• Published 6th Dec 2014
  • 8,059 Views, 337 Comments

The Cosmic King - Theyellowninja13

A teenager with the powers of a god get sent to Equestria. But his enemies are just as powerful, and the world is constantly put in danger. Can he save the ponies from himself and his enemies?

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Chapter 46 - An Anniversary

"I'm surprised to see you up and moving, Connor." Celestia spoke. I smiled, and gobbled down a few more pieces of fruits.

"Well, I am the Cosmic King of Crafting. Building a Neural Spine Replacement was as easy as taking a few pieces of metal and some electricity." I respond, smirking as I finished off the rest of the fruit in the bucket I was holding, and put it down on the table, before walking over to Celestia. "I need you do something."

Celestia raised an eyebrow, and took another sip of her tea. "What is it?" I smiled, knowing that she trusts me enough to not question when I ask her to do something.

"I need you to keep Luna away from the ballroom for most of today, and at 7pm, bring her there, with both of you dressed up in nice dresses." I respond.

Celestia looked curious. "Can you tell me why?"

I leaned closer, and whispered in her ears. She spat out her tea, and I quickly altered all the molecules of it while it was in midair, turning it into a gas, where it dissipated. "Do you think you can do it and keep this a secret? I mean it has been a while."

Celestia picked up a napkin in her magic, and dabbed the small amount of tea off of her face. She sighed, before looking up at me and smiling. "Anything for you two."

I smiled back, and teleported out of the room just as Luna showed up.

I appeared in the middle of Ponyville as a bunch of purple energy, before forming into my regular body, and quickly ran through the town, and found the place I was looking for. Sugarcube Corner. I entered, and walked up to the counter, where I discreetly gave Pinkie Pie a piece of paper. Pinkie grabbed it with her mane, and looked at it, before gasping loudly. I quickly shushed her. "I need supplies, and some help, but I want to do most of the work. Understand?"

Pinkie nodded, and used her hoof to literally zip her lips with a zipper. I smile, and walk out of the building. Nothing can ruin this day.

Right as I thought that, a huge monster charged out of the Everfree, and started attacking the town. I sighed, and snapped my fingers, causing the monster to teleport back somewhere into the Everfree. Seeing as that problem was out of the way, I quickly made my way to my Ponyville house.

A smile on my face, I opened the door, and walked in, only to stumble, as a huge pain seared through my brain. I grunted in pain, and grabbed a nearby wall with one hand, and my head with the other.

"LET US OUT!" A voice... no several voices screamed in my head.

I fell to the floor, grasping my head, as the voices started screaming. Through the pain, I tapped a few buttons on my arm, dulling the sounds of the voices.

Breathing heavily, I stayed on the floor for a while, trying to figure out what was that. I wasn't in peace for long, as another voice whispered in my head.

"You abandoned them."

My eyes shot open at that voice. I started laughing. "You think you scare me?! Just because you're hiding behind those other voices?! I'M TRYING MY BEST TO GET HOME! I've tried everything! I'm narrowing down the search radius universe by universe until I find it!" I took a deep breath, before shaking my head, and getting back to what I was doing.

I walked up to my room, and looked in my dresser, before looking through my various clothes I had in there. "Let's see here... no on the eighties stuff." I pushed the majority of the clothes away. "Not going to wear the Gala suit again. A bunch of regular clothes. Ah, this will do." I pulled the outfit out of the dresser, and gave it a good look over. "Yep. This will do. This will definitely do." I glared at the fourth wall. "Shouldn't you be somewhere and somewhen else now?"

I walked into the ball room, smiling at all the decorations. The banners and everything revealing what the party is for are covered, and the... waiters? Butlers? Servants? Whatever they are called, they were putting the finishing touches on the party, putting down the foods, setting up decorations with a space theme. Why a space theme? You're an idiot. I'm the Cosmic King so my job involves a lot of space, and Luna is the princess of the night, where you can see stars and space and stuff. I also noticed that some of my directions were followed, and a bucket of weapons are on the eastern wall.

I heard familiar hoof-steps, and turned around to greet Celestia. "It's looking pretty good. Does Luna know anything?"

Celestia shook her head. "It's been hard keeping her in the dark."

I chuckled. "She specializes in the dark!"

Celestia sighed. "The guests will be coming soon, do you plan on getting changed?"

My eyes shot open. "Crap!" I quickly rushed out of the ballroom and entered my room. I looked at the small pedestal, and took a good look at my suit. "Yep, pretty suity." I spent several minutes putting it on, and checked myself out in the mirror. "Looking good." I looked at my arm, noticing the rough look to it. I sighed. "I gotta clean up my arm for this."

I pushed a secret button on one of the walls, and a small shelf full with different styles of my arm for different occasions. One of them has flames on it, for when I'm doing... never mind that. I grabbed the sleek design model, one that is good for social outings. Gently pulling off my arm, and replacing it, I felt the familiar feeling of a system check.

Everything was good to go, and I hid my arm collection again. Glancing over at my windows, I noticed a bunch of moving bright lights coming from the ball room. "Time to party."

I was chatting with some people in the ballroom, waiting for Luna to show up. Luckily, I didn't have to wait for long.

"Now introducing Princess Celestia!" The announcer or whatever yelled out, and Celestia in a beautiful dress entered the room. She briefly noticed me, and we shared a nod, as she walked to the opposite side of the room from me. That way less people will distract Luna and I. I watched with a smile as Luna walked in, looking absolutely stunning. "And her sister!" The announcer semi-yelled, as he mumbled under his breath about hating Luna. Suddenly, the announcer acted like he was kicked in the balls, and then kicked again, and again, and continuously until his balls eventually broke, and he was sent to a terrible hospital where he got terrible treatment and several diseases.

Luna has a sad look on her face at the fact that she still has haters. But her look quickly changed when she saw me, and quickly and gracefully ran up to me. I gently grabbed her, and gave her a small peck on the lips. "Connor? Do you know why this party is being held? And why I'm wearing a very special dress for this?"

I just smiled. "You're about to find out. Stay here, I gotta do something." I quickly walked up to the stage, and got the music to stop, before taking the microphone. "Hello everyone, yes I said everyone, because I'm not racist. But I suppose you're all wondering what this party is for." I heard several ponies agreeing with that. "Well, wonder no longer!" I pulled a small rope next to me, pulling all the covers off the banners. "Today is the anniversary of Princess Luna and my wedding! But not only that, it's also the anniversary of when I was created!" I yelled, and I noticed a lot of surprised looks from the ponies as they looked over at Luna with wide eyes. "Now, will the special lady come on up?"

Luna nodded, and slowly walked over to the stage, where I got off, and grabbed her hoof gently. "May I have this dance, madam?"

Luna giggled. "Yes you may, good sir." I smiled, and I walked her over to the center of the room, where we quickly started doing one of those slow ballroom dances. Thank.... well I can actually literally thank God of that, as he was the one who learned how to ballroom dance, so the knowledge passed down to me.

We danced for several minutes, with several other couples starting to dance around us. "I can't believe I forgot about this." Luna spoke, a smile on her face.

I smiled back. "Well, it has been a thousand years. I've had a thousand years to make this absolutely perfect." I leaned it, about to give her a long kiss, when suddenly a purple blur ran by, grabbed Luna, and blasted a hole in the wall.

"Haha! I am a villain! I am stilling the princess for money! Don't any of you stop me or I'll kill her!" The purple figure said, restraining the screaming Luna, and flying to the top of the mountain Canterlot resides on.

"NO!" I yelled, and quickly running over to the wall, where I put the barrel of weapons that luckily didn't get knocked over. I grabbed the first one I could, as I didn't want to ruin my suit fighting with my fists, and this model of my arm has very little weapons and powers. Weapon in hand, I jumped out of the hole, and landed on a higher part of Canterlot castle.

I quickly spent a second looking at my weapon. "Energy spear? Nice. Now time for some music." I snapped my fingers, and then music started to play.

I gritted my teeth as I quickly started jumping up higher and higher, before I finally came to the top of Canterlot Castle and I stabbed the spear straight into the mountain, and used it to climb. I climbed for what felt like an hour, but it was more like 15 minutes maybe.

When I got to the top, I saw Luna stuck to a giant metal pole, and the purple kidnapper eating some cheese cake. I was about to ask if I could have any, but I bit my tongue. "Give my wife back you villain!"

"Never! FOR I AM EVIL! HAHAHAHA!" The villain laughed, and I charged forward, quickly spearing him to death. "OH NO! I AM DYING! HAHAHAHAHA!" He fell to the ground, dead.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I dropped the spear, and walked over to Luna, undoing the straps, before she tackled me, kissing me heavily. "Thank you! He was going to force me to eat an infinite amount of cake until I was as fat as Tia!"

I grabbed Luna in a hug. "Don't worry, I'm here. Now let's get back to the ball." She nodded, and we quickly flew down, and I fixed the damages before continuing on with the party.

As everyone was leaving, Luna quickly pulled me away for another kiss. "What's say that we go up to my room, and continue our party there? After all, there is one thing as a married couple we have yet to do." She said in a sultry voice, and I felt some fear at the thought of the act, having been raped as a child and been afraid of the subject since then.

I gulped, and nodded. "You're right, we should." We teleported to Luna's room to continue the party.

"Good job." A voice spoke up on top of the mountain, and the fallen purple figure got up.

"Why are you thanking me? I am you after all." The purple figure walked up to the main voice, and was quickly reabsorbed.

"Well, you preformed admirably after all. A bit cheesy, but I guess that's always who I am." The mysterious figure chuckled, before looking at the moon, and then turning around and looking at the fourth wall.

"I am Cosmic King Connor. I planned this part from the beginning. It was all for kicks. No secrets here. I just wanted to do something funny and cool for this anniversary of both my marriage and my creation as a story. And my author's account is also one year old today as well. So I guess this is a... nah, that would be pretty boring to do something that cheesy." Connor said.

Author's Note:

I feel like I can start writing again, as I was in no mood to write for a while. But lately I've been playing a game called Undertale. I've been spending a lot of time in it. I've already completed the neutral and pacifist runs, now I'm working on genocide. (Sans is sooo hard to beat. I got so close but ran out of healing items).

But yeah, I decided to make this chapter, as it's been one year since I got my Fimfiction account and posted the first chapter of The Cosmic King. That was back around when I'd write about a chapter a week. The rate I've been publishing chapters has changed (hopefully I won't be doing the once a month things) and I remember when I was posting chapters like once a day. I wish I could do that again, but I felt like that is what caused me to lose inspiration for writing (I still had ideas for every chapter, but I couldn't bring myself to write them).

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