetie belle saw razor clutching a metal tray behind him, breathing heavily.

"Razor!" she ran to hug him.

"Don't touch Sweetie Belle." Razor said to Bent's unconscious body, he hugged Sweetie Belle.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine." she smiled, and kissed him.

"Good..." he said as they broke the kiss, "Where's AppleBloom and Scootaloo....those are the two you wanted me to meet, right?"

"Yeah, they aren't here today..." Sweetie Belle frowned a bit, "Shall we get some lunch?"

"We shall." Razor said, smiling. Maybe things were going right for him for once.


Scootaloo arose from her mother's grave stone, she had been hugging it and crying for almost two hours, almost as long as last time. She flapped her wings a few times, to get them stretched. She then flew as high as she could. Once high enough in the sky, higher than some clouds, she closed her wings and looked at the ground, a thousand feet below.

"Not today..." she said, she was falling...but intentionally.

About two hundred feet from the ground, she reopened her wings, they caught the air, and she swooped right over her mother's grave, the tears from her eyes raining upon it. She flew into the mist of the dam, unaware that one of her dearest friends had fallen that day. She just wanted to be alone for awhile.


Hey guys....so sad chapter right?

Dont' hate me for this, it's all going to be used later on, even AppleBloom's death....Spoiler btw....