• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 5th

Spirit Wind


Spirit Wind, a perpetually blank-flanked pony with a near-biological need for absolute freedom, comes across a gem holding some of Discord's power.

Will this power drive him away from his year-long acquaintances, or into the first true commitment in his life? Either way, Chaos will be involved.

Chaos is a funny thing, it can be good, but too much is very, very bad. Too bad this balance changes as much as chaos itself does.

OC/Screwball shipping. Because Screwball.

Later chapters will border on dark, but shouldn't wade enough to warrant the tag just yet.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 28 )

eugh, I dislike the formatting on this, way too many blocks. :pinkiesick:

Just as it says, this is the introduction to my first mlp fan-fic.

This is also a bit short, I'm not good at writing long things.

1st segment up shortly!

close, missing wall-eyes and bubbles, and the obsession of muffins! He may seem similar, no relation though. XD

Thanks for reading!

Ok, this chapter will be a bit more difficult to understand. Celestia knows it was more difficult to write. :rainbowwild:

Uh oh, I wonder what poor fool has arrived to disturb their play? :pinkiecrazy:
On a more serious note, great story so far, can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh yeah, and first post, I guess

... I'm trying to avoid making Spirit into a sue/stu-ish character. an acid test said borderline :facehoof:

By making an OC the main character, it's very hard NOT to. The first person perspective doesn't help either.

Lemme know what you think. Please? I enjoy reading comments from people, even if they're not good.

Also: this one isn't even done and I've got another idea brewing in my skull... not good, that usually leads me to incomplete stories. Lucky I'm busy writing on the climax now.

thank you, I hope that the rest can live up to your expectations. :twilightsheepish:
And thanks for being the first one to comment on the story itself as well!

Another chapter yay!!:pinkiecrazy:

QqIt about to get INSANE:pinkiecrazy:

well, after this, it'll be 4-5 chapters till the actual climax, I've got one chapter to write before actually hitting the climax, the rest are waiting in the wings for a proper preread time. Sorry about the seeming filler-esque materiel, but I feel certain interactions are important, there's going to be one more similar to this upcoming as well. I"m sorry in advance. :applecry:


Thanks! I'm glad people are actually enjoying this!

sorry I'm taking so long to update! :fluttercry:

I'm still working on it, but probably won't update the next chapter till I finish the climax, I'm so close!

my inspiration for the story is dwindling as I'm getting close to the end, so some of the details towards the climax may start to seem a bit bland, but eh.

Just as a side note, I thought of what each of the Ponies would represent if they were the 'Elements of Chaos' (not actually canon to this story and just a completely random thought)

(Current Chapter Spoiler, potental spoiler for next chapter.) :P

Spirit = Element of Irresponsibility
Screwball = Element of Randomness
Ditzy = Element of Havoc
Golden Harvest = Element of Thoughtlessness (Or bull-headedness, can't think of a good name for someone who does first thinks later)
Vinyl = Element of Energy
Octavia = Element of Hindsight

Element of Rashness for Carrot Top.

Very good story, keep it up, I can't wait to see the outcome!

And each of the Elements of Chaos should get some sort of token, I'm thinking hats... Screwball already has hers... But make it more grand :pinkiehappy:

604867 impulsive, or maybe absent-minded

Thanks for the ideas, Rashness would actually probably fit best.
Either way, it was a completely random thought and won't have anything to do with the actual story.

Thank you for reading my story as well, With everyone who reads it, the more motivated I am to continue writing. This story's almost done and I've got a small idea for the next one, so thanks for keeping up with this story!

Recklessness works, too.

OK! The climax is written, all that's left is the end, it's been a wonderful ride, but I'll be glad to be done, I didn't realize actually finishing a story could be so tough :twilightoops:

Oh well, it was fun to do. Another story idea has shown up, but I may not finish that one, cause I have no solid plot, just a setting.

Plot ideas would be nice!

*hint* Alicorns are involved.

This was mostly a transition chapter, I had NO idea how to write this, and I didn't want to drag on anything else. So sorry if this is lower quality than the rest of the story.

And it's done! Finally! It was a wild ride, but it's finally complete. At exactly 7 words under 19,000 even.

After RPing with you, this story was made all the more interesting. Well done, sir. :pinkiehappy:

still awesome though once i knew how she spoke translation in my head became instant :derpytongue2: im just glad it wasent totally backwards then id have a problem

umm wat happened to screwball

well dont this is prolly the best screwball fic iv read so far if you have anyothers youd recommend please let me know
theres simply not enough of them on fimfiction

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