• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 1,993 Views, 32 Comments

Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Days Long Past - Spirit Shift

Travel back 10 years and experience the very beginning of Spike's adventures with Twilight and the others. Although this is a prequel to Rise of the elements, no reading of it is required.

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CH3: A New Start

Spike and Twilight leisurely made their way down the well worn pathway between towns. According to Spike, they were headed towards another town that sat just a few miles from the one they left. Although he didn't know how far they had traveled by now, he was sure that they would make it there before midnight; seeing as how they began just after sunrise.

At the moment, however, the two passed the time by trying to make simple conversation. A conversation that Spike sincerely wished would die. Die in flames. Like Twilight’s house did. He was that annoyed.

“No,” he groaned as he climbed over a fallen tree.

Twilight climbed over the tree after him, taking good care not to damage the book she held in her arms. Reaching the other side of the fallen foliage, she turned around stared at it for few seconds, noticing that it was probably only recently knocked over. Her curiosity didn't last long, however, as she immediately returned to the topic at hand. “Please?”

Nearly growling, Spike said, “No!” Now annoyed, he slowly began picking up his pace.

Twilight noticed what he was doing and increased her own pace to catch up with him. “Come on, it’s traditional.”

“I don’t care,” he hissed, “I’m not doing it.” He walked slightly faster.

Once again, Twilight caught up to him. “But you’re my brother now. My baby brother. You’ll need to do it... Do you even have one?” Twilight wondered.

“No, and I’m fine with that. I don’t need a last name.” Spike suddenly took off in a run. “And even if I did I wouldnt choose Sparkle!”

Twilight hesitated before running after him. “Wait! Come back! I can’t run like you!” She started to run after him only to nearly break down when she made the startling realization that running is hard. Having been inside what could have been called a personal library for most of her life, Twilight never got many chances to run around for an extensive period of time.

Spike slowed down a little, but still ran ahead of her, completely unaware that Twilight was already slowing back down. “Then shut up about the last name thing!”

After only a few yards, Twilight was completely out of breath. She fell to her knees and struggled to catch her breath. Spike eventually noticed and sprinted back to meet her. “You alright?” he asked.

“I’m--” she coughed a bit ”--I’m not much of a runner…” Eventually, Twilight regained her energy and, with Spike’s help, got back to walking. “But just think--”

Pulling his lip back in a snarl, Spike said, “Twilight... I swear to whatever god you pray to, I will start running again if you bring that up.”

Twilight’s eyes shrank in fear at the prospect of further respiratory exercise. She knew her fragile heart couldn't take it, so she reluctantly lowered her head and sighed, “Fine... but this is going to come up again one day.”

Spike shrugged and began wondering why this particular topic was so absolutely important to her. “And I’ll be sure to wear some running shoes when it does.” Even though Spike did wish, very hard, for the topic to die a horrible painful, burning, death, he didn't wish for complete silence. He had a friend now, a sister. He finally had someone that, for what he believed to be the first time in his life, he could hold a normal conversation with.

Now Spike just wished he knew what to talk about. He eventually began thinking about what he knew about her as they walked. She’s a nerd… Nah, I don’t need to fall asleep yet. Better save that one for later. Maybe I could ask her about her family.

Family… The mere notion of that still baffled Spike slightly, having never had one. Spike turned to her with a curious look and asked, “What was your family like?”

Twilight flinched, almost as if she had been hoping that Spike wouldn’t ask that question. Hesitantly, she looked back with a smile before lowering her head sadly.“M… my parents were amazing.” she admitted. “They were the smartest people I knew, and I did my best to be like them. I studied, and studied... and studied…” Twilight trailed off.

Spike turned around and noticed that she had stopped walking. He took a step forward reached and arm out slightly in concern. “Twilight?”

Twilight clenched the book tightly to her body. Sniffing, she blurted, “I never spent enough time with them! I… I just wish…”

Spike began to panic. He blew it. The one question he asked somehow made her cry. He ran back and struggled to figure out what to do. “Twilight, it’s alright. We don’t have to-- Twilight!” Spike panicked when Twilight suddenly dropped the book she had been holding and fell over. Spike, luckily standing in front of her, caught both. “Twilight? Twilight, what’s wrong!”

Spike thought about panicking further until he realized that he needed to stay calm if anything was going to get done. He calmly sat the book down and began carefully examining her. He quickly noted that she wasn't injured in anyway externally, but he also noticed that she was very thin. It was then that realization washed over him. He put his head to her stomach and listened as her stomach growled fiercely.

Lifting his head up, he looked down at her in shock. “Twilight! When was the last time you ate anything?!” Getting no response, Spike shook her slightly in order to try and wake her up. “Dammit!” he cursed.“ And I just made her run!”

No use, Spike growled and grabbed some fruit out of his pack. Hovering it over her nose, Twilight sniffed and slowly opened her eyes. The second she did, though, she turned her head away from it. Spike flinched back in surprise but still tried to get her to eat. After a few unsuccessful tries, Spike groaned, repacked his things, and flipped his pack over to his front. Hefting her up onto his back, Spike proceeded to run down the road towards the next town.


Twilight slowly opened her eyes just in time to see a palm flying down toward her. The next thing she knew, she had bolted upright and her head was stinging. “Owowowowowow!” she groaned.

“You’re a freaking idiot you know that?” Twilight turned her head towards the source of the voice. Next to her sat Spike who was all but glaring at her. Looking down, Twilight realized that she was lying down in a soft bed with dark blue sheets. Currently, she and Spike appeared to be in a small room that Twilight didn't recognize. It was plain and under-decorated, with nothing but a simple bed and empty bookcase. There was a single window next to the bed, and over in the corner sat a light blue bag with a set of wings on the front.

Twilight smiled lightly and giggled. “This is almost like how I met--”

Her sentence got cut off by another chop to the head from Spike. “Don’t change the subject!” Spike growled. “Why were you starving,”-- he hit her again-- “why the hell didnt you tell me,”--once more--”and why the absolute hell didn't you eat the any of the food I had!”

Twilight put her arms up in defense. She now had a sizable mark on her head and a tear in her eye. “If you stop hitting me I’ll tell you,” she cried.

Spike leaned back down and waited for her to explain. Twilight felt her forehead to make sure her mark was fine before breathing a sigh of relief and rubbed her sore head. “Mom and dad told me that stealing is wrong... and I figured that eating stolen food would be the same as stealing... So there.”

Spike groaned and rubbed his own head. “So you sat there and nearly starved just to please your dead parents? You really are stupid aren't you?”

“I’m not stupid!” Twilight shot back, leaning up towards him. “I’m--”

Spike shut her up by leaning close to her face and glaring at her. “Shut up! I only just got a sister, and I don’t want her dying on me in the first day.” He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms sullenly. “You really had me worried for a sec, you know.”

Twilight stared him down for a few seconds before breaking out in a smile. “Fine, at least I know you care about me now,” she giggled.

Spike blushed slightly and turned away. “No I don’t… shut up.” he grunted.

“Oh my, is she awake now?” Both of them turned towards the new voice. Coming in through the doorway, was a middle aged women with soft green hair and a kind face. She wore a lime green blouse over a blue skirt. On her head sat the symbol of an image of a jade with a ribbon around it, marking her as a mage. “How are you feeling, Twilight, was it?”

“Hello, ma’am” --Twilight nodded-- “Yes, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Are we in your house?”

The women gave Twilight a surprised look before smiling widely. “Such manners from such a pretty young lady. Your brother could take a lesson from you.”

Spike huffed and turned away. Twilight looked on with a confused look. “What do you mean?”

The women laughed slightly before glancing playfully over at Spike. “He ran into town cursing yesterday. When I asked what was wrong, he nearly bit my head off. But the second I turned to leave, he apologized and asked for my help. He said something about his sister dying. Honestly, he made it sound far worse than what was actually wrong.”

Spike’s blush intensified, but he remained silent. Twilight had her jaw hanging before turning to him. Jumping out of bed, she gave him a large hug. “You do care! I knew it!” After some tumbling around and escaping from her grip, Spike and Twilight sat on the bed while the women sat in front of them in Spike’s former chair.

“My name” --she motioned to herself-- “is Ms, Jade, by the way. I run a store below this room.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Oh no, did I eat all of your food. I am so sorry! I’ll pay you back I promise.” Spike simply rolled his eyes.

Ms. Jade rolled her’s as well and waved her hand. “No, thank you. I already have one child doing that. I don’t need two more. More importantly, I’m guess that you two don’t exactly have parents.”

“Nope,” Spike said flapping himself down on the bed. Glancing out the window, something caught his eye. Getting back up, he climbed to the other side of the bed to check it out.

Twilight paid him no mind and she began explaining their situation. “No… we don’t.” She shook her head sadly. “Spike and I... well, we left our old town for various reasons. I’m sad to say that we aren't exactly welcome back.”

Ms. Jade gave her a sympathetic look. “Oh you poor children.” she sighed and rubbed her head, “What is happening in this world where 7 year old children are forced to leave home by themselves. You aren't the first you know.”

Twilight looked up in surprise. “We aren't?” She looked over to the bag in the corner and then to the used looking, but empty, room, and put the pieces together. “Are there other children who left home?”

Ms. Jade shook her head sadly. “Unfortunately. She came to me in a similar manner about a month ago. She--”

“Let me guess,” Spike growled, “is that her?”

Twilight and Ms. Jade crawled over the bed and looked out the window with him. Four kids stood just outside of the building. Three teenage looking boys, one with brown hair, one with dark blue, one with white, and one small but tough looking girl with odd hair. They seemed to be arguing. Curious to what they were saying, Spike opened the window.

“I said just go away!” the girl yelled, waving her arm. “We don’t need jackasses like you three around here!”

The brown haired boy seemed to be their leader because he stepped forward first, he was taller and brawnier than her by far, and he used that to his advantage by glaring down at her. “So what? We can go where ever we want because we actually live here. You’re just wandering runt that crawled in from the garbage. What even are you? A girl or some rainbow haired weirdo with a weird power?” He reached out and grabbed the girls hair, “I mean seriously, how much dye did you use to get it like this.”

Spike clenched his fist and began sneering down at them. One of the boys began laughing. “Man, I’ve seen pretty much every color hair in the rainbow. But I’ve never seen someone with an actual rainbow in their hair.”

The girl with rainbow hair grabbed his arm tightly in anger. With a bit of effort, she flipped him over and slammed him to the ground. “Shut the hell up. My hair is my business! You guys have been missing with me since I got here for no reason. I think you just want to get your asses kicked.”

Ms. Jade shook her head sadly before looking back out with a worried look on her face. “Oh no… She’s done it now.”

The other two boys simply smirked and stood up. The one with the brown hair got back up and gave her a dangerous look. “About time.” He began cracking his knuckles. Slowly, all three of the boys began surrounding her. “Because now, everything I’m about to do to you is considered self defense.”

Twilight scoffed, “What? No, he put his hands on her first. Technically, she should be saying that. We should call someone to stop them!” Twilight and Ms Jade began to move, only to be stopped by Spike, who watched with interest and barely held anger.

The rainbow haired girl scoffed and put her guard up. Spike admired the way she didn't seem intimidated. Clearly, she was no stranger to fighting. He was very curious as to how she would hold her own three verses one.

“We’re gonna throw you outta town once and for all you winged freak,” the brown haired boy growled at her.

“Winged?” Spike wondered.

He rushed forward from behind, only to miss as the girl jumped into the air. Spike and Twilight’s jaws fell when they saw the girl hovering in place, with a pair of translucent sky blue wings appearing on her back. Even though they were surprised, the bullies were not. One was apparently prepared because he immediately pulled something out of his jacket and chucked it at her. Turned around and not expecting it, the rock slammed against the back of her head and knocked her low enough to be grabbed by the lead boy.

“See, you freak,” he hissed in her ear. He held her in a tight headlock, “that’s how you knock a bird out of the sky.”

The girl struggled to get free, choking as the boys arms tightened around her. Unable to free herself she hissed, “Let me go, you bastard!”

The other two boys began closing in on her menacingly. Twilight and Jade began panicking. “We need to do something!” Twilight insisted. Having seen enough, Spike decided that it was time to step in. With a single, “Done,” Spike hopped out of the window from the second floor, startling both Ms. Jade and Twilight.

Just as the first boy pulled back his arm for a swing at the girls gut, Spike crashed down on him from behind with his kneecap, slamming him to the ground. Without wasting a second, Spike turned and punched the second boy in his stomach before he could respond to his sudden entrance. Taken by surprise, the one holding the girl loosened his grip, allowing her to breath and slam her elbow into his stomach, freeing herself.

The boy that Spike punched recovered and charged back at him in a blind fury. Spike responded by crouching low, ducking the boy’s punch, and decking him in his chin. Still clutching his gut, the brown haired boy couldn't block the punch the girl threw at his head. He took it, but recovered quickly. He lifted his arm angrilly retaliation and tried to slam it down on her. His eyes widened when the attack was caught by Spike. Now thoroughly pissed, Spike effortlessly flipped him into the street where the other two boys had grouped, and were trying to recover. He crashed into the others and fell unconscious.

“Now get out!” Spike ordered, his voice a low and dangerous tone.

“Whatever!” one of the boys yelled, Spike didn't care which one, “Who even are you? Another freak kid like that one? You must be if--”

Spike took a dangerous step forward. “What the hell did I just say!” Intimidated, the two boys hoisted the third one over their shoulders and made their way away from the store. Twilight and Ms. Jade finally ran outside and instantly ran to both of them.

“Spike!” Twilight cried as she reached him. “Don’t ever do that again! I don’t just mean the jumping. I mean the fighting too.”

Spike shrugged apathetically and crossed his arms, “No promises.”

“Rachelle, are you alright?” Spike turned to look at Ms. Jade who was fawning over the girl’s appearance and injuries. However, he noticed that the girl was ignoring her and, instead, looking at him with wide eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the girl was hovering in front of him with the biggest smile he had ever seen on a person. “That… was… awesome!”

Author's Note:

Trying out a new style of writing. Tell me what you guys think of it.
And the story, tell me what you think of that too.
And typos, tell me if you see any of those disgusting things.