• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 1,193 Views, 63 Comments

Suicidal Ideation Is Magic - Shukawarioserfi

What happens when a super-depressed teenage pony gets stuck in a mental hospital with a bunch of suicidal and homicidal freaks? Hijinks ensue.

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Discorded Endings

I open my eyes and try to move. I'm stuck. I'm conscious though, or at least I think I am. "Discord?" I say dazed, Discord quickly turns to face me.

"Did somepony address me?... Monotone." He smiles. "Did you awaken from your illusion?" He laughs. I look around to see that I'm in some kind of makeshift schoolhouse, it doesn't look like we're on the ground, and looking out the window to black empty space proves it.

"I feel like I'm still in it." I say.

"I need you to help me. And since you've awaken from your pleasant dream it seems I'll have to take a more direct approach to force you into submission." Discord snaps, and when he touches the top of my head with his claw, all my thoughts vanish. An image of a burning chaotic ponyville appears in front of me. "I need you to destroy ponyville." He calls to me and all the others.

"Yes, anything Discord." I mumble catatonically. I will destroy ponyville for Discord. "Destroy." I call to the others, leading them. Discord snaps, and the makeshift schoolhouse falls to the ground. Everypony starts running out.

"Hold on Monotone." Discord says. I stop immediately. "You're too eagerly obedient to perform the same task as the others." I smile hoping I pleased Discord.

"I'm eager to obey master." I say, bowing. Discord mumbles something under his breath in a quizzical tone and then smiles.

"We're going to terrorize Canterlot." Discord says. "Harness your inner chaos and make a scene." He poofs into to Canterlot, and shortly afterward I feel an ache in my stomach. Quickly, Discords magic turns me into a dragon. Harness my inner chaos. Make a scene. This will be perfect for that. I think.

I turn my head curiously at the guardponies before they charge at me. I stomp heavily forward, breathing smoke intimidatingly out of my nostrils. We all know who's going down. After falling on my back for some reason, I jerk forward. All of the guards are standing on me with their swords pointed at my neck.

Discord's commands reverberate in my head. I try to put my dragon claws over my ears to stop the noise. I'm fighting, I'm fighting The guards only move their swords closer to my neck in response.

"Stop." Celestia barks. The guards withdraw their swords and stand at attention. "He's under Discord's spell." She says rather obviously. I commend Celestia for her attentiveness to this fact, because if I wasn't swirly-eyed with my tongue sticking out, while trying to resist Discord's hypnosis which only made me dumber and more suggestible the more I tried, it would've been impressive.

Celestia walks up to me. Rather, on me. And the guards expectedly give her obeisance as she trots across my fat dragon belly. To my surprise Celestia, pacifist galore, slaps me across my face. The guards gasp. I quickly shake my head and come to my senses, and the first thing I say is:

Damn Discord.

I'm done, I'm so done with this. I just want to go home. I want my friends back. What are they doing? How is Discord making them act? Why am I in Canterlot? So many questions...

I shake my head with Celestia still waving her hoof in front of my face. I'm still a dragon, but I don't know what to say. I know I can speak, but responding to questions about what I did, why I did it, or what I was feeling seems a little beyond my conversational skills.

"So..." I roll my beading dragon eyes, my pupils falling on the guards still surrounding me. "Discord huh?" I smile awkwardly which only seemed to add more tension to the situation. "Why isn't he here?"

Celestia sighed. "I've already been ignoring tons of distress signals from Ponyville to get you to come to your senses, we don't have much time!" She yells, before barking orders at her royal guards. I look towards the sky, seeing her take off in a chariot. How do I get to Ponyville if she's just going to leave me here?

Huffing madly, I look off into the distance and the traitorous landscape set before me. At least I could probably fly over the badlands, if I knew how these dragon wings worked. Hey! That's just it! I can fly! I've always wanted to fly... albeit as a pegasus but still! Aerodynamically my wings should not be able to get my fat dragon body off the ground easily.

I swear if I try to get any kind of running start it's going to cause an earthquake. What I do instead is kind of waddle my way across the land, taking long strides and trying to gain as much momentum as possible without causing any damage to Ponyville's ecosystem. I jump once, then twice, making the ground tremble just a little. The important thing is that I'm still on the ground.

After a giant leap, I spread my wings just in time to take off in flight. I wobble back and forth a little in the air but regain my balance. I stare at Ponyville ahead as my slit pupils adjust to take in more light. I see tall laser shooting monster, buildings on fire, and dozens of ponies running away screaming in panic. I carefully nudge myself forward into the chaos and look for my friends.

I had already been turned into a dragon, so it's quite possible that the friends I'm looking for are all monsters now. I move closer to the monster and try to catch a glimpse of the monster's eyes to make sure it isn't hypnotized. As I move closer, I can only seem to get a view of its backside.

The monster's back is not much to look at really, it's smooth green and moist looking, like a slug. I extend my dragon claws forward and push the lumbering beast backwards, and when it moved up to retaliate, I finally caught a glimpse of its eyes. I see a faint reflection of a flash of color in them, and I know who it is.

Her whitewash eyes revealed hazel when she looked at me, so I know Illumina's in there. Originally I thought the monster was male, because of no discernible genitalia. If we were in playcolt though, I can only imagine any female monster having gigantic boobs in addition to whatever brains she's lost.

I take my dragon claw and scrape it against the side of her face, hoping to break her out of her trance. Naturally it didn't work, but some more blunt force trauma to the head probably would. I have to be careful though, it's not just any monster, it's one of my friends. I don't want to hurt her. That being said, getting her out of her trance is extremely important right now.

I headbutt her pretty hard, as a result I think I did more damage to me then I did to her. After being severely dazed for a couple seconds I come to my senses, and realize she has as well. We both exchange playful monster noises before smiling and laughing together. When we're done with out mutual greetings we look down at the city below.

"Oh shit." We say in unison. With Ponyville in grave condition at this point and more of our friends still out there, I have to wonder what Princess Celestia is doing right now.

I carefully lift up some of the ruined houses in Ponyville, looking for her among the rubble. Just above though, I see a streak of light across the sky and admire it. Just then, I hear a few strange groaning sounds in the distance. Wondering who's making the sounds, I go over to investigate.

My eyes lock intimidatingly on a colt stallion below, rubbing his head. "What am I doing here?" He asks himself right before screaming as he catches a glimpse of me. "Dragon! ...Sexy dragon!" I rumble confusedly before realizing what he means. I myself do have discernible dragon genitalia.

Jeez... out of all the times to get a boner, let alone a gigantic dragon one it has to be at this moment. I growl intimidatingly at the colt and he backs away nervously. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I like what I like so don't judge." He says frightened. I cock my head carefully and realize who it is.

"Holley Shipper?" I say shocked."Is that you?" I look back at him or her awkwardly and try to wonder what in the world happened to her.

"Yeah, Discord thought it would be funny to turn me into an actual homosexual male..." Holly Shipper said. "Although to admit, I kind of do like having a penis."

I shake my head. "Too much Holley, too much,"

"Well. I'm glad everything's back to normal." Holley said nervously, looking around. "Sort of." She says quietly, after catching a glimpse of Ponyville in its condition.

"Hold on just one second." And out of the blue, professional Deus Ex Machina Princess Celestia comes to fix everything of course. What did you expect? "I managed to get Twilight's help to find a spell that would free your friends. I do still need to find another one to help fix the city." Celestia continues, "In the meantime, enjoy yourselves, your friends should be revealing themselves shortly."

And with a glow of Celestia's horn, me and Illumina revert from being monsters back into being regular ponies again. "Well I guess it's back to the mental hospital, now I've got more problems then ever..." I say, with Illumina nodding in agreement.

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