• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 5,936 Views, 248 Comments

Robotic Stallion Big Lugnut - Hooves Like Jagger

A robot named Big Lugnut tries to live life like the normal pony he claims he is.

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VI: Microphone

Robotic Stallion Big Lugnut
Author: HoovesLikeJagger
Chapter VI


By this time, Ms. Cheerilee had learned to put up with all sorts of shenanigans in the classroom. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were capable of turning the smallest assignment or lesson into a three ring circus. By no means did she want to stifle their adventurous and curious natures, so she generally indulged their wildest pursuits. Today was slightly different.

The first thing she discovered when she arrived at the school is that somepony had knocked over and utterly destroyed the large maple tree in front of her house. She went and reported the incident to the police, who apparently had their hooves full with other incidents just like it. When she finally arrived at school she noticed one whole side of the building has been defaced with a large "BE" over a "AU". She was confused at first, but then noticed the "TIFUL" carved in underneath it. After that she was perfectly flabbergasted.

Despite what it said, she still had to high-tail it back to the police station and file another report. She was somewhat relieved to find there hadn't been a rash of that particular crime. She had hoped that would be the end of the insanity today, until a crash rocked the whole building. The last thing she expected to find connected with this incident was her three token troublemakers, a tie-dye weather pony, and a robot. Somehow, she wasn't surprised, but she would now have to find somepony to repair the deep furrows and hoof craters the robot left in the street in front of the school.

To top it all off, the same robot that crash landed outside was now standing silently in the corner of the classroom under the pretense that he was Applebloom's show and tell. Cheerilee recalled hearing the new pony in town was a robot, but she figured it was a euphemism. Of course, if there was actually a robot in town Applebloom would manage to befriend it and bring it to school. The time for show and tell finally arrived, and Cheerilee said the words she had been dreading since the mechanical stallion waltzed in.

"Applebloom! Why don't you share with the class what...er... who you've brought with you today." Cheerilee sat back at her desk, reminding herself the resignation papers were all signed and sitting in the top drawer if things got bad.

Applebloom got out of her seat and went to the front of the class, beckoning for Big Lugnut to join her. All eyes were on him as he clanked his way up to the front of the classroom.

"This here is Big Lugnut!" Applebloom gestured to her mechanical companion, "He's stayin' at mah place an' helpin' out! He's really strong, really fast, an' he's ril nice! Oh, an' he's a robot." Applebloom smiled enthusiastically.

"Ooookay... does anyone have a question for Applebloom or... or Big Lugnut?" Cheerilee dared to open the door to destruction. Diamond Tiara raised her hoof first.

"Prove he's a robot!" Diamond Tiara wasn't about to believe a country bumpkin like Applebloom owned a sophisticated piece of machinery like a robot. Applebloom looked up at Big Lugnut expectantly. This was a first for Big Lugnut. So far, no one had called his being a robot into question. There was one thing he could do that seemed like it would quickly confirm it.

Big Lugnut rotated his neck a full three hundred and sixty degrees.

"How's that?" he asked. Diamond Tiara's only response was wide eyed terror, but she didn't protest any further. Another stubby little hoof started wiggling in the air.

"Ooh, oooh!" Snips pleaded for attention. "I saw you running around with Rainbow Dash this morning! Who's faster? You or her?"

"Uh... I don't know. I outran her once, but I think she was just out for a leisurely fly. Oh! I outran a train though!"

"So... cool!" Snips gushed, looking utterly enthused. The male portion of the class in general looked more excited about Big Lugnut.

"Oh, oh! Pick me!" Snails waved a lanky, mustard colored hoof in the air. "Can you shoot lasers from your eyes?"

"I can't say I've tried," Big Lugnut admitted, seriously doubting something like that was even remotely possible for him. On the other hoof, he considered how much he really knew about his body. Shooting lasers from his eyes was doubtful, but he still wondered if there was still more than met the eye under all the metal.

His kind was originally developed to be warriors, unstoppable ones at that. It was a distinct possibility that all his predecessors had to spend a long time as mindless warriors before the spell was broken, but he couldn't riddle out why such powerful tools would ever be necessary. They may have just been superfluous, but being a necessity was in the realm of possibility as well. The answers to his questions may have gone to the grave many years ago. Although he would someday be a normal pony, that was only an accidental part of his being. According to what Twilight said, he intended to be a puppet forever.

The question hung over his head: What was his purpose?


Big Lugnut stowed the uncomfortable questions in the back of his mind as school let out. There was plenty of time for him to try and riddle himself out, so he decided to use his time right now to enjoy himself.

He clanked along behind the CMC as they exited the school building, Big Lugnut being careful not to trample any of the small colts and fillies. With his power and weight, he could easily turn them into flapjacks. The way some of the braver souls had taken to running through his legs wasn't helping at all.

"Hey, Lugnut!" Sweete Belle called up to him. "You wanna help us earn our cutie marks today?"

Big Lugnut recalled the last time he tried to help them. All he ended up doing was leaving them alone on a country road while he scared the living daylight out of the citizens of Ponyville. He'd been hoping for a chance to make it up to them. There was another reason, though, that Lugnut wanted to join the CMC on their quest.

"Actually, I kind of need all of your help to find mine too." Big Lugnut realized that the regular polygon on his rump was just painted on. He hadn't done anything to earn it.

"But what about hexagons?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm a robot. The brand I have doesn't really mean anything; however, I'll be a real flesh and blood pony eventually!"

"So... what yer sayin' is..." Applebloom suddenly looked uncontrollably delighted, "You wanna be a Cutie Mark Crusader too?"

"Uh, well. I guess I could a-"


Big Lugnut was learning that it didn't take much to excite the young fillies, but that's what made them fun. Big Lugnut felt a lot more sympathetic to their cause now too. They were all on a quest of self discovery, and so was Big Lugnut. Compared to his problems though, the quest of the fillies seemed rather uncomplicated. The main idea is to discover what makes them the happiest, but Big Lugnut saw how that was important.

"Alright Lugnut," Applebloom's stern voice woke him from his musings. "If yer gonna be a crusader, ya'll gotta prove her made of the right stuff!" Big Lugnut was made of iron, unlike the organic little fillies. Big Lugnut felt it didn't bode well for him.

"What kind of stuff should I be made out of?"

"Tough stuff!" Scootaloo flared her wings to punctuate the "tough" part. Seeing as iron is really tough, Lugnut's hope was restored.

"All ya gotta do is go out to Zecora's place in the Everfree Forest by yerself! If ya kin do that, yer in!" Applebloom cheered. That didn't sound too hard to Lugnut.


Big Lugnut didn't know where in the world he was.

The girls had told him to "stay on the path", but the path was made of dirt and so was the rest of the forest. Big Lugnut quickly managed to wander off the actual path and was now aimlessly wandering about. He didn't realize the path had disappeared under him until it was too late. If he could feel the different between soil and foliage beneath his hooves, this wouldn't have happened.

Not exactly a coltscout, Big Lugnut had to make due with the position of the sun to help him exit the forest. He didn't know if the exit was east or west, but he remembered where the sun had been relative to his facing when he walked into the forest. He simply reversed it and began walking "out".

The crusaders had warned him that there were dangerous monsters in the forest, but so far he hadn't seen or heard anything. A few birds, a couple of squirrels, and one or two bears, but not a single monster. Despite his strength, speed, and metal exterior, Lugnut wasn't so naive as to think that he was completely indestructible. A big enough monster or a big enough creature with an appetite for metal might do him in. On top of that, he didn't exactly know how he'd repair himself if his metal exterior got damaged.

Big Lugnut stopped in his tracks. He'd been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he'd overlooked what his ears were picking up. Very close by, somepony was making music.

"Luna don't cry, you've got the moon comin' honey. You've got the night anytime you want. I'll be awake. You own all the night's stars, each one is a setting sun."

Entranced, Big Lugnut began to move quietly towards the source. As if he were intruding on something sacred, he moved very slowly towards the clearing the sound was emanating from. Before he could enter, a white hoof cut across his path.

He remembered Rainbow Dash's friend Rarity from the party. What she was doing all the way out here in the forest ducked down in the bushes was beyond him. It must have something to do with the guitarist in the clearing. She was frantically and silently beckoning him to get down in the bushes with her. He complied, sensing that perhaps the scene in the clearing should not be disturbed.

Once he was crouched in the bushes, he peeked out to get a good look at the singing pony. On a stone in the clearing sat a tall, lean, deep blue stallion strumming away on a beat up acoustic guitar. The brown wood was the same color of his shaggy tail and shaggy mane mostly hidden beneath a red stocking cap. He wore a green, plaid shirt on his body and the most tranquil look on his face. The pony's listless brown eyes barely moved as his hooves caressed his instrument, producing a wondrous, rich tone with each movement.

Lugnut and Rarity waited until the performance was through. The pony slung his guitar of his back, revealing momentarily the guitar emblazoned on his flank, before he began to wander off.

"Hello there!" Rarity suddenly popped up out of the hiding place, startling both the blue stallion and Lugnut, who quietly rose from the bush after Rarity as she sauntered up to the stranger. The poor stallion's eyes kept switching back and forth between the unicorn and the robot that had suddenly appeared, unable to decided which surprised him more.

"That was a very good performance!" she complimented him. The stranger did not look complimented. His face scrunched up in discomfort, his eyes darting to either side.

He put his haunches on the ground and slung his guitar in front of him again. He strummed a few chords, singing:

"Why are you talkin', why are you talkin' to me?"

There was a silent lull afterwards. This time it was Rarity who looked uncomfortable, her eyes darting around in uncertainty. She pointed a hesitant hoof to herself, to which the blue pony nodded vigorously.

"Uh... well, I heard you playing and singing, so I wanted to come over and meet you!" she explained. The stranger didn't flinch, but strummed some harsher chords for his response:

"Well that is that, and this is this! Now you tell me what you want, and I'll tell you what you get; you get away from me. You get away from me!"

Before Rarity could compose herself from the harsh response, the blue pony slung his guitar onto his back again and began to march off. Rarity wasn't about to give up yet. She cantered after him, Big Lugnut on her heels.

"Excuse me, but is that any way to treat a lady? Let alone the way to treat someone you just met! Did your mother raise you to be so uncouth?" the stranger whipped his guitar back to his front and quickly strummed a response.

"Your mother made you out of smoke and rain! Your mother made you in a fire that's fading!"

"What does that even mean?" Rarity grunted. The blue pony didn't bother to explain as he began to trot off faster. Rarity kept pace with him, continuing to berate his manners and complain. This only made him run faster, faster than Rarity could keep up with. Lugnut was more than capable of following him through the underbrush. He followed close enough to keep an eye on him, but also far enough back so Rarity could follow him.

The blue pony jumped through the underbrush once more before stopping at a very foreign looking hut in the middle of a clearing. Big Lugnut and seconds later Rarity bounded out of the bush behind him. A very surprised looking zebra sat out front with a broom in mouth as the threesome came out of the forest. She dropped the broom as she addressed the odd crowd.

"What is this, Mr. Song? It is odd to see you in a throng. That unicorn is not your enemy, but who is this metal pony I see?" Zecora rhymed.

"Zecora," Rarity spoke up, "do you know this pony?" She shot the blue pony a look as Zecora nodded.

"Gibson Song is currently my guest, but it is up to him to explain the rest." She turned to the pony called Gibson. He looked less than happy that he couldn't lose his pursuers. He shook his head at Zecora.

"I am sorry, but you'll have to go. He does not want you to know," she explained briefly. "But if I'm allowed to meddle, could you please explain the pony made of metal?"

"Oh, um, I'm Big Lugnut!" Big Lugnut spoke up, approaching Zecora with an extended hoof. "I'm a robot... currently." Zecora took his hoof and shook it.

"Zecora is what you can call me. My, my, something like you I've never seen. I would love to sit and chat with you, provided you have nothing else to do."

"Wait, you're Zecora?" Big Lugnut was slightly disappointed when she smiled and nodded; he wanted to hear another couplet. Either way, he'd successfully completed his goal in the forest, so he should return to the crusaders. He looked over at Rarity, who was shooting daggers at Gibson. Gibson was doing an excellent job of ignoring her.

"Well, we shouldn't bother you if you want to be left alone. C'mon Rarity, let's get outta here." Big Lugnut's train of thought halted for a moment.

"Did I just say 'outta'?" he mumbled to himself "The Apples are beginning to impress upon me." Rarity broke him out of his own little world with a stamp of her hoof.

"I'm not leaving until he apologizes!" Rarity pouted. Lugnut grunted while Gibson just shook his head.

"Gibson, if this mare here you have offended, it would be better if things were sooner mended," Zecora warned in earnest. "And Rarity, why all this aggression? What was Gibson's transgression?"

"He said something about my mother and smoke and rain and... and something about a fire!" Rarity attempted to explain. "I don't know, he sang something and I just know it was offensive!" Zecora looked at Gibson. He avoided her gaze, which was enough evidence to convict him of the act.

"Gibson I urge you to make an apology, or else you will also have to make amends with me!" Gibson rolled his eyes and slung his guitar and began strumming.

"I've been thinking long and hard about the things you said to me, like a bitter stranger. But now I see the long, the short, the middle, and what's in between. Well, I could spit on a stranger! You're a bitter stranger!"

To accent his point, he spat on the ground not far from Rarity before putting his guitar away. Rarity was smouldering with rage now. Zecora and Lugnut stood nervously by, no longer wanting to be a part of this. Both were equally resigned to let nature take it's path.

"You... you... you!" Rarity's verbal arsenal was reduced to a single letter as she growled at Gibson. "You know what? I don't even care anymore! Have fun banging on your stupid guitar in the middle of the forest! I hope some creature eats it and then eats you!" Rarity stormed off into the forest on her final word. A silence descended upon the camp. Zecora was first to speak up, turning on Gibson.

"Gibson! You know not what you do-... Gibson... is something wrong with you?" Zecora took note of the peculiar look on Gibson's face. He was staring off into the forest where Rarity had gone, slouching over and smiling like a complete fool. Lugnut and Zecora picked up on what was going on very quickly. Their sneaking suspicion was confirmed, as Gibson brought his guitar around and began strumming with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"No amount of coffee, no amount of cryin'. No amount of whiskey, no amount of wine. No, no, no, no, no... nothing else will do. I've gotta have you, I've gotta have you."

He put his guitar away and resumed his distant staring.

"Gibson, you need to explain what you've done," Zecora stood in front of him, "If you feel that way, why did you make her run?"

"And why do you only communicate through singing?" Big Lugnut stepped up. Gibson wasn't paying attention to either of them. He waved a hoof at Big Lugnut and nodded, but that's the only reaction the two solicited. Zecora seemed to understand and turned to Lugnut.

"Gibson Song is a sorry soul, a witch heard him during her stroll. So excellent his songs did sound, that she looked until the source was found. He gladly played a song for her, for he is a kind soul if you were unsure. The witch just wanted more and more, so Gibson sang until his throat was sore! He stated he could sing no more right then, but the witch's resolve he could not bend. He protested and wouldn't sing a single note, so the witch cursed his throat. Now he cannot speak a single word, he has to sing a song if he wants to be heard!" Zecora recounted the tale.

"Wow." Big Lugnut had no idea curses like that existed. "Wait... if he can only explain himself by singing songs, how did he tell you?"

"I have a remedy that can lift the spell, but only long enough for his tale to tell," Zecora explained, obviously proud of her herbal prowess.

"Is there a permanent cure?"

"The witch explained that there was a way for his voice to return someday. If he can move a thousand not to cheer, but instead move them to all shed a tear. Such a large crowd his hard to find, so Gibson is in quite the bind," Big Lugnut was impressed with Zecora's rhyming. He wondered if maybe she was cursed too.

"Well... I wish I could help, but I haven't got a clue. I'm new around here at it is, but if I think of anything I'll be sure to tell you," Big Lugnut offered. "Ah, I'd better be going now though, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are probably wondering where I am."

"We'll take your assistance whatever it may be. Oh, and say hello to those fillies for me!" Zecora smiled as she went back inside her hut. Lugnut saw that Gibson was still whiling away in a dreamy haze. He never did explain why he was so harsh to Rarity, but it wasn't Lugnut's problem. He wondered if there was even a song Gibson could use to explain it.


"Did you do it Lugnut? Did you get to Zecora's?" Lugnut had barely stepped out of the forest when Scootaloo popped out and began circling him with the other two crusaders.

"Of course I did! I'm made of tough stuff aren't I?" Lugnut stuck out his chest proudly, the metal glinting in the sunlight.

"Did anything else happen?" Lugnut couldn't help but feel the way Sweete Belle asked that question insinuated something. He wasn't about to admit that he'd gotten lost on his way. Technically he hadn't gotten there on his own, but there was no way the crusaders could know about Gibson and Rarity.

"Are you sure you didn't see anypony else?" Sweetie Belle's line of questioning was becoming suspicious. He wondered if Rarity had spilled the beans on him. Lugnut wasn't sure whether she forfeited the information willingly or the CMC had to shake her down for it. Either way, he needed to distract them with some other piece of information.

"Just Zecora! I honestly saw her, she rhymed and everything!" he assured them. Sweetie Belle looked him over with a scrutinizing eye.

"So you didn't see my sister?" Big Lugnut took a moment to process the question.

"You and Rarity are sisters?"

"Ah-ha!" Sweetie Belle had caught him. Big Lugnut realized he had run right into that one. At least he knew they were sisters now.

When he thought about it, Sweetie Belle and Rarity made a good sibling pair. Applebloom and Applejack matched up well, but they matched up a little too well. Sweetie Belle and Rarity struck him as more of a fire and ice combination, where Rarity was the uptight and Sweetie Belle was the outta sight. He didn't know either of them incredibly well, but he didn't need too.

Now wasn't time to dwell on sister-sister dynamics though.

"I'm sorry Lugnut, but ya failed the test, so ya can't be a Cutie Mark Crusader," Applebloom and the rest of the crusaders cast their eyes down, looking very solemn.

But only for a moment.

"So you'll jus' havta be a Cutie Mark Crusader In-Training!" Applebloom declared triumphantly. All three began cheering in unison, celebrating he emergence of their protegee. Big Lugnut puzzled over this. The Cutie Mark Crusaders themselves were undergoing a sort of training, so that meant Lugnut was training to train. It didn't make much sense, but it was better than nothing.

"Well, I guess I'm okay with that. Are we gonna try anything today?" Big Lugnut asked.

"After the incident this mornin', we thought of somethin' we should try!" Appleboom announced.

"And what would that be?" The senior crusaders looked at each other and smiled.



"I'm telling you Fluttershy! You will not believe what happened!" Rarity hadn't even touched her tea yet, but she had explained several times over to Fluttershy that she wasn't going to believe what happened. In fact, it was the first thing that Rarity had said when Fluttershy answered the frantic banging on her cottage door. She had been in the middle of checking up on Winona with Applejack, who was currently sitting at the table with them looking quite disinterested.

"Yes... uhm... you said that already," Fluttershy pointed out in an attempt to get Rarity to calm down. Of course, this just continued the cycle.

"I know, I know... but you just will not believe what happened!" Rarity vented again.

"Rarity, I kin hardly believe this conversation is happenin'!" Applejack finally snapped, "Are you gonna tell us what were not gonna believe er not?" With this, Rarity finally took a deep breath.

"Okay, so I went into the Everfree forest to find out who was playing guitar," Rarity began explaining.

"Who's playin' guitar?" Applejack grumbled. Fluttershy briefly explained the reoccurring event of the past few weeks. Once she was up to speed, Rarity continued her tale.

"I didn't exactly know where he'd show up, so I just stuck to the area nearest Fluttershy's cottage. I didn't find him before he started, but once he had it was as easy as following the music. I almost had my cover blown when Big Lugnut suddenly wandered over..."

"What was Big Lugnut doin' in the Everfree Forest?" Applejack interrupted again. Rarity smiled, recalling what had happened to her upon exiting the forest.

"Sweetie Belle said that he wanted to be a crusader, so they told him to go to Zecora's alone to prove he was worthy."

"Why in Celestia's mane would Big Lugnut want to be a cutie mark crusader? Consarn it, if Big Lug's with those fillies it's gonna spell trouble!"

"Well... moving on," Rarity continued, "we waited for him to finish. When he did, I revealed myself and greeted him. Now, I was as courteous as one can be when one is secretly watching somepony in a forest, but the brute acts completely inconsiderate towards me! To top it off he literally runs off! Luckily, Big Lugnut chased him down. It turns out he's a friend of Zecora's named Gibson Song. Oh, and get this! Zecora tries to get him to apologize for the things he said earlier, and what does he do? He goes ahead and insults me again! The nerve!" Applejack whistled.

"This Gibson feller must have a death wish er somethin'!" Applejack laughed. "What was Big Lug doin' all that time?"

"He was completely useless! He didn't move to defend me even once! Didn't even have the courtesy to escort me out of the forest," Rarity fumed. "He is definitely not a robot programmed to be courteous!"

"Now hold on jus' a second there Rarity," Applejack barked as she tapped her hoof on the table. "Big Lug's not jus' a robot! He ain't programmed at all so don't talk about him like that!" Surprisingly, Rarity clammed up at this. She hadn't expected Applejack to defend him on that point.

"Well... at any rate, Fluttershy," she turned to the pegasus, who had been silent this whole time, "You should just forget about that colt, he's bad news." Fluttershy looked confused.

"Are you saying... I shouldn't listen to his music?" was the only conclusion she could draw. She couldn't fathom anything else the unicorn could be talking about.

"No, I suppose you don't have to do that... oh, speaking of his music, there was another odd thing about this pony. He never spoke a word, but he would just sing songs to communicate," Rarity recalled.

"The pony never speaks 'cept when he sings... and you mention that as 'n afterthought to the fact he insulted ya?" Applejack noted. Rarity just nodded, as if no explanation was required.

"It did deaden the blow a bit... I mean that voice of his is so rugged and he plays that guitar so well. Oh, and he's a bit unkempt, but it suits him. Yes, not an unpleasant pony to look at." Rarity went deep into thought for a moment.

"You know what?" Rarity stood up suddenly, "I take that back Fluttershy! Tomorrow we're going to go visit him at Zecora's cottage. He's obviously just shy, and we need to coax him out of his shell!"

"Rarity, it sounds like the colt don't want nopony botherin' him. Nopony goes out into the woods all by themselves so they kin have somepony listening to them secretly. Just leave 'im alone!" Applejack implored her friend, but her council fell upon deaf ears.

"No can do Applejack! This is a matter of utmost importance for dear Fluttershy!" Rarity continued preaching, only interrupted by Applejack trying to bring her back to Equestria. Fluttershy sat in silence, swirling the remainder of her tea around. She hoped Gibson would still play guitar tomorrow.


After hearing what Applebloom, Big Lugnut, and the other crusaders had tried to do all afternoon, Applejack didn't know whether she should hogtie them for being unparalleled imbeciles or have Pinkie come over and throw a party to celebrate the fact that they were all still alive. Applebloom was sent up to bed without supper as punishment, but Big Lugnut proved to be much harder to punish. Verbally berating him seemed to work pretty well, but for extra measure assigned him some additional chores. She assigned him a lot of additional chores.

"An' you better git 'em done Lugnut! Land sakes! I hope ya'll grow a brain next!" she shouted as he plodded off to the barn. She would have slammed the door, but she didn't want to wake the rest of the household. Instead, she quietly closed it behind her and heaved a sigh.

"What am I gonna do wit those two?" Applejack couldn't help but smile a little, climbing the stairs up to her room. It really was becoming lively around the farm. How could she complain about that? Sure, there was a never a dull moment down in Ponyville, but there had always been something lacking in the Apple's home life.

They were a farming family, so it was to be expected that there's a lot of work to be done. It wasn't the work though, the work is what made farm life so great. It gave a pony a sense of direction. It gave a pony something to do with themselves and something to accomplish.

No, the Apple household had lost a spark that Big Lugnut was just now bringing back. Applejack couldn't put a hoof on it. It bugged her because she wanted to be able to properly thank Lugnut for making life on the farm that much better. What he'd done exactly was hard to pin down.

She slipped her hat off her head and tossed herself onto her bed. Turning on her side, she looked out the window. Luna's night sky was a sight to behold. One big moon with the tiny stars arranged all around it. The constellations played about the night sky, turning what should be depressing, bleak darkness into a wondrous scene. It made Applejack wonder just why Luna had been jealous of her sister's day. The day was filled with light, noise, and progress. It wasn't beautiful, it was just what it had to be.

The night could be more than the night. It could be a work of art. It could be a well earned respite. It could be a refreshing change of pace full of deep darkness and tranquil silence.

With these thoughts in mind, Applejack quickly gave into her fatigue and drifted into a quiet slumber. Very soon, she would be dreaming.

~~~~ Author's Notes ~~~~

Yeah, Gibson uses actual song lyrics, so here are the songs he used in order of appearance in this chapter. (The first one has been ponified slightly).

Jesus, etc. - Wilco (Luna, etc. - Wilcolt)
Why Are You Talking To Me? - Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers
Ocean Breathes Salty - Modest Mouse
Sundays - Counting Crows (Sundays - Cantering Crows)
Gotta Have You - The Weepies

Also, just wanted to thank you all for your continued patronage.