• Published 28th Nov 2014
  • 3,334 Views, 138 Comments

Garfield: Friendship is a Big, Fat, Hairy Deal - wingdingaling

Garfield and Odie wind up in a wondrous land of magic and friendship.

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Chapter 3: Together Again

Chapter 3

Together Again

Odie followed the scent of the powerful force all the way to a small town that was only a mile or so away from the nice yellow pony's cottage. He kept his nose to the ground, finding the scent growing stronger and stronger.

The dog knew he was getting close to his friend. He hoped very much that he had his dingleball with him. Then the two of them could play all the games they loved, like 'hide and go away' (where Odie would try to count to a hundred and Garfield would take a nap) or 'pin the blame on the puppy' (where Garfield would set up a situation and see if Odie would be blamed for it).

Odie looked up from his sniffing and took a look at his surroundings. What he saw were a lot of ponies, but no Garfield. However, he still found a lead. What he saw was a hogtied mail pony, hopping around on her back with a mouthful of envelopes. Odie would recognize that handiwork anywhere. He was definitely on the right track. Once again, he put his nose to the ground and picked the direction the scent was strongest.

After some more searching, Odie knew he was hot on the trail. He saw a trail of destruction that ran through the town, one that destroyed windows and knocked over carts. His search brought him to an apple cart where he sniffed the fruits and caught a faint scent of fur and lasagna.


Odie looked up from his sniffing into the panting face of a brown border collie, who was standing in front of two ponies who were picking up the mess.

"I'm Winona. I'm a border collie," she said, sounding genuinely enthused to meet a new dog.

Odie answered with, "Arf!"

"Hi, Odie! I'm helping my Applejack pick up her apples. What are you doing?"


Winona stopped to think about Odie's answer. Even though he didn't speak the same language that she did, his message was loud and clear, "I don't know any fat, orange tabbies. But I know a fluffy, white persian who lives nearby," she said with her tail wagging furiously, happy to help a fellow dog in need.


"You're welcome! I hope you find your dingleball!"

And Odie went back to following the smell of candy, aided by the trail of destruction.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake stood in the doorway of Sugarcube Corner, back from what was supposed to be a morning stroll while they left Pinkie to work at the bakery, and then turned into an effort to aid anypony who had been affected by the anomaly that plowed through town.

Needless to say, they were appalled at the state of their business. Mr. Cake expressed his horror in the form of the scream that was just heard, making Mrs. Cake slightly ashamed that she had a more masculine scream than her husband. When they left, the store was the same as it ever was, now it looked like a stampede ran through it.

"Pinkie, what happened here," Mrs. Cake asked, bewildered.

"Nothing much. Just a burping contest that got a teensy bit out of control," Pinkie answered as she swept up more of the mess on the floor.

"Pinkie, it's a mess in here," Mr. Cake said as he snapped out of his partial catatonia. In all of his years of work, the worst thing that had happened at Sugarcube Corner was that somepony once placed a cupcake on the same display stand as a regular cake. It took himself, his wife and Pinkie to fix it, and it was a miracle that they were able to handle that fiasco. Now this!? "One of us will have to call a S.W.A.T. team for this!!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Cake," Pinkie said as she stacked the fallen pastries up into her hooves and tossed them back into place on their shelves, "Me and my new kitty friend can take care of this mess in a jiffy. We just have to get him to stop eating first."

Then came another scream.

This second scream was much different from Mr. Cake's high-pitched, shrill, girlish shriek. Instead, it was very low and baritone. It almost sounded like Big Macintosh was in the kitchen screaming loudly. Upon investigation, they found Mrs. Cake staring wide-eyed at what had happened.

In the middle of the kitchen, Garfield lay content and satisfied, having eaten the entire contents of the kitchen. Never before was he so quickly filled up, given the sheer amount of food that was already on hand for him to munch down.

After eating the kitchen bare, he now sat with his back against a cupboard and he let out a small burp. "Oh, wow. You guys really know how to treat a guest around here. Hey, any chance of getting restocked by tonight? I might come back for dinner."

The state of the bakery, the kitchen in shambles; a fat, greedy pig of a cat! It was all too much for the cakes to bear, and they would not have one more minute of it.

With a powerful toss, Mr. Cake sent Garfield flying out the front door and onto streets. "And take your dingleball with you," he yelled, before slamming the door shut.

"Aw, you're mother wears army boots," Garfield yelled back as he shook his fists. He stood back up and quickly looked around for something he could do to cope with the eviction, seeing nothing of note. "Well, I can't picture anything else happening now, so I think it's actually safe to say that this can't get any worse."


Garfield nearly had a heart attack when he heard that, but decided to ignore it when he realized what that meant.

Turning around, he saw the familiar sight of a bug-eyed, drool-faced, dingleball-for-brains canine. "Odie! Where the heck have you been this whole time," Garfield asked, though he only got the expected answer of 'SLURP!'

Soaked by Odie's drool once again, he just decided he knew what that meant, "You're right: it doesn't matter, because now we can go home, and you're going to give me your dinner when we get back to make up for this mess! But that leads us to the next question: how do we get home from here?"

"I know somepony who can help." Looking to the side, Garfield and Odie saw Gummy was now next to them, "I have a tasty friend who has a very smart pony. She may be able to help."

This news excited Garfield. Finally, he had a lead that would be a great first step to going home, "Great! Who is she?"

"I only know what she tastes like," came Gummy's frank reply. That was the only way that Gummy knew to explore the world: through biting. And if it couldn't be bit, it wasn't worth noting to him

As soon as he finished speaking, Twilight came galloping past them and into Sugarcube Corner. "Pinkie," she called into the bakery, "Something just happened in town, and ponies are saying that it came from Sugarcube Corner!"

"I know," Pinkie said as she came down from the ceiling after she finished repairing any damage that happened up there, "It was me and my new burping buddy who did it. It was the best thing ever!"

Twilight couldn't believe her ears. Pinkie was somehow responsible for an unnatural disaster that ravaged through the town, destroyed homes, injured ponies and blew all the branches off of her library!? And through it all, Pinkie remained as giddy as ever. Sometimes it irritated Twilight how Pinkie never acted like she took anything seriously. But that was just how she was, and--, "HEY!!"

Her train of thought was cut off when she noticed that Gummy was chomping on her leg. This was quickly remedied by Pinkie stuffing a cupcake in his mouth as he moved to bite her tail. "There you go," Pinkie said as she patted her pet's head, "That should stop his biting. And it's lucky you came by, since I could use some more hooves to help clean up this mess."

As Twilight protested being indoctrinated into cleaning, Gummy crawled back outside to talk to his two new friend. "I didn't even work up to her back, but I'm sure that's Pinkie's smart friend." Everypony had a distinct taste, and created a different feeling on his gums, and Twilight's was unmistakable. Nopony else in Ponyville tasted like old paper and ink.

"And you're sure she knows how to get us home, right," Garfield asked.

"I only know what she tastes like," Gummy repeated.

"Big help," Garfield thought. He would just have to find a way to ask her. That was going to be a serious pain, since he already had a hard enough time talking to Jon. Then again, Gummy said that she was smart, so maybe talking to her would be easier, if only slightly. They were then approached by a yellow pegasus.

"There you are, doggy," Fluttershy panted, exhausted from chasing after Odie. Not only that, but she had also stopped to help anypony who was hurt by the disaster that plowed through town. One was particularly difficult, since the poor stallion was put right through a wall. Then again, he wasn't too upset, since his front half was stuck over the butterscotch bin at the candy shop. "Why did you run off like that? You might have run into danger."

Odie responded with a series of barks.

"What do you mean 'friends aren't dangerous?'"

"It means this," Garfield answered. He then proceeded to turn Odie around so that his back was turned to him, wound up up his leg, and unleashed a kick that sent Odie flying down the street, through the window of a barber shop and out the window on the other side with a face full of shaving cream, which he happily slurped up.

His airborne trip sent him next to the market, where he bounced off of the many awnings that lined the streets. Soon, he was back at the apple stand, soaring over it as Winona helped her ponies with the mess.

"Hi, Odie," she greeted him as he sailed overhead.

Before he could greet her back, he hit another awning that sent him flying clear to the other side of town.

As Odie lost momentum, he began descending towards a well that had two mares standing in front of it. One, a yellow earth pony with a blue and pink mane, and the other a green unicorn with a blue and white mane. The two stared at one another in silence, until the wall-eyed male mare from earlier popped out of the well and interrupted them. This would not be the end of their annoyances.

Odie flew in from above, and his open mouth caught on the handle of the well, which pulled the bucket up from the bottom and smashed the poor mail mare's head against the top of the well. After spinning around the handle several times, Odie was sent flying back the way he came, which dropped the mail mare down the well, creating a mighty splash that soaked the two other mares present.

High above Ponyville, Odie passed through a flock of ducks who were passing through the town, only to drop one by one out of the sky when they caught a whiff of Odie's killer dog breath.

Finally, the airborne canine landed back in front of the bakery where his trip began.

"Oh no, are you alright," Fluttershy asked worriedly as she examined Odie for injuries. That was a nasty trip he had taken through town and all because of the mean spirited antics of a strange cat. Admittedly, cat and dogs didn't usually get along, but it was never as bad as this. "Why would you do something so mean," she asked Garfield.

Without even a hint of ire about what just happened, Odie sprang to his paws, and barked happily.

"Don't worry about it. I could flush him down the toilet with a bunch of angry king crabs, and he'd be happy just to get that kind of attention," Garfield answered nonchalantly as he held up the dingleball, "Watch this." He wound up to toss the ball, but before he could let it loose, Fluttershy said something that stopped him.

"Did you say something," she asked. It was the strangest thing to her. Even though she knew that animals couldn't speak, this cat's language was so clear to her she wasn't sure she actually perceived it. They were then joined by her two friends from inside the bakery.

"Hi, Fluttershy," Twilight greeted her friend, "What brings you all the way out here. I thought you'd still be tending to your animals so early in the morning." It was odd to see the timid pegasus out and about at this hour, given her aversion to the hustle and bustle of the morning crowds.

"Oh, I would, Twilight. But, I had to come here after one of the new animals ran away," she answered as she patted Odie on his head. "Then, when I found him, we ran into this nasty cat who kicked him across town and back."

Odie's response was more barking. Even though nopony else understood him, it was clear to Fluttershy what he meant, "This cat is your friend?" She couldn't believe that. Not after what had just happened.

"I thought you'd still be at your house, given the 6.3 earthquake that happened in town today," Twilight said.

"Personal record," Garfield said proudly. Now he had to work his way up to 7.0 and he'd be in the burping big leagues.

"Is that what destroyed my house today," Fluttershy asked. What hit her house certainly didn't feel like an earthquake. It was more like a waking nightmare. One that smelled strongly of sugar and tomato sauce.

"Your house was destroyed today," Twilight shouted in utter shock and disbelief.

In the back, Pinkie said nothing, knowing that she was partially responsible for what had happened by instigating and escalating the then-innocent burping contest.

Twilight knew that something had to be done about this. She would not leave a friend in need. "Pinkie, find the others and bring them to Fluttershy's house. We're going to have a big project today."

Fluttershy knew what she had in mind, and didn't want to trouble anypony. "You don't have to go out of your way to help me. It's only a few small repairs. I can do it on my own." But her protests did no good.

"Tell them to bring any tools they can carry: hammers, nails, screwdrivers, wrenches, and if necessary, somepony may need to get lumber," Twilight rattled off to Pinkie.

With a salute, Pinke was off like a shot to go get the others.

Twilight then went to her own house to get her supplies, while Fluttershy protested the entire time.

"Hey! Come back! I still need to ask you how to get home," Garfield said as he ran after her. Odie followed behind him, unaware to the situation as usual.

Author's Note:

Here we are back with Garfield and Odie. I kind of feel like this chapter may not have turned out so good, due to my habit of staying up to type at night, but whatever.
Also, another factor in this was that I've been having serious internet problems lately, and I can't stay connected to save my life, which seriously threw off my train of thought whenever I had a good idea going and couldn't save my progress. Oh well, I'm sure somebody will like this chapter. In the end, all I have to do is step it up for the next one. Rock on. \m/