• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 1,137 Views, 27 Comments

Knowing your friends - haywire

Twilight decides to further her knowledge on the magic of friendship.

  • ...

Crash with me

"Rainbow, wait!"
"No!" Twilights pleas were too late too stall Dash in her mad dash towards her. Dash scooped Twilight up and blasted into the air!

The purple unicorn was frozen with fear, eyes shut tight.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "It's more fun if you open your eyes Twi cmon you wanted to get to know me!"
"Flying is a big part of knowing me!"

Twilight cracked one eye open to peak at her surroundings…just air the clouds and Rainbow Dash. She mustered up the courage to fully open her eyes, they went wide as she realized there altitude.

Dash shook her head and gave her a comical smile. "Just notice that?"
"OK get ready!! Where going for a dive!

Twilight tensed and held tighter to dash. They fell straight for the ground, seeing the imminent impact approaching Twilight closed her eyes bracing herself. No pain came…"Did I die?" Then she heard Dash laugh.

"Nope your still alive, but if you don't loosen the death grip on me that might change for both of us. Rainbow shot her a quick smirk.
Twilight let her grip ease only slightly. "Better?"

"Yeah, I want to show you something!" Dash without waiting for a response from Twilight took off towards a mountain with a peak that pierced the clouds.
The flight there took Dash a bit longer than usual for her considering the extra weight she had with her.


Breaking through the top of the clouds they had made it to a Cliff side that jutted out of the side of the mountain.
Dash set Twilight down gently and then stared out at the setting sun.

Twilight attempted to regain her walking abilities after her flight but failed and fell on her back end. They both laughed. "You know Dash the time we've been spending together has been great."

Dash looked out to the view their journey her had provided them. Dash smiled. "Yeah it's kicked flank!"

Twilight got up and looked out where Dash was looking. "Wow…"

"I come here pretty often just to look at this view…you know Twi even the fastest flier in Equestria can doubt herself."

Dash smiled knowing twilight rolled her eyes at that first comment but then took on a bit more sincere demeanor.
"This view right here, shows me even when I doubt my abilities, I can be on top of the world." Dash gazes out at the sunset, a serene smile on her face.

"That no matter how hard the journey…its worth pushing on; because the reward of conquering those doubts makes me who I am and proves that nothing is out of our reach."

Twilight stared at the cyan Pegasus in amazement; she had never known Rainbow Dash to open up like that.

Dash spun around and looked at twilight. "Sorry if I got a bit too personal there…"

Twilight put a hoof on Rainbows shoulder and here purple eyes met Rainbows beautiful magenta eyes.
"Dash this is a beautiful view…and I know what you mean and I know it's hard to put those feelings in words."


They both just sat on the Cliff side together for a long while and watched as Celestia lowered the sun and Luna began to raise the moon.

Twilight had fallen asleep against Rainbow Dash. Dash looked over and her cheeks went bright red when while still sleeping Twilight naturally pulled her closer for warmth. Dash fought her wings from shooting up and kept them folded tightly to her body. She wasn't about to ruin it and wake her up then was to perfect.

Rainbows mind wandered in the time sitting there. She thought maybe she should tell twilight how she felt; it'd be better than finding out over a certain some pony know as Rarity slipping up. Her mind wondered about how great it might be if she told Twilight….or how bad it could end. She just needed the right time...her thoughts where interrupted by a slight wet feeling on her shoulder. Twilight had drooled in her deep sleep and it was now running down her foreleg. Dash grimaced
but couldn't help a small grin after.

"Okay…maybe it's time to wake her up."
Dash hoisted her up and started their flight to Twilights library.


Twilight tried to leave her bed but quickly noticed she was tucked in tightly. As organized as she was she had always been a messy sleeper. Usually passing out reading or studying, something was different from her usual mornings.
She quickly retraced her steps.
"I was with Dash and she had shown me a favorite spot of hers… then I…FELL ASLEEP!
She got up hurriedly trotting down her stairs were she found Dash sprawled out on a mound of books…snoring.

She froze and processed her thoughts.
"Dash must've carried her home last night, had she tucked her in to??!"
She cautiously trotted up to the sound asleep Pegasus and softly pushed her with a hoof. "Rainbow…Rainbow…." She waited then decided to clop her hooves together loudly next to dash. –CLOP- "RAINBOW!!!"

Dash flew into the ceiling hard, then quickly came smashing down into the pile of books sending pages flying. Dash recovered from her daze holding her head with a hoof and one eye closed then responded with a why-in-Equestria-did-you-do-that-for kind of look.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and looked at the floor with an embarrassed look. "You wouldn't wake up…"

Rainbow Dash eyes went wide. "So you thought scaring the hay outta me was a better idea?"

Twilight couldn't hold back a huge grin that would have made Pinkie Pie proud. "It seems to have worked!"

It was silent while the two ponies stared at each other for a short period…Then both burst into laughter rolling on the floor.

After successfully keeping their sides from splitting and wiping the tears from their eyes; twilight asked what she was trying to before rainbow put a self-imprint of herself in the library ceiling. Twilight sent a flurry of questions at Dash.

"Did you fly me all the way home?? Did you sleep here last night and was I tucked in this morning?!"

Dash went to speak but just sat there with an open mouth. "Let me think for a second…Uhh yes I did um yeah I crashed here and yeah…I tucked you in...Should I not have?

Twilight suddenly felt bad for making it seem like she didn't want Dash here. "No no no no. I just had fallen asleep then woke up here to tucked in and my friend snoring on a pile of books. At the thought Twilight gave a small chuckle.

Rainbow Dash playfully exaggerated her story "OH you think THAT'S bad! You should have seen yourself last night! My foreleg was soaked with drool!"

Twilight lit bright red as Rainbow resumed her position on the floor laughing seeing twilight's expression. "Don't worry Twi it wasn't thaaat bad."

Twilight mentally face hoofed. "I can't believe I drooled on her…"

Quickly trying to change the subject she presented Rainbow Dash with her next idea. "Hey Dash this 'sleepover' gave me an idea…why don't you sleep at my house for a while? Can't get any closer if were living in the same building right?"

Rainbow Dash didn't give it a second thought. "Sure Twi! I'll crash here for a while!"

Twilight was happy Dash was so agreeable to the idea of being roommates for a while.

"Maybe she could tuck me in again? WHAT?! Did I just think that…?" Twilight got into a mental argument with herself. "No, I just want her staying here so I can get to know her at a closer level."

"Suuuure keep telling yourself that lover pony."

"Lover pony?? I'm not a 'lover pony' there are signs when a pony likes some pony else! I've studied books on romance, ponies get embarrassed easily around the other pony and have feelings they can't explain when around them. If I had a crush on Dash I'd..." Twilight recalled recent past experiences with Rainbow Dash. "Oh my Celestia…I have a crush on Rainbow Dash!"