• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 5,505 Views, 531 Comments

You Are Normal Too - Never2muchpinkie

When mother and daughter get into a fight over a misunderstanding their reconciliation leads to the reveal of Dinky's father, a cruel stallion who broke Derpy's heart. Can Derpy put her past regrets behind to find love and romance in the present?

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Chapter 12: DADDY!

Dinky opened her eyes, putting a hoof over her face as she adjusted to the morning light. After a few moments she put her hoof down, resting her head on both her hooves. Just like the past few days she immediately felt a sense of joy meeting her as she woke up. She sighed contentedly as she thought of the Doctor’s wedding proposal. At first her mom had thought he was just being showy, but she came to see his real reason soon enough. He wanted to show he wasn’t embarrassed to have her. He wanted to prove how much he really loved her.

As she thought of the two of them crying over each other and the euphoria the two of them felt she could feel it filling her own spirit up, and tears came to her eyes just like they did when it first happened. She had been worried for a while about how things with the Doctor would turn out, but now she felt certain that at last things were finally settled. Soon they would get married, and then they could start living together, and then her mom wouldn’t have to be so worried about money all the time.

She had seen over and over how much her mom always sacrificed for everyone but herself. Now there was someone who was willing to sacrifice for her. She knew her mom was still getting used to the idea of letting someone take care of her, but she knew in time her mother would come to see it was how she should have been treated all along.

She giggled to herself as she thought of the past three days. Her mom was always a little clumsy, but she had really amped it up lately. Her mom’s head was in the clouds, lost in her own world of love. She had lost count of how many times her mom had lifted the ring around her neck to look at it and began crying in happiness.

“This is the way things should be,” Dinky said to herself. “My mom is happy, with someone special who knows the right way to treat her. He wants to be there for her forever. All those years of holding onto that jerk Shooting Star will be over.”

A sour look came to her face, tainting her bliss. She shook her head. “NO!” she said harshly. “He already did enough to ruin HER happiness. I’m not gonna let him ruin mine too.” She forced her mind back to her memories of her mom and Doctor Hooves, thinking of how their relationship had evolved, and soon enough she forgot about Shooting Star, capturing that happy feeling once again.

Feeling invigorated she hopped out of bed, ready to attack the day. She ran out of her room and towards her mom’s room. “Wake up, sleepy-head!” she cried out excitedly, but she saw her mom wasn’t there. “Hmmm. She usually always sleeps in on the weekends.”

“Down here!” came a voice from downstairs.

Dinky felt confused. The voice certainly didn’t sound like her mother’s. It sounded more like a male. “Oh, great. I hope she isn’t sick.” She sighed. “Can’t she ever catch a break?”

She raced downstairs. “If she is sick I’ll just have to take of her until she feels better.” As she reached the kitchen she yelled out, “GOOD MORNING, Maaaaaaa-ma Hooves.” It wasn’t her mother there, but Doctor Hooves.

“Good morning, Dinky,” he said cheerfully.

“Oh! Good morning, Doctor. How are you?”

“Great! And yourself?”

“Same here.” She let out a relieved sigh. “No wonder I thought my mom sounded like a dude. Are we going out for breakfast today?” She looked around. “Where is she anyway?”

“I don’t know.”

Dinky blinked in surprise. “You don’t know? What, did you just decide to pop in or something?”

“No.” He sat down at the table. “It’s the strangest thing. About an hour ago she woke me up and begged me to watch you today. When I tried to ask what was wrong she wouldn’t tell me. She only said it was extremely important and that she couldn’t bring you along where she was going. I tried to ask a few more questions but she just hurried me over here because she didn’t want you left all alone for too long and she said she didn’t want to miss her train."

Dinky felt a bit disconcerted. “She left town?” Her eyes drooped, that sunny feeling starting to evaporate as some tears came down her face. “Why would she leave without telling me?”

Doctor Hooves left his seat, walking over to her and wiping her tears away. He put a hoof around her as sat down, saying, “Don’t cry, Dinky. Whatever is going on I know your mother has her reasons. My best guess is that she got news that a relative was seriously injured or dead so she had to leave as soon as possible.”

Dinky sniffed. “I don’t know. She told me that she lost her parents in an accident, and she lost her grandparents already before that. I don’t remember her ever mentioning any other relatives she keeps in contact with. That’s why she’s been so reliant on me to help her through the bad times: because she didn’t really have anyone else to lean on.

“Maybe… maybe she just needs to get away from everything for a day. My mom is ecstatic that you proposed to her, but you were only at six months. Maybe she just needs to get away from the two of us for a little while so she can sort things out. She probably woke up panicking and decided some time away was what she needed, and she didn’t wake me up because she knew I wouldn’t let her go easy. I’d insist she talk to me about everything.”

He shrugged. “Well, whatever the reason we won’t know until she returns to us.”

Dinky felt more tears coming down her eyes. “D-Doctor Hooves?”


“Y-y-you… you don’t think my mom ran away, do you? Because she’s scared of getting married?”

“Now you hush, Dinky,” he responded, pulling her close. “We both know that’s just nonsense. Even if she wanted to run away from us getting married there is no way anything but death itself would make your mother leave you. Your bond is strong enough you should know that very well.”

“O-oh. You’re right. My mom wouldn’t leave me.” She hugged him back, nuzzling his chest a little.

“That’s right, Dinky. Now stop making trouble where there doesn’t need to be any. We don’t have to know right now where your mother is going, because we know there is no place she’ll ever return to except right back by your side. You’ll see. The first thing she’ll do when she comes home is call out your name, and you’ll run right to her and share a big hug.”

Dinky found herself grinning. “I’d like that.”

“That’s better. I like to see you smiling. No more tears now, okay?”

Dinky nodded, enjoying the contact. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“WHAT?” he said in surprise.

“Ah!” Dinky cried out as his body tensed, squeezing the oxygen out of her. She pulled out of his grip, gasping in breath.

“Oh, gosh!” Doctor Hooves said, rubbing his hoof on the back of his head. “I’m sorry. You just… I wasn’t expecting that.”

Dinky’s head was down, but her eyes were looking up at him. “W-well, you and mom are getting married, right?” Dinky pushed her hooves together, moving them around each other in small circles. “I know it hasn’t happened yet, but-but I never had a daddy. I mean, I know you don’t love me like you do her, but you’re not just getting a wife, right?”

Dinky’s eyes joined her head in looking at the floor, tears beginning to form again. “Well, you’re also getting me, you know? Because me and my mom are a team.” The tears began falling onto the carpet. “I’ve only ever had a mom all my life and I was okay with that, but now that she said yes to you two getting married I don’t want to wait until the wedding to start treating you like part of the family.” Her eyes going up again she asked, “Aren’t I worthy of your love too, or do you only care about my mom?””

“Oh, Dinky,” he said, tears forming in his own eyes. “Don’t be silly. Of course I love you too.” He sat down, putting his hooves out. Dinky immediately came to sit on his lap and he put his hooves around her. “I owe all of this to you in the first place. If you hadn’t pushed me to try again with your mother than none of this would have happened.

“I, well, I guess I just forgot I was getting a two for one special.

"Wow! I’m going to be a dad.” He slowly shook his head as he let out a big breath. “This is a lot to take in. But, Dinky… I know that we’re getting married, but that doesn’t mean you have to call me daddy. And I’m not saying that because I don’t want you to.”

Rubbing his hoof across his forehead he asked, “I mean, have I even earned that right? All I’ve done so far is try to take care of your mother. You’ve just came along for the ride because your mom didn’t feel comfortable being alone with me. This is really the first time I’ve ever spent any time alone with you.”

Dinky looked up at him. “W-well, this is the perfect time for us to really get to know each other then. You’re so wonderful to my mommy, and so I know you’ll be great to me too. You already started out good by holding me when I was sad and calling me over to sit on your lap.”

She gave him a big hug, nuzzling him again. “I don’t care that we haven’t done anything with just us. I love you because you make my mom happy. She’s been so joyful ever since you proposed to her. So I want to call you daddy, because I hope you’ll be perfect for me too.”

“I’ll do my best, but I wouldn’t expect much. I’ve never had any kids myself, so I don’t have any experience.”

Dinky looked up at him. “You’ll do fine! I know it. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. So long as I’m fed and I have someone I love nearby that’s all I really need.”

“Speaking of, I should probably make you some breakfast.”

“Sounds good. I’m hungry.” Dinky got off of him.

He stood up, asking, “So what are you in the mood for? I don’t know where you keep everything.”


“Pancakes? Umm, are you sure I can’t tempt you with some cereal, or toast?”

“No! I want pancakes!”

“Umm… ooooookay.”

“What’s wrong?” Dinky asked. He was just standing there with a lost look on his face.

“Well, this is embarrassing.” He awkwardly rubbed his head with his hoof, blushing a little. “I, um, don’t really know how to cook.”

Dinky gave him a sly look, sure he was just messing with her. “Yeah. Sure. Okay.” She kept looking, but he didn’t crack a laugh. The smile on his face was strained and self-conscious. “Wait, you’re serious?” He nodded. Dinky snickered. It was just a small one at first, but then it erupted into full-bellied laughter that made her full to the floor, kicking her hooves in amusement.

When she got her laughter under control she stood up and walked over to him. “Okay-hee hee-then. That will be our f-first-heh heh heh- father-daughter activity. We can make some pancakes together. It’s really easy.”

“You didn’t have to laugh at me. It’s not that funny.”

“Aw, don’t be upset at me, Daddy. I-” She stopped, letting out a little squee as she jumped in the air. “Daddy! I really like saying that. DADDY!” She squealed again, hopping in the air. “Dad-dy! Dad-dy! I have-a-dad-dy!” She jumped in circles around him, chanting her happy sing-song tune. “Dad-dy! Dad-dy! Dad-dy! I-have-a-dad-dy!”

Doctor Hooves felt tears coming to his eyes again as he saw how happy Dinky was to have him. His embarrassment faded as he smiled down at her. He felt he was beginning to understand what was so magical about children. Those with pure hearts, untainted by the evils of the world, were truly a wonder.

When she stopped her jumping she looked up at him, happy tears in her eyes. “Now I have a full set of parents, and you can come to my parent teacher meetings, and I can make you a special picture and breakfast in bed for father’s day. OOH! And I can brag about you to all my friends! Oh, this is going to be so AWESOME!” She was shaking with excitement, rapidly stomping her hooves up and down.

Doctor Hooves blushed deeply, a bit overwhelmed by her praise. It seemed being a parent truly was a wondrous thing. He swore to himself that he would do his best to be just as worthy of her love and respect as her mother. Dinky was just a child, but she needed love just as much as her mother to grow up right.

He didn’t know why, but it never really occurred to him that he was getting the both of them at once when he made his proposal. He had put all his thoughts and planning onto Derpy and how best to make her happy. Same with his plan to propose to her. He hadn’t given Dinky much thought since he knew that all she really wanted was her mother’s happiness. Now, though, he understood that Dinky was already looking to him to be the father figure she had never had.

The weight of the responsibilities already falling onto his shoulders humbled him. He had the chance to shape the way her life would go, and it went far beyond just his relationship with her. Dinky would also learn as she observed him with her mother. She had watched their relationship from the beginning, and if she saw their marriage go over well it would give Dinky confidence that, even if her first few relationships didn’t work out, that there was always another opportunity to find happiness if she only gave it another try.

The choices he made from here on were going to have a big impact on not just his own life and Derpy’s, but on Dinky’s as well. That knowledge made him feel like he understood just a little bit what being a parent was all about. That knowledge only increased his respect for Derpy, for she had taken full responsibility for the choice she had made that led to her getting pregnant.

Way back in the beginning he had asked Dinky how she would feel about him being her dad if everything worked out, and she had said she wouldn’t mind him at all. Now he was seeing it firsthoof. He owed it to himself and to Derpy to give everything he had to Dinky as well. After all, neglecting Dinky would only make Derpy upset, and would break his vow.

He still wasn’t quite sure how to be a father, but he thought it wouldn’t be all that different from his relationship with Derpy, just with less romance. He would start by learning about her and getting to know her better, being playful in the good times and stern during the bad; holding her when she was sad; talking to each other about their days. Gradually earning her trust. He had known Dinky for a long time, but he didn’t really know her personally. It was time to change that.

He only had one choice. He couldn’t have Derpy without Dinky. They were a package deal. This was the perfect time to get in some practice in learning about how to be a dad. He didn’t want to be like Shooting Star, who ran away from his responsibilities of ensuring his girl and his kid were well taken care of. He wanted to run towards his new family, and embrace what that would bring.

“Dinky,” he said, putting a hoof on her shoulder.


He sat down again, pulling her back onto his lap as he put his care for her into a hug and said tenderly, “I love you, Dinky, my beautiful daughter.”

Dinky melted into his hold, feeling a lump in her throat. She had been excited to have a stallion to call her daddy, but hearing him return the favor by calling her his child meant the world to her. It meant he wanted to be her dad. She sniffed a few times, her lip quivering before she hugged him tightly and broke down crying. “O-oh, Daddy! I love you, too!”

Doctor Hooves could feel her love through her hold, crying right along with her. Even more than before he understood how Derpy had stayed sane despite all her heartache and pain if having a child felt like this.

“There, there,” he said gently as he rubbed her back. “You don’t have to cry. You should be happy.”

“I-I-I AM happy. I-I always wanted a dad, but mommy never went looking for a mate. Now I have YOU, and I already know I don’t have to look anywhere else for a perfect dad. E-e-even though you weren’t a parent before you know just the right things to say.” She began nuzzling him again. “Me and my mom are both lucky to have you.”

“And I’m lucky to have you too. Now come on. I thought you were hungry.”

Her stomach began rumbling, and she giggled. “Yeah, you’re right! All that jumping made me hungry. Let’s work together, because together we can do anything.” She pulled away, full of energy once more.

Dinky’s horn began glowing, and several cabinets opened. She began pointing out where everything was, and he took the things out of the cabinet.

After they mixed up the batter Dinky went to the stove, turning the knob until the fire burst into life. While they were working Dinky just couldn’t sit still.

Getting out a pan she set it on top of the burner, and she poured out an equal mixture of the batter into the pan. “See. Pretty simple, right? Now you wait a little while until the top stops bubbling and you flip it over. Then you wait a little while again and you scoop it into the plate.”

“You’re pretty knowledgeable about this.”

“Well, me and my mom usually cook together. We usually make cookies, and that’s a whole lot of fun. It’s even more fun when we make cakes, because then I get to lick the bowl. Mmmm!”

He looked down at the pan, holding the spatula and just waiting for her signal. “Now?” he asked as the top had settled down.

“Not yet,” she replied, putting a hoof up. “You have to wait for it dry first.”

“Dry?” he asked, feeling more confused than before.

“Yeah. Once it stops bubbling you’ll see it start becoming a darker white. That’s the perfect time to flip it. If you try to do it before that when it’s not hard you’ll just wind up getting a goopy mess on the spatula.”

“Well, if you say so.” After about ten more seconds Dinky put her hoof down and gave him the go-ahead. He dipped the spatula into the pot, but he found the pancake tenacious. “Now what?”

“Silly. Let me show you.” She took the spatula from him, and did a back and forth motion and hit the pancake from multiple sides before it released its grip on the bottom and she flipped it over, then did the same with the other three in the pan. “Easy. Right? You really should learn to do this yourself, you know. I can’t believe you don’t know how to cook anything. I’m a filly and I know this stuff.”

He started feeling embarrassed again. “Well, I just never learned. It wasn’t high on my list of priorities. I can at least make toast.”

Dinky grinned up at him. “I think it’s wonderful you can’t cook.”

“And why’s that? So you can mock me?”

“Nooooo!” she said, giggling. “Because it gives us something to do together. The whole point of today is for us to get closer to each other, so I don’t really care what we do, so long as I get to do it with you.”

He was momentarily lost for something to say, so he just kissed her forehead and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Daddy.” She enjoyed the thrill in her tummy every time she said the word. It was really real. She had a dad, and he was there to stay.

After a little while passed Dinky scooped up the pancakes, putting them on a waiting plate. “I’m hungry,” she said, her stomach rumbling again as she smelled the food. “Can I start, or do you want me to hold your hoof through the next batch first?”

He let out a little groan, his face getting hot again. In as dignified a tone as he could muster he said, “I can handle it. It’ll be a cinch now that you showed me the knack.”

“Good.” Dinky rushed to the table, setting her plate down. She poured some syrup over her pancakes and began devouring them as Doctor Hooves made the next batch.

“Gotta get Derpy to give me some cooking lessons,” he muttered utter his breath. “I’m being schooled by a filly less than half my age.” To his relief he managed to flip the pancakes and serve them without any incidents until the batter was used up.

He couldn’t believe her appetite. She ate more than he did. He wondered if all kids had such strong appetites in the morning, or if Dinky was just special.

Once she polished off the last bite she let out a content sigh as she rubbed her tummy. “Mmmm! Now that was good.”

As she ran over to him he backed away. “Whoa there, sticky hooves!” But it was to no avail. She jumped up at him, giving him a big hug.

“Thank you, Daddy! That was delicious.”

“You’re, um, welcome, Dinky.” He gently pulled her away, feeling a few of the hairs of his fur come out. “Why don’t you go wash up before you go around giving hugs?”

“Okay, Dad.” She pulled a chair to the sink, standing on it as she washed her hooves off, using her magic to put the dishes in the sink. Humming a gentle tune to herself she started washing the dishes and silverware before drying them with a towel and putting them back where they belonged in the cabinets and drawers.

Doctor Hooves just quietly observed her. “It’s good to see you’re responsible.”

Dinky turned back to him, looking a little confused. “Why wouldn’t I be? If my mom was here she’d normally wash them, but since she isn’t I have to do it. Mom said that even if she didn’t have a lot of money she was going to make sure I at least know how to take care of myself for when I get my own house and my own family.”

She hopped off the chair and put it back in its spot under the table. “I used to fight her when I was smaller about doing these things, but I understand why she pushed me so hard to learn it. I feel like the way I act is a reflection of how other ponies will see my mom, so I try real hard to be on my best behavior so they won’t ever think she was a bad mother. I slip up sometimes, of course. All kids do that, though.”

“I see.” He gave her a tender smile. “You’re very mature for your age. Your love for your mother is obvious.”

Dinky hopped up onto his lap. “Why shouldn’t I love my mother? Even though we have our disagreements and got in tons of fights over the years she’s still been fantastic to me my whole life. I just think the best way to show my gratitude is to be the best I can be so she doesn’t have any extra things to worry about.

“And I guess I am a little more mature than most of my classmates. But you know my mom. She has a lot of problems and for the most part I was always the one she had to come to when she was down. Like I told her though I AM still a kid at heart. My mom is the adult most of the time, but when things get to be too much for her and she cries and feels depressed than I step up to be the adult for a little while until she gets past whatever is troubling her, and then I turn back into a kid.


“Y-yes?” he said, jumping a little at her sudden outburst.

“Speaking of being a kid, do you think we can go to the park to play on the playground?”

“Well, I don’t see why not.”

“YAY!” She hugged him quickly before hopping off his lap onto the floor. “I’m going to the pa-ark. Going to the pa-ark.”

He laughed at her jubilance as she did some weird moves that might be considered dancing.

When he got up out of his chair she jumped into it, then climbed onto his back. “Come on, Daddy! Let’s go! To the park! Away!”

He rolled his eyes, smirking as he asked, “When did I become your taxi?”

“Since you told me you loved me. You wouldn’t want to make me cry, would you?”

“That’s a dirty trick.” He laughed as he went to the front door, opening it and heading outside, closing the door behind him. “Alright, then. Hold on tight!”

“Okay, Daddy!” She tightened her grip as he reared back and then started running, giggling like mad all the while.

As they neared Ponyville Park he had to slow down as he began running out of breath. He panted as he took the rest of the trip at a walk. He was grateful to spy a water fountain close by, and he greedily drank down a few gulps of water, satisfying his parched throat. He wiped his forehead. “Phew. That was an adventure.”

“You said it! That was great!”

“We’re almost to the playground. Would you like to get down?”

“NO!” she said sternly. Adopting a regal tone she continued, “You would doth make thy princess walk? On this barren, parched desert path? How could thy heart be so cold, noble stallion?”

Doctor Hooves rolled his eyes again. “My apologies, milady. I would bow to you in reparation if I wasn’t afraid you’d fall off.”

“Very good, dear Father. Your heartfelt sentiments of regret are enough for me. Now let us hurry. Your princess grows dreadfully bored. That won’t go well on your performance review.”

“Oh, so now I’m being judged?”

“Are you questioning your princess?”

“Perish the thought.”

“That sounds like sarcasm. I don’t appreciate that.”

“Well, then. I guess if you fire me you’ll just have to look for another dad then, princess.”

It was quiet for a few moments, before Dinky finally responded, “Your princess forgives your error. She will give you more time to prove your dadly tendencies.”

“I am overwhelmed by your kindness, princess.”

“You should be. I don’t do this for just anyone.”

A few minutes later they came upon the playground. It was still early, so there weren’t any other foals hanging around just yet.

Dinky hopped off his back, dropping her princess shtick. “Come on, Daddy!” she said excitedly. “Push me on the swings.” She went off running, climbing onto a swing and grinning expectedly at him.

“Coming.” He got behind her, sitting down and using both hooves to pull her as far back as he could before pushing hard.

Dinky was a bundle of joy as he continued to push her every time gravity brought her back toward him.

When she got bored of that she went to play on the jungle gym, crawling around and doing little stunts as he clapped his hooves for her.

For over an hour she played around until she told him she wanted to go back home. As they made the trip this time Dinky walked next to him, telling him about her friends and school, and he got to know the side of her he hadn’t gotten to see. He had seen her school friends when they had all gone to the Apple charity drive, but he didn’t really know them on a personal level.

When they got home Dinky told him to sit down on the couch. She had something planned for him. She came back a short while later with some paper and a box of crayons. “Let’s draw stuff!”

“Draw?” he said, sounding a little bored already.

“Oh, don’t be a wet blanket. Bring out your inner colt. Drawing is a lot of fun. Or… maybe you don’t want to do stuff with me?” She put her lower lip out, pouting.

“Okay, okay. Just stop that.”

She opened the box, pouring out the crayons as she sat on the floor.

“Um… wouldn’t you rather do that at the table in the kitchen?”

She shook her head. “Nope! It’s more fun to do it on the floor. Just put a magazine under it to sturdy it up and it will do just fine.” With a glow of her horn she brought a few magazines over. Picking up a crayon she began making some lines. After a few seconds she looked up at him. “Well? Are you coming down here or not?”

After a couple more seconds he sat down on the floor on his stomach like her. He scratched his head, not knowing what at all to draw. He finally picked up a crayon and began doodling. Despite his initial reluctance he actually found it to be a fun experience once he loosened up and stopped being so concerned about making a masterpiece.

“See, you’re getting it,” Dinky said, noticing it when he perked up.

Minutes passed, and they were mostly quiet, nothing but the scratching of crayon on paper being heard. “Look, Daddy!” Dinky said after a while, lifting up her paper.

He grinned over at her as he saw it. Though it was crude he could make out the two images she had drawn. The first was of him proposing to Derpy, and the second was of the three of them together as a family. “That’s lovely, Dinky.”

“So what did you make?”

He felt suddenly shy, and his face became flushed. “It’s nothing. You’re probably gonna start making fun of me again.”

“I won’t laugh. I promise.”

“Well, just remember that I didn’t get a cutie mark for art.” He pushed his page over to her.

Dinky had to suppress the urge to laugh. He had drawn a car, some ponies, her mom, him with a crown and a scepter, and what looked like an alien. His drawing actually looked even worse than hers, and she understood his reluctance.

Dinky hopped up, grabbing the unwritten papers and using her magic to put the crayons back in the box. “I got another idea!”

“Hey! I was just getting into that. Can’t you do anything for longer than five minutes?”

“Time is time, and we don’t have a lot of it. I’m making the most of today. Now go sit on the couch. I’ll be right back with the stuff.” She ran out of the room, taking the paper and crayons with her.

Following her instructions he went to the couch, letting out a small sigh as he sat down. “Do all kids have such a short attention span?” he asked himself.

A minute later Dinky returned with a small saddlebag. “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” he asked as Dinky approached.

She set the bag down, reaching into it and pulling something out. “MAKEOVER!” she said excitedly, her voice trilling.

His eyes went wide, a look of horror overtaking his features. He hopped up as he saw the makeup in her hoof. “Nope! Nope! Nope! Uh-uh! Not doing it. No way, no how!”

Dinky pouted. “Please?”



“NO!” he said firmly,

“PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSEEE?” she begged, her hooves together as she gave him her best pleading look.

Doctor Hooves gritted his teeth, sucking on his cheek for a while before he said with great reluctance, “Allllrright.”

“Hooray!” Dinky cheered, pushing him back toward the couch.

Doctor Hooves groaned loudly. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“You’re gonna love it. I promise!”

“Why me? Can’t you do this with your mom?”

“Yes, but I wanna do it with you.” Dinky grabbed her bag, sitting on the top of the couch with her comb and spray bottle. Dinky sprayed his mane over and over until it was soaked, and then she began to comb it so it laid flat, beginning to style it.

Doctor Hooves groaned under his breath again. He had always felt that most parents seemed weak. He had thought parenting looked pretty simple from the sidelines, and he couldn’t believe how many times parents gave into their children when they put that certain pleading whine into their voice when they really wanted something. Now that it had been turned on him he understood just how hard it was to turn it down.

She hummed to herself, picking up some hair clips and barrettes. “You’re gonna look so pretty when I’m done with you.”

He let out a tortured laugh. “I don’t want to be pretty.”

“Not listening!”

Bit by bit he could feel his masculinity vanishing as she moved over to her bag when she was done with his mane. He didn’t even want to imagine what his mane looked like. She took out a bottle of hoof polish, and he had to fight the urge to run as she began to paint his hooves red. “Fitting,” he mused in his mind. “It matches my cheeks right now.

“It’s for her. It’s for her,” he kept telling himself, seeing how happy she looked. His mind turned to Derpy, and he began to wonder how she was doing. “I certainly hope you’re having a better time than I am right now.”


The train raced along the tracks, headed to its eventual destination. Derpy had no idea when it was going to arrive, but for her it couldn’t come soon enough and it couldn’t arrive slow enough. She looked down at her hooves, staring down at the picture she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off of since the train had taken off.

A voice came over the intercom. “We will be arriving in Fillydelphia in about five minutes. Repeat. Five minutes until arrival in Fillydelphia.”

Lifting her hoof she put it on her engagement ring, squeezing it tight as she closed her eyes. “It’s almost time,” she said in a strained voice. “Please, Doctor, give me strength today.

“It’s time to confront you.” She opened her eyes, once more seeing the picture of her prom night. “Shooting Star.”