• Published 19th Nov 2014
  • 775 Views, 7 Comments

Don't Judge a Girl by Her Beauty - Dancing Ballerina

Think of a beautiful, extremely sophisticated, humanized Rarity. Now think of a hideous version of her. Yep. You're looking at Rarity before her transformation.

  • ...

Chapter One: I'm not who you think I am.

I know what you are all thinking: who is that beautiful young girl on the cover?

Well, that's me.

I mean, not really me. It is me, but I've never looked like that before. Anyway, I came to tell you my story. I've never really felt the need to tell anyone this before, but the entire town knows what I had done to myself, so now I'm here to tell you. And to answer your questions, no, I did not use drugs, nor did I have any sexual intercourse. I actually changed the way I looked.

No, not through plastic surgery either. If you want to hear the story, darling, I'll tell you. Be patient.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rarity. I'm a senior in high school, here to tell you the story of transforming from the most hideous creature to the most gorgeous. Let's get one fact straight, shall we: I am not a narcissist.

Well...at least I thought I wasn't.


I had never been pretty. You'd think that my parents owning a successful business, and how much money we make, I'd be the most beautiful, conceited girl there was. Well, I wasn't. In fact, I was very ugly. I wore braces and glasses (which doesn't make a girl ugly, but still), my split ends were never cut, I had hair in the middle of my eyebrows, almost making it an uni-brow, I had hairy skin, and my lips were usually chapped. I hear a lot of guys liked girls with accents, but I don't have one. Still don't actually. This accent I'm speaking in right now is actually a faux British one. Clever, huh?

Of course, I've tried fixing myself up once in a while, but alas, it showed to progress. I was constantly depressed. No one made fun of me, because they knew what I was capable of. Meaning, my parents, of course. However, I knew that deep down inside their souls, they were mocking me. Each and every one of them.

Except for my friends. And you want to know the worst part?

I envied them. Each and every single one of my five friends I have envied. They were all so beautiful, smart, talented, and no one had ever made fun of them. Well, except for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, but that's saved for another story. And yet, I hate the fact that they accepted me. That they made me become a part of their family, like I'm a long lost sister. They don't treat me like dirt, like other children have. They don't ignore me like most of the girls do. They really wanted to become my friends. I hate the fact that I love it!

Goodness, I sound like Twilight when she joined our group a few years later. Ahem...

Anyway, all of this pandemonium leads up to the year of 10th grade. We were still the underclassmen of highschool, and yet we acted like the worst. Kids were already doing drugs, having sex, and whatnot. It was horrible, and the worst part is that no one did anything to stop it. It got so out of hand, I actually walked into the bathroom and saw two people making out, stripping their clothes off each other on the floor. They looked up at me and frowned. The boy went back to doing his business with the girl, but she stared at me. She was especially rude.

"What the hell? Get out! We need our privacy!" she exclaimed, while the boy was kissing her neck.

"Privacy? This is a public bathroom. There is no privacy unless you use a stall." I replied, amused.

"What, so you think you're some smartass-" she moaned, "-bitch? Have you looked in a mirror? Or did it break? Get out!"

I reluctantly left after shaking my head in disgust. I know those two students. I hate them both, but Twilight...well, I'll talk about that later. Anyway, her comment stung me like a bee as I walked back to my classroom. A tear rolled down my cheek, followed by a plethora of them. That's when I started sniffling, and looked around to make sure no one saw me.

You know that saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me?"

It's pathetic for me to say this, but that's a lie. Because words do hurt.

A lot.


It wasn't until the end of 10th grade that I've decided to change my appearance for good. I was just so sick of looking in a mirror and seeing nothing but ugliness all the time. It was my self-esteem and my insecurity that seemed to take over my brain. But I didn't seem to notice. So two weeks before the school year is when I decided to change myself.

It was a big surprise when my dear friend, Fluttershy, opened the door and said nothing as I dragged her outside into my father's car. Her mother looked at from the window, bewildered as her own daughter has been kidnapped by her friend. Well, excuse me, but it was a big emergency.

Fluttershy is my best friend. Yes, the others were my best friends too, but she was who I could relate to the most. We both enjoy fashion, spa treatments, and act more lady-like than anyone else in our group. However, our personalities aren't really the same. She is very quiet and soft-spoken, hates loud music, and loves animals. I, on the other hand, am somewhat outgoing, despise most animals, and I love to dance to any music on the radio.

So, yeah, we aren't really the same. But, nonetheless, we never let it bother us.

"Um, Rarity?" she asked, staring straight me, "Where are we going?"

"Fluttershy, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of feeling down and looking in the mirror everyday, wishing it would just crack already. I'm tired of feeling left out, and staring at you girls and feeling so ugly, while you all are so perfect. I just want to fit in and join the crowd. I want to be...beautiful!"

She was quiet for a moment, and shocked by the looks of it. Scratching her head, she looked to see if my father was paying attention, which he wasn't, and looked back at me. "But Rarity, you're already beautiful! Just because you think you appear hideous to other people, doesn't mean you appear that way to us. You'll always be beautiful to me."

She had a point there. My friends never looked at me like everyone else has. But this is the change of a life time. I wasn't going to just sit there and watch everyone look at me like I'm pathetic. I wanted them to look at me like I was worth something in this world.

I shook my head, "I appreciate your comforting words, Fluttershy. But I cannot stand how everyone looks at me so differently than how you girls see me. It's my decision, and I'm sticking to it."

"Oh, Rarity. You sound so much like Applejack."

"...I have a country accent?"

She giggled, "No, no. You can be so stubborn at times."

"Oh." I chuckled, "I guess I hang out with her a lot, don't I?"

We shared a laugh. It seemed to lift up my spirits a bit. That's when Fluttershy stopped and realized something.

"So, um...if you don't mind me asking...why am I here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I smiled, "We're going shopping."


It was a very long shopping spree. My mother had given me 500 dollars for shopping money, I was really excited when we went to the mall. While we were there, I bought 300 dollars worth in clothing and makeup, and bought us lunch while we were at it. That's when I stopped at a hair and nail salon.

Fluttershy looked at me, uncertain and worried, "Are you sure you want to do this, Rarity?"

I nodded my head in response. We walked into the store, while my father sat in a bench, reading a newspaper. An employee smiled at us.

"Hello, girls! Welcome to Karma's All-in-One Salon! What may I do for you today?"

We looked at the menu. There were so many options to choose from. But there was one in particular that caught my eye.

"I'd like the All-in-One treatment, please." I said, confident.

The woman stared at me like I was crazy. She shook her head to make sure she was hearing me correctly. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I would like the All-in-One treatment, please." I repeated, rolling my eyes.

"Are you sure?"


"Well...okay...then. And for you?" She stared at Fluttershy, hoping she wasn't as crazy as me. Like I was crazy. I am paying, aren't I?

"Um...well, I...uh..."

"She'll just have a mani-pedi." I smiled, turning to Fluttershy, "Won't you?"

Fluttershy nodded, not saying another word.

I will tell you. That treatment was PAINFUL! They waxed my eyebrows and body like no tomorrow, and they pulled my hair back while trying to untangle it. The only good part was the mani-pedi. That didn't hurt at all. And, to make things even better, they have a tanning machine! How amazing is that? I was about to go into it, until a lady stopped me.

"Sorry, kiddo. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to go under here. You'll need to get permission from an adult."

I glared at her, taking out my cellphone. I pretended to dial my father's number, because I know how much he hated being bothered. I had an app that made it sound like someone was on the other line, when there really wasn't anyone at all.

"Hello?" The fake-voice said, sounding really confused.

"Hi, Daddy!' I said, in a high-pitched voice. "I was just wondering if I could get myself a tan?"


"Thanks, Dad! You're the best!" I hung up, and turned to the lady. She shrugged then let me in there.

About 2 hours later, I got out and changed into one of my new outfits. I looked into the mirror and gasped.

I looked...amazing!

It was a good thing my braces were removed and I switched to contacts because I have never looked so pretty in my entire life. My almost-unibrow was gone, my skin was no longer hairy, I wasn't a pale ghost, and my lips had a rosy pink look to them. My eyes shined like diamonds, and my hair. Oh, lord, my hair! It was unbelievable how they worked on me to look so beautiful!

When I walked out of the salon, Fluttershy and my father were both asleep on the bench. I gently shook both of them, and they almost shot up in surprise. Then they stared at me with their mouths agape.

"R-Rarity? Is that you?" Father asked, looking at me like I was a stranger.

"Yes, Daddy," I said, speaking with a Brittish accent. "It is me."

Fluttershy could not even believe her eyes. She kept rubbing them, making sure she wasn't seeing things. Fortunately, she wasn't.

"Wow, Rarity! You look...I mean, you're so...I can't even...wow!"

"I know, right? I feel better than I ever had before! I feel different...and cold."

Fluttershy giggled, but my father kept looking at me up and down.

"Rarity, why would you do all this to yourself? And what's with the accent?" he asked me.

"Father, I wasn't proud of the way I looked before, which is why I went and did all this. Plus, an accent makes everything better. Now, let's go home. Don't want to keep Mother waiting."

I turned around and walked away, never looking back. I will make everyone look at me in a different light. No one will stare at me like I'm the most hideous person ever. I was going to make a difference.

Junior year, here I come.

Comments ( 7 )

Is the girl in the cover art suppose to be Rarity?

Well, it's an unusual setup, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued.

Well, I want to see the reactions of everyone to the "New" Rarity.

I can't wait to see more, but it's been a month or so, but I can be patient.:pinkiehappy:

*lays down* I can wait. *looks at the time when published and the month* goddamn it.

I bet the next chapter is coming out after half-life 3

5685767 Scientists have discovered that elements with a half life of three have a hard time going through valves!

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