• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2013



Twilight starts her day preparing for the celebration of an event very important to her and her friends... but things do not work out the way she wanted them to.

A newcomer has torn her world asunder, and she has to figure why he's done it. For some strange reason, he keeps calling her an idea.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Deep. Mariana trench deep. Stories like this are a mixed blessing. They get me thinking, really thinking, and contemplating and analyzing and working and reworking theories until i start to question my own existence and what it means to be. But i wouldn't feel alive if i didn't question my own existence now and again. On a side note i was hit by a car today, got up and laughed, long and hard.


I love this and hate this at the same time. I think what I love is how it showcases one of the better reasons people write stories set in Equestria. Or really, stories set anywhere.

What I hate is that the way you did that ended with Twilight going gentle into that good night.

My feelings are summed nicely by this

oh, one thing
"It was the tan pony from earlier. The one that had told her not to be sad."
I don't believe he ever did tell her that. at least, I can't find where he did.

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