• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 1,835 Views, 42 Comments

Duty Calls - Blue Tunes

Shining Armor's personal journal. Preserved by the Royal Archive for historical importance.

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Chapter 3

From the Journal of the late Shining Armor, Captain of Princess Celestia’s Own Royal Guard and Husband to Her Majesty Princess Cadence. 972-1034AL

This is a transcript only. Preserved for historical value by The Canterlot Royal Archive.

4th of February in the year 987

Dear Diary

I suppose all good things have to come to an end eventually. Ma and Da didn't ground me this time, so I'v been free to do anything I 've wanted all day this past week. I started up a gym membership and keep bumping into this massive white stallion (literally sometimes, he's so big he takes up half the gym). He introduced himself as Roid Rage (seriously, who names their child that?) and he seems nice enough, if a bit enthusiastic.

But now Da is saying that I can't just do what I want all day, and that I need to get a job. I tried telling him that I need to spend my time training to be a guard, but he didn't buy it. What can I do though? Apparently my special talent is protecting people, but I AM only 15 years old. It's not like I can just walk up to the nearest guard station and ask for a job, right?


5th of February in the year 987

Well, it's not like I expected it to work or anything. Guess I'll go back when I'm 18 then.


7th of February in the year 987

Dear Diary

Of all the jobs I imagined myself doing back when I was a foal, I don't think that being a Pizza Delivery Pony for 8 bits an hour was one of them. I guess it IS paid work, and they WERE the only place hiring. I still look like a complete idiot in this bright orange uniform though. Ah well, at least the running makes for a good cardio workout. I guess this is my life now.


20th of February in the year 987

Dear Diary

You learn a lot about the area you live in on pizza rounds. First of all, you never truly realised how many drunken parties there are each and every night until you deliver pizza to the majority of them.

Secondly, you can never really understand how strange ponies can be until you deliver a pizza to a hens party. Those mares literally have no shame.

Last but not least, you make connections thorugh the job. Captain Argent, the local guard commander is a regular customer, which can hardly hurt my chances when I eventually apply for a guard post. Unless I buck up a delivery I suppose.


2nd of April in the year 987

Dear Diary

I can't believe it. I've dreamed about this for my whole life, and it actually happened. What's more, it was Twily who made it happen. I knew that she was advanced for her age, but to attract the attention of the Princess herself?

I talked to her. Just for one moment I was the object of her attention, and it was the single most amazing thing I've ever experienced. When she asked after me I told her that my one goal was to become a guard. She smiled at me and told me that she looked forward to seeing me among her Own. I don't think I ever truly understood the role of a Royal Guard until now. I've only spoken to her once, but I know that I would give my life for her. I just I hadn't been about to go on shift at the time, talking to royalty while dressed in an orange Pizza Delivery uniform was one of the most disconcerting things I've done.

Twily is going to be receiving private tuition from the princess from now on. I'm so proud of her, but I know that it means I won't see her as often as I otherwise would. My little sister is growing up, and it's weirding me out.


20th of June in the year 987

Dear Diary

Got the letter from the Junior Cadets camp today, and it looks like I'm on my way back again! I really can't wait, I've been writing Val for the past year, but she lives all the way out in the Eyries of the Griffin lands, so we haven't actually seen each other for almost a year. She and Blues are just about my only real friends beside Twilight, and Blues has school five days a week, so I guess I've been kinda lonely recently.

I really hope that Val will be there again this year. She said in her last letter that she had put her name down for the exchange, but that the instructors might pick another griffin instead.


16th of July in the year 987

Dear Diary

I am officially an idiot for leaving my journal at home.

Val was there again this year! I almost didn't recognise her; apparently when griffins reach a certain age the feathers around their eyes darken, and I almost walked past her before she stopped me.

Camp was great, pretty much the same as last year, but with more advanced combat training and harsher punishments for messing up during drills. That run would have been hard enough without the saddlebags full of rocks...

But more importantly, Val is moving to Canterlot! Apparently her father landed a job as the Griffin Empire's embassy to Equestria. That was the first time I've heard her mention family, and I get the feeling that she doesn't like her father that much, but it does mean that I'll actually have someone to hang out with while Blues is in school.

I only just got home and I'm completely knackered, so I am off to bed. Damn I've missed this bed.


3rd of August in the year 987

Dear Diary

So, Val's family moved in today. They're staying at the Griffin embassy, which means that I won't exactly be allowed to visit, but on a brighter note, it's just a short walk away. I introduced Val to Blues this afternoon, and they seemed to hit it off just fine, which I'll admit I was a little relieved to see.

More good news; Griffins don't generally have secondary schooling, so Val's free to hang out whenever. Thank Celestia, I thought I'd go stir-crazy during the day. Val seemed pretty interested in the gym, apparently we've got quite a few things in common.


4th of August in the year 987

Val thinks the Pizza Pony uniform is hilarious. Twily agreed with her... Traitor.


5th of August in the year 987

Dear Diary

Ma and Da didn't like it when I told them that Twily was hanging around near Val. I don't know what their problem is, they say that they don't think of griffins any differently but they were fine when it was just Blues, Twily and I in the group. I love my parents to bits, but I've realised that speciesism is a reall problem with a lot of ponies, now that i've come to see it for myself. Maybe it's a generational thing.


7th of August in the year 987

Dear Diary

I was hanging out with Val today when we were jumped by Loose Cannon and Hotrod in the park. I was ready to go another round with them both, but I didn't even need to say or do anything this time. I'd mentioned the incident with Twily in one of my letters to Val, and when she realised who the two colts were she flew off the handle! It might be a Griffin thing, or it might just be Val, but that girl is a force to be reckoned with.

Both of the other colts left with bloody faces, and bruised egos. When she turned back around and saw the look on my face she just said that "anyone who hurts someone weaker than them for fun deserves no more than the scars I'll give them". Talk about awesome one-liners.


23rd of December in the year 987

Dear Diary

Twily was horrified when Val told her that griffins don't usually celebrate Hearth's Warming, so much so that she decided to "fix it" and invited Val over for lunch that day. I must say that I'm looking forward to it, though Ma and Da seemed a little concerned with having a griffin over for lunch. I suppose they still don't know Val all that well, but it's a bit rich of them to worry about her diet like she's some dangerous animal from the Everfree. They've started to relax around Val recently, but there's still some distrust there. Hopefully this lunch will change their minds about her.


25th of December in the year 987

Dear Diary

Sweet Celestia I don't think I've ever been so embarassed in my entire life!

We opened our presents before Val came over; I got a years gym membership from Da, the biggest box of chocolates I have ever seen from Ma (that's probably what the gym membership was for) and little Twilight gave me my very own... book of course. Protect and Serve is a collection of life stories from old guards and guard captains, and looks like a book I could enjoy. Da liked the new lighter I bought him for his pipe, Ma enjoyed the new earrings, and Twily was very happy with 21 Intermediate spells for the budding sorcerer.

Val got here around midday, and for a little while it was awkward, but after Ma and Da got stuck into the wine they started to loosen up a little. Ma did quiche, coleslaw and pumpkin pie for lunch, with pudding for dessert. They both seemed suitably chastened when Val dug into the food without a problem, and things were much more relaxed from then on.

Then, it happened. Da (who'd polished off the best part of a wine bottle by this time) stood up, looked Val in the eye and apologised for being so rude and presumptious. I was happy, my parents approved of my friend and learned from their initial stereotyping. Then he told both of us that he approved of our relationship and said that he had no issue with the two of us dating.

Yeah... that was awkward.

Looking back on it though, Val's expression WAS pretty priceless. There were about five seconds of dead silence before we both started laughing. Val's a great friend, and some[strike]pony[/strike]one I consider myself close to. But definitely not in that way.

Well, I've set myself off laughing again. Time for bed I think.

Comments ( 19 )


awesome chapter. Val seems really cool. and of course Twilight got him a book. :twilightsmile:

Just read it all, nice, I love how you captured his younger years, tracked + liked. :pinkiehappy:

Cant wait for the next update.

This is really good!

Man that was awsome. i liked how you came up with this idea:pinkiehappy: never have i thought that this coule be so good. keep it up Tracked +liked +faved:heart:

Ha nice one.

The last entry was hilarious! :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh: scranton.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw4631-OOOOOOOOOOO.jpg
Can't wait for more! I loved how Shining got his cutie mark from protecting Twilight from those bastards!


I want... nay, I NEED more!

Just one thing... Racism technically isn't the correct term in this context. Speciesist would be more accurate, since a Griffin isn't a pony-race.

:rainbowlaugh:That last entry killed me.

Damnit, I've picked that up on other people's stories cecause it bothers me too, how did I miss it in mine? :derpyderp2: Fixed, thank you.

Wow, I logged in this morning and had over 70 notifications? What just happened?
Seriously though, thanks for reading guys. I've got exams in a couple of weeks, but even so I plan to put out chapters faster than this one eventually made it out. I've also submitted to EqD with crossed fingers. Can't hurt to try, right?

Except you dont.

loving this fic still, cant wait to see more.

Last exam is tomorrow, after that I'll focus on getting more material out.

Any guesses on when you might be continuing this?

Color me intrigued!

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