• Published 16th Nov 2014
  • 5,509 Views, 562 Comments

X Steps Through The Portal - Tennis Match Fan

Now that the link between the human world and pony world is constantly open through Twilight's magic, students (whether by accident or on purpose) will wander to the other side.

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7. Drama Letter

"I am a crust botch of nature," Drama Letter stated, holding her head in her hands and staring at the plastic skull in front of her. "I have no inspiration."

"Don't say that," her friend Sophisticata responded as she arranged papers on her clipboard. "Everyone has writer's block sometimes."

"Yeah, and we don't mind when you get a play in!" Golden Hazel added cheerfully. "Well, it would be helpful to get it in soon, but hey, we're not gonna judge you!" She curled a lock of orange hair around her finger.

The three Drama girls were sitting in the hallway, like they always did when they were about to embark on a play of some sort. Drama Letter was scriptwriter, Golden Hazel was the main actress, and Sophisticata was everything else.

Drama Letter sighed. She picked up her skull and rubbed it against her face.

"How can I act as an inspiration to thee, or anyone else, if I myself can't think of something inspired?" Drama Letter was referring to her special talent, inspiring the best in others. Sophisticata put a green hand on Drama Letter's shoulder.

"You know what I think? I think you're reading to much into this. Why don't you go outside? The fresh air might clear your head," Sophisticata suggested. Drama Letter shook her head.

"My place is with you all, trying to think, not outside observing the beautiful day, however beautiful it may be. 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?' I say, 'Shall I compare this autumn day to a summer's day?'" Golden Hazel giggled.

"You're messing with my mind with your quotes and stuff!" she noted. Sophisticata rolled her eyes, though she was smiling.

"I think you need to get some fresh air, Drama Letter," she said. "Maybe you'll find your inspiration outside."

"Perhaps," Drama Letter agreed, the value in her suggestion revealing itself to her. "I shall be back in a moment."

"Take all the time you need," Sophisticata told her as Drama Letter stood up.

"But not too long!" Golden Hazel added, making a duck face for reasons unknown to Drama Letter. "Then you'd be skipping class, and that would be naughty naughty!" Drama Letter laughed as Golden Hazel wagged a finger at her.

"I will return in a short amount of time," Drama Letter promised. "I shall see you!" She left them and walked down the hallway towards the main foyer.

When Drama Letter opened the door, she was greeted by emptiness. Nobody was hanging in the front of the school at the time. Drama Letter walked out to the statue. She had always had a soft spot for it; Drama Letter loved the sculpture of the pony.

"Maybe I should write a story focusing on equines?" She wondered as she sat down. Drama Letter slowly lowered her back to sit against the base of the statue.

"Wait, what?!" Drama Letter's words of shock came too late as she toppled into the statue behind her.

"Aaaah!" She cried as she spiraled through spinning colors. In truth, Drama Letter wasn't too frightened. Sure, her body felt as if it was turning into spaghetti, and she couldn't move a muscle, but Drama Letter had a queer feeling she would make it out alright.

This will lead to inspiration, I hope! She thought excitedly. Meanwhile, her body was being stretched out of proportion, but Drama Letter didn't really notice. Her consciousness was inside her head.

A play about interdemiensional travel! Maybe a rendition of the Battle of the Bands, as interpreted by an artist! Drama Letter was so wrapped up in her thoughts she didn't even notice when she emerged on the other side of the portal.

"Oh!" She exclaimed when she finally noticed her crystallized surroundings. "I seem to have arrived at a different dimension of some sort!" Drama Letter tried to stand up on her legs. It didn't take long for her to look down and learn something new about her body.

"I'm a pony!" She exclaimed in shock, staring at her pink hooves. "How did that happen?" Drama Letter completed dropped her usual gate at this new experience. Drama Letter looked around for a mirror or something of the sort where she could fully look at her new form.

"I assume now this alternate universe explains the anthropological transformations that took place during the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands," Drama Letter murmured. "A connection with this world!" She turned to face the portal. It was a mirror, hooked up to all sorts of fancy wiring and circuts.

"This is perfect!" Drama Letter exclaimed, waving a hoof in the air excitedly. "I shall learn a small amount of knowledge on this world, then I shall return to use my artistic license and create a play catering to my every whim!" She grinned.

"I must read!" Drama Letter, after a few tries, managed to walk over to a nearby bookshelf without falling down on the floor. She selected one book titled, "The Incomplete Equestrian History Book."

"A perfect book for myself to study," Drama Letter murmured, carefully flipping to the first page.

"' In this incomplete volume of Equestria's extensive history,'" Drama Letter read, "'we shall begin with the reign of the two sisters, Celestia and Luna...'"

Drama Letter didn't mean to sit in there for hours. Honestly, she didn't. She had know wanted to read for a few minutes.

The history of this place- fascinating! Drama Letter thought as she turned page 379. She glanced out the window to refresh her eyes.

The sun was setting.

Drama Letter's dark pink eyes grew wide in horror.

"I have overstayed my visit!" She gasped. " Fair Golden Hazel, Fair Sophisticata, and my fair teachers and family- I must have frightened them with my sudden disappearance!" Drama Letter gently picked up the book (with her teeth) and slid it back onto the shelf were she had found it.

"I do hope they shall forgive my transgression!" Drama Letter exclaimed anxiously. Right before she passed through the portal again, a smile formed on her face.

"Of course they shall. I have many new play ideas now! This place has been inspiring!" Drama Letter finished speaking, then jumped into the portal.

When she emerged back at Canterlot High, Drama Letter was sitting in the light of dusk.

Oh, great. Drama Letter's gaze landed on Sophisticata, Golden Hazel, and Nolan North, who were talking to Principal Celestia and a police officer.

"Um," she muttered, approaching them cautiously. Golden Hazel was the first to see her. She wasn't happy.

"Drama Letter!" She yelled, angrily stomping over. "You scared us half to death! What the heck is wrong with you?"

"Drama Letter!" Sophisticata ran over, Principal Celestia, Nolan, and the Cop not farm behind. She threw her arms around Drama Letter in a worried hug.

"Oh, we were so worried!" Sophisticata exclaimed, pulling back from the hug. "What were you thinking? What happened?"

"I am truly sorry," Drama Letter apologized, aware of the Cop and Principal Celestia listening in as well. "I went outside to clear my mind, when I accidentally fell into a hole." Everyone stared at her.

"It was an accident," Drama Letter added. "Please forgive me."

"Your parents are on their way, Miss Letter," Principal Celestia told her, stepping forward. "We shall clear this up with them." The four kids nodded. Drama Letter didn't mind. As soon as she could, she wanted to share her new play ideas!

Author's Note:

#Watermelody for you people that are obsessed with that name.

Do you guys have any idea how fudging hard it is to write Drama Letter? :raritydespair: