• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 1,816 Views, 46 Comments

Lovely little Tyrant - Zarius9998

Pfft, no such thing as tyrannical love, right?...right...?

  • ...

Would you like a side of Questions with your Confusion Platter?

"I do not care wh...ah, er." We shook our head, recollecting our calm and steeling Ourself for the confrontation ahead, "We do not care what currently plagues Celestia, for it will not deter our goal to help her." We took a deep breath, reinforcing our already steeled walls as a hoof was raised to knock on the door before us. Of course, a wandering servant-pony passed by and gave a curt bow, asking if We needed anything, then, noticing that We seemed nervous, asked what was wrong.

We waved her off and explained that everything was fine, and that We just needed to talk to our Sister about some of her recent behavior.

"What's wrong? What did she do?" The servant now seemed really worried, but We quickly lied, explaining that it was just some Sisterly conflict that would be sorted out shortly.

She nodded in understanding and moved on, stopping to wave with a smile before turning the corner. We also rose a hoof to wave back with a bright smile of our own...

But the shattering on the other side of my sister's door made us freeze.

But only for a moment! Quickly, the massive doors were flung wide open with a burst of magic and we bolted inside, horn ready and glowing to defend our dear sister from whoever was attacking her...or even from herself if needed.

Of course, one must have expected our...ah, confusion when all we found was Celestia sucking on her hoof. Well, at first, anyway.

"Wra! Wroona! Whar wrrr ooeer?"

Our sister...was talking...with her hoof entirely stuffed in her mouth...

"Er, sister...the hoof?"

"Wher weerrrf?"

Spittle started dribbling out onto her chin while she—so we assume—tried to grin sheepishly.

This definitely was...odd, to say the least.

"Please...do take your hoof away..."'

She did not even budge. Just...continued to stare with that awkward and somewhat loopy, hooffull smile.

Clearly, something was amiss. Er, aside from the hoof sucking, of course. We mean...why was the floor sparkling?...

OW! And sharp!? Wait...

Our eyes widened in realization. Glass on the floor...our face staring back at me in a dozen different portions and positions...yet all retained one constant: A look of shock, despair, and anger.

Almost growling, we gently slid Celestia across the floor two feet to the right to find the large mirror which had once beautifully reflected her room now lay in shatters—literally—with it's framework bent to hell.

Ah, excuse our language...

And yet...still with the sheepish smile, but now her bloodied hoof was out of her mouth and held slightly raised off the ground as a few crimson droplet tricked down.


Celestia remained silent for quite some time, unmoving. The only actual sign that she was not a statue, and that she was thinking, was the smile which slowly faded into a nervous frown.

After waiting for what must have been at least fifteen minutes, We pressed on, "What has caused such...such irregular behavior!? Why are you so...confused?"

To this, she immediately answered.

"Discord says it's because of you."

I gave a double take, wondering why WE were being blamed.

"Wha-wait." Did she mention Discord? "What do you mean, 'Discord says'?"

"He has been ou-er...My therapist." she prodded the small puddle of blood beside her with the same hoof which created it.

"Well there is your problem!" We shouted, catching a quizzical look from our sister as we flared our wings and stomped a hoof, "He is a monster! And crazy himself! He-!"

"He is not a monster." We stopped, our sister's sudden, and blunt, statement immediately puzzling us, "He is...what he had to be."


She continued on without pausing to hear our probably nonsensical confusion

"And so is...was, Chrysalis..." She suddenly smiled, though it didn't seem like the kind of smile which resonated happiness. It was more...nostalgic, with a sense of ironic regret.

"And...I guess...so was I, or...so will I be."

Everywhere...everywhere I turned, more confusion, more questions! With Chrysalis, she claimed that there was much I had yet to learn about Celestia and Her.

And now Celestia was speaking about secrets, which, if We were figuring correctly, all revolved around Our very own foalhood...conspiracy theories! We hate conspiracy theories...so much confusion is always involved!

"Will...will you tell me what happened? What started this whole...ah..." We just couldn't bring the word to mind which would explain the whole situation. The mind was too busy melting.

"Debacle? Catastrophe? Failure?" Celestia suddenly twitched. It was small and quick, but not hard to miss, "A catastrophic failure is what this is!" Her demeanor suddenly changed entirely. Instead of seeming meek and confused, she now seemed angry, and very, very fearsome.

The semi-glowing eyes and suddenly smoking mane reinforced this.

"Ah, s-sister! Calm down!" Guess We could add bipolarity to the list of things very wrong with our sister...

"She has to be removed..." She suddenly turned to us, her teeth gritted in a fearsome snarl, "I swear, Luna, everything will be explained, but not until She is ended. It is, after all, entirely Her fault that I had to do what I did."

I stepped backwards, taken aback by my Sister's sudden ferocity. She is ALWAYS calm...the last time I saw her anything close to as threatening and angry as this was from a glimpse of a memory when The Nightmare first took over.

"Just..." For a moment, her expression softened, "Please...stay out of this. You don't need to see what's behind every veil."

Before I could properly react her expression hardened into dark determination and she stormed out of the room to accomplish whatever it was she seemed to think would fix her...

Wait...who is this 'She' Celestia was speaking of?