• Member Since 8th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 13th

Dark Star the Crazed

I am the Boogeyman, punisher of naughty children and the older brother of Krampus. FEAR ME!


"Do you swear to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand?"
"I do."
"And never to share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work?"
"I do."
"And to do so from now until death – whatever the cost?"
"I do."
"Then we welcome you into our fold, brother. Together we will usher in the dawn of a New World. One defined by purpose and order. You are a Templar. May the Father of Understanding guide us."

This is the Templar Oath, an exchange of words my friends and I wished to take part in. A world of peace through order and purpose, an idea that we wished to see be made reality. And after going to a video game convention dressed as all of the Templars from the Assassin's Creed game series, finding real Pieces of Eden, which we thought were fake, and getting sent to a humanized Equestria, we may be able to do what we wish, bring complete and utter peace and order to a world.

I am no longer Johnathan Gideon, the Assassin's Creed Fanatic. I am now Haytham Kenway, former Grand Master of the Colonial Rite, and one of the current Grand Masters of the Equestrian Rite. Together

Pegasi and alicorns keep their wings, unicorns and alicorns channel magic through their hands and earth ponies keep their strength.
This is my entry to the LoHAV/LoHAH-Verse.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 25 )

It was a good start, no grammar issues that I saw, and the characterization made sense. Bit of an issue with the pictures though, it seems lazy to me and I personally would rather read a character's description than have to load a wiki page to know what the guy you're writing looks like. That, and the bit at the end makes no sense whatsoever, though it looks to be one of those things that are explained in exhaustive detail in the next chapter.

Both group Templar and Assassin are actually based on real life but the role are a bit different and they don't if rarely met each other...Also, I somewhat like the Templar in ACIII, they are creating a new order but they are also trying to save the native from being driven out of their own land. They also have quite a few solid points in their argument...like about only privillage white men can vote....stuff like that.

5392799 I had this discussion with my borther and we concluded that the pair of us would probably be Templars rather than Assassins. We also think that Connor is esentially being used by the Assassins as his actions are really doing more harm than good to the colonies.

5392952 Eeyup.
It is as they say:"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." It certainly have much deeper meanings then how others interpreted them. Both real life and in-game.

Dang dark what a way to surprise me. So your in the animus and reliving this in the story? Great. I just know when I get to that point it will be interesting to see how I interact with haythem when you get my token.I'm going to send the rest I got so far of my own displaced story I got so far. I'm currently working on chapter six.

I wonder how they ended up in Equestria, plus the story is very good, please continue.

Hayman and Shay Pat (who I have nicknamed to remember) are the coolest looking out of the bunch. I don't like tracking stories, instead I just use the classic favorite, but with this story I don't really know, i'll just track it. And I won't remember anyone but Hayman and Shay Pat. I already have trouble remembering things like this especially since there are like multiple main characters, so Hayman and Shay Pat will do.

About using links to show you what they look like, I can not describe people (facial and physical features) or clothes from three centuries ago. I can only describe modern clothes.

5404779 Hmmm... Okay, I can understand that. I actually have the same problem with furniture.

Well, you have my like and favorite, Definitely hoping this story continues.

May the Father of Understanding guide you, Xzsamzilla

will this go into technology advanced humans from the first civilization vs magic and alicorns? Maybe something vs discord

What? :rainbowhuh: Is... is this just a simulation of a memory?

Time stopped before the world turned into pixels and disappeared.

So confused, is Rainbow Dash an assassin who was using an animus or was that some special effect fade out to add drama? If the former, why would she (or her future descendant) go back to that memory?

Well...things has just turn for the rather...dark

Though, personally...I wouldn't want to be neither the templar or assassin...I'd want to be a dark templar...
*Random though of line* "The Void calls."

5721875 Okay, that makes much more sense, thank you.

oh god i didnt no that desmond had a memory sequence like this in his head welp shit god help us all

For some reason twixie sounds so cute. Not the ship the name. Whenever I try to say it it sounds like a 4 year old is saying trixie...

It would have been awesome if the guys who were the templars were in linked animus'.

And one chapter would be them outside of it in the future. To bad that wouldn't happen in this story...

I mean I've played the fourth and seen unity and most of the games you start out working for the templars. It's not a stretch that some templars work with uncovering memories... Haven't seen any other assassin's creed black flag and unity...

Although the company (forgot its name.) Usually I only saw people in on the templars business in high security clearance.

When are you doing more of this?

Hello author can you please update this story soon I want to see why twi joins the Templars.

What, none of the Caribbean Templars? I would have thought you would have put people like Torres, Du Casse, and Rogers in here.

I shall assume that this is dead in which case I’ll also assume this is up for adoption. Go nuts people.

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