• Published 20th Nov 2014
  • 26,166 Views, 515 Comments

Princess Celestia is Still in Your Bed - ocalhoun

It's hard to get rid of a sun goddess when she doesn't want to be gotten rid of.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Celestia patted the empty spot on the bed next to her and smiled at me, her eyes drooping sleepily.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding.” I stared at her, unable to come to terms with what I was seeing.

She just raised an eyebrow.

I turned and left the room. My head spun, and I stumbled a little. It almost felt like being slightly drunk. I shuffled my way over to the old couch and sat on it, flicking the TV on by reflex alone.

“The Obama administration still hasn't made any official comment on the disappearance of the sun.” It looked like Wayne had left it on Fox News again. “It's a major failure to respond on the part of the—”

I changed the channel.

“Repent, sinners! The day of judgment is upon us! The second coming of our Lord and—”

I changed it again.

A blonde reporter shoved a microphone into the face of some random person on the street. He shrugged. “It's gotta be aliens. The only explanation for—”

The camera swept over a grocery store in a frenzy. The shelves were already emptying out. A disembodied voice narrated, “Experts are still baffled at today's early sunset, but that isn't stopping local residents from preparing for the—”

The next channel was MSNBC. “... And we would like to welcome to the show global climate change expert, Doctor—”

The sliding door opened, and Wayne came in. He gave me a halfhearted wave. “Hey, guy.” Seeing the TV on, he looked over my shoulder. “Crazy shit, huh? Did they figure out what happened yet?”

I glanced back at the door to my room. “Uh, not really...”

“Well if you want to know my opinion, it was those god-damn—”

My bedroom door opened. Princess Celestia stepped out in all her royal glory. Her mane billowed through the hallway. She yawned.

Wayne stared at her. I could see his mouth making a silent 'the fuck?'

I took a deep breath — a very deep breath. “Wayne, this is Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia, Wayne.”

Celestia glanced at him on her way to the refrigerator, then opened it up and rummaged inside.

Wayne stared at her, occasionally looking at me through the corner of his eye. Every time he glanced my way, his brows became a little heavier. Finally, he ended up staring at me only. “Did you wish really hard?”

“No!” I stepped back. “I don't know why she's here. She's just here.”

“Because I know you like those pony things and—”

The orange juice bottle clattered to the floor. Celestia wiped her lips with a hoof. She stared at Wayne for a moment, glanced at me, then looked back at him. She wiped her mouth again. “Greetings, Wayne.” Without waiting for any response, she turned and headed back into my room.

“Um... Hi.” Wayne stared at her until she disappeared, then whirled on me. “What the hell, man? No pets, remember!”

“Hey, she's not a pet!”

“Then what the fuck is she?” Wayne pointed back toward my room. “Because I sure as hell won't—”

Celestia came out again.

I glared at Wayne. “She's a Princess of Equestria... from, uh, a cartoon.”

Her Royal Highness went back to rummaging in the fridge.

“Are you looking for something?” I asked.

She looked back at me, the fridge still wide open. “Why is there no acceptable food in this house?”

I walked up and looked over her shoulder. There was a pack of sausages and a tupperware filled with burrito meat of dubious vintage... and not much else. “Uh, I'll cook something in a little while.” Even though her visit was unannounced and uninvited, it didn't seem right to deny her.

“So who, exactly, said she could stay here?” Wayne pressed uncomfortably close. “And what the hell is she doing here, anyway?”

I groaned. “I don't know, okay? I just got home and found her here a few minutes ago.”

Wayne rolled his eyes, but they stuck pointed at the fridge. “Hey!”

Wincing, I turned to see what was happening.

Celestia stood in front of the fridge. Both the fridge and the freezer were open. She held a tub of cherry chocolate ice cream and a spoon in her magical aura.

Wayne stomped. “That's mine!”

Celestia froze for a moment and looked at him, the spoon still sticking out of her mouth. When nothing else happened, she resumed eating.

Wayne turned and glared at me.

“I'll get you a new one.” I waved him off. At least she hadn't drank his beer — then he'd be really pissed. Or, I hoped she hadn't drank his beer. I strode over to Celestia, trying to be as imposing as I could. It didn't seem very successful; she was much bigger than me, after all. “Princess, we need to go over some ground rules.”

“I am not bound by your petty mortal rules.” She took another bite of ice cream and smiled.

“First of all, you should only eat your own food. And, um, you probably need to get your own place once we can find you something.”

She took another bite of ice cream, savoring it obscenely.

“I mean it!” I waited in vain for a response. “If you don't follow the rules, I'll have to kick you out.”

She snorted. “As if you could.”

I grit my teeth and rubbed my hand into my face.

“Relax.” She rolled her eyes and grinned at me over her tub of ice cream. “I'm only banished here for a week.”

I raised an eyebrow and shut both doors of the fridge. “Were you banished for stealing others' food?”

“No, for making a move on my niece's husband, Shining Armor.” She took another bite and grinned. “He's totally into me.”

“You should know better.” I held my face in my hand. “Whatever. I'm going to bed.”

This could all wait until tomorrow. I headed into my room, locked the door behind me, and quickly changed into some more comfortable clothes. At least the bed was warm... and it was dark, so I wouldn't have to contend with the usual struggle to fall asleep with sunlight coming in the window. Breathing a sigh of relief, I flopped down into the bed.

I heard the slight sound of pony magic, followed by my lock clicking open.


Before I could react, the door popped open and Celestia jumped into bed with me. She grabbed me and snuggled up like I was some kind of teddy bear.

I struggled, but strain as I might, I couldn't get free. She was terribly strong. I could smell the cherry ice cream on her breath over my neck.

The door was still open. I could see Wayne peeking at us from outside.

I groaned. How was I going to explain this to my girlfriend?