• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 830 Views, 10 Comments

Heart's Song - NFire

When Dinky wakes from a terrible dream, what's a mother to do?

  • ...

Heart's Song

Power and majesty are not given to those that assume it,
but found in the humblest of souls.

Night Fire

The little grey mare rested comfortably on the cushion as she sat out on the balcony of her house in Ponyville. A steaming cup of dandelion tea sat on a small saucer, accompanied by a fresh muffin, baked that evening by herself. Dinky was tucked safely in bed, and she took this time to enjoy the warm breeze outside. It was a comfortable evening, and the day had been long.

Placing her head on a foreleg, happily dozing in the warm night, Luna’s moon shining full and bright this evening, covering the town in a soft, shimmery silver coat. She smiled to herself, loving her neat little house, the joy that being with Dinky brought, and her friends, so many of them she’d made.

The blond mane ruffled a bit, the slight breath of air cozy and refreshing, bringing solace. Her wings stretched, catching each puff in the feathers, massaging the days cares away from her body. She watched the ponies below, doing last minute shopping, or heading to their own houses for a well deserved rest.

An ear pricked up, hearing something inside the house for a moment, before drifting lazily forward, joining her in her rest; the world, for the nonce, in a tranquility from the busy day. A languorous feeling stole over her as the summer heat sank into weary bones, convincing enough to close her eyes just a bit, maybe she could take a quick nap before going inside.


The one word brought her head up immediately, swiveling around, looking for the source, but already knowing as a parent does. Off the cushion she came with a sweep of her wings, diving into the hallway and bursting through into Dinky’s room. The door slamming back with a bang, her eyes searching the room before concentrating on the small form, sitting up in her bed, clutching a pillow tightly in shaking hooves, tears flowing from wide eyes like a crystal waterfall.

Sweeping down and covering the small form in her wings, feathery warmth surrounding the tiny body as she ran a hoof through Dinky’s mane, hushing softly, telling her it was alright.

“I had a bad dream mommy!” The little voice cried in fear, “You left me and I couldn’t find you!”

Mismatched eyes glowed in the soft light from the candle in the room, taking in the shaking little unicorn, the hooves tightly clutching her chest, the tears that broke a heart.

“Never you mind that muffin, I’m here, you won’t lose me.”

The sobbing slowed, then stopped to an occasional sniffle, a little fore leg wiping wet eyes, the other clutching the hair on her mother’s chest so very tightly. Dinky shivered, letting a bit of the fear leak away.

She leaned into her mother’s chest, nuzzling and feeling safer now that her mommy was near, face tilted up to give the larger Pegasus a look that broke her heart all over again.

“I woke up, and couldn’t find you, and...and.. you were gone.!”

She ran a hoof down Dinky’s mane, stroking up and down her back gently, using the sounds that come instinctively to all mothers, hushing her fears away, reassuring that mommy is there now, and would never be far away.

“I am never far away my little one, not at all, I will be close by always.”

“You promise mommy? Always?”

“Always little one, now why would you ever think I’d leave you?” Her voice soft with concern, wanting to find out if there was an underlying fear that would be causing this, some worry maybe?

“You left, ‘cause...'cause I just can’t get my magic right, nothing ever works, so you left!”

The tears trickled down Dinky’s cheeks again, soft diamonds rolling downhill, they pattered onto the sheets of the comfortable bed.

Oh, that’s it. But her loved one was very young, and as mothers know, the frustrations can build to fears in the night. Taking form and shape that make foals tremble with fright.

“You’re still young muffin, you have lots and lots of time to learn things right. You just have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you!” She leaned down, nuzzling the little form in her arms, wings wrapped tight around her. One hoof slipping in and tickling Dinky’s tummy slightly, forcing a small giggle through the hiccups.

She could still see, through the tickling, nuzzling and giggles, that the worry was real, and it would stay unless something was done about it. Racking her mind, the pretty pegasus thought of a plan, just something for Dinky and her alone. Gently she unwrapped her little one and wiped the tears away from the small face one more time.

“You wait right here, mommy will be right back, I promise, no more tears alright?”

The little face nodded, but the eyes are the windows to the soul, and her mother could see deep down the loathsome nightmare that had become reality, was lying in wait to pounce her pretty one.

“I will hum while I’m looking for something, so you can hear me while I’m away, that okay with you?”

Dinky nodded again, and with one last hitch of her breath she replied, “Okay.”

Sweeping out of the room, humming a little song, loud enough for Dinky to hear back in the room, she rummaged through a chest, looking for the.. There! That was it! In one jump and swoop, was back in the room where her frightened child still clutched the pillow.

She took the pillow smoothly from her daughter’s hooves, making sure one wing was always around her daughter. A single hoof making quick work securing a set of straps that lay across her breast, leaving room for just one little figure; that person being lifted up and set into place against her mothers front, the straps snugged, keeping Dinky in place, leaving her own hooves free.

“I know it’s been a while since you had to use a little foals seat, but let’s be safe huh? We’re going to go flying.” She grabbed her daughter’s scarf and knit cap off the table nearby, setting the bright purple cap in place on her head, and the thick scarf was hung loose around her neck.

“We don’t want you to get cold, even though it is summer do we?”

A sniffle, then a nod against her chest, “No mommy, I’m warm.”

One last nuzzle as she walked down the hallway, back out to the balcony, her beloved carried forward on her chest, safely strapped in for flight. All thoughts of a nap gone, the muffin and tea would wait, forever if need be. There was only purpose to tonight, taking care of her dearest. She looked up into the sky, whispering to her Dinky, “Are you ready?”

“Yes mommy, ready!” The voice stronger now, less hitching of breath, no sniffles, Dinky loved to fly.

With that assurance, she leapt into the sky, smoothly fitting into the winds as the trim body broke into the night, slashing the velvet darkness with skill and speed. Her wings caught the zephyrs, forming them to will and thought, leaning left, then right, gaining speed and height. They were an extension of mind and body, all one, turning and twisting in the softness of the evening, the air practically grabbing them, lifting in its embrace.

She paused, flapping them slowly now, looking down on Ponyville from above. Checking for problems she looked from left to right, making sure no one else was in the sky, no dangers around, nothing to spoil this moment.

“Here we go!” They dove, the speed rippling her hair back, a face of determination shown through as she pulled up, cruising along the rooftops of the town, zipping and whipping along the streets, high enough to be safe, but low enough to give Dinky that little bit of thrill.

One ear caught Dinky yelling out in joy as they tore through the sky, looking like they would almost hit something, but with a flip of a wing, dodged just in the nick of time. At least it would seem to her daughter, the mailmare knew exactly how high and low they could go and gave herself extremely wide margins.

She was peeking out of the foal seat now, looking down and ahead, yelling directions to her mother as they flipped and rolled along the rooftops. People below smiling a bit as they glimpsed the grey mare and her daughter zig-zagging above the streets, pure glee on their faces.

She punched her wings downward, slipping into the sky once more to replay the flight. Dinky was laughing out loud now, waving small hooves in delight as they lifted high into the sky. Derpy flipped on her back for a moment, looking down at Dinky as she returned the gaze with a gleeful grin.

Lost in each others eyes for the moment, she touched noses with her daughter, “I love you SO very much muffin!”

Dinky hugged her mom as best she could through the foal seat, “I love you more than anything!”

She mock gasped, looking scandalized, “Even more than Mr Cake’s double chocolate fudge ice cream?”

Dinky had to think about that for a second, “Welll....maybe not that much?” She peeked out from under her cap with an impish smile.

Her mother laughed out loud, “Well, that’s okay then I guess.." putting on a fake pout.

“Gotcha Mommy!” Little fore legs wrapped around her neck, “I love you more than that even!”

Peals of merriment rang out in the sky again, mother and daughter hung for a moment hugging each other, oblivious to below and above.

The land of Equestria is magic, the air extant, the earth breathes. It is, and always will be for eons, an instrumentality that reaches out, touching some, touching none; but always searching for a pure heart, the kind soul, that which makes all of existence worth being. When it does find one, it grants them a moment in time, a bit of simple joy for all to see and remember.

The blonde mailmare felt that touch, light as a whisper, seeping into her mind. An unbridled passion arose inside, filling her brimful with delight as she stared at her daughter. Her heart felt like it was bursting, her mouth opening in surprise as..

She sang.

Her spirit lifted by a power unknown, it washed away her fears and troubles, leaving only the cleansing melody. The urge to share it with the world.

High and clear, a soprano voice lifted above the town, filling the night time with a song that chased the shadows away, cobwebs of the soul dusted and gone forever. The notes, strong and crystalline, wound their way through the town, under roofs and into hearts.

It was an aria for the ages, singing that arose against the silence, pushing it away, working from a calmato into a towering crescendo and back, the music heard by all who were on the streets. Words of hope, of love, a life well lived, a day well done. These all came flowing from a mother who held her daughter tight to her breast, rising into the air, a ballet of sounds that assaulted the ears with a passion never heard before.

The words didn’t matter, it was what hid behind the song, the meaning clear to the ears perked, faces upturned into the night to see a single pegasus; a dancing pony, an opera of wonderment performed just for them, her voice beckoning to them to rejoice!

Mother and daughters coats, usually a light grey, shot into brilliant glorious colors, covered in a halcyon dust that wafted off them, leaving a trail in their wake. It drifted down, far below as she gamboled into the evening. Her lullaby working it’s magic on her little one, lulling her to sleep even as it reached new heights. Wings held aloft as if the winds themselves were holding tight, capering along with the little mare.

The golden glow followed along her path, streaming from her mane and tail. It glimmered like the finest gems, covering the town under a blanket of glistening jewels, sparking with luminescence whenever it touched a pony. A sense of peace pervaded the buildings and streets as they watched silently, their inhabitants in the streets now, looking upwards or leaning from windows and balconies.

Derpy was oblivious to everything, nothing consumed her more than little Dinky, the love of her life. She held on tight, nuzzling her even as the notes erupted in revelry from her, covering them both with it’s harmony. Singing to her precious foal, leaping in the air as if possessed, trying to breach the walls that held her to the earth.

She smiled at her beloved, the descant attaining new highs as Derpy reached out with one hoof, pushing upwards to be framed by a golden glow, a sphere of purest light that surrounded them both, outlining her against the velvet skies. It spun and wove, encompassing them both like the finest ribbons of silk, a cocoon of sound and glorification of their love for one another. Sending it out to any and all who would share.

Luna looked over to the town from her balcony, seeing a trail blaze through the air, leaving a blanket of light upon the land. She had never seen this before, and summoned her sister, who joined her in amazement as they watched the dance. A twisting helix of sound and light reaching them, even as far as they were, causing them to lean against one another, closing their eyes and listening with all their might.

Far beyond, in the Crystal Lands, the princess awoke in her bed, feeling a love so powerful it shook her to her core. Smiling to herself, she kissed her husband, and lay back upon the pillows, delighting in such a wondrous fire that burned so bright.

Derpy felt as if she could touch the stars, reaching a lofty height, pausing to be silhouetted by the moon behind as she stopped for a brief second, hanging there for all to see. Her wings outspread in the moment, showing all who could and would see, a singular glimpse of a mother holding her daughter tight, storming the heavens themselves.

A golden sphere surrounded them, streamers of pure light and magic, weaved a tighter skein before suddenly exploding into an incandescent beacon dripping stardust, falling to the ground below as the glow filled the air. Sunrise had come early, and with it the amber, honeys and warmth of the new day! The countryside awash in the luminous coverlet of purest joy made real.

The grey form slipped through the air once again, diving downward to pass along the streets and fairways of the town, showering the goodwill behind them. The townsponies were enraptured by this voice of unadulterated love. It cleared their minds, their souls, leaving them fresh as newborns, touched one and all. They closed their eyes, listening to the otherworldly lullaby, swept along in the exultation and calm.

Coming to their home, the clarion voice died to quiet whisper as her hooves touched the wooden planks of the balcony. The words still clear and sharp, as she set the sleeping Dinky down on the soft cushion and lay beside her. The warmth of her wings around them both, Derpy put her head down beside the most cherished pony in all the world, closing her eyes. The song ending to a new silence, pushing away the nightmares for tonight and weeks afterward, the mother and daughter visiting the summer lands of rest together.

The glow faded slowly, the dust gone now, the brilliant colors that covered them rippled and worked their way out, leaving the light grey coats once more. A happy soul at rest, along with the apple of her eye. While beneath the balcony, along the streets and homes, the town stood in silent awe, at the manifestation of the love that was shown, for her town, her friends, and her daughter by one humble mare.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I was tired of tragedy and darkness, so rejoice shall we?
Inspired by RyanDan's song "Tears of An Angel" I took the song to mean a mother singing to her loved one that she'll never leave. So I think it worked. Hopefully, you did as well.

Originally a script for an animation, funds and circumstances prevented it, so I rewrote it.
Here's to you Mom and Dad, I miss you every day.

Comments ( 9 )

Cuteness like this shoud come with a warning label :pinkiehappy:

5297513 But I looked I swear! No cute tag dangit :twilightsmile:

This is not cute. This is so far beyond cute that it is not even in the same universe. This is at a level that it represents another element.

5439908 Thank you very much for that comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it, honestly :twilightsmile:

5512940 You are very welcome! :pinkiehappy:

5604987 Thank you for the kind compliment :pinkiehappy:

I only wish I had the resources and skill to animate this, it would be the best.:derpytongue2:

5663586 Maybe one day!:twilightsmile:

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