• Published 1st May 2013
  • 7,699 Views, 199 Comments

Faster Than Light - Jet Howitzer

An Astronaut finds himself quite a long way from home... Quite a long way indeed.

  • ...

Chapter V: A Measure of Resolution

The human’s weeping didn’t last as long as Twilight thought it would, and soon the human was just sullenly looking at the ground, his frame slack and yielding to her persuasive motions. Yielding didn’t imply swiftness, and it took Twilight the better part of five minutes to get him moving back towards the library. His pace was glacially slow, and every step seemed to come later than the one before it, delayed more and more by Abderus’ emotional state. The six mares formed a loose circle about the human, nearly unconsciously seeking to protect him from the outside, and seeking to keep him from departing once again. Even Twilight was only barely aware of what she was doing, her mind too consumed with trying to understand what Abderus was thinking, and the rationale that would prompt his actions. The biggest fear that Twilight had, during the walk, was that somepony would come out onto the street and witness the strange being now in their midst. While they had taken kindly to the presence of all manner of strange beings in the past, she was worried that harboring a predator might be going just a bit further than her status would let her.

Thankfully, the walk passed by without incident, thanks, in no small part, to Pinkie’s unnaturally natural ability to seemingly detect whenever somepony was approaching. Due to the fact that they had hidden themselves more than a dozen times the trip from town square to the tree took nearly half an hour. How Abderus managed to avoid detection during his brief trip baffled Twilight, but she knew better than to look too deeply into matters such as this. The human didn’t object once to his treatment, gentle as it was, for the entire duration of their trip back. Honestly, though, the human’s complete indifference was beginning to concern the alicorn, as he hadn’t even acknowledged the fact that he’d been spoken to several times during the walk.

Upon entering the library, though, he went immediately to his room, not saying a word to anypony. Before Twilight, or any of them, could do something, the human reemerged from his room with several pieces of parchment and a quill clutched in his hands. Without a word he began writing quickly upon the sheets, ignoring the presence of the seven others within the room. Twilight was the first to approach. “Abderus, are you okay? What are --”

“Math. Abderus talk later. Math now. Important.”

“Oh.” Twilight looked at her friends, desperate for some kind of suggestion on how to proceed. When none was forthcoming, she looked back at the hunched over biped. “If you need anything, feel free to ask. We’ll be here for the time being.” The human didn’t even look up, and Twilight felt just a tiny stab of disappointment at being ignored.

Twilight was gently dozing on the couch when she felt something gently prod her soft belly. Her eyes cracked open slowly, letting in the dim light of the full moon. Abderus was sitting beside her, his eyes bloodshot and blotchy spots marring the area beneath his eyes. As the mare’s mind caught up with her body, she felt a stab of fear when she realized that she was fully exposed to the machinations of the predator. The fear nearly vanished after just a heartbeat when she remembered that Abderus had yet to show any true signs of malicious intent. Save for one outburst that was just a bit provoked.

“Math done.” The human pointed to a sheet of parchment with a number circled several times. It took the mare several long moments to figure out that the number was in the human’s own numerical system. She had spent some time looking at it, and it took her only a few minutes to translate it into the Equestrian counting system. As the number took shape in her mind, she was baffled by what the human could possibly be doing with such a large sum. With more than fifty digits, in base ten, the number was a good bit longer in the base eight system favored by Equestria. As she looked at the mathematics presented she was overwhelmed, understanding only a tiny bit more than half of what was being shown to her. The pilot seemed fairly insistent in showing her what he had done, and that she should understand. He pointed to one of the many numbers on the parchment, and then he lowered the paper, and motioned for Twilight to follow.

She did so, with only a bit of concern, until they entered Abderus’ room, where she saw several dozen pages littered about the room. Abderus grabbed several sheets with just a line on them, and then he laid them out. He pointed at them, and spoke a single term in his own language. The human held up the pages to his arm, holding them there, and gesturing several times along the length. It took only a moment of the gesture for Twilight to understand the human’s meaning. The distance he had drawn out was a special unit of measure for him. As she looked at the distance, the number that Abderus had shown her took on some small shred of meaning. She looked at the page again, trying to now put it into a unit that she understood better than the one the human had shown her. As the figures rolled in her mind, converting from one division of length to the next largest she quickly ran out of lengths that had any meaning in Equestrian society.

“Abderus, that number you showed me... Why di --”

“Not done, Twilight. More.” He held out another page, this one with a new number on it, far larger than the previous one. “Time.”

“Abderus, I don’t understand. Nothing could be this old. Even Equestria itself isn’t this old. The Sun isn’t even this old.” She looked back to the distance, and then, again, at the time. “Abderus, I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at. We’ve already covered that you know how to do math. And that your math is more advanced than mine. Or, at least, more advanced than I can readily understand.”

“Abderus far from home. Abderus gone from home long time.” The human paused for a moment as he furrowed his brow. “Abderus alone.” The mare just looked back at him, trying to understand, when, in a burst of clarity she looked, again, at the numbers. The human just watched the mare as she finally understood just what the human was going through mentally. The mare opened her mouth, but the human shook his head, killing her words before they could be given life. “Abderus...” He shook his head again, anger flashing across his features. “I want go... I want to go home. But... But I have no home.” Once he finished speaking, he fell back onto his butt, and then he just looked down at the paper he held in his hands.

Twilight hadn’t seen that one in particular, but she was still trying to truly absorb just what the human had just told her. “I’m sorry.” The human looked up at her for a moment, before returning his gaze to the paper. “Abderus.” The human looked back up at her, his eyes brimming with tears.

“Abderus scared, Twilight.”

Several days came and went, and Abderus learned the language rapidly, his vigor seemingly coming from desperation. He devoured the books that Twilight threw at him, completing the first several years of a foal’s education in just two days. His grammar and pronunciation were still abysmal, but he was making great strides. Most of his free time, and he had plenty, was spent poring over the single sheet of parchment that he refused to show to anypony. Not out of spite, but an unwillingness to divulge what he declared wasn’t ready yet. Both Twilight and Spike had walked in on him crying several times, and each time he composed himself quickly, refusing to talk about what he’d just been doing.

One week after the incident, Abderus finally seemed to have come to terms with his new home, and his requests to go to his ship came less and less frequently. They never stopped, and he’d mention it at least once a day, but a week after his emotional collapse he’d nearly cut himself off from Spike and Twilight. It was around noon just nine days after his collapse that he finally looked towards Twilight and started a conversation.

“Sorry about.” Twilight nearly dropped her lunch at the sudden words, and she only just recovered her food before it hit the floor. “I acted like dumb. Want say sorry. Not pony fault.” He brooded for a moment. “Not Abderus fault. Earth fault. But Earth far away.” He began rubbing his hands together, and he quickly pulled them apart, probably realizing that it was a nervous habit. “Angry at Earth, but can’t be angry at Earth. Instead, angry at pony. So, I say sorry.”

“It’s okay, Abderus. You’re somewhere totally new, and different. It’s understandable that you’d be angry and scared.”

“Not scared. Wrong word. Some scared, mostly... Worried. Not right word, but close. New words, new place, new peo... ponies.”

Spike stopped eating, too, and looked towards Abderus as he slowly put his thoughts together. “It’s cool, Abderus. Nopony thinks any less of you because of what happened to you.”

“Spike is right, Abderus. It’s perfectly fine. Really, I’m amazed that you’re doing quite as well as you are.”

“Human do well under...” He paused for a moment. “Fancy word for hardship. Many problems.”


“That. Human top of food chain on Earth. Made it there through brain. Not fastest or strongest. Smartest. Durable. Walk for days, no rest. Durable. Example. Pony run from human. Human walk to keep up, and pony keep running. Days pass. Pony always run, get tired. Human always walk, keep up energy. Pony stop running, too tired. Human capture, kill, eat. Not you, only example.”

Spike and Twilight looked at each other for a moment, and then Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes, but, you also eat vegetables, and fruits.”

“Eat anything. Humans walking sewer. Filled with many many bacteria. Body fight itself to stay healthy. No flower, but much anything else.” Without thinking Twilight levitated over a pad and a quill, quickly taking down notes as the human talked. This was the most she’d gotten from him in days, and she didn’t want to let a thing go by. “No magic. Only trick.” He paused for a moment, and then gestured towards the paper Twilight had. She quickly ripped off a piece, and then held it towards the human. He drew quickly, a few images, and then showed it to Twilight and Spike. The dragon got the message first, and ran from the room. He returned moments later with a deck of cards. “Humans make trick with cards. Very impressive. Will show, later.”

“What’s brought this on, Abderus? Why do you suddenly want to talk to us so much?”

A chuckle escaped the human, and he put a hand on his face before reaching into his pants pocket. He withdrew a piece of paper, and Twilight recognized it as being the sheet he’d carried around all the time. “Abderus not good at talking, but very good at learning. Can not read paper, but can show paper.” He moved it towards Twilight, and she glanced at it for only a moment before recognizing the human’s own interesting alphabet. “Not Equestrian.” He flipped it over, and there, written in what looked like perfect Equestrian was the message, translated. “Hard work, but worth it. Last call from home. Make Abderus even more special.”

Twilight slid the sheet over, and she began to read the page aloud, so Spike might hear it. “‘It's been 250 years, Abderus, and we finally managed to work it all out. We know what went wrong, and we know why, too. Not that it will do anything for you. By the time this message reaches you, humanity will, likely, not exist. This message was sent from Earth at the fastest speed we can produce, and that’s just over three billion times the speed of light. Our best estimates fail to come even close to identifying how far you went, but we know which direction, and that's enough for us. Although it will never really matter to how you live your life, we wanted you to know that you didn't sacrifice it all for nothing. Your mission allowed us to learn from our mistakes, and we now ply the space between the stars with an ease that betrays how much effort went into it. We're not jaded, though. The FTL drives aren't like cars. They're each a marvel of engineering design. Your name lives on in our society, as both a hero, and an event. The Abderran Jump is named after you, and is the first test of each ship's FTL drive. You're a hero, Abderus, even if you never know it. Admiral Hayes did buy you that beer, and it sits atop your tomb, unopened, waiting for you to come back and have it. We'll keep the lights on, so you can find your way home. Just be sure to lock the door when you come in. Godspeed, Abderus. All of humanity is behind you.’”

“Like I said. Abderus even more special.”

Twilight looked at the page, and while she understood what it said, the full implications were so beyond her that she just couldn’t quite fathom it. She looked up from the page, and towards the sadly smiling human. “I’m sorry.”

“Not purple pony fault. Not anyone fault. Home is gone. So, make new home. Long ago, place on Earth destroyed by massive space rock. Before Abderus born. People killed. Others not dead. Not dead humans move on. Live life. Sad, but not beaten. Make new friends. New homes. New everything. Abderus must do the same. Even if different from Abderus, more the same. Talk. Think. Feel.” He reached out towards the mare, and gently wiped a tear from her cheek. “Cry. Outside very different. Inside, too. Meat for me, not you. Bad joke. But in mind, Twilight and Abderus same.”

“Spike?” The dragon tore his gaze from the human, and looked at the princess. “Tell the guards they won’t be needed anymore.”

“You sure, Twi? Just because he’s saying all of this doesn’t mean that he’s all better.”

“That’s true, Spike. But I don’t think that he needs to be guarded, or to be warded against.”

The dragon frowned for a moment, but then nodded. “Alright, Twi. I’ll send a letter to Princess Celestia.”

“Twilight trust Abderus?”

“I do, Abderus. You may be different on the outside, but on the inside, in your mind, we’re not that different.”

The human fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat for a moment, and then he pulled out a new sheet of paper. It looked familiar, and after a moment Twilight recognized it as being a page from a story book. One that she’d given to Abderus last week, and that had vanished. “Broke book. Sorry. But page made me feel bad. Read earlier today, many many times. I decide I want change.” He pointed at the page. A single word on that page. “Abderus want friends. But, now, Abderus not know where to start.”

Author's Note:

This is just something to cover a period that I tried to write more than a dozen times. Rather than cover the entire period where he learns the language, I am moving to a point where he can communicate, but not necessarily perfectly. I don't plan on having further time jumps from here, so keep that in mind. Also, I just wanted to get a chapter of this out, since this tale isn't dead yet.

Comments ( 43 )

I like the chapter. Take your time on these chapters, make them good, don't rush. We can wait.


Hopefully we can get future chapters from his point of view, so we won't have the baby talk thing going on.

This was a wonderful, though admittedly short, chapter. But damn, he learned a lot of Equish with rapacious speed! My guess is that English is a ridiculously convoluted language compared to Equish, which therefore makes it easier to learn in comparison, or that Equish's grammar (the whole subject-verb-object thing and placement of adverbs and adjectives) happens to be identical to Enlgish.

I'd like to see a description of what the language sounds like. The description doesn't have to be anything too lengthy, a handful of flavor text like "Lot's of th's and s's in Abderus' language" every once in a while. Another thing I’d like to see is Abderus’ notes at the end of each chapter detailing some trivial aspect of the pony language or culture. Take this for example:

Common phrases:
Base English word/ phrase ----------Pigeon script ----------pronunciation ----------Direct Translation ----------Modified meaning

Give up/ submit ----------yzqgr vgwv wr -----------Eez’thore voev oo’er ----------Give it away ----------Ready for sex
Wait, what?! ----------er , uT ayN folkil ----------Ayer, uts ah’een fallkil ----------(imperative ), start to say ----------Open mouth (reference to feeding [on info])

Also, I really like how Twilight is playing the role of consoler in this story. It's half a wonder I haven't heard her say something like “The farthest a pony can ever travel is from here to here,” demonstrated with a quick touch of the head then a quick touch of the heart.

Good idea you've got here, keep it coming.

I like where you're going with this so far, I do. If I had one complaint it would be to exchange

By the time this message reaches you, humanity will, likely, not exist.

with 'By the time this message reaches you, humanity as you know it will no longer exist.'

A type 1 civilization, like the one humanity is crawling towards currently (and the one that humanity in this story has probably reached by this point, if not come very, very close), is almost impossible to completely wipe out, simply because of it's sheer scope. It is widely believed (and for good reason) that if we ever reach that near mythical status, that humanity's continued survival will have been assured.

The exception to this is, of course, evolution; whether naturally or artificially we will change, humans millions of years from now will only resemble humans in the broadest of senses, if at all.

I guess I just find it depressing how many people think humanity is just going to crap out and die one day. I mean, look at how long life on Earth has existed so far, barring an extinction level event I think we got plenty of gas left in the tank, even when you're measuring time on a cosmic scale.

I apologize for wasting so much of your time on what is, essentially, a nitpick; I just get a little carried away sometimes. :twilightblush:

In any case I've enjoyed reading your story so far, and like the interplay of emotions you have going on; I'm also curious to see where the main character goes from here. Since we've only seen 4 out of 6 interact with Abderus so far, I look forward to seeing him meet Fluttershy and Rarity formally.


By the time this message reaches you, humanity will, likely, not exist.

Yeah, this bit made me go "What."
Especially since it was followed up with them telling him how humanity is now an interstellar civilization.

On that note: Why can't anyone swing by to pick him up by now? Surely the tech has improved significantly, and even if it hadn't they've had plenty of time to send someone after him.

Of course, it wouldn't be the world he knew, but... well, it'd be better than nothing. Especially since they probably didn't expect him to find a habitable world filled with friendly sapient ponies. Or maybe they did, I can't remember.

Awwww, poor guy.

Shit... so humanity as he knows it is gone. I don't think he's come to terms with that just yet, but, now that he wants to make friends, he'll have someone to help him through it when he does.

4186059 They only have a vague direction of where he went. Even being off in their calculation by half a degree, or even half a minute, will send them off course by thousands if not millions off miles. Without knowing exactly where he went, the odds of finding him are astronomical. For once, no joke intended there.

that was awsome cant hold my glee for the next one.

Well, that explains Abdeus' sudden bout of intense sadness. Good chapter.

Took you long enough, I was really missing this. Seriously though, I'm just glad you updated, I can't complain about the time frame.

Looking forward to the next chapter. Happy writing.

Main trouble with going faster than light is the time dilation. Go far enough and the universe passes you by.

Physics is a bitch.

Glad hear story is no dead. Me need to hear more pony story.


Abderus traveled at 2.926 times ten to the forty seventh times the speed of light for thirty three hours, nineteen minutes, forty seconds. Giving a rough total distance traveled of approximately 1.2×10^34 times the diameter of the observable universe. The message that Abderus received was traveling at 3 billion times the speed of light. Using some quick mathematics, we'll see that, for Abderus, only a day and a half has passed. The rest of existence has enjoyed about 2.7×10^25 times the current age of the universe. No civilization could possibly exist for that long, since it is at the point where nucleons start to decay. There is, effectively, no matter in existence at this point. Only loose particles moving about in an infinite expanse of nothing. There is no humanity at this point, since there is nowhere for humanity to exist.

This is, of course, assuming that we never find a way to reverse entropy. If we can reverse entropy, than this is a whole different ball game. But I'm working under the assumption that we can not reverse it.

Wait, what? But... Equestria? The universe clearly still exists, so... what?

And if the answer is "He's in a different/the next universe", I see no reason why the rest of humanity could not have done the same thing once they realized that the universe was, well... dying.

So... what the hell happened? Did our species get a collective idiot ball and/or death wish?


Abderus traveled a sufficient distance that he passed from our universe into the expansive multiverse. Through dumb luck he happened upon one that just so happened to be habitable. This new universe just happens to be the one in which the ponies reside.

Humanity couldn't repeat his actions, because Humanity still had to fight wars, and explore their own galaxy. I never said that humanity was alone, and it is for that very reason that they never make it beyond the bounds of the Milky Way. Alien life abounds in the UTA universe, and it is a tough lot that we are dealt. Also, we know now the universe is dying. It's called entropy. It's just such a long shot that humans would be able to find Abderus, that it's not even worth mentioning.

Okay, maybe they wouldn't have been able to find him, but they certainly would have been able to escape the universe's demise. They clearly have that capability, and by the time he ended up on Equestria they would've had it for a long time. That's plenty of time to vastly improve the tech or at the very least just fire billions or trillions of colony ships blindly.

As for humanity never exploring beyond a single galaxy: Again, they've clearly had that capability for a very, very long time. There is no reason that nobody would ever bother to do so. Furthermore, with regards the the "death of universe via entropy" thing, all it would take for humanity (or transhumanity or whatever you want to call what we become) to survive would be a single ship, either a colony ship of some kind or even just one outfitted with cloning tech or (in the even that humanity goes all Singularity) filled with mind-uploaded humans or transhumans or what have you.

It shatters suspension of disbelief that nobody ever bothered to do an incredibly easy, simple thing to at least have a chance at surviving the end of the universe, much less travel to a different galaxy.

Okay, fine, they might not find Abderus for a really long time, but
1. Time travel is a thing in the MLP universe, and I find it hard to believe that multi-billion year old multiverse-spanning humanity wouldn't have been able to figure that out.
2. Humanity would have advanced so far in that amount of time that what we would consider ridiculously difficult now would likely be trivial for them by now.

That means that the real problems are
1. There's a possibility that humanity collectively forgot about him.
2. Humanity as it is by this point in the story probably barely resembles the humanity Abderus knew, if at all.


It's not quite as simple as you make it out to be. Abderus' ship was a colossal mistake on the part of humanity that created repercussions beyond the scope of just Abderus being royally fucked (The literalness of that play on words will become apparent later in the story). And, also, you need to keep in mind that humanity spends much of the next few hundred years at war with other races. And, eventually, is killed off by another. Just because we can move FTL doesn't mean that we're omnipotent. Just look at the Halo universe, from which I drew some inspiration. They can move faster than light, but they can't even get beyond their galaxy (Forerunner tech doesn't count.).

Now, let's just assume that we did send a ship out into the wild yonder, with the intent of settling another galaxy. Would you be willing to spend the next few quadrillion years doing nothing while you travel to the next universe over? What if it was a tenth of that time, at a hundred trillion years? It's just such an absurd scope of time and space that it's unfathomable to our minds.

And, now, as a further assumption, let's say that humanity, did find Abderus. And they quickly deduce that he's only experienced 1.5 Terran days. He's so far behind humanity by that point that they'd have no reason to interact with him.

Still seems like a hell of a cop-out to say: "yep, humanity got wiped out off-screen. Because, reasons.". Especially since it doesn't make any damn sense give what we've seen of humanity's capabilities in the fic so far.

They can move faster than light, but they can't even get beyond their galaxy (Forerunner tech doesn't count.).

Humanity very clearly DID manage to get beyond their own galaxy, a long time ago. Sure, it was by accident but it was made clear in the fic itself that they figured out what went wrong and why.

Now, let's just assume that we did send a ship out into the wild yonder, with the intent of settling another galaxy. Would you be willing to spend the next few quadrillion years doing nothing while you travel to the next universe over? What if it was a tenth of that time, at a hundred trillion years? It's just such an absurd scope of time and space that it's unfathomable to our minds.

Abderus did fine with it. I expect Transhumanity would be fine with it.

And, now, as a further assumption, let's say that humanity, did find Abderus. And they quickly deduce that he's only experienced 1.5 Terran days. He's so far behind humanity by that point that they'd have no reason to interact with him.

Now, this makes a hell of a lot more sense.

Still, though, if they really wanted to they could probably plop him back on Earth when he left because time travel is a thing. Of course, I get that isn't going to happen because of story reasons, but... yeah.

Anyway, if I were you I'd go with the "humanity would be unrecognizable to him" explanation over the "humanity died off because they got a hold of the multiverse's biggest Idiot Ball".

Humanity isn't that great! Abderus was a mistake. His was the first ship to ever move faster than light for humanity. As a race, humanity LOSES the great wars of the future. We get our asses handed to us, and eventually we get killed off by the other races in the galaxy.

And knowing why something went wrong does not mean that you can undo it, or even replicate it reliably. Abderus' ship was one of a kind, a unique mix of unstable technology with a drive system that less than ten people on earth understood when it was built. They CAN do something, but they don't know the how or why until 2 centuries later. An object traveling as quickly as Abderus was would have gone SO FAR in 2 centuries that it would be STUPID to follow. Even if they could travel as fast as he did, they'd be 2 centuries behind by the time they realized what happened. Now, let's say that in another 2 centuries they can MATCH his speed. They still can't catch him, and he's 4 centuries ahead. So, now we assume that humanity can go faster. 1% faster, in fact. He's still got a 4 century head start. By the time they managed to get to a state where they could catch him, they'd be so advanced that it wouldn't be worth doing, anyway.

1. I'm not saying humanity needs to be great, just not ridiculously, hilariously incompetent.
2. These "great wars of the future" seem to be a retcon of some kind, since I don't even remember them being hinted at until I started asking about the original explanation
3. Even if humanity got in some sci-fi wars for some inexplicable reason (I'm not holding this one against you, because a lot of popular sci-fi does it), with their FTL drive technology it would be relatively easy for enough survivors to escape to allow humanity to rebuild elsewhere.
4. TIME TRAVEL IS A THING IN THIS SETTING (I am referring to the time travel spell, though I'd like to point out that FTL travel = time travel). They could just go to where he ends up sometime long AFTER he died, go back to before that, and then drop him off at home the moment that he left. Obviously, this last one would break the story completely and utterly so I can understand why it isn't being used, but still.

By the time they managed to get to a state where they could catch him, they'd be so advanced that it wouldn't be worth doing, anyway.

As I said, this explanation I can accept. The other explanations just seem like... like they are thrown in there in order to create drama and justify the plot of the story instead of because they actually make any damn sense. Again, my advice: Go with the whole "humanity changes so much in that amount of time that they are pretty much unrecognizable" explanation/justification.

You're not picking up what I'm putting down. This is clear.

Read the intro, again, and tell me how much backstory I give for humanity. The entire framework for the United Terran Alliance has been laid out, by me, and is being used to write a novel. The event described within the first chapter takes place in AD 2037. Within the next couple thousand years, humanity sees its rise, and eventual fall, from a place of power. We never go extinct, but we stop being a galactic power, and eventually fade into the background.

1. They're average in nearly all things. Other aliens have FTL too, so they're not special because of that.
2. No. I never, not once, stated the history of humanity. By the point in the story where the intro begins, humanity has not yet taken to exploring the stars, and so they could not know, yet, of other aliens.
3. They can follow us. Running away would be futile, since the aliens would catch us eventually.
4. It's clearly unstable, as can be seen from the episode in question.

Twilight slid the sheet over, and she began to read the page aloud, so Spike might hear it. “‘It's been 250 years, Abderus, and we finally managed to work it all out. We know what went wrong, and we know why, too. Not that it will do anything for you. By the time this message reaches you, humanity will, likely, not exist. This message was sent from Earth at the fastest speed we can produce, and that’s just over three billion times the speed of light. Our best estimates fail to come even close to identifying how far you went, but we know which direction, and that's enough for us. Although it will never really matter to how you live your life, we wanted you to know that you didn't sacrifice it all for nothing. Your mission allowed us to learn from our mistakes, and we now ply the space between the stars with an ease that betrays how much effort went into it. We're not jaded, though. The FTL drives aren't like cars. They're each a marvel of engineering design. Your name lives on in our society, as both a hero, and an event. The Abderran Jump is named after you, and is the first test of each ship's FTL drive. You're a hero, Abderus, even if you never know it. Admiral Hayes did buy you that beer, and it sits atop your tomb, unopened, waiting for you to come back and have it. We'll keep the lights on, so you can find your way home. Just be sure to lock the door when you come in. Godspeed, Abderus. All of humanity is behind you.’”

Most inspirational shit i have ever read 10/10

And not to mention

Admiral Hayes did buy you that beer, and it sits atop your tomb, unopened, waiting for you to come back and have it.

Faith in humanity

Keep up the good work

I get what you're saying, I'm just saying that a lot of what you are saying doesn't make sense from an outside perspective and doesn't really seem that internally consistent, either.

Also, what you just said in your latest post seems to contradict some of the stuff you said in previous posts.

1. They're average in nearly all things. Other aliens have FTL too, so they're not special because of that.

2. No. I never, not once, stated the history of humanity. By the point in the story where the intro begins, humanity has not yet taken to exploring the stars, and so they could not know, yet, of other aliens.

3. They can follow us. Running away would be futile, since the aliens would catch us eventually.

4. It's clearly unstable, as can be seen from the episode in question.

1. I'm not seeing how this is relevant.
2. I was just pointing out that your comment where you mention those wars was the first time they were mentioned, there was no hint of that in the fic. That was my entire point.
3. Perhaps they can, but would they want to? Would they deem it worth the effort? And even them being able to is questionable, if humanity makes use of more drives like the one used in this story. As you said yourself, trying to track that is nearly impossible. Even lesser drives would likely be very difficult to track, by the same reasoning. Also, again: Send out enough random colony ships and such throughout all the years that humanity exists as an interstellar power... that's a lot of colony ships. A lot a lot of colony ships. Seed them throughout the universe and beyond... Extinction is looking incredibly unlikely. Maybe the human civilization as he knows it will be gone, but humanity will survive (albeit perhaps not in a form he would recognize).
4. And? A lot of prototypes are unstable. And even if they never fixed that issue, once they realize that their choice is either certain death from the destruction of the universe or almost certain death from using an unstable drive... They'd go with the option that presents a slight chance of survival. And given the timespan we are talking about, they'd likely be able to send out billions of ships.

Damn...tough for him.

Update soon?

Yeah, probably. I've got some stuff for the next chapter, but it's not ready yet. Fireflies is next for an update, and then this.

4350818 Otay! I'm actually just getting ready to read Fireflies as we speak. Great writing btw! Love how you twist stuff up!

I loved it all you can see how truly sad his life is.And I'm happy he is able to move forward.I can't wait to see what happens next to them all.

Comment posted by Ybivator deleted Jul 2nd, 2014

And? How does this fact change what was said?

wait.... I bet he's faking that talking.. If he is then:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Good Job on Fooling the ponies

And marathoned it from start to finish. Loved it too. Can only hope you pick this up at some point in future :twilightsmile:


I just can't wait to read what happens next! :twilightblush:

Guys i think this story is dead since it hasn't been update for almost 1 year...

Maybe, but there's a similar gap between this chapter and the previous one, so maybe not. I am a little sad though, I ran out of words to read and it's just starting to warm up good and proper.

If he was travelling at the speed of light, that would be WARP 1. If they can develop a star trek warp drive system, then they would be able to reach him in a fraction of the time at, lets say WARP 8.

Is this a story that is going to be updated eventually?

I don't want to fall in love with something that is dead.

I want to see this continue. I just hungerly read it in less than 10 minutes. It's great.

Rather than be yet another person clamouring for more chapters/updates, just wanting to say a simple thanks for having shared an enjoyable story, regardless of being incomplete or not.

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