• Published 11th Sep 2015
  • 249 Views, 2 Comments

Lost in the clouds - AskNightmareLuna

A strange new world has one pegasus unsettled. Can she learn to cope with the world she has been trust into?

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1 The long fall

The first thing I remember was flying. Normally this wasn't uncommon for me but this time it was different. I was being chased, again not uncommon for me, by several insect armored pegasi. They were intent on seeing my body smashed against the ground below. Trouble was none of them even had half my skill in flying. It also helped me that they had to slow down to keep from smashing themselves against the cliffs. I however didn't see why they had suddenly stopped until it was to late. I had looked just in time to see a crackling vortex before me. This was a twister not even I could have even dreamed of. Lightening struck from the funnel and it seemed to glow despite the dark gray of the tornado. I tried to strafe away but it had already caught me in the suction. The world became a blur and then darkness overcame me.

The next thing I remembered was falling. Then came the landing. My own armor had taken most of the blow but my wings gave sickening cracks as the air was knocked out of me. I coughed as stars filled my eyes. I was barely aware of the growing murmur gathering around me. "Oh buck me sideways!" I had managed to cough out. I rolled getting my hooves under me as the pain shot through my body. "OW! For buck sake not again." I shook my head looking back at my blue right wing hanging at an awkward angle. I knew already it had to be broken. I also knew I had to get out of sight fast.

A lighter blue mare with a rainbow mane suddenly landed next to me with a shocked look on her face. "Are you alright?" she had asked. I took a deep breath and shook my head. A clump of purple mane fell into my face. Then I looked at the mare again narrowing my eyes. It couldn't be. She had been dead for nearly two hundred years, but there she was and she was young. Instinctively I looked towards the sky and saw the nearly cloudless blue. This wasn't right. Where was I? The mare's voice broke my thoughts as she asked, "What's your name?"

I blinked looking back at the mare. "Dread Storm... But my friends call me Stormy." I gave a half hearted grin. I could tell every pony had noticed the armor I wore. "Where.... Where am I?" I half expected to hear I was dead but the laughter was no clue to me. I kept looking around unable to believe what I saw. No ruins at all. No ponies waiting to shoot me. Nothing I was expecting was there. What I did notice was the warmth of the sun and lack of the cloud curtain.

"Ponyville where else?" asked the other Pegasus. I blinked looking at her with shock. I was in Ponyville but that was miles from where I had been when I blacked out. Even at top speed I couldn't have hoped to have flown this far in a short time as I had. I guess I had been staring since the mare tapped the top of my head with a hoof. "Uh hello. You're not from around here are ya?" I shook my head looking around again.

"I shouldn't be here... I should be.... further south," I said raising a hoof to tap the visor I wore with a hoof. My heart sank. No familiar radio signals and I was indeed a very long way from where I should have been. I tapped the visor's button again I couldn't believe what it displayed. The pain of my wings which I had almost forgot came back. I winced having tried to fly up reactively. I felt hooves gripping me.

"Hey not so fast. Looks like you hurt your wings pretty bad," the mare said stretching out the word pretty. I made note that I'd find the closest bar as soon as I could clear the tears from my eyes. I needed a drink or eight. "Name's Rainbow Dash." I had blinked looking at the mare. She puffed herself up proudly. Reflexively I looked towards my flanks. My mark was hidden but it was just as well. It had been burned away moments before my game of dodge the cliff with those others. Moments before I was here and I was vaguely aware of the pain lingering there as well. "Come on. Let's get you to the doctor." Reluctantly I followed still in a daze.

I was keenly aware of the multitude of stares I got. It wasn't until much later that I would learn it was my armor rather than the injured wing that caused ponies to stare. I admit that looking back I hadn't seen any pony wearing anything sturdier than a dress or coat since I arrived. Then I realized something else. I had a bag full of bottle caps but only a few bits in what I had. I hadn't seen any pony using caps. "Oh bucking hell! How am I going to pay for this?" I had unknowingly said aloud drawing more the a few startled stares. Rainbow Dash just shrugged and winked at me.

"Don't sweat it. If you can't afford it I'll pay for ya." Now it was my turn to stare shocked at what I heard. Back home no pony would make such an offer without a price. "Just one condition." And there is was or so I though as she continued, "Get better soon, and try not to get hurt to quickly." I snorted but gave her a grin. I lifted my chin and puffed up my chest.

"That fall is only because I was caught by surprise. I can out fly most any Pegasus." This boast had made Rainbow Dash laugh. "I'll do you one better! I'll get better and I'll show you just what I can do." I held out a hoof which Rainbow Dash shook giving me a look that said it was on. I didn't even know then what I had just gotten myself into but then again my mouth did get me into lots of trouble back home. I didn't know at that time that most ponies didn't wear armor not because of a lack of danger but that normally only guards wore it. It was when Rainbow Dash left me in the waiting room to get a doctor where I noticed how many stares I was getting.

First let me explain better. Here I was wearing armor that looked like the carapace of an insect with a wickedly sharp knife on the end of a scorpion like tail. The armor was pitch black an barely covered by the tattered remains of a cloak I normally wore. I was broke from my contemplation of just how out of place I was when Rainbow Dash returned with a stallion in a white coat. "What seems to be the problem miss" He paused looking at me expectantly.

"Stormy," I supplied hastily. The doctor eyed me curiously. I noticed he was glaring more noticeably at the tail of my armor. I suppose I should be lucky none of these ponies knew about power hooves which I wore on my front hooves. I quickly tucked the tail under me glancing around nervously. "I um... hurt my wing." The doctor looked at the limply drooping wing then to my face. He then looked at Dash with a displeased frown.

"Another one of your stunts gone wrong?" Rainbow gave a shocked look and quickly denied any credit. "Then how the blazes did she hurt her wing?" He waited with his eyes locked on the cyan mare. I cleared my throat drawing his attention. I regretted the action as he turned his gaze on me. "Well?" I swallowed hard. Few ponies could ever scare me but this one did. Not I the fear for my life but in that foal who just got caught taking a cookie way.

"I blacked out and woke up to late to stop myself from falling." I must have sounded scared because his voice softened suddenly while he was trying to comfort me. It's not that I didn't enjoy the attention but I wasn't a foal anymore. He had somehow managed to lead me through the halls to a room. I don't even remember walking and I was suddenly aware that Dash was not with me. I didn't really know her very well but she was the closest I had to a friend in this place and now I was alone with a strange stallion. Paranoid didn't even come close to describing how unhinged I was at this development. Then came the pinch and coolness entering my body. My vision blurred and the world went dark yet again.

Author's Note:

Due to the underlying theme of this story it is dedicated to the military forces who are or have returned home and struggle to find a place without war.